EBON Ebang Int. buy it cheaper than BlackRock !!On 5/7/2021 BlackRock Inc. held 858,760 shares of EBON Ebang International for a market value of $6.83Mil.
If we divide the value by the shares we will end up with an average price of 7.95usd per share.
And i don`t think they are willing to sell at a loss.
So if you buy EBON now, you will enter better than BlackRock Inc.
Isn`t it fantastic?
We see a strong support at 2.90usd and the last support at 2.40usd.
The upside is the 8usd resistance.
The price is now 3usd.
So you risk 20% for a potential gain of 165%!
I look forward to read your opinion on it!