$GME - Down a bit moreYeah i think i figured this all out. Not revealing anything.
-SPY moons today.
-GME/Memes don't move at all.
-SPY un-moons today/tomorrow into next week.
-GME/Memes drop more into the next 2 weeks.
PT for GME $14.xx
PT for SPY $437 today/tomorrow and then back to $387 by early March.
$GME - I was wrong... I was wrong. The run isn't over... I got faked out by the data in my last post/s. GME and the memes are going to pump more...
As you see it had reversed last week indicating we would flip to bearish this week. Then yesterday it re-flipped to bullish. I've honestly only seen this happen in June 2022 and i dont't understand what it means. All i know at this point is that the trend is your friend.
Also as you see here, it had fizzled out but then with yesterday's data it broke out. Yes it's a bloody breakout...
So yeah, i was wrong. Better get in. Also the rest of the market has also flipped to full on bear with no signs of slowing. I think this is the bull market even though it doesn't make any sense.
TLDR: There's MORE up for GME & the memes.
$GME - Here we go | Starting tomorrow or on March 6 ish. The chart above is a composite chart of: AMC, GME, COIN, HOOD, CHPT, F, LUMN, GRAB, FINV, CHPT. 3 of these are in the XRT ETF but that doesn't matter too much. This basket is the "meme" basket and it's general use as i understand is as a source of liquidity since most of the stocks inside it are illiquid like GME, LUMN and maybe a few others. I don't think AMC is illiquid, it's in fact highly traded in the swaps world as a single name stock. GME has had 1/20'th of AMC's trading volume in swapps in 2022. In 2021 they were close-ish but that changed in November/December 2021.
My preferred way of seeing the composite meme basket it in Tradingview is to copy and paste this in my Symbols/Ticker List:
This is the best variation of the basket i've managed to make in my own opinion/world. You could simply just remove the minus symbols and make everything a + if you like and that generates a really nice liquidity rich looking chart that's also quite linear and good for selling spreads which is exactly what's been happening. I've found out that for this basket, in the last quarter, around $168 mil worth of spread swaps were sold. The date of effect or expiry ( i don't remember which) was Dec 7 this year which now explains the subsequent price drop in not just GME but this whole entire basket.
About GME and what might occur next week onwards:
Data on GME has turned bullish:
Data on SPY is turning bullish too:
I believe SPY is going to retrace back to $405 within the next 15 days and with that obviously all other stocks are going to follow this oscilation and move up appropriately. This includes meme stonks just like the one we love to hate and hate to love GME.
Since i found the actual basket and was able to take my time to check it out and simplify what i see, basically i think i have the precise days of the price runs up. Since it's really close, i can tell with a lot of certainty now... It's going to start this week and will continue up to the 3'rd - 6'th of Jan (Max 9'th of Jan).
Me giving you this info isn't great as everyone i let people know the dates, everyone buys the heck out of this thing, brokers are forced to go short a share they're selling you and the price plummets, the borrow rate skyrockets and the "wen moon" date gets extended to a later date.
Seeing that people have already gone nuts on GME since Dec 23 and have forced the borrow rate up again, considering that most broker based retail traders including myself have been burned by holding short dated options and have sold them off last week, the price should start to rise back and above it's previous levels before the insane buying started.
Now if people go nuts again this could result in another muted run where people know where to buy and where to go short resulting in a very muted and quick GME run. Unfortunately there are no longer enough people that are willing to buy enough GME options for a Gamma Squeeze, that's completely out of the question and people buying 40 share lots instead of even 100 share lots aren't helping since they getting bought and grouped up by a wholesaler and lent out to others intra-day before finding other to sell their inventory to and not to mention the pennies retail is getting scalped on due to the wholesaler grouping the various orders and selling spread/lending/selling/buying at better or wider prices.
Anyway, point is, i think things happen next week. If the blue line i circled in the first pic i posted here continues to move up parabolically, we're golden and i'll know when this happens on Tuesday EOD which may already be late as i think things will start from that day, but ok... it might at least serve as some kind of confirmation.
Anyway, don't get to gree buying both shares and options... who am i kidding, do your thing. I have 438 calls $25c for next week so. Hoping to be a millionare so i can quit it all. Good luck and regards you highly regarded folk you.
Basic Analysis:
-I'm not going to add details in order to keep this simple for people. To that, i've simply drawn 3 date counting lines showing 3 x 140 day periods inside the RSI at the bottom of the chart. If for some reason you are unable to see these lines, please resize the RSI chart.
Basically, the cycles seem to be ~140 day long instead of 90 day or 60 day or 120 days as many other have tried theorizing including myself. At least that's the theory here unless i'm wrong, again.
It looks like a prerequisite for a GME/meme basket run is that the RSI has to be oversold or generally harshly treated near the weak or oversold area. As i said, not to go into details about other microcycles, i'll just be talking about the big cycles...
