DOW / NASDAQBear Market signals persist.
When the DOW begins to outperform on the downside,
we have a clear indication of a lengthy BEAR Market.
It's just beginning.
Counter Trends are a normal course in prolonged Trends.
The ONLY real reversal... QE:
Global Central Banks began withdrawing Liquidity via RRP's since July of 2021.
The contraction made a controlled contraction below 0 into a negative range
well below the Peak Monthly $1.5T down to $300B and on down to 0 in January,
going - $250B during the 3rd week of January - they have maintained the drain
since this time... it is remained between -$180 to -$255B to the present.
Lows into October 2023 imho.
NQ CorrolariesThe Nasdaq 100 is closely correlating to a number of Instruments - LQD UUP (DX< DXY) and TLT.
JNK to a lesser degree as well.
TLT has served to be the better of these corollaries.
I am waiting for a capitulation even in TLT with 10-year yields reaching 3%+ to 3.265 as the potential
This would serve to drive the 20 Year ETF to a flush down low while providing a similar washout for NQ.
It would need to happen this week, perhaps earlier than later.
TECH is the weaker component relative to the ES and YM, the RTY is trading on its own and leading
the drive lower - although it may be consolidating in this tight range, a breakdown would imply 16x'
below 1911.
This would be very bearish and reduce the probability the Indices have put in a Sustained Low.
GC gold FUTURES long signalsGC gold FUTURES long signals the probability of the buy signals is much more important than sell signals, I highly recommend looking for long trades,
the red line is very important if the price breaks it with force and volume we will have i high probability that the market will touch a new peak that the never reached before, professional view.
dxy 2-22 update ~morning,
it was last february when i called out the rise of the us dollar, and it has been moving up ever since.
my initial upside target back then was at about $99.
you can view that idea over here:
we moved up in what looks to me, like a leading diagonal.
>a leading diagonal can be counted in only two ways,
>wave (A)
>wave (1).
we won't know for sure which one it is, until wave 2\b plays out \ we see the kind of momentum it has on the way back up.
ps. I will say this though, if this plays out as a larger 5 wave impulse - it will be cataclysmic for the global markets.
DX - JPY Provides DXY ImpulseTightening Liquidity... Stronger Dollar.
Bond Yields Higher... Stronger Dollar.
Uncle Buck, the Lonesome Cowboy with just a hand held
radio to keep him sane.
This creates Gale force winds for the Indicies to Sail into.
Typically it is the Northerlies that create the Marching Elephants
in the Straights of Florida.
12 to 20 Foot waves that build as the Gulf Stream is countered
by Surface opposition.
A similar Natural phenomenon may be at work against the Indies.
We will see as this week is set up for the Break Higher or Lower.
Asia sees their own backyard, US Traders rarely bother, other than FX
Traders, to observe how and why the pairs behave.
A Carry trade is profitable if currencies are stable. They are NOT.
The Dollar rising against the Yen can be a large issue on interest rate
differentials - And Vice Versa.
An important week ahead for FX as the DXY spiked last week.
a red flag for the markets.dxy is flashing a daily algorithmic buy signal tonight for the first time since september 3rd.
the last time it flashed, dxy went from a low of 92 to a high of 96, which caused pain across all of our markets.
if there is anything that could break a bullish setup, it is the us dollar.
be cautious out there o/
ps. this algo buy doesn't have to mean anything - it could in theory just keep falling if the worldly conditions permit for further downside.
US DX - Dollar Intervention NEXTAt this rate, it is probably best to consider the DX being duked short term.
It's held up well, but the WEEKLY chart is showing signs of pure exhaustion
at this level.
Unfortunately, this would put Tailwind to the ZIMBABWE Trade.
Literally, everything is so distorted at this point...
It is best to consider all possibilities, this one is entering the greater realm
of possibility.
The Raven appears ready to Defend the EQuities Markets regardless of the
overall costs to Us all.
Concerned there is potential for a very strong move higher IF this level of
Prop continues.
