NQ-SP500-NKD-BTC, The wave has startedCME_MINI:NQ1! BINANCE:BTCUSD
The wave has started. It's slow, and choppy as they move through the time frames, so if you play the longer time frames, be patient. If you play the shorter time frames, ensure you take profit along the way so you're not chopped up
Video covers – NQ – SP500 – NKD – BTC
ES (S&P) – 100 pt price blocks (Bold Yellow Lines)
NQ (Nasdaq) – 500 pt price blocks
NKD (Japanese Market) – 1000 pt price blocks
BTC (Bitcoin) – 5000 pt price blocks
Bold Yellow Lines: Top and Bottom of Price Blocks
Dotted Blue Lines: 50% of any Price Block
White Solid Line: 20 EMA
Yellow Solid Line (not price block): 50 EMA
Blue Solid Line: 200 EMA
Method: Follow the MACD and the 200 EMA. Generally speaking, if the MACD is negative or heading negative, the price should be below the 200 EMA or heading below it, and visa versa, as it goes up to go positive, so should the price, and you should be targeting a price (at a significant level – price block) above the 200 EMA.
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-16 : Gap Reversal PatternMy honest opinion related to the next 2~3 trading days is - go take a few days off and wait out the markets for the next 48+ hours.
I don't believe there will be much in terms of opportunity over the next 48-72 hours as price is likely to chop around near the top of the current FLAG. The real opportunity comes late Wednesday and into Thursday/Friday as price should attempt to break downward (if my analysis is correct) and move into a solid 5-7+ days of downward price momentum.
What I see happening over the next 48-72 hours is Sideways Chop. Not fun for the average trader and really not something you can make a lot of money trading unless you are very skilled at catching short-term price rotation with options.
Overall, the next 48+ hours should be about observation - watching price attempt to stall, break away from this FLAG, and setting up for the bigger move near the 19th & 20th of September.
I'm not telling you how or what to trade. I'm just saying I believe the next 48-72 hours will be very difficult for average traders.
OK. Happy Monday.
Get some.
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NQ - SP500 - NKD - BTC Coming Week(s) - BearKey Points:
ES (S&P) – 100 pt price blocks (Bold Yellow Lines)
NQ (Nasdaq) – 500 pt price blocks
NKD (Japanese Market) – 1000 pt price blocks
BTC (Bitcoin) – 5000 pt price blocks
Bold Yellow Lines: Top and Bottom of Price Blocks
Dotted Blue Lines: 50% of any Price Block
White Solid Line: 20 EMA
Yellow Solid Line (not price block): 50 EMA
Blue Solid Line: 200 EMA
Method: Follow the MACD and the 200 EMA. Generally speaking, if the MACD is negative or heading negative, the price should be below the 200 EMA or heading below it, and visa versa, as it goes up to go positive, so should the price, and you should be targeting a price (at a significant level – price block) above the 200 EMA.
SPX Weekly Recap | Price Targets Sep 16 - 20Weekly Recap video on last week's stock market price action. then we wrap up the video with our new price targets for next week (Sep 16 - 20) using Statistics and Data to drive a 70%+ historical accuracy.
- Last week's Results
- Next week's Targets
Personally I use these targets in combination with ICT Concepts to trade.
Nothing I say is Financial Advice - Previous performance does not guarantee future success.
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-13 : Rally DayPlease take a minute to watch this video, and possibly some of my earlier videos from this week, as we continue to see the SPY, QQQ, and Bitcoin continue to move through an Excess Phase Peak pattern.
It is very important for traders to understand the eventual A/B outcome of the Excess Phase Peak pattern. For the SPY/QQQ, we are still flagging into what is very likely to be a rolling top pattern - setting up a broad downward price trend in the near future. The only thing that can stop that rollover top is a rally to new ATHs (which can happen to invalidate the Excess Phase Peak pattern).
Because of these pattern setups, it is important to see were the SPY ends this current rally phase and if the SPY can rally above the recent ATH levels or not.
Gold is moving into a temporary topping pattern above $2600. I would think the 2613 level would be the ideal topping level for Gold - but I would expect Gold to struggle to move up to the 2613 level at this point.
Bitcoin is showing an inverted Excess Phase Peak pattern. I go into detail about this pattern and what we need to look for over the next few weeks.
Ultimately, I believe the markets are moving into a transitional price rollover ahead of the election.
Plan, prepare, and Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Update : GOLD Breakout WINNERGetting through my morning with phone calls and coding - I took a break to check on the markets and what did I see? A huge breakout rally in GOLD.
This huge move higher (+$40) is a massive win for those who followed my Plan You Trade Videos.
I've been saying any price move above $2565-$2575 would be a gift and traders should attempt to BOOK PROFITS as Gold moves above these levels. I warned not to hold positions above $2585-2593.
In fact, I'm expecting a bit of a metals flash-crash event to take place near mid-October.
