False Profits $$$I decided to see what all the fuss about prop trading firms were.
I never really got caught up in the crypto craze.
I bought a few meme coins and had some fun learning to trade with 5x margin.
But it wasn't good enough. I wanted to experience what the real money traders were gaming.
Instead of losing tens of thousands in real money, I decided to see if I can learn futures trading by losing someone else's money first.
After all, these prop trading firms are all over twitter and youtube advertising a life changing experience by earning a "Funded Account"
Earn a real funded account by Trading Futures in a simulated account.
All you have to do is pass.. THE TRADING COMBINE!!!!
It sounds more intense than it is.
They promote strict trading plans and rules, a limited drawdown and a 2 step simulated trading combine that if you don't break any rules, you will earn a "Funded Level Account"
Sounded promising.
I quote "Funded Level Account" for a reason.
All the advertising from influencers and furus on youtube, facebook, and twitter all tell their followers to pass the trading combine and you will earn a "Funded Account"
So I set out on a mission to complete the combine and earn my funded account.
First, It's expensive. You need to pay for a monthly subscription while you attempt to complete the 2 step process.
Second, Should you break any rule for the related step, your account is disabled until your subscription is renewed, or you buy an account reset.
After a few months of trying, I finally completed Step 2 and got excited to get my hands on a real money futures trading account.
A real money futures trading account that is.
I got some bad certificate that reminds me of the ones you get from online college course.
I got a lot of congratulations, but 1 thing I didn't get, was what all the furu's were telling me I would get.
Instead, they wrap a bunch of words around other words to make it seem like you earned a real money account.
"Funded Level Account" is the one that makes me laugh the most.
Now that I completed the 2 step combine, they are only offering one of two options for a "Funded Level Account".
Pro Account - Which is just another simulated environment in which you need to earn 5k in a simulated account before you can get a real money account.
Express Funded Account - Which is just another simulated environment in which you need to earn 5k in a simulated account before you can get a real money account AND you have a liaison who apparently will monitor you risk and trades to determine if you qualify for a real money account.
They don't even give me an option for the "Funded Account" which is what I was promoted for joining.
Sorry If I sound like I'm venting, its because I am pissed.
This is more a ponzi scheme than all of crypto put together.
So I have 3 choices now, which do you think I should pursue.
A) Pro Account. No resets, If I fail, you lose the funded level.
B) Express Funded Account. Try to impress them with my charm. No resets, if I fail, you lose the funded level.
C) Get Loud. Get Legal. Get a Refund.
Let me know what you think I should do in the comments below.