100% cash and sitting on an NQ Loss was enough to know the trade was the
wrong direction.
Frustrating but prudent to move aside for now.
dxy 12-17 updatemorning, quick little updated count on dxy.
we're at a make or break point in the markets right now, and a decision has to be made within the next few days.
✅if dxy succesfully rejects this 10 year trendline, then we will see some big moves to the upside in our markets for a few months to come.
🛑if it breaks above the trendline, well then it's gg for the markets.
i originally was targeting $98 way back in March, but i doubt it's going to get there as of today.
let's get it.
DX / DXY / US DOLLARMemories are Short.
Trading FX when the DX was over 120 was
an Indicator for me to Purchase Physical Gold
and Silver.
Debasement and "Traditional" correlations would
hold with respect to overall Credit up until
2008, thereafter... the Blow off to the Futures
Price then was 1913$.
Gold had begun to lose its "Store of Value" Function
well ahead of the Peak in Prices which lasted for one
The Dollar remains the Debt Instrument Du Jour for Debts
Public and Private.
The Dollar lost a number of years later when Roosevelt
decreed owning more than 5 Ounces in any Household was
Redemption was ordered and Gold was remonetized from
$20.70 to $35, a significant devaluation for the Dollar.
This is no longer possible, neither is the remonetization of GOLD.
To be clear, this is not to suggest Gold will not gain in Price, it
indeed will, but its Value will be for Tier 1 International Trade
sanctioned by the BIS @ SDR Divisors.
The Public... will face confiscation of the Yellow Metal. It has
throughout recorded History. It will again.
While the statistical relationship between returns on US stock markets
and changes in the value of the Dollar has historically ranged between
.93 and .97
FX fluctuations indicate a much higher correlation between the volatility
of returns on US Equity Prices and the volatility of Dollar exchange Rates.
Historically - a 1% increase in Equity Complex VX correlates to 0.2% increase
in the volatility of the Dollar - for Decades.
This is no longer the Case as the Dollar remains the Currency of Senior
in a Late-Stage Credit Cycle.
Volatility, however, is Highly Correlated with OVERALL Liquidity.
In 2008 the DX rose from 84 to 97 as the S&P lost 47% of its
Price Level.
The FED needs a Strong Dollar - to is a precursor for what they
have in store...
Creating Electronic "Currency" and installing a New Monetary (Credit as Money
has Died, the "Moneyness" of it) - require Instability & Disorder.
it is that simple.
Order from Choas - the Fabians.
How does "Chaos" unfold?
Today - it can occur in less than one second with an inter-connected Global
Financial System which is crumbling in every way.
DX / DX1 - Friday's Dollar "Less Transitory"The Taper of Bond Purchases begins @ $15 Billion, it will be the shortest "Taper" in History.
Over and done before the announced Timeline of 7/8 Months.
They'll either slow it dramatically or reverse course Mid-Point due to - you guessed it... "Policy Error"
Not that it amounts to a drop in the Bucket given O/N Repos are approaching $2 Trillion, recently cresting
$1.8 Trillion with no signs of abatement.
Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen announced Friday - "Inflation will be with
us throughout 2022."
The Global Supply Chain "Crisis" - yes it is now a "Crisis" continues to create issues for People around the
Rolling downhill, the wreckage is Far and Wide.
Elevated Inflation Data sent the Dollar in a rather large vertical - +0.8475% - a shove higher, on a
Friday no less.
The 10Year Note Futures (ZN) are performing the squatty potty routine, attempting to hold on to 130.
A feat that has been ongoing for weeks on end. To some, this is "Bullish."
Dunno seems to be Selling it has worked here from the 134s, some Traders appear to enjoy arguing
with success.
Personal Income declined 1% M/M - Spending increased 0.6% - PCE Core @ 30 Year Highs
The Dollar came off the 50SMA @ the Lower Trend Line of the rising Channel.
Backtesting the Breakout... expected.
