EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of May 12, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Over the week, the currency's price action nose-dived and hit our Inner Coin Dip of 1.085. Based on the current trading pattern, this downward trend may continue and reach a low point of Mean Sup 1.074. However, there is still great potential for a rebound by calling a high target of Mean Res 1.098.
Bitcoin(BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of May 12, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
During the week, the coin experienced a price decrease and completed an Inner Coin Dip of $25,800. However, the current price action indicates a likely increase to Mean Res $27,650 and even Mean Res $28,250. If the price continues to fall, it may reach an Outer Coin Dip of $23,950.
💥 WORLD ECONOMY: ...big drop is coming? 😡Amazon rarely delays deliveries, but I ordered the crystal ball over 30 years ago and it still hasn't arrived! 😢😂 ...So, I don't know what will really happen in the coming months, but what we can do right now is try to make some considerations.
The chart above represents the DJ Transportation Index , an excellent "thermometer" of US economy. If we look at a monthly time frame, we see that a deep pullback appeared after a structure with "Wave 1 Extension", so we cannot exclude that it could happen again. At the same time however, we see that the Price Action has reached an important static support around 14,000, and only its failure could confirm a bearish leg with a first target around 11,000, obviously we are talking about a monthly chart, so to confirm this hypothesis, we have to wait until the end of the month.
In this historical context, many things could change in global economy, and the geopolitical situation is one of the main actors of this period. Inflation, the war in Ukraine, wide social gap, the dollar crisis, are all key factors that could still lead to uncertainty in the medium term.
We are well aware that a large part of the developed economy is struggling with rising prices, and even if inflation in the U.S. and in Europe it is driven by different reasons, Central Banks are using the same tools (are they wrong??) of monetary policy, , but something could change in the coming months. The most important Central Bank (Federal Reserve) could face a diabolical "pincer", because the danger of hyperinflation is the same as a potential stagflation.
Thanks for your attention.
A.B. ❤
"De-Dollarization" is coming...?The U.S. dollar has dominated global trade and capital flows over many decades. However, many nations are looking for alternatives to the greenback to reduce their dependence on the United States. This graphic catalogs the rise of the U.S. dollar as the dominant international reserve currency, and the recent efforts by various nations to de-dollarize and reduce their dependence on the U.S. financial system.
The United States became, almost overnight, the leading financial power after World War I. The country entered the war only in 1917 and emerged far stronger than its European counterparts. As a result, the dollar began to displace the pound sterling as the international reserve currency and the U.S. also became a significant recipient of wartime gold inflows.
The dollar then gained a greater role in 1944, when 44 countries signed the Bretton Woods Agreement, creating a collective international currency exchange regime pegged to the U.S. dollar which was, in turn, pegged to the price of gold.
By the late 1960s, European and Japanese exports became more competitive with U.S. exports. There was a large supply of dollars around the world, making it difficult to back dollars with gold. President Nixon ceased the direct convertibility of U.S. dollars to gold in 1971. This ended both the gold standard and the limit on the amount of currency that could be printed.
Although it has remained the international reserve currency, the U.S. dollar has increasingly lost its purchasing power since then.
Russia and China’s Steps Towards De-Dollarization
Concerned about America’s dominance over the global financial system and the country’s ability to ‘weaponize’ it, other nations have been testing alternatives to reduce the dollar’s hegemony. As the United States and other Western nations imposed economic sanctions against Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, Moscow and the Chinese government have been teaming up to reduce reliance on the dollar and to establish cooperation between their financial systems.
Since the invasion in 2022, the ruble-yuan trade has increased eighty-fold. Russia and Iran are also working together to launch a cryptocurrency backed by gold, according to Russian news agency Vedmosti.
In addition, central banks (especially Russia’s and China’s) have bought gold at the fastest pace since 1967 as countries move to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
How Other Countries are Reducing Dollar Dependence
De-dollarization it’s a theme in other parts of the world:
- In recent months, Brazil and Argentina have discussed the creation of a common currency for the two largest economies in South America.
- In a conference in Singapore in January, multiple former Southeast Asian officials spoke about de-dollarization efforts underway.
- The UAE and India are in talks to use rupees to trade non-oil commodities in a shift away from the dollar, according to Reuters.
- For the first time in 48 years, Saudi Arabia said that the oil-rich nation is open to trading in currencies besides the U.S. dollar.
Despite these movements, few expect to see the end of the dollar’s global sovereign status anytime soon. Currently, central banks still hold about 60% of their foreign exchange reserves in dollars.
What will happen to the dollar in the next few years? What is your opinion?
