Session Times and Liquidity EducationGBPUSD - This is purely an educational post. One of the cleanest trading days. As we can see the market created the fake liquidity grab post Asia range, this was then followed by the real liquidity grab from the upside. As the market is overall bearish this was spotted much easier. We can then view the NYSE open where the price came back to grab liquidity from the supply area then drop. Text book price action
When London Pays Out!If you follow my previous posts you'll begin to see this pattern.
It happens everyday. You just have to follow the breadcrumbs.
Double Tops And Double Bottom Patterns are a Snipers Best Friend.
Learn them like you know how to spell your last name.
They will lead you to the land of Pip$ we all dream about.
Never Over Leverage.
Trust your trade set up.
Have Fun!
I AM Pro Trading Made Simple.
What is the potential of the crypto market and Bitcoin?📈👀
As everyone gets used to crypto, big players and institutional investors are starting to adopt it.
For example, just today the CAR launched its national cryptocurrency, and Timberlane launched an animated monkey music video called BAYC, following Snoop Dogg and Eminem.
Let's examine the potential of BTC and crypto in general.
In the main picture you can compare the capitalization of different parts of the financial market.
The largest capitalizations are in forex, futures, and funds. Then, with a big gap, the other components of the market go, including crypto, with a current capitalization of only about $700 billion.
That is, the crypto can still get scammed)
Why isn't crypto being adopted faster?
First of all, because there is no stability in it. No matter how much crypto-enthusiasts talk about Bitcoin as the new gold, in reality it is a very speculative asset and most bitcoins are in the hands of private investors. States are afraid of what they don't control, so they don't invest in crypto, but rush to issue their own digital stablecoins.
- Except for El Salvador's, which everyone is laughing at (they've already bought BTC)
How much can a BTC be worth?
Bitcoin is the face of the entire crypto market, as it grows and updates historic highs, it attracts new investors and more people learn about it.
At the time of the bull run in 2021, at $69,000, BTC had a capitalization of just $1100 billion.
To reach the desired mark of $100,000, BTC needs a capitalization of about $2100 billion at the current turnover of 21 million coins.
Even if that happens, the crypto market will still be incomparably small compared to other parts of the economy and the potential is truly great. We are the pioneers of this industry, and as we know, it is the first ones who make the most profit.
Under what conditions will the BTC break through the $100,000 mark?
1. Adaptation
Cryptocurrency adaptation is when every third person will have a cryptocurrency wallet installed on their phone and will be able to use it to buy clothes or pay for groceries in the supermarket.
2. State stablecoins
The launch of digital national currencies will force people to adapt to the new reality and use blockchain in their daily lives. Many people will have to learn what crypto is and how to use it. At the same time, trust towards crypto will increase.
3. Education in schools
Just like now parents and teachers explain to children that every country has its own currency and that you can buy a piece of a company if you have money, in the future they will also have to explain that every country has its own stablecoin and you can buy a piece of some cool project on the blockchain.
Cryptocurrency - Blockchain - will absorb at least x10 liquidity from other markets, IT’S ONLY QUESTION OF TIME!
🧅My trade journal 6/30/2022Same as my every educational post
But to day i'hv describe all of it
My emotional while i'm trading
My right&wrong entry
Feel like it will be a good new chapter of my trading journal
Good Luck Trader💯💯
🧅Disclaimer :There are risks associated with investing in securities. Investing in stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, and money market funds involve risk of loss. Loss of principal is possible. Some high risk investments may use leverage, which will accentuate gains & losses. Foreign investing involves special risks, including a greater volatility and political, economic and currency risks and differences in accounting methods. This is Not Financial Advice
The power of the daily highs, lows and the VWAP!Hey Traders and Happy Monday!
In todays post on our Tradingview channel talk about the importance of the 3 main levels we focus on, which are,
Daily high
Daily low
Based on what happens at these levels we usually take big action! The video explains more.
Enjoy and see you tomorrow!
#support #resistance #keylevel
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Traders, p 1
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Traders
If you enter trades out of fear, excitement or depression, it's important for you to know how to change your mindset so you don't fall into this trap again. Let's talk about cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
How can trader change himself?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). We typically hear this term from psychologists, who help patients overcome a variety of anxiety and other personality disorders. But CBT can be helpful for anyone, who wants to make adjustments to their behavior. The following are some negative action pattern options that you can modify for trading:
❗️ Inconsistency in trading;
❗️ Violation of the rules of trading system;
❗️ Failure to follow a trading plan;
❗️ Lack of trading discipline;
❗️ Emotional trading;
❗️ Impulsive trading, overtrading;
❗️ Failure to comply with money management rules.
