📈 What Are the 10 Fatal Mistakes Traders Make 📉Trading is exciting. Trading is hard. Trading is extremely hard. Some say that it takes more than 10,000 hours to master. Others believe that trading is the way to quick riches. They might be both wrong. It is important to know that no matter how experienced you are, mistakes will be part of the trading process. That’s why you should be prepared to expect them and if possible not make them. Easier said than done you would say and you will be completely right. That is why I have compiled a list of trading mistakes that you should be trying to avoid. Real-life trading will show you how “easy” that could be.
1) Trading without having a predefined trading plan
The first fatal trading mistake that traders make is trading with no plan. Having a written predefined trading plan will help you for two reasons. Trading depends on several aspects, which include the situation in the markets around the world, the status of overseas markets, the status of index futures such as Nasdaq 100 exchange-traded funds. Considering index futures is a wise option for evaluating the overall market conditions.
Make a to-do list and build a habit of researching the market before calling your shots. This will not only keep you from taking unnecessary risks, but it will also minimize your chances of losing money.
2) Over-leveraging
Over-leveraging is the second mistake of “what are the 10 fatal mistakes traders make”. Over-leveraging is a two-edged sword. In a winning streak, it could be your best friend, but when the trend changes, it becomes the greatest enemy. Recent talks about banning leverage higher than 1:50 for experienced and 1:25 for new traders in the UK have been a result of a lot of traders losing their money too fast. Whether it will happen next year or not is a matter of time for us to see. This is good news for most inexperienced traders because it will somehow limit their exposure. It will allow them to follow their money management rules easier. For greedier and more impatient traders, this is terrible news. Fortunately, this might lead to a better result in their performance in the long term, as well.
Over-leveraging is a dangerous way to believe you can make more money quicker. A lot of traders are misled into this way of thinking and end up losing all their money in a short period of time. Some brokers are offering insane amounts of leverage (like 1:2000) that can lead to nothing more than oblivion. Therefore, one needs to be extremely careful when selecting those levels and the brokers that represent them. That’s why diversification among different brokers is probably the best strategy.
3) Staying glued to the screen
a) Set entry rules
Computer systems are more effective for the purpose of trading because they don’t have feelings about the things that go into the trading environment and they are neither emotionally attached to the factors that are in one way or the other related to trading. Moreover, computers are capable of doing more at a time as compared to mechanical traders. This is one of the several reasons that more than 50% of all trades that occur on the New York Stock Exchange are computer-program generated.
A typical entry rule could be put in a sentence like this: “If signal A fires and there is a minimum target at least three times as great as my stop loss and we are at support, then buy X contracts or shares here.” Computers are more rational when it comes to taking quick decisions following a set of rules. No matter how experienced traders are, sometimes they tend to be hesitating in taking a decision no matter what their rules state.
b) Set exit rules
Normally, traders put 90% of their efforts into looking for buy signals, but they never pay attention to when to exit. At times, it is difficult to close a losing trade, but it is definitely wiser to take a small loss and continue looking for a new opportunity.
Professional traders lose a lot of trades each day, but they manage their money and limit their losses, which leads to a profitable trading statement for them.
Prior to entering a trade, you should be aware of your exits. There are at least two for every trade. First, where is your stop loss if the trade goes against you? This level must be written down. Mental stops don’t count. The second level is your profit target. Once you reach there, sell a portion of your trade and you can move your stop loss on the rest of your position to break even if you wish. As discussed above, never risk more than a set percentage of your portfolio on any trade.
4) Trying to get even or being too impatient
What are the 10 fatal mistakes traders make? Rule number 4 is patience. Patience in FOREX trading eventually pays off as it allows you to sit back a bit and wait for the right trading setup. Most traders are too eager to jump in and trade whenever any opportunity arises. This is probably due to our human nature and the eagerness to make a “quick buck”. But if there is one thing that ensures a high probability of winning, it is having the patience to grasp all the necessary information before you trade. This apparently will take time as there are many factors involved in it, such as the forming of trends, trend corrections, highs, and lows. Impatience to look at these matters could result in loss of money. It could be helpful sometimes to take a break and allow oneself to have the time to look at the bigger picture, instead of focusing too much on one aspect. Remember that a single transaction might resonate in a series of future losses if executed at the wrong moment. It takes time and patience to wait for the market correction before you commit to a trade.