Now each time the RSI bottoms out on the chart above for the composite basket, 60 days later GME begins it's ~1w price run which is then followed by a market correction.
So, the next big GME price run either starts tomorrow onwards till Jan 3-9
Or it starts on March 6.
What cannot go wrong is buying at these levels since the entire basket's RSI is completely bottomed out and has spent it's time not only in RSI prison (weak spot) but also within the oversold area. Without the rest of the market moving down, it would be difficult to move the price of GME lower. At best it can be kept sideways, but that takes effort as well. The easiest thing for all sides is for the price to simply move up along with the rest of the market.
So yes. Either tomorrow for the next 10 days or in March on the 6'th ish.
You're definitely a highly regarded person if you've read this far down. Let me know down in the comments if you feel highly regarded.
$GME - $383m in swapsHi all,
$383 million in swaps traded on the 8'th of Feb and will be in effect tomorrow 10 Feb for the meme basket. Not gonna name the basket nor show the data. I'm going on a trust me bro basis from now onwards. All i'm gonna say is that we're in a basket highly corelated to Crypto and cars...
It's safe to say that we should expect moves starting yesterday and for the next 20 something days.
I'm gonna have to reverse and go bullish now...
GME - Break-out and Back-testGME - a recent break-out/back-test, Bullish MA cross on the 4-hour, VWAP and volume support are all getting me more bullish on GME.
With high volume support at this price range from last spring and early summer, looking for a rise in price heading into late Feb and early March of 2023.
Adding to shares and going long Mar 17 calls with a $25 strike.
GME day chart squeezingThe day chart is currently squeezing.
With RSI just above neutral, MACD about to change green, OBV climbing and price above the base lines there is a good change that it may fire upwards.
Crossing $23.66 will confirm a breakout of the downtrend resistance.
Not advice, do your own DD
Gme run this week?
As stated previously in my last Idea NYSE:GME has been following a clear pattern for nearly 3 weeks now. Making new highs every 4 trading days(H1,H2,H3). Last high was made 2/2 so 4 trading days from that would be this Wednesday (H4). I expect to trade flatish/down Monday and flatish/down early Tuesday and to start going up mid/late Tuesday. I believe we can reach $25 on the next new high and when we do hedging of the option chain will cause a large run up.
We are very strongly inversely correlated with TVC:VIX and as long and it keeps its downtrend I expect gme to continue its uptrend.
I am hoping gme will do something similar to what NASDAQ:UPST did last week. It too was following the same pattern gme was. When it made a new high in the $20 range it exploded upwards to $25. I believe that happened because of the heavy options interest at $20. gme was trading at 25 for 3 months so I'm hoping the options at 25 can rocket it forward. Interestingly even after breaking out upst still appers to be following the same pattern it has been indicating its run might not be over. I will be keeping an eye on it.
Failure to delivers on gme and etfs it is in have picked up again and the starting date of covering them is this week. In addition, the put/call ratio on gme has become very call skewed adding to my belief the option chain can propel us higher.
While I am hoping gme runs this week I will be happy as long as it maintains its uptrend. I would keep an eye on vix and other "meme stocks" and if they are staying on trend I will remain bullish on gme.
I have noticed that the general pattern for the next leg up is 1. vix goes down hard 2.gme iv goes down hard 3.gme goes up. So if you are thinking of entering in an options position, I would wait for gme iv to crush as a signal to buy.
$GME - Line go down, then go up *Clap*GME to $14 by early March then up Mid March. Based on said trust me bro data.
As usual any run that was to happen was muted. Only down from here before the next run.
Sorry if this doesn't fit your narrative/bias/love for the stock. Not trying to be mean, it's just how things are. By betting against the stock based on this info, a run can be caused to happen earlier e.g late February. If you leave it alone to do it's thing, it'll be March.
Toodaloo, till next time.
Extreme Risk 2/10 ZDTE BBBY Short SqueezeThis is Gambling.
Upside is 20-30X
Downside is -100%
Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. engages in the operation of retail stores and retails domestics merchandise and home furnishings. Its products include domestic merchandise and home furnishings such as bed linens and related items, bath items, kitchen textiles, kitchen and tabletop items, fine tabletop, basic house wares, general home furnishings, and consumables. The company was founded by Warren Eisenberg and Leonard Feinstein in 1971 and is headquartered in Union, NJ.
$GME - I think i caught the next runI think i've caught the next GME run. The data has been extremely unclear for a while now until yesterday's data came out which shows a strong signal for next week. I won't share the data or the PT here as not to risk things.
-Next week GME there's a chance to run.
I don't know if we will have enough time to buy on Monday or whether one has to buy today on Friday. If you're buying shares, buying on Friday should be fine. If you're buying options, the weekend theta and possible consequent IV on Monday will ruin you, you'll literally open at -80% loss on weeklies.
Obviously this means other meme stocks will go up too and so will the market as well. Right after this run is concluded, the market should finally do it's thing and "correct" itself.
