SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 7-23 EOD Wrap-up - Tomorrow's HaramiToday's Flat-Down pattern could not have played out any better. My SPY Cycle Patterns predicted today would reflect a moderately flat trading range that drifted downward - sure enough, that's precisely what we saw today on the SPY.
Now, we move into tomorrow's Harami pattern. Although we may see a broad price high or low (price volatility), we are nearing the APEX of a moderate price FLAG pattern. Price can become very volatile near these areas as price attempt to break away from a tighter price channel.
I expect the open-close range to stay very narrow tomorrow. The high/low range may be bigger than today's total candle range, but ultimately, I think tomorrow's open-close range will be very tight and narrow, possibly setting up a Doji-type candle.
In the broader sense of the SPY Cycle Pattern trends, we are moving into a basing/bottoming setup that should resolve to the upside on Thursday/Friday. So be aware that the recent lows may be a great opportunity to setup for the Thursday/Friday base/bottom SPY patterns.
I know many of you are relying on these patterns, and I started this to prove that my technology works and can provide greater insight for traders. Now, I have to decide whether to continue doing this or take a break.
I have enjoyed teaching my techniques and systems to everyone, and I love the comments. However, I also want to protect my technology and resources.
So, I would love to hear from you guys. Do you want more of this? Do you want me to continue this for another few weeks?
Let me know what you guys think.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade - MENT Pressure System: Building SuccessHave you seen my Plan Your Trade videos yet? Maybe you should take a break and watch a few of them.
Part of my effort to help traders involves building a new Pressure System - designed to deploy some of my favorite Fibonacci price constructs and the latest tools.
One of the new tools I've been working on is the MENT Pressure System. I would like to make it adaptive (self-adapting to price trends/rotation), but that may take another 10+ days of work.
I just completed an update in which the Pressure system is applied to Bollinger Bands to help traders develop trigger confirmation and find better trade triggers.
My belief is that using my SPY Cycle Patterns along with something like this new Pressure System should provide a clear advantage for day traders and swing traders.
When I suggest the SPY Cycle Patterns are Basing/Bottoming (like I've been suggesting since late Thursday (7-18) and into Friday (7-19), traders need to understand I'm hinting that price is transitioning into a basing/bottoming phase - looking to shift back into a bullish price structure.
Ultimately, I would love it if traders could use my SPY Cycle Patterns and my MENT Pressure System to pick the best trades (staying away from count-trend trades and learning to trade what I call "the Sweet Spot."
I welcome any feedback you may have after watching this video.
It is a lot of fun to receive your comments and suggestions. Together, I hope to build as many followers as possible and help as many traders as possible.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade - 7-23 - Price Consolidates Before RallyGood morning,
This is the Plan Your Trade video for July 23, 2024.
Please watch this video to learn why you may want to consider the next 36+ hours as a STAY AWAY type of trading range.
The SPY Cycle Patterns suggest the price will consolidate today (23) and tomorrow (24) before attempting to move into a solid Rally phase on the 25.
I believe the next 36 hours should only be played by skilled day traders. When the price stays choppy and in a very tight range, there is minimal opportunity to catch moderate swing trades.
Remember, any price move below 554 on the SPY chart will likely be rejected higher - setting up multiple base/bottom levels over the next 36 to 48 hours. Those moves below 554 may become solid entry levels for my expected Bullish rally phase on the 25th and beyond.
This is one of those lessons where the patterns show very tight price ranges over the next two days. That reflects a minimal opportunity for day traders.
But remember, we are basing/bottoming ahead of the 25th+ rally phase. So, this still presents an excellent opportunity to plan/prepare/execute a broader trading plan.
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 7-22 - Making Your Own DecisionsMorning again,
This morning, I received many questions from subscribers and other members asking, "What should I do?" Should I buy, wait, or what?
I won't tell you guys what to do every 10 minutes. I deliver this research, the SPY Cycle Patterns, and other content to help you make better trading decisions.
I put together this video to better explain my expectations about the morning rally and subsequent pullback.
This is very important because my job is not to tell you when to trade and what to do. My job is to teach you the skills to make your own decisions.
Honestly, if you don't know what you want to do regarding trades, don't take any trades at all. Wait it out a bit.