BUT IT TAKES TIME…Some traders fail to realize that being successful will take time. They often fall prey to their own impatience in the hope of earning fast money. It could be a rough environment, and charts might be hard to read, so it is wise at times to step back in order to avoid costly mistakes. Don’t rush things out, or try to enter a trade at all costs by just following your gut. The market could be quite tricky and often does send out the wrong signals. Wait patiently for the best opportunities to align themselves and then act mercilessly.
5) Ignoring the trend
“The trend is my friend“- another cliche sentence, which has helped me stay on the right side of the market for as long as I am a trader. If you think about trading the way I do, it could be a boring business, but at least one that makes money. I am not really interested in quick returns. I am not interested in penny stocks. I am not interested in the most popular trades that everyone is talking about. I like to do my own analysis. The more boring a trade looks, the better for me the trade is. Always consider the trend before placing the trade!
6) Having a bullish/bearish bias
Folk wisdom says that if you throw a frog in boiling water, it will promptly jump out of it. But if you put the frog in lukewarm water and then slowly heat the water, by the time the frog realizes that the water has become boiling, it will already be too late. Studies of decision-making have proven that people are more likely to accept ethical lapses when they occur in several small steps than when they occur in one large leap. This statement also explains nicely the unfortunate process of unprofitable trading. Once you are in a losing position, you don’t realize if it slowly accumulates into a big loss. You have your own bias and it might lead you into obscurity. That is why one of the most important elements of successful trading is objectivity. It is also one of the hardest elements of mastering the field of trading. Inattentional blindness is definitely not helpful to human psychology and when it comes to trading, it could be detrimental.
7) Little preparation or lack of strategy
Make sure that you close any unnecessary programs on your computer and reboot your computer before the day begins, this refreshes the cache and resident memory (RAM). Several trading systems allow you to set up the environment according to your needs, set it up in a way that allows for minimal distractions and helps you keep an eye on each in and out, alongside.
Keep in mind that a flaw in the trading system can be costly. Make sure you have valid proof that your trading strategy does return positive results on a consistent basis. Do not rush into trading before that.
8) Being too emotional
Trading the markets is like stepping into a battlefield- you need to be emotionally and psychologically prepared before entering the field, otherwise, you are stepping into a war zone without a sword in your hand. Make sure you have checked three things before you start trading: 1)you are calm, 2)you had a good night’s sleep, and 3) you are up for a challenge.
Having a positive attitude towards trading is extremely crucial. If you are angry, preoccupied, or hung over then you are at a bigger risk of losing. Make sure you are completely relaxed before you step into the market, even if you have to take yoga classes, it is totally worth it.
9) Lacking money management skills
Rule number 9 of the “What are the 10 fatal mistakes traders make” list is money management. Risking between 1% to 2% of your portfolio on a single trade is the best way to go. Even if you lose while betting on that amount you will be capable enough to trade some other day and make up for your losses.
The amount of risk a trader can take is the amount he thinks he will be able to get back the next day. It is a wise option to start with a smaller amount and slowly and gradually increase the percentage. You can come back to point number 2 “Over-leveraging” and read it again. Having the right money management skills is probably one of the most important traits of a profitable trader. And of course- it is one of the most common mistakes among the losing traders.
10) Lack of record keeping
Keeping records is key to being successful at trading. If you win a trade, you should note down the efforts and the reasons that pulled you towards the trade. If you lose a trade, you should keep a record of why that happened in order to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
Note down details such as targets, the exit, and entry of each trade, the time, support and resistance levels, daily opening range, market open and close for the day, and record comments about why you made the trade and lessons learned.
You should save your trading records so that you can go back and analyze the profit or loss for a particular system, draw-downs (which are amounts lost per trade using a trading system), average time per trade (in order to calculate trade efficiency), and other important factors. Remember, this is a serious business and you are the accountant.
What are the 10 fatal mistakes traders make?? Successful paper trading does not ensure that you will have success when you start trading real money and emotions come into play. Successful paper trading does give the trader confidence that the system they are going to use actually works. Deciding on a system is less important than gaining enough skills so that you are able to make trades without second-guessing or doubting the decision.