Volatility next week is going to be "Frustrating" as Jerome would echo and has.
Pesky Inflation, from the Pests @ the Federal Reserve.
The DX is gaining strength and momentum... oops. It was all but ignored Friday.
The 007s are back, true to form, it's to the Moon again. Insistent to lose their Capital
to the scrouges of Inflation. Have it again Baggies, we'll take your Capital and thank you again.
Our scorecard, there on the back nine... 8 under Par while the 007s gorged on Hot Dogs off the
10th Tee. Eventually, too many Manhattans & Dogs had the careening into the Pond on Hole 12.
At 18, they were 22 over, but insisted the bet was 36 Holes... it wasn't - revisionism is the new
Keys were handed over to the pride of Aston Martin's... with all of "M's" goodies in tow.
One drunken Bondie needed a ride to his Estate, didn't feel a thing when ejecting his seat
in the parking lot, prey/predator/splat.
It is dead ahead, TLT Filled its Gaps as we indicated on the FR of 139, time to begin hunting
the 139s to 134s.
We see the DX Price Objective just shy of 98.
Oh my... that is up there... what, pray tell would become of Yields?
Higher, Higher, Higher with INTENSIFYING VOLATILITY.
This is not an environment the Equity COmplex will escape unharmed.
We suspect the actual harm will be greater than before.
The Dollar has been monkeyed with for several weeks, FX - JPY / 6e, the
uptrend for Uncle Buck appears ready to surge.
Indicators for FX, Equity Market Volatility Event - Equities will be smoked
again, and WHY the RUSH to A higher Fill. The Silly Phase is well underway.
Retail Bulls remain in the UTL Camp, a bonfire of the Vanities.
We are patiently waiting, sticks are being stripped of bark, Marshmallows
being plated, nearing time to begin the Roast.
JPY/USD - FX Accident in Trade - Carry Trade Unwind EvolvingWe indicated there would be an "FX Accident" several months ago as the YEN Carry would begin
to Unwind.
The GBP and CND Cross as well as the USD has been under duress for weeks.
Dollar Strength, we indicted the 97s could come into to Trade - is occurring.
Simply put, the accidents compound, as Yields rise the DX will gain strength.
Nothing has changed and our Thesis has been proved to be correct.
DX - @ Bottom of RangeA predicted 3% fall in the US Dollar during 2021, was incorrect and met with a Global
default denomination of +3.5%.
The 7.5% swing and miss in Sum.
In the world of currency values and major financial institution predictions - Missing
the Mark by the largest Margin in predictive assumptions is no small feat.
This never happens and yet it did happen.
Fears of the recovery in China, Japan, Australia, and the UK in terms of manufacturing
and durable goods corporate performance - failed to meet expectations.
China began to restructure Trade.
Japan turned inward continuing the largest build in Defense before World War 2.
Australia went full mental with Covid restrictions, closing off its Economy.
The UK further removed ties to the European Union with Bre-Exit advancing from
February to June.
Coffin Nails were abundant, their hammering continues.
DX - Dollars Expanding Range 8950 - 9750Inflation Trades, Transitory Trades, Cleanest Dirty Blouse Trades
FX is setting up for a Primal Accident.
It remains the largest Intra-Day Market as Liquidity begins to abate
within the DX Complex.
The 6 pairs remain in FLUX, heavily so waiting on the DX to make it's
larger move.
With so many Macro and Geopolitical influences hip sway within
Foreign Exchange... it remains one enormous mess.
The 6e is likely the most damaged, although it's held up well, the
ECB continues to Provide Blunder after Policy Blunder. Negative Rates
were the final call, we are simply waiting for the disaster there to
unfold in the coming months. The ECB has provided more utterances
as to the direction and goals of their Basket Case.
Coppertone Goddess LeGarde's persistence in installing a Digital
"Currency" (Not a Currency in any manner, form, way) within the
Block has repeatedly been stymied... The intent is clear, the implementation
has been difficult as The Great Experiment was doomed to fail day
one. Monetary Unions which fail to aggregate Debts, Fail. Period,
the end.