Like if my analysis is useful.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of May 5, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
During the week, the Spooz experienced active trading within the range of Key Res 4180 and Mean Sup 4060. The next significant goal is to retest Key Res 4180 and surpass it to reach the Outer Index Rally 4230. Achieving this would be a crucial turning point and lead to a retreat to the inverted Key Res 4180 as a new support level.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of May 5, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Throughout the week, the currency fluctuated between the Outer Currency Rally levels of 1.110 / Key Resistance of 1.106, with a Mean Support of 1.097. If there is a retest of the Outer Currency Rally of 1.110, the currency could reach a Major Key Resistance of 1.116. However, if the currency falls, the expected targets are Mean Support of 1.097 and a long-awaited Mean Support of 1.080.
Bitcoin(BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of May 5, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Throughout the week, the coin remained steady between our Mean Res $30,500, Intermediate Coin Rally of the same, and Mean Sup $27,000. It established a new soft Mean Res at $29,500 and a strong Mean Sup at $28,000, which most likely will be retested. This price action indicates that there will be robust progress in reaching the Next Outer Coin Rally point of $31,700 and, ultimately the Main Outer Coin Rally at $34,000.
Free Market vs The FedAs of late, the vast majority of us probably have been hearing about "too big to fail" or " a free market vs. a central market" What does all of this mean?"
Well, let's go over some of the basic stuff. As in some of my prior posts, it is important to understand that the "Fed" does NOT control mortgage rates or loan rates from your local banks. Let me repeat that the Fed does NOT control mortgage rates or consumer loan rates
So now you might ask yourself why the Fed raises rates matter?
Well, that's a great question. Because, in short, it should not matter if we were in a free market. Well, sadly, we are not in a free market. We are in a centralized market with different flavors available to us.
"Ah, but Guy, you just contradicted yourself by saying the fed does not control mortgage rates, and now you're saying we're in a controlled market rabel rabel rabel "
Let me explain... The Fed cannot have any direct contact with "average" consumers; it's currently illegal FOR NOW . Now, everyone, the biggest fear with CBDC is a rightfully placed fear. And we will discuss this in a separate post.
So, view the Federal Reserve's manipulation of the economy as a game of pool (billiards) or snooker; what have you. In billiards (for the purpose of the post, billiards = pool), the player cannot directly hit the numbered balls with the stick (cue). Instead, one must use a medium to engage the cue ball. So, to pocket your balls, you must have a small degree of understanding of physics to transfer energy from you to the stick to the cue ball to the desired ball into the desired pocket.
The Fed (cue) is the same way. They set the FFR (cue ball), which then goes to the regional and big banks (numbered balls), which then sink into the economy (pocket)
So, how does this work? To explain that, you need to understand how a bank makes money.
(The Following is highly watered down for simplicity's sake)
A bank does not make money because you have an account with them. On the other hand, a bank makes money BECAUSE you have an account with them.
So when you use your local JPM, WFC, or C bank :) as a piggy bank, they pay you an interest rate of something like a percent of a percent; however, it's still considered a liability to the bank because that's cash flow going to you from them even if it's a penny a year.
So, how can they make money then?
The fractional Reserve system. Mike Maloney debates this, and I'm super interested in hearing his thoughts on this... another post for another time.
What is the Fractional Reserve System? Basically, for every dollar you put into your account, the bank can lend out 10$
It's basically in place because you're not running to the bank to close your account. So, they can do this. When you put money into your account, it's already out the door into someone else's pocket in the form of a loan by the time you place your wallet in your pocket/ purse what have you. And that's probably too slow for the bank. (velocity of money)
Well, that bank's balance sheet of physical liquid cash probably only is enough to pay the onsite staff hourly wage the bank needs more. so they have one of two options
1. go to the Fed and borrow money at the FFR
2. go to the repo market and borrow from another bank by offering t-bills and bonds as collateral. (shadow banking)
Typically they go with number one because it's cheaper.
The vast majority of times they use the repo market is for cash now! or if their risk management department is trying to make some quick cash off the bond market. (shadow banking is outside the purview of this post, and I'm still learning about it. I will post about it later)
( the fed lining up their billiard shot) So, the Fed has decided the US economy needs to grow more...
(the Fed hitting the cue ball) So, lets say the Fed makes the FFR 0% (hypothetically LOL)
( the cue ball hits the numbered ball) So your local JPM will go to the Fed and take out a loan at 0%, so they need to lend this money out and make money, and make their, JPM's rate, interest rate on that money 3% LOL!
(The numbered ball sinks into the desired pocket) you the consumer want to go out and buy something you can afford on your 9-5 salary.
So you go to the bank and qualify for a loan at their 3% rate to be amortized over 10-30 years, and the economy grows.