There is no way to guarantee that a trade will return profits. This is the actual beauty of trading and being consistent is based on a trader’s skill set and his/her eagerness to improve. Keep in mind winning without losing does not exist in the world of trading. Professional traders know that the odds are in their favor before entering a trade. It is a continuous process of making more profits and cutting down losses which might not ensure a win every time, but it wins the war. Traders or investors who don’t believe in this adage are more viable to making losses.
Traders who win consistently treat trading as a business. While it’s not a guarantee that you will make money, having a plan is crucial if you want to become consistently successful and survive in the trading battle.
5 LESSONS from the Bear MarketHi Traders, Investors and Speculators 📈📉
Ev here. Been trading crypto since 2017 and later got into stocks. I have 3 board exams on financial markets and studied economics from a top tier university for a year. Daytime job - Math Teacher. 👩🏫
Bearish markets are a normal part of the economic cycle, but even after years and years of repeating processes and patterns, it can still be hard to embrace.
The real value of a bear market may be that it gives investors the opportunity to gear up for the next cycle, in other words to accumulate and buy in cheap. It also helps you see the importance of managing your risk and diversification. For example - let's say you've invested 100% of your free cash into Bitcoin. IF Bitcoin were to trade sideways or lower for a longer period, lets say months, you have no capital left to invest in other potential opportunities. You are also missing out on rallies that may be happening across other markets. Your portion of diversification is definitely dependent on your initial capital investment, but try to diversify as far as your capital allows.
For savvy investors, a bear market also creates a period for looking beyond emotional headlines and studying the hard facts — facts that can ultimately place them in a position to take advantage of coming opportunities. Periods of falling prices are a natural part of investing in the stock market. Bear markets follow bull markets, and vice versa. They are considered the “ebb and flow” of wealth accumulation.
Now, let's take a look at 5 Things YOU should remember during the Bear Market :
❗ Periods of falling prices are a common part of investing / speculating
❗ An investment’s value will be greatly influenced by fundamental factors, and sometimes fundamental factors is enough to create a bullish or bearish market for that assets and related assets
❗ Diversification , (even though it does not protect anyone against losses), often provides the safest haven against the ebb and flow of fluctuating markets
❗ Invest over time, rather than make single lump-sum purchases. In other words, falling prices are the friends of dollar cost averaging investors
❗ Take a long-term view when investing in the stock market. Short-term fluctuations are natural. Try to invest in projects that are undervalued , rather than jumping in whilst a coin is in the middle of a parabolic rally.
Check out this idea on ETH that covers dollar-cost-averaging:
Remember that you’ll be bombarded with all kinds of economic information during both bear and bull markets. There will be reports, for example, about inflation, interest rates, and unemployment figures that may encourage you to either give up on the market or invest in it. To avoid being lured to either extreme, develop a financial strategy that accounts for risks you find comfortable. Then trust yourself and stick with the plan.
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Unstoppable TradersBeing a profitable distance trader is not easy. This requires discipline, a lot of patience and passion. In addition, you need to have certain habits that most people simply don't have.
All traders are different in some ways, everyone has their own trading strategy, but there is something that unites all successful traders.
Let's talk about these general features.
1. One deal is not the end
When the deal is already closed, you can start experiencing different feelings and emotions from happiness to grief and depression.
Newcomers drown in this wave of emotions and eventually lose control and money.
Professionals act differently. Each transaction is a common thing for them, while they do not experience a storm of emotions that can lead a beginner astray.
If you internalize the following ideas, it will be easier for you to deal with emotions:
• Success in trading is not one day, it is several months of trading and several hundred transactions. To understand how good you are, you have to trade following your strategy for a long enough time. Sometimes a year is not enough to understand that a trader is ready, and even more so one day is not enough. Therefore, prepare for a long journey and do not overreact to one losing trade.
• Risk management is very important. Before opening a deal, calculate how much you are willing to lose and not go crazy because of this loss. Losses should not lead you astray. You have to stay calm and follow the rules. Also, don't let profitable positions drive you crazy. In any situation, you should be calm and prudent.
2. They are confident, but not too irrational
Being confident in yourself is very important. A trader's confidence in himself and in his trading strategy comes with time. To do this, you need to learn how to clearly follow the rules of trading, be disciplined and eventually profit will come to you.
Confidence should manifest itself most of all in those moments when you have received a series of losing trades. This is inevitable and only the best are able to pass such tests with dignity. Professionals do not change the rules in the same situations, do not change the method of trading and coolly move on.