Don't think that it can't be fixed. That's not true. There are various psychological methods for it, and cognitive behavioral therapy is one of them. Of course, that's not an easy process in which a person sets himself a difficult task, but it is quite possible to replace bad habits with good ones. And besides, it doesn't require you deeply dive into your past. A cognitive behavioral approach is about what is happening in your life now and how it can be changed. In some ways, we all remain "Pavlov's dogs" - the more and more often we repeat a certain behavior model, the better it's remembered, eventually reaching almost complete automatism.
To understand how you can improve your trading with CBT, you must understand how it works. The main principle of cognitive behavioral therapy is the focus on the present. You will not spend a lot of time analyzing how and under the influence of what particular life circumstances your negative psychological attitudes developed and formed or worry about the distant future. Instead, you will focus on small, realistic, and simple steps you can take today to change your behavior.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is based on the idea of a constant interaction of three components:
✔️ your thoughts
✔️ emotions
✔️ behavior
All of them are very closely intertwined. If you change one thing, you change everything else. The process of changing our feelings is quite complex in itself, so in this case, cognitive behavioral therapy focuses mainly on transforming your behavior through changing your thoughts (or cognitions).
In this self-therapy process, you analyze your core beliefs that drive your behavior. That's the pivot point. By changing these basic mental attitudes, you can change the way you think about trading decisions. For any behavioral problem, you can usually identify a set of underlying attitudes that drive that behavior.
Looking at some specific examples in the next few posts, we will see how you can make changes to your behavior and achieve better results in trading.
If you are interested in such a topic, push <> button and share with your friends, so this post will be seen by more traders, maybe it will help someone.
Thanks for staying with me
Always sincerely Yours
Rocket Bomb🚀💣
This post goes as a continuation of the previous two, so if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it (link in pinned post)!
Today we are talking about <>. I think it's a pretty relevant topic.
Let's look at more general problem. Burnout, which is characterized by apathy, laziness, loss of interest in trading, and generally reduced vitality, probably most accurately describes state, that most of us well know.
Most traders are always emotionally extremely involved in the trading process, but sometimes even the most psychologically stable can give up.
About a year ago, at the very beginning of active trading, the once active beginner was full of enthusiasm and hopes for a brighter future. The head was slightly spinning from the huge financial prospects, and this gave an additional incentive to work. Such a trader at times could even forget to eat or sleep for the required number of hours.
However, by the end of the first year, the results didn't live up to expectations, and on the contrary, it turned out that were more difficulties than joys. He begins to feel, that all his efforts are in vain and lead nowhere. This causes him to lose interest in trading and become more and more apathetic towards this activity. Thoughts come, does he need it at all, all this trading ...
What hidden negative beliefs drive this trader's growing lack of motivation? The list might look something like this:
🔴 “All my efforts are leading me nowhere. I'm not moving anywhere: one step forward and two steps back."
🔴 "Nothing I've tried to do, didn't works, so my dreams have failed"
🔴 “A trader needs to be born or have a talent for this occupation. I may never be destined to be a trader.”
🔴 “Trading systems and strategies, that work for others don't work for me. There's something wrong with me"
🔴 "Maybe I'm just unlucky"
🔴 “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is crazy. I'll go crazy if I keep doing this."
It's easy to see how a list of such or similar setups can negatively affect a trader's self-esteem and make him feel negative about his own efforts. He actually spirals into apathy, at least as far as his trade is concerned.
The problem is that the more multidirectional and chaotic efforts such a trader makes in his work, the worse the result becomes and the more he is convinced of his negative statements.
Of course, it is impossible to change your own thoughts in an instant, but you can start working with it systematically.
Thought is the foundation and catalyst of action. By changing the paradigm of thinking, we will inevitably change the quality of our actions.
🟢 “You can quit everything, but that's not the best way. Although I feel, that I'm marking time, but during this time I have learned a lot, learned a lot and continue receive new knowledge every day. Quantity will turn into quality, and I'll be able to move more intensively towards my goal."
🟢 “While things I have tried haven't bring me a results I want, but it doesn't mean my future efforts won't get me what I want. I have a huge knowledge base compared to a year ago. It will help me succeed.”
🟢 “No one is born to be successful at anything, and trading is no exception. If I really like trading, I can find a way to get good results.”
🟢 "I'm alright. Systems and trading algorithms, that don't work for me are systems that I either misapply or may not fit my personality. But there is a trading strategy, that is perfect for me, and I will create it myself.”
🟢 “The factor of luck is certainly present in my life, but it's not decisive. After all, my hard work will help me move forward. My intellectual baggage and everything I have learned during this time will help me gain control of my life."
🟢 “Maybe I should consider some changes in my life and work, but it's not crazy, I believe, that daily hard work eventually leads to success. Anyone who has ever become an expert at something or been successful has experienced failure. In any case, I always have the opportunity to seek qualified help if I need it to move forward faster.”