I know all of you want to know what's going on in my head, but it is illegal and unethical for me to tell you what you should do regarding trading.
I deliver the most precise content I can - ensuring you see and understand what I believe is likely to happen. From there - you make all the decisions.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade - 7-22 - Pressure System ImprovementsThis is a short video showing you the progress I'm making on the MENT Pressure System for daytraders.
When I started this project, I was looking for a way to help daytraders understand trending, pullbacks, targets, and moderate price rotation.
I knew some of the techniques I use could help, but I wanted to create a visual solution to allow traders to SEE the opportunities, trends, and other setups. So, I decided to try to create my own solution.
After about 4+ days of coding and playing with PineScript (only putting about 1~2 hours a day into the project) - this is the current project and how it works.
The one thing I'm very pleased with is the Fibonacci Price Theory module. It does almost everything I wanted it to do right now.
Currently, I'm working on better identification of triggers, targets, pullback "Air" and other features.
I just wanted to show it off a bit and to highlight the new Adaptive MA system - which I think will help identify the missing components.
I welcome your feedback.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trae For 7-22 - Topping PatternGood morning,
I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend.
Today, we start the trading week with a Topping pattern on my SPY Cycle Patterns. That means we should see the SPY/QQQ rally higher, attempt to find a resistance/peak price level, and then roll downward (moving away from that resistance area).
Over the past four weeks, I've been amazed at the accuracy of my SPY Cycle Patterns. Can you believe I've been able to predict more than twenty trading days into the future—calling rallies, selloffs, tops, bottoms, and congestion periods almost perfectly?
Sometimes I get the "well, you were wrong about WHATEVER" type of comments from viewers.
I may have been wrong about one or two things in my expectations related to how price would move, react, or trend. But, I challenge anyone to attempt to accurately predict 3+ weeks of future price trends, action, direction, or expectations as I do. If you think you can do any better than what I'm doing - go ahead and give it a try. Let me know how it works out for you.
Again, I'm not suggesting my SPY Cycle Patterns are 100% accurate, but I've never seen any other technology or AI like it. Nothing on the planet can predict the SPY/QQQ future price moves like my SPY Cycle Patterns and my own skills applied to interpreting them to reflect accurate future expectations.
We have one more week to go with the SPY Cycle Patterns, and then I have to decide if I want to continue giving this away or not. Hearing all the great comments has been fun, but I want traders to understand this is a premium solution. This is not the average comment/suggestion you get from someone else.
In my opinion, and you can make this decision on your own, this proven technology appears to work better than anything else I've ever seen. There is no place where you can see 2~3 weeks into the future for the SPY/QQQ and have any confidence in the data presented.
Get ready. We have 2~3 days of basing/consolidation before we shift into a moderately strong bullish breakout/rally phase near the 24~25 of July.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 7-20 - PineScript Project FeedbackI've been playing with this little project for about 7 hours now (off and on). Pinescript is fun once you get the hang of the syntax and how it expects objects/booleans for most of the conditionals.
Overall, I think this project is moving along nicely, but I wanted some feedback on the visuals.
I'm trying to create something that will help daytraders see and understand broad trends arising from shorter-term price swings.
I get a lot of questions related to how/when to identify key market price reversals - so I'm trying to develop a way to help traders understand and see where opportunities exist for better trades.
Watch this video and let me know if you see anything I can do to improve the visuals or color controls.
I want this to SHINE so people fall in love with it.
Thank you.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade - Building Solutions For Better TradersTo help as many traders as possible, I took on the task of trying to build a Daytrading Pressure monitoring system to identify better trends, pullbacks, and swing trade setups.
This example video was created after only about 5 hours of work on the script (debugging/testing), and I still have about 6+ more days of development before this script may be ready for public use, but...
Look at the results I've been able to achieve so far.
My work trying to recreate my Fibonacci Price Theory concepts is proving very valuable. I've created three unique FPT constructs (Standout, Unique, Ultimate), and I believe teaching this concept will greatly improve trading results for many people.
Next, I will work on my Pressure Indicator (near the bottom). Right now, it only reflects 3-bar rotations in pressure. I want it to be adaptive and dynamic, so I have some work cut out for me over the next 6+ days.