If that sounds familiar its coincidence LOL
However, in a free market how it would work is the loan system would be heavily dependent on the local economy and local wage potential.
If a bank is set up in an area with low-income earning potential, then the market will tell the bank exactly how much they can charge on money.
Example: let's say the Risk Manager at your local WFC decides he is conservative and makes the DTI Ratio for loans 30%. That means the minimum someone must make for a 200,000$ loan is around 60,000$. If the local median income is 45,000$, no one can afford a 200,000$ loan. The maximum loan amount they can make is around 150,000$.
So, for the bank to grow, it either needs to up the DTI requirements, it needs to be content with its current earnings and hope the area grows or wages increase, or it can close down and move.
Now where the free market comes into play is when WFC is having their DTI at 30%, JPM is at 40%, and C is at 60%, (free market remember) in the same area as the example
The following happens:
WFC sees their default rate is less than 10%
JPM sees thier default rate at 40%
C sees thier default rate in the upper 80%.
So, what this means is that the market is telling WFC they are leaving money on the table but are playing it safe. Because less people qualify for the loan
JPM has almost found the sweet spot. 40% of their loans are in default, but more than half are paid on time. could use some minor tweaking but solid none the less. (With my risk tolerance, 30-35% default is a good number depending on loan size.)
C is in trouble because they have lent out too much, and people can't afford that much money in the area.
So in a free market, WFC will fail in the area because they're not seeing enough volume, and C will fail because they're seeing too much volume. which leaves JPM to buy up both of the failing banks and grow bigger LOL!
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of April 28, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Spooz, in a robotic fashion, is advancing toward our Key Res 4180 after a pullback to Mean Sup 4060 was achieved - The next major target is Outer Index Rally 4230. The Outer Index Rally 4230 completion will trigger a pivotal retreat to inverted Key Res 4180 as a standing support level.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of April 28, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
This week, the currency has completed our anticipated target of Outer Currency Rally 1.110 - And with the retreat stayed under Key Res 1.105. The possible retest of the Outer Currency Rally 1.110 might push the currency to a potential Major Key Res 1.116. On the downside, the expected targets are Mean Sup 1.097 and long expected Mean Sup 1.080.
Bitcoin(BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of April 28, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The coin made a significant pullback to our Mean Sup of HKEX:26 ,900, which was achieved with a substantial price increase following the Mean Res and Intermediate Coin Rally levels of HKEX:30 ,500, which is in process. This will be followed by a further boost to reach the Next Outer Coin Rally point of 31,700 and, eventually, the Main Outer Coin Rally point of HKEX:34 ,000.
DKNG (Long) - Double bottom on a weekly; breakout from a baseFundamentals
Draftkings is not the best buy from a fundamental value as it is currently unprofitable, and according to analyst, it is about to stay that way for the next 2-3 years
However, it is showing a robust growth with the earnings expected to grow almost 70% next year
Unprofitable companies are also likely to start profiting once interest rates start to go lower from the impending recession
It is important to stay cautious with high-beta stocks like DKNG as they can also be hit by the recession. Therefore there is a real need for prudent risk management
Technicals are looking really solid
On a weekly, the stock formed a double bottom at the all-time low
The stock price created a solid base from which it is just breaking out
The RSI is creating a base near 60 level and looking like breaking higher; MACD has just entered positive
The stock just started breaking out from a lovely-built base
However, the stock market seems to be having a pullback which might last for another week or two, creating headwinds for DKNG
Moreover, there is a very important FED meeting next week along with a CPI print
Therefore, I would wait for the price action in the market to play out and wait for the data to come out and once the air is clear and in line with a thesis for growth stock, I would jump on the DKNG train
Follow me for more analysis & Feel free to ask any questions you have, I am happy to help
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EURUSD: "...It's not over yet!!"The title of this analysis reproduces with a clear synthesis the key concept about the FED's monetary policy. The inflation data released in recent weeks should not mislead us, the core data still remains high. My view at the moment is that Fed will still be hawkish through late 2023, so I expect more rate hikes at upcoming meetings.
The banking sector is holding up well after Yellen reassured the markets several times about a potential banking crisis, and I also think the sector will not lack liquidity, at least for 2023. The US currency may have found a short-term bottom, but we need 1-2 sessions to confirm it. FX:EURUSD pair is still trading below its previous top, but should remain structurally well supported in medium-term.
With this in mind, in next update we will try to follow the pair also from a technical point of view on intraday chart (setup).
Trade with care!