We are simply waiting on the tempest to blow the teapots lid clean
The GBP, London's Financial Center trembles at the thought of
how this transition will impact the imbalances. The Soft Exit
isn't quite working as planned.
The UK left the European Union's sordid mess and left 27 countries -
bringing to an end 47 years of British membership of the EU and
prior institutions. It was a slow and arduous divorce, one that
created immense volatility on the path of separation.
The actual effects did not begin to manifest themselves until
January 1, 2021 when the actual split began to take shape.
Northern Ireland, per usual, received the short end of the stick.
Nascent ties to the EU remained and with it, further anger,
dismay and despair.
Another version of the Potato Famine, brought to you by
the Technocrats with a number of regulations on Food.
Further restrictions on Travel, Residency and Third Party
Trade... did not fare well. Riots resulted.
These arsonists are always a day late, it adds to anger.
The UK, in sum, fundamentally withdrew from the collection
of Dunces to reposition it's Financial arrangements with
China, albeit slowly, but they are large supporters of
China's Bond Market.
It's complicated, but obvious as to why the UK began to
absolve themselves of these tenuous arrangements.
Northern Ireland was "Backstopped", or double bond
as we prefer with a 4 year screwing aligned with the
idiocy of Plutocracy that is the EU.
The AUZ, NZD and CANDO are simply along for the ride.
Degenerate outposts of the UK's progressive Policies
towards future arrangements.
A colossal experiment gone wrong shining ever so brightly
in the light of day. No shame, simply far more draconian
with each passing day.
JBG's are wholly owned in the Land of the setting Sun.
The vast majority of NIK225 Equities are wholly owned
by the same degenerate failures of JCB Policies for 3+
Idiocy which has never functionally changed anything
but served to worsen a sink hole.
This leaves the Dollar, the abused stepchild of Bretton
Woods. a Currency which has suffered one default when
French Warships entered New York Harbor to retrieve
the People's Gold. De Gaulle had enough and on collecting
France's Tier one assets... Monetary decentralization led
to France's attempt at decentralization and further
attempts at Nationalism.
Unfortunately, the winds of change were blowing in the
opposite direction and... you know the rest.
Uncle Buck's extraordinary privileges' were eroded over time.
Money from nothing became the Rule of Monetary Law. It began
with small footsteps, on the Journey of one thousand miles
to today.
How this all shakes out will be telling as the new monetary
order is arriving... Currency Wars lead to Trade Wars which
lead to Shooting Wars.
This is the History of it, it is always the same.
Digital Script requires a rearranging of the Deck Chairs, this
will unfold in the most violent of fashion.
Best to prepare for it, The liability side of the Balance Sheet
cannot be serviced.
It's best to eliminate them...
DX - Whom DO You TRUSTGlobally, our nation has appeared as a Fruit Basket for some time to G7/G20
Afghanistan is simply a reminder.
A war which has waged on since forever...
Initially, we covertly funded Rebels against the Soviet incursions.
I've been the Soviet War Museum in Volgograd. It's as depressing as it gets
for Russians who fought their version of Nam.
Stingers to Hinds... death littered the landscape.
After Trillions of Dollars spent in this region, and hundreds of Billions in
Weapons left behind... our Tax Dollars spent are clearly coming into
question and it is a welcome discussion.
It's as though, Benghazi has re-appeared once again to re-arm the enemy
or so it would appear.
The Pullout, by most metrics was handled, poorly.
Our former partners around the Globe are reluctant to respond any longer.
They have watched for years... the United States devolve into a parasitic
Kleptocracy and "they" want no part of it.
The Deck Chairs began the collective re-arrangement some time ago.
And now, here we are... on the cliff's edge.
We are no longer "Trusted" to do the proper, correct and moral effort(s).
This continues to unfold as the DX accident approaches.
The Chart illustrates where the DX is heading shorter term, it's what follows
that should be of concern,