ENV Wave AND PATTERN Analyzing Be sure to stick to Stop Lost and TAkE Profit. This is an idea and not a bargain offer The structure of the diametric wave is forming in the B wave, or it is in the X-wave construction stage, or the biametric wave is not yet complete, and the F and g waves remain.by Sina-TFXUpdated 0
XRPUSD WAVE ANALYSIS AND PATTERN ANALYSISBe sure to stick to Stop Lost and Take Profit. This is an idea and not a bargain offer It has a triangle-like structure, but lower levels can also be imaginedby Sina-TFXUpdated 224
EOSUSD WAve Analysis and PatternBe sure to stick to Stop Lost and TAkE Profit. This is an idea and not a bargain offer The wave analysis of this structure that you see in the image has created in my opinionby Sina-TFXUpdated 3