But, today is a winner day for gold traders. A HUGE WINNER day.
I'm so happy to hear from all of you about your success with my Plan Your Trade videos.
This is what it is all about - help you become a more skilled trader.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-12 : BreakAway PatternMuch like yesterday's pattern, today is a Breakaway pattern for the SPY.
I believe today's price move will be more muted than yesterday's big rally off the 540 lows.
Combining the 830 jobs data with price expectations is difficult. I believe jobs data will be relatively soft, and traders will interpret that as the Fed may decrease rates before the end of this year. But I believe traders will be wrong, and the markets will flatten out this afternoon (after some morning volatility).
Ultimately, the Fed is very confident that it will leave rates where they are unless something breaks. And because of that, I believe traders are trying to WISH the Fed into making a move.
Because of this dynamic, I believe hedge assets will continue to melt upward and we will move into a fairly consolidated price period between now and the Nov 5 election.
Overall, I believe most of today's price action will take place before Noon ET. Buckle up and prepare to take the afternoon off if my research is correct.
Get some.
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Tracking short entries $ESES has failed to create new ATH's and introduced new selling pressure on Tuesdays open after Labor Day. The 5625 - 5575 level looks appealing for short entries with stops above recent highs, or ATH's. Moves lower to 5400 - 5300 have historically moved quickly, providing some extra confidence for this swing trade.
Entries will be posted in the comments below. Good luck!
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-11 : Inside BreakawayToday's pattern suggests the SPY will open within yesterday's price range and attempt to "break away" from yesterday's range.
I still believe we are moving into a secondary Excess Phase Peak pattern (flagging higher), which will prompt the SPY to attempt to rally to near 560. Because of this, I'm expecting a continued upward push toward the 558-560 area before it stalls and tops out.
I suggest traders prepare for a lot of morning volatility today in early trading, followed by a strong push into higher price trending (upward) as today's BreakAway plays out.
Gold and Silver are making a decent move higher - as I suggested. Remember, Gold and Silver will peak out within the next 4~5 days and will likely reach a sudden peak/top after Sept 20th, resulting in a quick, deep-V type collapse.
I expect metals to move into that Deep-V base/bottom before October 11~14 (roughly).
The US markets and Metals will suddenly flash-crash as we move closer to the US elections. This move will likely be news or event-related. But I feel it is inevitable at this point.
Bitcoin will likely follow gold/silver and move into a moderate flash crash mode nearly simultaneously as metals.
Get ready. This flash crash trend should be a great opportunity for skilled traders.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For Sept 10 : Consolidation CarryoverToday will likely be similar to yesterday - but slightly more consolidated overall.
I belive the markets are struggling into a dual Excess Phase Peak Flag (Step #2) and the SPY/QQQ show this very clearly.
This dual Excess Phase Peak pattern will result in either a breakdown in price (starting after Sept 20th or so) or a continued rally phase breaching the Unique & Ultimate Fibonacci High price levels.
Ultimately, I believe the breakdown potential is higher at this point than the continued rally phase. That is why I'm asking traders to prepare for a top near Sept 20-25 and to move assets into CASH as we melt upward over the next 5+ days.
If my research is correct, the second Excess Phase Peak pattern will prompt a breakdown in price - resulting in an attempt to find support above recent (60-90 day) lows. And that will reflect a -9-14% drawdown in price.
If I'm wrong and we don't see this breakdown in price, then we'll see price struggle to move higher and eventually break the recent ATH levels.
Watch this video to learn how the Excess Phase Peak patterns setup.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for Sept 9 : GapUp-Higher Counter TrendPay special attention to this video and prepare for what I believe will be a type of Flash-Crash event starting near Sept 20-24.
Now is the time to start moving more capital into CASH. Prepare for this potential downside price move of -9-14% by protecting your capital.
Yes. There will be bigger opportunities near the bottom of this moderate Flash-crash event.
No, you don't want to watch your assets fall 10-15% over the next 60 days.
The solution is to move into a more protective allocation mode (70~80% CASH) over the next 5 to 7 days and then ride it out.
Remember, I'm here to try to help you become a better trader. I tell you want I see and I live or die by my output.
I'm not always 100% accurate. But I do believe the markets are going to move into a type fo Flash-Crash event over the next 45+ days and I believe the best way to prepare for this event is to load up on dry powder, trade smaller amounts for now, then look for opportunities near the bottom.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-6 : Blended Top/Flat-DownHappy Friday.
I believe today's pattern is a blend of yesterday's Top-Resistance and today's Flat-Down pattern.
Because of this belief, I think we will see a moderate rally in early trading leading to a peak in price, then followed by a moderate flat-down type of price trend.
This week has proven to be a bit more volatile than I expected, but it has not changed my expectations much in terms of where I believe the markets are headed over the next 90+ days.
Price is dynamic and reflects not only fundamental economic expectations but also future performance expectations.