Like if my analysis is useful.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of April 21, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook
The Spooz, in choppy trading this week, managed to advance to near our Key Res 4180 by creating weak Mean Res 4156. A pullback to Mean Sup 4090 is possible before reigniting the rally to Mean Res 4156 and Key Res 4180 and rallying substantially to Outer Index Rally 4230 as specified in the Daily Chart Analysis For the Week since February 3. The Outer Index Rally 4230 completion will trigger a pivotal pullback to inverted Key Res 4180.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of April 21, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
This week, the currency has mostly stayed the same in its trading pattern. However, it is expected to increase in price and reach Outer Currency Rally 1.110, with a potential for further maturation to Major Key Res 1.116. On the downside, the expected targets are Mean Sup 1.090 and 1.080.
Bitcoin(BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of April 21, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The rally of the coin price has reached HKEX:30 ,500, which completes the Intermediate Coin Rally with a strong Mean Res at the same price. A significant pullback is underway, with the price declining toward the Mean Sup of HKEX:26 ,900.There is expected to be a substantial increase in the price, leading to a retest of the Mean Res and Intermediate Coin Rally levels of HKEX:30 ,500. This will be followed by a further boost to reach the Next Outer Coin Rally point of 31,700 and, eventually, the Main Outer Coin Rally point of HKEX:34 ,000. Stay tuned for further price action.
ES: Recession/Depression 2023ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
ES: Recession/Depression 2023
S&P 500: Roaring Twenties 2.0 Bullish Harmonic FractalIn the lead up to the 1920s, the US Federal Reserve significantly increased its balance sheet by almost nine times, starting from 700 Million Dollars in December 1916 to 6.6 Billion Dollars by January 1920. This move was presumably to fund the US's entry into the First World War, which led to an increased demand for US government debt globally and loose lending conditions domestically, and low rates thereby encouraging a round of inflation in the US. However, after the war ended, the Fed stopped increasing the balance sheet, and between 1920 and 1922, they began to reduce it from the already elevated $6.6 billion to $4.8 billion, almost a 30% cut in just two years.
This action successfully controlled inflation but did not eliminate it completely, yet the dollar gained significant buying power, resulting in a somewhat disinflationary period. As a response to this, the Fed maintained the balance sheet within a tight range around $4.8 billion for a decade, neither raising nor lowering it much but the federal reserve did continue to significantly lower the interest rates; During this time, equities rallied.
While the 1920s were a period of economic growth and prosperity, there were warning signs of overheating towards the end of the decade. Investors were becoming overly speculative, leading to a surge in stock and real estate prices, while lending standards declined and consumer spending continued to rise rapidly.
To counteract these inflationary pressures, the Federal Reserve implemented policies to tighten credit conditions; They doubled interest rates and also raised reserve requirements for banks, which reduced the amount of money available for lending.
In essence this would kickstart The Great Depression which could have instead been a Simple Recession if only the fed had acted sooner as it wasn't their intention to crush the market but rather they just wanted to cool the market down a bit to contain inflation.
Years deep into the Great depression, the Federal Reserve realized they had gone too far. So, to fix this, they would begin to raise the balance sheet again while also cutting rates drastically in an effort to relieve pressure from the economy and promote new opportunities for economic growth, which then led to a new expansionary cycle.
With that all being said, it would appear that the Fed is doing now what it was doing back then. Over the last decade, they raised the balance sheet by 900% and lowered interest rates by over 95%. Only over the last year, they have begun to reduce the balance sheet by about 10% while raising rates by over 1500%. If we are to go off of the Harmonic Fractals on the chart, then we are likely nearing a point in time where the Fed will begin to loosen rate policy and bring the balance sheet back to all-time highs. This would align with the S&P reaching a 2.618 - 4.00 Retraces as the Fed attempts to keep policy as loose as possible in the hopes that inflation won't come back to bite them. But once we reach harmonic targets, we will likely see inflation return in a great way, which would then force the Fed to induce another Great Depression in the next several years rather they want to or not.
Technical Argument: ABCD BAMM, after breaking a long accumulation range and entering a long term expansionary cycle, we are now in the later phases of said cycle while showing heavy amounts of MACD Hidden Bullish Divergence and harmonically have room to go up significantly higher before it ultimately reaches D and comes to an end.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of April 14, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook
The Spooz, in choppy trading this week, managed to obsolete our outstanding target area - Mean Res 4126. The re-establishment of an upward trend will aim to obsolete Mean Res 4145 and punch through to Key Res 4180 and vital Outer Index Rally 4230 as specified in the Daily Chart Analysis For the Week of February 3. On the downside, there might be a significant pullback to Mean Sup 4090 before propelling renewed rally. The Outer Index Rally completion will trigger a pivotal pullback to inverted Mean Res 4145, considered the first Mean Support level.