A confident trader does not give in to emotions, he knows exactly what he is looking for in the market and is ready to wait, ready to endure.
You should feel invulnerable, the market no longer has power over you.
3. Wait professionally
Professionals differ not only in the ability to trade, but also in the ability to wait. In the market, 80% of the time you will have to wait for your signal. The best traders are ready to wait for their highly profitable chance for several days, or even weeks. And even if they lose some money after a long wait, they are ready to wait again.
Newcomers suffer because they want to be in the market all the time. This is a big mistake. Most of the time, the market is unpredictable, especially for a beginner. Leave the sick desire to constantly be in the market, constantly open new positions. Learn to wait like the best traders.
In order to trade with a preponderance in your favor, you must patiently wait for obvious trading setups, and if they do not appear for several days, then you should not enter the market just like that. This time is worth spending on some other job or hobby. Unstoppable traders don't worry about not trading for days or even weeks, waiting for the next good setup to enter the market.
4. Good sleep is the key to success
Sleep is important not only for the trader, sleep is important for everyone. Without healthy sleep, you will not be able to be calm and calculating for a long time.
In addition, if you trade properly, namely:
• do not risk too much capital,
• do not open unnecessary positions,
• follow your trading plan,
• with respect to all of the above, observe discipline,
then you will not have any problems sleeping during real trading, since you will have nothing to worry about.
Well, if you sit in front of the monitor every day, anxiously watching the price movement, at a time when you should be sleeping, sooner or later this will lead to a complete loss of money.
Follow the strategy, don't chase the market, rest and come back full of energy.
5. Continuous training
All traders with experience know that it is difficult to trade because the market is volatile, and it is even more difficult to work on yourself, on your own discipline.
There is a good feature of trading – it helps you understand yourself. It's unpleasant, but it's definitely useful. This work is difficult, but the result is beautiful.
Thus, to become an unstoppable trader, you must know yourself and improve yourself in addition to your trading strategy. You will learn how to trade in the market and improve as long as you continue to trade. But you have to start doing it right now in order to start building your foundation for the right approach to your trading.
If you decide to go into battle, accept all of the above and your path will be much easier.
Good luck!
Bitcoin dominance BTC.D #TheCryptoCityI see BTC dominance decreasing in the daily timeframe it can take a little bounce from support and go further down to fil FVG (fair value gap), order block and there is also a POC.
You can see on the chart clearly RSI is oversold. It is possible after a retest at 44.46% BTC.D will move upwards to the next resistance at 45.72%. This will bleed BTC and ALTs prices.
I have marked the BTC dominance area at 41.90%, if BTC.D reaches this level this is good for BTC and ALTs.
This is my idea. I have tried my best to bring the best possible outcome to this chart, Do not consider it FINANCIAL ADVICE.
So let's see how the market reacts in the coming days.
This chart is likely to help you in making better trade decisions if it did consider upvoting this chart.
I would also love to know your charts and views in the comment section.
I am not a market maker I could be wrong.
Everything is on the chart.
Thank you
XZT/USDT Analysis #TheCryptoCityXZT/USDT
Since October XTZ is in a downtrend and making
the perfect channel. The market is very volatile and
unpredictable these days. But it is making good
support at 2.9 and if makes good support here and
breaks the channel resistance and structure then you can take
benefit from this coin.
Everything Is On The Chart.
Always Manage Your Risk
I am Not A Financial Advisor Do Your Own Research.
Every Thing Depends On BTC Movement
#TheCryptoCity #XZT
we are not market makers :)
FLAG and PENNANTHello everyone!
I want to tell you a little about such figures as Flag and Pennant.
These patterns are quite common on the chart, so every trader should know how to trade them.
What does the flag look like?
After a strong movement (flagpole), the price begins to correct in the form of a rectangle, which corrects against the previous trend (flag).
What does a pennant look like?
Just like a flag, a pennant appears after a strong trend.
After that, the correction begins in the form of a narrowing triangle.
How to trade the flag?
A bullish flag is a flag that has formed after a strong upward movement.
The entry point for a bullish flag will be a breakout and anchoring the resistance of the rectangle (flag).
The stop is placed at the low of the flag.
To calculate a possible profit target, it is worth measuring the flagpole of the flag - this value superimposed above the breakout will be the target for your profit.
How to trade a pennant?
A bullish pennant forms after a strong bullish move.