Ultimately, this tool (and others) could help thousands of traders better understand FPT and the scope of price moves at various intervals.
I aim to create a PineScript tool/utility to significantly improve traders' overall results.
I welcome any feedback you may have at this stage of development.
Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 7-19 EOD WrapUp - Learning A vs. BWhat an incredible week for all of us! The big price swings early in the week banked some big success with my SPY Cycle Patterns. Today, the bearish exhaustion pattern was much tougher to read/play for some—and that could have been my fault.
I want to review something I try to clarify in my videos - the A (Success) vs. B (Failure) concept.
I learned this from a Prop trader in the North East a long time ago. He called it "Failure To Succeed vs. Failure To Fail". It is much easier to call it Success or Failure (IMO).
My research/content is based on a simple A vs B structure.
Either my expectations will be correct (A), or they will fail (B).
I want you to be able to make skilled decisions based on the content, pattern, directions, and expectations I deliver in my videos.
As I tell many clients, "I do the research - you make the decisions."
This video will highlight WHY I never took a trade today. My expectations continued to FAIL all day long. Sometimes that happens.
There are more trading opportunities next week - right? No worries.
If you have time, please review some of my recent videos to identify the A vs B content/structures I present. I want all of you to gain success using my tools/research. Part of that is learning how I view the markets/trends.
The A vs. B structure is very important to learn - because all of my research is based on this simple technique (and a lot of Fibonacci Price Theory, which is also included in this video).
Stay safe this weekend.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 7-19 - Bearish Exhaustion??Where's the Bearish Price Exhaustion pattern I predicted? Why is price waffling downward? I thought we would see a bigger upward price reversion setup.
Yea - I know. I thought we would see a bigger upward price reversion in early trading, too.
This is how things go with the markets. You can't force them to do anything. You have to be prepared to make the best of whatever the situation is right now.
I was asked recently if I thought buying a few Call options near today's lows was a good idea (related to next week's potential rally setups). Although I won't tell anyone what to do with their trading account - statistically, starting a small "anchor position" relative to price expectations 5 to 15+ days out is not a bad idea.
I do that with my swing trades often. If I think something is going to move, but I don't have confirmation of any future price moves on my charts, I may start by buying 5~10 shares as an "Anchor Position" to remind me to keep an eye on it in the future.
I created this video to help you understand what I'm thinking and why I'm not too excited about what I see in the SPY.
Buckle up. Things may get a little crazy later today with a squeeze.
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$ES top in?We got a large reversal today which makes me think that top is in for this cycle. As you can see from the chart, price went over resistance and closed back below it which is extremely bearish.
From here, I think we'll see a move down to the first support at $4800, then I think it's likely that we bounce higher to make people think we're going to see another move higher, but instead of having a sustained trend, we'll roll over down to new lows.
My base case is that we'll see the lowest supports at $2750-2900 before we see any sustainable bull market trend form.
Let's see how it plays out.
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 7-19 : Bearish Exhaustion (Bullish)Good morning,
Today's pattern is a Bearish Exhaustion in Trend mode.
This pattern suggests the selling pressure is abating/stalling and price may attempt to revert back up to the $560-561 level over the next few trading days.
I believe price is entering a new FLAGGING formation that will resolve sometime near July 24-25 (as my SPY Cycle Patterns have predicted for over 3+ weeks now).
I continue to receive many comments from readers, and I appreciate all the love and support you've shown me.
Now, as we move into this flagging formation, we will see how the SPY Cycle Patterns can help us scale back out allocation levels (trade sizes) while we wait for the next big trending phase to start.
Remember, the SPY/QQQ will likely continue to consolidate into a tighter FLAG type of formation over the next 3+ days before we start to see a moderate bullish price breakout near July 23-24-25.
I hope you guys are enjoying all of these videos. It has been a lot of fun creating them for you. The feedback I've received has been incredible.
Happy Friday. Get Some today.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 7-18 EOD Wrap-up - Crush Turns BULLISHGood afternoon everyone,
I've been running around taking care of my father the last few days - but these big price rotations have been very exciting.
Can you believe how accurate my SPY Cycle Patterns have been over the past 3+ weeks?
I'm getting comments from people calling me the GOAT and saying how "galactic" my analysis has been to help their trading.