These new mental attitudes are much healthier and can help the trader to reconfigure their behavior. Thought is the foundation and catalyst of action. By changing the paradigm of thinking, we will inevitably change the quality of our actions. This applies to absolutely any activity. The examples discussed above illustrate how reformulation of internal dialogues can lead us to a change in the quality of attitudes, to a deeper self-awareness. It gives us an opportunity to make more reasonable and accurate decisions during trading, and in general.
I hope you enjoyed this post, write in the comments what else you would like to see in my next posts!
Stay with me, subscribe, for not get lost. I will be glad to see your activity by clicking 👍 like button ♥️
Always Sincerely Yours Rocket Bomb 🚀💣
ETH 2 phases and why we need it?Hi friends
today i want to explain ETH 2.0 phases in short.
like you see in picture above it explain our need to ETH 2.0 so
i will summarize phases below:
Phase 0 : Beacon Chain
Phase 0 is the name given to the launch of the Beacon Chain.
The Beacon Chain will manage the Proof of Stake protocol for itself and all of the shard chains.
Once Phase 0 is complete, there will be two active Ethereum chains.
For the sake of clarity let’s call them the Eth1 chain (current, PoW main chain) and the Eth2 chain (new Beacon Chain)
During this phase, users will be able to send their ETH from the Eth1 chain to the Eth2 chain and become validators.
(They will NOT be able to migrate this ETH back to Eth1)
Phase 1 : Shard Chains
Shard chains are the key to future scalability as they allow parallel transaction throughput
and there will be 64 of them deployed in Phase 1 (with the possibility of adding more over time as hardware scales).
Shard validators, who are randomly selected by the Beacon Chain for each shard at each slot,
merely come to agreement on each block’s content.
Phase 2 : State Execution
Phase 2 is where the functionality of the entire system will start to come together.
Shard chains transition from simple data containers to a structured chain state and Smart Contracts will be reintroduced.
Phase 2 also introduces the concept of 'Execution Environments (EEs).
Every shard has access to all execution environments and has the ability
to make transactions within them as well as run and interact with smart contracts
hope this article is useful for you.
thank you all for your supports.
Improve your trading skills with PTAHey Traders!
In this video we talk about Post Trade Analysis which we believe it probably the best way to develop your trading skills, trading system and general instinct of trading.
Today we traded the DAX for 2 hours with complete focus, focus is a vital requirement for trading success as it allows you to be present and disciplined to follow your trading rules and system.
The video explains some things we did good and some things we did bad, of-course the good should be repeated in the next trading session, the bad either improved or removed!
Do you do post trade analysis? - Let us know in the comment section below!
Have a fab day!
Shocking Truths about Trading no one talks about EP1.After 5 years of self-educating myself in the art of trading while undergoing brutal consistent losses, these are the truths that set me on the path of surprising consistency after internalizing them.....I hope it will for you guys and give more inspiration to the already consistent ones.
Shocking Truths no one talks about in trading:
1. You may have the best strategy, signal provider or learned everything about trading, but what counts is what happens to that knowledge 5 seconds before pressing the buy/sell button.
2. What is Mathematically optimal is Psychologically impossible.
If you have a strategy that gets wins of 25R but has like 12 losses in a row, DUMP IT.
Mathematically, you will make money at the end, Psychologically you will quit before you take trade 13.
3. You start winning in trading when you believe you can lose (Trading Paradox).
Consistently profitable traders have one thing in common: they place their next trade like it was already a loser.
4. Extremely good analysts are most often bad can be right about the direction but fail in the critically important aspect of Entry timing and still lose the trade.
Most people will tell you to look for complex strategies that look for "Random walk algorithmic discrepancies that rhyme with Chaos theories....and all that blah..." But I have been on that path and I hate to break it to you that a guy/girl using only support and resistance and simple moving average crossovers with a verified and bactested edge and discipline will most likely be more profitable.
Most people think that if a trade has soooo many confluences it is more likely to work....well that might be true to an extent after which it is a blatant fallacy. From historical data and my own personal LIVE trading results, the probability of a trade working out reduces DRASTICALLY when the number of confluences crosses 5.
I theorize that this happens because market makers will see all the orders placed at that point is soo much(cause everyone will see the opportunity with their different approaches) and take them all out.
6. No one can sell a money printer, cause it has no price.
If someone offers to sell you a robot or STRATEGY that triples your money every month, laugh and pass, if you don't and end up buying deserved to be scammed.
Think about it the person can just take $100 and apply his/her magic to it and print out Elon Musk's networth in lower than 3 years using compounding......and he/she will sell you that for $2000?, you must be kidding me!.