To find an entry point, you need to wait until the resistance of the triangle is broken and the price fixes above the level.
Stop loss is usually placed below the nearest minimum.
To get an approximate profit target, you need to measure the length of the bullish move in front of the triangle - this value will be your target above the break.
These patterns are very common and give an excellent risk / reward ratio, usually greater than 1: 3.
With correct trading, the profit value will be even higher.
Do not forget that these shapes are continuation shapes.
And don't forget to set your stop loss.
Good luck to you!
Traders, if you liked this idea or if you have your own opinion about it, write in the comments. I will be glad 👩
✅ How to approach Trendline BreakoutsIt's a very simple strategy. It is more reliable the longer the timeframe.
1. Find a TREND LINE
2. Wait for the BREAKOUT
3. Buy while price is RETESTING the TrendLine
4. During LATERAL movements Keep in mind other indicatores such as RSI or other support lines.
5. Enjoy profits during the UPWARD movement (Take profits gradually during the upward move)
How to Use Fibonacci Retracement ? hello traders , today i'll talk abouut my favourite tools
the Fibonacci retracement tool is extremely useful and it help us to find the strong resistance and support area ( 0.618) .
How to use it :
Drawing Fibonacci retracement levels is a simple three-step process :
In an uptrend:
Step 1 – Identify the direction of the market: uptrend
Step 2 – Attach the Fibonacci retracement tool on the bottom and drag it to the right, all the way to the top
Step 3 – Monitor the three potential support levels: 0.236, 0.382 and 0.618
In a downtrend:
Step 1 - Identify the direction of the market: downtrend
Step 2 -Attach the Fibonacci retracement tool on the top and drag it to the right, all the way to the bottom
Step 3 Monitor the three potential resistance levels: 0.236, 0.382 and 0.618
In the next post, I will explain more about The golden ratio and how to use it in entering and exit .
for more educational ideas , signals and analysis follow us .
Somewhere you can find the term as "Deferred orders".
These are orders that will be filled in the future, once a certain condition is met.
Most often this condition is reaching a certain market price.
The most popular pending orders are Stop and Limit!
Both types of orders become market orders when the initially set price is reached.
The difference between them is that Stop Orders can be activated at a worse price than the set price, depending on market conditions.
Limit orders cannot be activated at a price lower than the set price, the price must be either equal to the set price or even more advantageous.
Depending on the purposes of the trade, different deferred orders are used.
A breakout of a level is traded with a Stop order
A pullback from a level is traded with Limit order.
The types of Pending Orders are:
Buy Limit;
Sell Limit;
Buy Stop;
Sell Stop;
and other.
Market order
This is an order where you enter a trade, regardless of buy or sell, which is executed at the current best price.
For example, if you want to buy GBP/USD, you click directly on the corresponding button and the trading platform automatically places the deal on the market.
When you click on the "Sell" or "Buy" button, you actually place a market order.
Keep in mind that depending on market conditions, there may be some difference between the price you see and the price at which the order will be executed.
Stop Forex orders - Buy Stop and Sell Stop
The Stop orders to enter a deal are different from the Stop Loss order to limit the loss!
Buy Stop order is used when you want to buy at a level higher than the current market price.
It is placed higher than the level at which the price is currently.
Sell Stop order is used when you want to sell at a level lower than the current market price.
It is set lower than the current price level.
For example, EUR/USD is currently trading at a price of 1.1860, you think that if it reaches a price of 1.1960 it will continue to move in an uptrend.
In this situation you have two options:
To sit in front of the screen waiting for price to reach 1,1960 so you can buy, or;
To place a Buy Stop order at the 1,1960 level.
However, if you think that the price will fall in the coming periods, instead of staying at the computer and wait for a convenient time to sell, you can place a Sell Stop order at a level lower than the current market price - on the chart 1.1760.
Limit Forex orders / Buy limit and Sell Limit
Buy Limit order is used when you want to buy at a level lower than the current market price.
It is set lower than the current price level.
Sell Limit order is used when you want to sell at a level higher than the current market price.
It is placed higher than the level at which the price is currently.
For example, EUR/USD is currently trading at a price of 1.1860, you think that if it reaches a price of 1.1960 it will bounce off the level and go into a downtrend.
In this situation you have two options:
To sit in front of the screen waiting for price to reach 1,1960 so you can sell, or;
To place a Sell Limit order at the 1,1960 level.