Well, get ready. Now, I'm building a new PineScript utility to help day traders. When I finish it, I hope it will be everything people want to help them stay on top of intraday price swings.
Watch this video to learn why the next three days are your opportunity to position for the next big price swing (Bullish).
Learn why tomorrow may see price revert higher before stalling into a sideways consolidation channel for about 2~3 days.
Then, on or after the 24th, we should see the SPY start to make a solid upward price move - leading to a bullish rally phase targeting the $606 level I suggested months ago.
Get ready; this is going to be an exciting price move for all traders.
And please share my videos with your friends if you like my work.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 7-18 - CRUSH : Answering Questions Everyone has been messaging me this morning... And I expect that to happen, especially on a day like today.
First, most people are asking me if I changed my expectations related to the counter-trend CRUSH pattern. The answer is NO - I don't usually alter my analysis. If the pattern does not do what I expect, I'm usually just sitting on the sidelines waiting for the pattern to be set up.
Second, understanding Trending vs. Counter-Trending. Remember, I use a 3 to 5-day average trend when I'm trying to identify the direction of trend. I don't like to look too far back because I've seen these patterns react to very short-term trend changes.
I still see the Counter-Trend CRUSH pattern as generally bullish. Today's early morning downward trend is a flash of buyers/longs.
Lastly, when would I try to enter any trades today? This video clearly shows why I would wait for the $555.50+ level to be breached before I try to enter any LONG trades.
I don't try to pick tops or bottoms. I've seen that/done that before, and it usually ends up VERY BAD (lol). If that's what you want to do - go for it.
Me? I'm going to wait for some type of confirmation of the upward price trend and wait out this downward price trend. Once I get solid confirmation of an uptrend, then I may consider jumping into some Longs or Calls.
You don't have to trade like a Banshee every day. All you need to do is find one or two good trades daily (if they show up). Tomorrow is another day full of opportunities.
So, sit back - watch this video, and learn to be patient. Oh, and don't try to stand in front of a freight train - you'll get RUN OVER.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Major CRUSH Pattern UpdatePlease be very cautious with today's Major CRUSH pattern. These are usually very big-range price bars, and they can be very dangerous if you are caught on the wrong side of a trend.
I suggest trading with only 25~50% of your normal capital if you are unsure how you want to trade. This CRUSH pattern will likely result in a larger open~close range than yesterday.
We are trying to see if price will hold above the $554~$555 support level. If so, we may see the counter-trend Major CRUSH pattern play out as a rally bar later today. If not, be prepared for a further breakdown in price.
We must see that the $554~555 level acts as support, and we must see the price REJECT near that level to prompt any type of price reversal.
This is going to be a "Buckle-Up" kind of day.
Don't say I didn't warn you about how big CRUSH patterns can be.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your trade For 7-18 - Mjr. CRUSH Counter Trend DayGood morning everyone,
Today's big Major CRUSH pattern in a counter-trend mode should be very exciting.
I'm expecting the price to attempt to rally upward to fill yesterday's big opening price gap. But stay cautious of potential volatility related to today's open.
Yesterday's big price rotation (and GAP) showed us that Volatility has been here all the time—maybe just slightly muted. It is not uncommon for prices to move into periods of lower or higher volatility throughout the year.
I believe today's Major CRUSH pattern will resolve to the upside (at least attempting to fill yesterday's big GAP). But I urge my followers to be very cautious of the first 2~3 hours of trading today as we may see an initial move to the downside - shaking out some longs and attempting a bit of a carryover of yesterday's selling pressure.
So, be aware that the volatility and the large range price rotation we are seeing with this exhaustion top/peak/rotation, in combination with today's Major CRUSH pattern, will likely setup the FLAG formation highs/lows I've been suggesting. From here, we should move into 2~4 days of tight price rotation before we reach the FLAG APEX.
Again, how do I know this is going to happen?
I use my SPY Cycle Patterns to attempt to identify the most realistic future price expectations and estimate where I believe price will be as it cycles through my patterns.
As you can see, even though I may be "off" a bit regarding price levels, my estimates are generally very close to what price will actually attempt to do in the future.