7. Your consistency has nothing to do with your strategy but your mind.
I can bet you my life's earnings, that there is someone out there, using your exact entry and exit rules but is profitable and you are not.
A better strategy brings in more profit, but any random edge with the right mindset and risk management MUST be profitable.
8. Almost everything in life is a pyramid-scheme, & survival of the fittest and trading is not left out.
No matter how much we desire to the contrary, it is IMPERATIVE THAT TRADING HAS MORE LOSERS THAN WINNERS.
The winners in trading have to be relatively fewer cause they win a lot and hence they need soo many losers to give them that money.
There is no bank that hands at money to you when you win, your job as a trader is to outsmart some other fellow and TAKE his/her money and once you come to terms that every dollar lost by you trading, is a dollar gained by someone else in this zero-sum game, you will realize only YOU has got your own back.
9. You can NEVER completely eliminate emotions in trading but you can set rules that allow you trade only when you are at your optimal state, and gives you a day or two vacation when you are down.
10. Reading this article will definitely NOT HELP YOU, it is remembering it the moment before you place your next trade that will.
Pls LIKE and Subscribe, I want to know what you think about this article and which point you agree with the most or disagree with.
Tell me whether it helped you in any way and if we get 50 likes and 20 comments I will consider making the next episode.
Don't let the dopamine get you 🥴Do you feel excited? 😅
This is why. It's all down to the chemical reaction in your brain. Dopamine.
Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that makes us feel good.
Should you be feeling excited when trading?🤔
No.🙈 As this isn't gambling and shouldn't give you the same dopamine rushes like a gambling win does.
What's starts as initial excitement will move to fear, anxiety, stress and excitement again. 🤷🏻♂️
You become irrational and unable to stick to your plan.🤯
Entering trades through boredom for the 'rush' and closing profitable trades too early because of fear of the profit disappearing - all because you risked too much for that 'buzz'.
'So what can I do about it?' I hear you shout loudly....📢
Well this depends on if you really want to change or not, the downside is you'll think you will make less money ....
Think about it - you have a £5000 account right?
Option 1 - you trade 15 pairs at 0.5 lot size and your account is up and down like a yo yo - but it's exciting right?
Option 2 - you trade 3 pairs at 0.01 - your account movement is marginal.
Option 2 is less exciting for sure, but if you want excitement go and jump out of plane.
Option 1 will eventually lead to a blown account.
Option 2 will give you sustainable consistent trading - you'll let your winners run and you'll lose less on the losing trades. A win win.
Only when you get this bit right will you start to see positive change.
Emotional control is key
Be present doing other things without checking your phone to see how trades are going.
Exercise patience by sticking to your plan and letting your trades run instead of closing them early.
The only thing you can control in trading is YOU
Just don't end up letting the dopamine take control!
Have a good weekend everyone and thanks for looking
MONEY CANDLESome call it the "Institutional Candle".
Snipers call it the "Money Candle"
This chart explains why.
This has been an incredible week of trading.
News proved to be powerful and made the DXY plummet on Thursday.
What a rally we had today which was pretty much expected when you follow Price, trend, and Time in confluence with this week's fundamentals: today's set up was a thing of beauty!
Study this week's price action and formulate ways to engage accordingly next week.
Have a Great Week End!
Trading made Simple
The Master Jedi Sniper CREED*The Market has different moves I call them 'Plays' that it sets in the Forex Market Daily.
The Market only has 3 moves:
1. Up aka UP Trend
2. Down aka DOWN Trend
3. Sideways aka Consolidation
No more. No less.
The market has key patterns, rhythms, and channels known as 'Liquidity pools" "Order Blocks' and the like. These are simply areas in the market where liquidity is and wherever there is liquidity that is where the market flows to. After the Market makes enough money and "Orders" need to be filled it will then move to fill imbalances along the way to those places of Liquidity aka "THE MONEY".
A Snipers MAIN job is to WACTH the market with discipline, consistency, and relentless attention to intricate details that your pair does at KEY times in the trading day.
US base pairs are anchored by the DXY. It is a Snipers RSI.
Every Sniper has their own threshold for pain this is knows as a SL. A Sniper's average SL is 3-5PIPS. Once that threshold is breached it is time to re evaluate the trade set up and either "Pull and SWITCH" or "Pull and WAIT".
By allowing you trade aka SNIPE time to develop you allow your trade set up to develop. Remember it takes time for the Market to move in your direction. Therefore pull backs and consolidation are all apart of normal market movement aka Price Action.
By identifying key areas in the market within "Structure" a Sniper formulates strategies to Trap and Snipe Price.
I Am the Alchemist of these Formulas and Strategies.
I AM: Trading Made Simple
As always never over leverage.
Trust your Trade Set Up.
Have Fun!