However, if you think that the price will fall in the following periods and then rise, instead of you sitting at the computer and wait for a convenient time to buy, you can place an order to buy a limit below the current market price - on chart 1,1760.
Above is a summary chart of the orders and where they are placed.
Let’s summarise:
Buy Limit - pending buy order placed at a price lower than the current one;
Buy Stop - pending buy order placed at a price higher than the current one;
Sell Limit - pending sell order placed at a price higher than the current one;
Sell Stop - pending sale order placed at a price higher than the current one;
OCO orders / One Cancels The Other
The OCO order is a combination of two orders to enter into a trade.
One order is placed above the current market price and the other below the current market price.
When one of the orders is reached, it is executed and the other one is automatically deleted from the trading platform.
For example, EUR/USD is currently trading at 1.1850.
You expect great volatility in the market and you do not want to miss the movement.
In this case you place an OCO Forex order at the level of 1.1880 (above the market price) in anticipation of an upside move and at the level of 1.1820 (below the market price) in case the price goes down.
When the market reaches 1.1880, you will buy EUR/USD at this level, and the order placed at 1.1820 will be deleted from the trading platform.
OTO orders / One Triggers The Other
OTO allows the trader to place two orders simultaneously, the second one being activated after the first one.
This type of order allows many different combinations.
For example, a buy order can be placed at a pre-set price, above the current one (Buy Stop) and a second order can be placed together with it to limit the loss from the buy order, in case the price goes in the opposite direction.
In this case, the loss limit order will only be activated if the buy order is activated.
The orders described so far are for entering into a trade, but you must also exit the trades.
This is done by using “Stop Loss” and “Take Profit”.
Trailing stop
Trailing stop is an order to limit the loss, which moves along with the market price.
It can be said that this is a moving Stop Loss.
And here is how to do it!
Suppose you want to buy GBP/USD at a price of 1.2820.
You place a trailing stop at a distance of 20 pips at a price of 1.2800.
When the price goes in your direction and reaches the level of 1.2840, then the trailing stop will move by 20 pips or at the level of the entrance to the transaction.
Then if the price reaches the level of 1.2860, then the trailing stop will move to the level of 1.2840.
Keep in mind that if the price returns from 1.2860 to 1.2850, the trailing stop will NOT go down to 1.2830, but it will remain at 1.2840.
If it was to move down back with the price, it makes no sense, because it will never be reached and will not be able to limit the loss of the deal.
And then you will find out first hand what Margin Call and Stop Out is!
Another important feature to keep in mind is that the trailing stop is only active if the trading platform is active.
If the platform is closed, then you do not have a Stop Loss order at all!
These are the most frequently used orders on the Forex market and they are totally enough, there is no need to complicate trading.
Before you start trading live, get familiar with the conditions of the broker regarding the orders.
Make sure that you understand them and that you can use them correctly.
The best teacher remains the practice, therefore, open a demo account and test the capabilities of the platform.
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Thank you in advance! 🙏
FLAG PATTERNS & PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND BULL AND BEAR FLAG FORMATIONSHi everyone and Good morning. Welcoming you back (after 18-week break)
Thanks for your like and supports.
This is Part 3 of my Technical Analysis series of CHART PATTERNS
Now, for those meeting the words BULLS and BEARS for the first time, these are terms used to describe the buying and selling action of traders
BULLS generally refer to the price action of buyers as they drive Stock PRICES UP, while BEARS refer to the selling action of sellers as they drive stock PRICES DOWN.
For starters, let’s define what a Flag pattern is:
A flag pattern is a TREND CONTINUATION PATTERN . It is named a flag pattern because its formation resembles a flag on a flagpole.
The pole is usually the result of an almost VERTICAL RISE IN PRICE, and the flag part results from a PERIOD OF CONSOLIDATION
When the price breaks out of the consolidation range, it triggers the next move higher.
Flag patterns can either be BULLISH or BEARISH.
Follow me closely, as We will now look at BULL and BEAR Flags in turn:
Bullish flag formations are found in stocks with STRONG UPTRENDS.
They look something like (sketch 1 on chart)
As can be seen on the sketch 1 chart above, the pattern starts with a STRONG, ALMOST VERTICAL price spike, that eventually start losing steam forming an orderly pullback where the highs and lows are parallel to each other forming the FLAG in the form of a tilted rectangle.