So, today should be a fairly volatile upward price move, setting up the upper range of the pending FLAG pattern. Then, we'll slide into the consolidated FLAG formation until Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 7-17 - SPY Looking For SupportPlease watch this video as we see the markets move into a Counter-trend Major CRUSH tomorrow.
We may see a very large reversion in price (upward) tomorrow. I'm looking for price to reject recent lows and move higher. Then, I'm expecting price to reject recent highs (from 7-16) and move downward tomorrow.
After that big rotation, I believe the price will move into a downward consolidation phase, attempting to build a FLAG before starting a big upward move near July 22~24.
Please know the strong potential for huge price swings over 24 to 48 hours. Then, we move into a more consolidated/contracted price channel (FLAGGING).
I'll post more later. Watch for price to build support and attempt to move higher into the close.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 7-17 Opening Price Update - BreakdownI created this short video to help you understand we are still cautious of a continued breakdown in price - retesting deeper support.
The breakdown pattern I suggested would happen based on my SPY Cycle Patterns played out perfectly this morning.
I expect a type of "V" shaped bottom/base to be set up, but I believe the SPY/QQQ may continue to push downward - attempting to WASH OUT longs and stress the markets before rolling higher into the close today and going much higher tomorrow.
Please pay attention to my research.
I have to say, the past few weeks of sharing my SPY Cycle Patterns on TV and trying to prove the validity of my technology have been very exciting. There is nothing like putting your neck on the chopping block by making bold predictions for price and watching to see what happens.
I was either going to find my patterns work - or find out they don't work.
Pay attention to this video because we may have more downward price trending before we find a bottom.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your trade For 7-17 - Possible Breakdown PatternI'm going to keep this short and simple this morning. Yesterday, I shared about 3~4 videos related to my SPY Cycle Patterns and how the markets were setting up for this Possible Breakdown (or as I called it, the Exhaustion Breakdown) pattern.
I even took some extra time to share a late video last night trying to prepare traders for what is/was about to unfold related to today's Possible Breakdown and tomorrow's Counter-Trend Major CRUSH pattern. You can watch that video yourselves to learn what I expect.
After rolling out of bed at 3:50 this morning (California time) and taking a look at my charts, all I can say is WOW! Nailed it!
I'm continually amazed at the accuracy and capability of my SPY Cycle Patterns as well as their ability to see into the future. I don't know of any other technology that is capable of doing what my SPY Cycle Patterns are doing. And I don't believe anyone has been able to crack the code (the secrets of the markets) like I have been able to do.
Now, these patterns are not always 100% accurate. I've warned everyone in the past (and now). There will be periods where they don't align with price very well. That happens.
Watch today's video while I sit back and watch my Puts print all morning.
What a great day.
I may try to put on some Calls later today - but at this point, I'm calling this a BIG WIN.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Cycle Pattern Update - Balancing Expectations & RisksAs part of my Plan Your Trade video series, I wanted to share some additional information on how I balance my expectations for price swings/moves with what's changing in the current market environment.
Initially, I draw my expectations based on what I see on the chart and how I interpret the SPY Cycle Patterns. From there, I watch the custom index charts I use to measure the underlying market strengths/weaknesses (behind the scenes).
Over the past 3+ days, I've been highlighting the huge moves in RSP and IYT. Traders need to understand that this strong bullish move suggests that the US market is actively relating to the end of 2024 and beyond.
However, the Exhaustion Breakdown pattern tomorrow (July 17) is very likely to represent a downward price move many traders have already positioned for. Although I expect the downward price move to stay under 2.0-2.25% from today's close, it will still be strong enough to catch some attention.
Please watch this video and pay attention to the first 10 minutes and the last 3 minutes. I want to know what all of you think of my SPY Cycle Patterns and if these videos are helping you out.
I believe the next 5+ years will be the biggest opportunity of our lives regarding how the US and global markets trend. In my attempt to help as many traders as I can, I need to hear from you. Are these videos helping you or confusing you? What could I do to improve them?
Get ready for tomorrow, and remember the next big opportunity starts on July 22 (or so).
Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 7-15 Mid-Day Update - Selling PressureGood afternoon everyone,
As I created this video, the SPY was stalling above $562, with lagging bullish price momentum.