This pullback in price is somewhat healthy (closing the gap) on the SPY chart to clear the way for further upward trending.
Let's see how things play out today.
Get some.
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S&p 5400 coming Ai bubble popping as we speak 9/5 2024 NVDA books reflect sales to companies that now are under scrutiny geopolitics hot oil choppy avgo missed earnings rate cut drama the cooks at the BLS continue to chef it up with wild swings in reports and revisions all with the last US election in the rear view mirror
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-5 : Top-Resistance PatternToday's Top Resistance pattern should reflect a moderate price rally, leading to a peak in price, then followed by a roll-over in price before the close of trading today.
Follow my research. Remember we are using my SPY cycle patterns to help guide our future and current trades related to price action.
These patterns are not 100% accurate all the time - but I find them very helpful in understanding how to prepare/trade related to potential future price swings.
Again, outside news events, central banks/governments, wars and other massive events can disrupt these patterns for 3 to 10+ days. But, price always seems to return to the patterns over time. These disruptions are temporary.
Get ready for next week's big rally phase.
Get some.
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NQ what’s your Iq - sleep increases IQSet the alerts. Set the brackets. Set the trade. Then get to sleep. Will we wake up with a win. I’ll dream on it.
1hr strong close up.
We have a structure shift. My entry is set at the area of value where the un filled orders were left behind that originally created this push up.
2.5:1? We’ll see. My data says 2.5
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-4 : CRUSH Blends Into Rev-RallyYesterday's price move was clearly a CRUSH pattern I expected on Monday. Because of the holiday trading schedule this week, I believe the CRUSH pattern blended into Tuesday's trading - resulting in today's pattern being a blend of the Rev-Rally pattern on Tuesday and the Up-Down-Up pattern for Wednesday.
Overall, I believe the CRUSH pattern removed a lot of downward price pressure and set the markets up for a bigger upward move starting on September 9-11.
At this point, I believe the US markets will attempt to find a base/support and transition into the end of this week by "looking for support—then rallying away from support."
So, I expect the US markets to find a critical support level today or tomorrow, then begin to form a base and rally away from that support level.
Let's play what is in front of us on the charts and Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-3 : Reversal Rally Today.Today's SPY Cycle Pattern is a Reversal Rally.
After yesterday's CRUSH pattern (on the Labor Day holiday), we should expect the indexes to persist in a moderate rally phase (or melt-up) today.
I believe yesterday's CRUSH pattern played out very nicely on the ES.
Today's Reversal Rally pattern should result in the ES attempt to move back to 5653-5660.
For the SPY, that will be a move back to 563.00 to 563.40.
Overall, I believe today will show a solid attempt to move higher (melting upward) as the price slides into the end of this week very sideways/flat.
Starting on Sept 9-10, we should start to move into a rally phase for the SPY/QQQ.
Sit tight until then. These intra-day swings are perfect for day trading Gunslingers.
Get some.
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September Effect - Up/Down/Sideways - How I'm Trading ItSummer trading is officially done and the market will be news sensitive leading up to the big bad FOMC Rate Decision on September 18.
August's monthly candle is a wild one with a massive wick to the south and the bulls pushed the SPY within a whisker of all-time highs, Dow to several all-time highs, Nasdaq into a nice bullish recovery posture, and Russell the same (higher lows).
6 Central Bank Rate Decisions in September
US News on Employment and Inflation all rolling out before the FOMC
I'd like to see a seasonal dip or pullback to offer more accumulation opportunities before a run higher. Let's see how it plays out.
/NQ Bullish Looking at the 4 hr /NQ I see a very Bullish pattern regardless of the anticipated events. Technically speaking you can see that big Inverse Head & Shoulders and a falling wedge on the potential "right shoulder" which serves as more confirmation of the bullish incoming trend. My plan is to watch the market on Tuesday and see what happens at mkt open and get in on the dip and HOLD till the inverse head & shoulders fully forms. My Target prices are as listed on the chart. My ultimate goal with every bullish confirmation is to have 10 contracts before exiting the position. Let's see what happens?!
US Markets Cleared For A 13% to 24% Rally - Get SomeThis video highlights why I believe the US markets are ready to make a big move higher over the next 12 to 24+ months.
Many people suggest the markets will crack or crash, or we will experience some black/grey swan event. I'm afraid I have to disagree with this belief.
Yes, there is always a chance we will see some market event. However, to disrupt the US/global economy, there would have to be some event that disrupts the world, not just one or two smaller countries.
I do believe the US is making a broad transition into the 21st century, and new leadership (Govt) is required to make that happen.
But I also believe the seeds have been planted for exponential growth over the next 10-20+ years - and many traders are too focused on the crash dummies to see the real potential.
Watch this video. Share your comments if you like.
I believe we will see pullbacks and rotations on the way up - but I don't think we'll see any big crash event until after 2031 (or later).
Get some. This is going to be BIG.
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