The tilted rectangle (flag) usually breaks to the upside resulting in another powerful move higher, usually measuring the length of the prior flag pole (Let’s consider the sketch 2 chart)
Now let’s look at BEAR FLAGS :
The bear flag is an upside-down version of the bull flag. It has the same structure as the bull flag but inverted. looks like sketch 3
As can be seen above, the flagpole forms from an ALMOST VERTICAL price drop, which is followed by a period of consolidation, with parallel upper and lower trendlines forming the flag.
A break of the support structure of the flag, results in another move lower, with the same length as the prior pole.
Just as with any Chart pattern, there is usually psychology behind its formation.
Let us look at the
On bull flags, the bears (short sellers) get blindsided due to complacency as bulls (buyers) charge ahead with a strong breakout causing bears (short sellers) to either panic and cover their ‘shorts’; or add to their ‘short’ positions.
Once the stock is in the consolidation stage, the bears (short sellers) regain some confidence and they add to their ‘short’ positions with the expectation of a price drop; only to get trapped again when the price break to the upside causing short sellers to cover their ‘Shorts’ thereby driving prices even higher
Since some short-sellers from the initial flagpole run up may still be trapped, the second breakout forming through the flag can be even more extreme in terms of the angle and severity of price move.
That is precisely the psychology behind BULL FLAGS; and that same psychology applies on BEAR FLAGS, just in reverse.
Now let’s consider the sketch 4 on how we can make money from bull and bear flags:
On a bull flag, you typically want to enter a Long trade on a breakout to the upside. Take profit target should be the same length as the prior flagpole. Stop loss should be placed just below the broken resistance line, which will now be acting as support.
I will leave it here for this week, that’s all I had in store for you. Follow me And JOIN me again next week as we will be talking about another Chart Pattern that works.
Until then, here is to Profitable trading!
Most common mistakes in tradingHello my friends today i want to talk with you about most common mistakes in trading from my experience (any market but specially in crypto)
And after reading this i hope you will avoid them
1- Not Patient Enough :
I think this is one of top major reasons for failure in cryptomarket
Most newbies in this Field are thinking they will be rich in few days thats completely wrong ...Any old trader here will tell you how the patience will paid off
2- More Than You Can Afford To Lose :
only risk what you can afford to lose ...
more than that will lead to alot of mistakes and you may close your position after any small drop before reaching stoploss point and thats wrong my friends
3- Not Using Stoploss :
Stoploss is important but i recommend manual stoploss by candles closing not automatic one to avoid manipulation in market.. if you dont know difference between manual and automatic read my previous idea about it
4- Over Trading :
Alot of trades every day wont make more money ...instead, it will make you more stressful and staring at charts all day resulting in more mistakes
👉Fewer in numbers and higher in quality trades per week or even month are enough
sometimes best thing you can do is not trading at all when market is uncertain
5- Emotional Trading :
Both fear and greed play big role in the market movement
When you see most of people are greedy you should start taking profits partially ..and also try to avoid selling during panic sells
6- Revenge Trading :
Like using all wallet to buy one coin (all in) or doing high leverage postion to recover losses fast usually end in liqudation or big lose and leaving market completely
This market need you to be flexible
7- Ignoring Your First Plan
alot of very good plans and managements from start but you continusoly change it by listening to other random people opinions
trust in your self and trust in chart
no problem from taking advices from more experience people but you should trust in yourself first by have your own view and own plan
How many mistakes you find yourself doing it ...choose the number from above and tell us in comments
Reversal candles ( Basic)!Reversal candles ( Basic)!
1. Double Bar Low Higher Close ( DBLHC)
The DBLHC pattern consists of two candles.
The Lows of both candles need to be very close (within few pips).
The Close of the 2nd bar need to be Higher than the previous bar's high.
2. Double High Lower Close (DBHLC)
The DBHLC pattern consists of two candles.
The Highs of both candles need to be very close (within few pips).
The Close of the 2nd bar need to be lower than the previous bar's low.
3. Bearish Outside Vertical Bar (BEOVB)
The Bearish Outside Vertical Bar pattern consists of two candles.
The second candlestick is a bearish candlestick.
The second candlestick has a Higher High and a Lower Low than the first candlestick.
The Close of the second candle should be in the last third of the bar.