In this video, I explain why the SPY & QQQ are not selling downward very hard (yet). I also explain why I believe the downward price trend (consolidation/correction) I believe will happen over the next 4+ trading days will only be a -0.75% to -2.0% downward price swing.
My analysis of how price will move relative to my SPY Cycle Patterns involves many factors. I rely on more than just the SPY Cycle Patterns; my research includes dozens of other metrics and custom indexes.
This video shows how strongly IYT and RSP are rallying right now. If you are going to daytrade any of the indexes, you need to pay attention to those symbols.
If IYT (the Transportation Index) is rallying while RSP (the Equal-weight S&P500 ETF) is rallying - guess what? You see forward solid expectations of a broad-sector US stock market rally. Yes, maybe 30 to 90+ days in the future, you may see ignored and undervalued symbols rally more than 30% because of what we see right now.
THAT is why I'm trying to share my research.
I want to help you become a better, more skilled trader. That includes learning to use technical analysis more efficiently and keeping track of many underlying key metrics to help balance your expectations.
Why would anyone want to swing hard for short trades when the IYT, RSP, and dozens of other metrics say, "the US stock market is REFLATING into a broad-sector rally phase"?
That is the question you need to ask yourself... Are you getting the best research/analysis to help you build skills you can keep for the rest of your life?
Follow my research. Take a minute to go back and watch some of my recent videos.
If you want to learn how I can predict market trends 5 to 10+ days in advance, then all you have to do is pay attention to what I show you. I read the charts/data - and then formulate my expectations based on what my SPY Cycle Patterns show me. If something changes, I may adjust my expectations a bit. But, generally, my expectations don't change very much.
Let's get started and learn how to distinguish these markets. Watch this video and learn. Watch my other videos and learn.
The next 5+ years will be the greatest opportunity of your life. Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 7-16 - Price Starting To FLAG OUTGood morning everyone,
Today's video should be an important warning to prepare for prices to move into a tight, consolidated, FLAGGING type of trend.
Remember, you'll hear me say price either FLAGS or TRENDS—that's it. If you understand these FLAGS are price constructs that present mechanical price structures, we can then use them to analyze future price structures. It all becomes clear that price moves in logical structures related to energy, vibration, amplitude, frequency, and cycles.
Without getting too deep into the abstract of price theory, let's focus on where to find opportunities...
Watch this video. Over the next 5+ trading days, you will find 35 very clear price swings, which I believe will provide ample opportunity for skilled traders. Beyond those 35 bigger swings, you should get ready to sit and wait (in CASH) for the bigger opportunities to set up between July 22 and 25 (for a rally to start).
Smart traders must understand you can't force the markets to move as you want. You must sit back and wait for the right opportunities for your trades (or you'll get chopped to pieces).
In this video, I've clearly laid out what I expect to see happen for the SPY/QQQ over the next 10+ days. There are still opportunities for skilled daytraders. My only warning is to START SMALL and build positions within your risk tolerance levels.
Don't swing for the fences in this market for the next 5+ days. Stay safe.
There will be more significant price swings starting on the 24th or 25th of July.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 7-15 Update - Building Support...This mid-day update to my SPY Plan Your Trade video series was probably needed as I'm getting many questions about what I think is happening today.
In short, we saw a bit of a rally early in trading, followed by a moderate pullback. Yes, today's Exhaustion Rally pattern has not shown up yet. But as we learned last week, the price can respond a bit delayed when certain types of events disrupt market trends.
I continue to suggest that the markets are attempting to settle after last weekend's big events. Traders are trying to digest what is happening and where to position capital.
My weekend analysis showed a powerful push in RSP (the equal-weight S&P500 ETF), suggesting capital is moving into a more broad-sector rally phase. I do believe that capital shift will continue to drive future rallies.
But, we also have to get through this week's SPY Cycle Patterns, which clearly illustrate the need for the markets to contract a bit (Wednesday ~ Friday) before moving into a more substantial rally phase mode near the 22~24.
Sit tight. Let the markets settle. Watch this video to see how I view support and why I'm not worried about any potential collapse yet.
Get Some.
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The reality of Fibonacci Price Theory and most Technical Analysis techniques will teach you that as long as the price stays above $559.75 (above Friday's GAP).
Buckle up.