4. Bullish Outside Vertical Bar (BUOVB)
The Bullish Outside Vertical Bar pattern consists of two candles.
The second candlestick is a bullish candlestick.
The second candlestick has a Higher High and a Lower Low than the first candlestick.
The Close of the second candle should be in the last third of the bar
5. Pinbar
The significant Pin Bar pattern consists of one candlestick.
Unlike standard pin bar, the tail of the candlestick is bigger than its body and at least 3 times bigger than its nose.
Reversal candles ( Basic)!Reversal candles ( Basic)!
1. Double Bar Low Higher Close ( DBLHC)
The DBLHC pattern consists of two candles.
The Lows of both candles need to be very close (within few pips).
The Close of the 2nd bar need to be Higher than the previous bar's high.
2. Double High Lower Close (DBHLC)
The DBHLC pattern consists of two candles.
The Highs of both candles need to be very close (within few pips).
The Close of the 2nd bar need to be lower than the previous bar's low.
3. Bearish Outside Vertical Bar (BEOVB)
The Bearish Outside Vertical Bar pattern consists of two candles.
The second candlestick is a bearish candlestick.
The second candlestick has a Higher High and a Lower Low than the first candlestick.
The Close of the second candle should be in the last third of the bar.
4. Bullish Outside Vertical Bar (BUOVB)
The Bullish Outside Vertical Bar pattern consists of two candles.
The second candlestick is a bullish candlestick.
The second candlestick has a Higher High and a Lower Low than the first candlestick.
The Close of the second candle should be in the last third of the bar
5. Pinbar
The significant Pin Bar pattern consists of one candlestick.
Unlike standard pin bar, the tail of the candlestick is bigger than its body and at least 3 times bigger than its nose.
10 chart patterns every trader needs to know!10 chart patterns every trader needs to know!
- Best chart patterns
1. Head and shoulders
2. Double top
3. Double bottom
4. Rounding bottom
5. Cup and handle
6. Wedges
7. Pennant or flags
8. Ascending triangle
9. Descending triangle
10. Symmetrical triangle
10 chart patterns every trader needs to know!10 chart patterns every trader needs to know!
- Best chart patterns
1. Head and shoulders
2. Double top
3. Double bottom
4. Rounding bottom
5. Cup and handle
6. Wedges
7. Pennant or flags
8. Ascending triangle
9. Descending triangle
10. Symmetrical triangle
Sideways trend !!!Sideways Trend - Definition A sideways trend comprises a series of price swings existing within the range of a significant upper resistance area and a significant lower support area . The range support and resistance boundaries (range lower and upper boundaries) may be formed from either higher timeframe S/R and/or significant trading timeframe swing highs or lows
A sideways trend starts when four trend turning points (Swing High and Swing Low) develop within the range of a previous price swing.
The sideways trend ends when as price breaks the high or low defining the sideways trend.
Sideways trend !!!Sideways Trend - Definition A sideways trend comprises a series of price swings existing within the range of a significant upper resistance area and a significant lower support area . The range support and resistance boundaries (range lower and upper boundaries) may be formed from either higher timeframe S/R and/or significant trading timeframe swing highs or lows
A sideways trend starts when four trend turning points (Swing High and Swing Low) develop within the range of a previous price swing.
The sideways trend ends when as price breaks the high or low defining the sideways trend.
The One Chart Pattern That You Must Trade!!!The One Chart Pattern That You Must Trade
What's a "first pullback"?
This is just the first pullback after a significant price event. For example:
- The first pullback after a trend line break.
- The first pullback after a breakout.
- The first pullback after break down (short).
- The first pullback after any wide range candle.
- The first pullback after a break to new highs
The first pullback after a trend line break.
The first pullback after a breakout.
The first pullback after a breakout EMA
The first pullback after a break to new highs.
The first pullback after a breakout from the range
The One Chart Pattern That You Must Trade!!!The One Chart Pattern That You Must Trade
What's a "first pullback"?
This is just the first pullback after a significant price event. For example:
- The first pullback after a trend line break.
- The first pullback after a breakout.
- The first pullback after break down (short).
- The first pullback after any wide range candle.
- The first pullback after a break to new highs
The first pullback after a trend line break.
The first pullback after a breakout.
The first pullback after a breakout EMA
The first pullback after a break to new highs.
The first pullback after a breakout from the range