No positions yet. Considering an all in here. Not sure yet and when to buy and what to buy. 85% (made up number, not based on any statistics) confident in this one. Maybe 80%...
YOU DO YOU. This signal comes at a moment where the market is overbought and the whole market is due for a pullback. Buying HERE is NOT NORMAL. It is the OPPOSITE OF NORMAL and a person with half a brain would tell you that too. Regardless, the signal for a run is very strong... Imagine seeing a GME run in a dying market... every... time... I don't know if i have the balls to go for this one yet.
In my own logical opinion, buying today is a mistake and you should wait and buy on Monday or Tuesday. In my illogical opinion, you should buy today. What i'm likely to do... one of the two... i have no idea, the two sides of my brain are fighting over this.
Gme looking good
Some people have been worried about NYSE:GME and if the cycles were dead. Good news gme looks to still be on the cycle. Bad news Nov opex was in November. Shocked Pickachu face. After falling from the August run up gme stayed flat (1) while other meme stocks like NYSE:AMC and NASDAQ:TSLA fell (2). Because gme didn't get shorted it had a weak barely noticeable Nov Opex. however, as you can see other meme stocks did have a Nov opex (and you can even see gme did too albeit a small one). No shorting no opex. This may be disappointing for people still waiting for it. Good news however is after Nov opex all the meme stocks got shorted (3) and we seem to in the middle of bouncing from that (4). In short gme was dead sept 7th -dec 7th but now appears to be back on track.
Gamestop correlates strongly with inverse VIX. Correlation broke on Oct 31st 2022 for some reason and restored Jan 6th 2023.I believe we may be playing out the Vix movement from Oct 31st onwards delayed. VIX has gone down since then so we should go up.Vix has kept its trend and should go lower today and Gme should pop today. I believe we may be playing out delayed price action from when correlation broke (labeled with a 4) Would like to see a 10% up day and to break 24 today. Other meme stocks have rebounded to the price level they were at before they got shorted down. I expect gme to eventually get back to $25-$27. Depending on optiion interest that could cause a large run up past that. Also, ftd's have started on gme again and are due in febuary further helping gme. all in all, it's been a rough several months, but everything is looking really good for a run on gme soon.
$GME Meme Basket: No ideaEnjoy the new GME basket. One stock was removed and was replaced with MARA a couple of weeks ago. I would've added APE as -APE in the formula that makes this basket, but Tradingview only allows up to 10 symbols to be combined into 1 ticker and APE is the 11'th ticker in this so...
Down to business, i have literally no clue what's going to happen.
Data says big downs, looks legit in my opinion. I have some reservations on what's going to happen so i'm keeping my eyes peeled.
In other news, FINV and GRAB are no longer in the data i'm receiving as of yesterday. No reason at all. I contacted TheOCC to see what's up with that.
Funnily enough, GRAB is IN the GME meme basket whilst another ticker called FIVN (Five9) is also in the basket whereas they removed GRAB and FINV(Finvolution). All timed perfectly with this auction error on open yesterday, all also timed perfectly well with when all of Opex Friday's volume was supposed to hit the tape yesterday but instead we got multiple chained glitches instead.
That being said, i have no idea where the market wants to move. TQQQ and QQQ are making huge moves in one direction whilst SPY is making big moves in the opposite direction. This flip happened before in Oct - December 2022 and now seems to be happenining again. I don't know what it means yet. I have no idea the direction we'll be taking. I need more data and more time. There's too many scenarios that could happen and it's impossible to pick the right one right now. We could start seeing volume on Friday due to yesterday's big OPEX volume having been FTD'd, we could see volume today from Monday's T+2 share settlement from option settlement... We could see T+3 share settlement or T+6 settlement into next week's Tuesday. We could see a move in around 33 days from now... it could be anything... So for now, i have no idea.
Guesstimate: Don't trade based on this. I think we'll have a short period of neutral trading as the flip between going short on one pair of Indices (TQQQ,QQQ) happens and shorts cover on SPY. Then we'll have a decent move up and then another move down. No idea about timeframes yet. This one is difficult to quantify. Obviously sideways for the market means downwards for GME, so... yeah.
GME Potential for Bearish Drop | 27th January 2023Looking at the H4 chart, my overall bias for GME is bearish due to the current price crossing below the Ichimoku cloud, indicating a bearish market.
Looking for a sell entry at 18.85 to form the retail double top pattern. Stop loss will be at 22.47, where the recent high is. Take profit will be at 15.43, where the previous swing low is.
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She’s tight… any volume and she’s flyingSuper self explanatory.
Check out my other posts to view my feelings on the GME saga and where I have stood. I’ve discovered some very interesting coincidences in the market all thanks to a supportive community.
I think it’s officially officially close to end game. I don’t picture her holding down past summer.
Good game apes, we won.
35-59% near term upsydeLast I posted on GME was In October - I pointed out it was an **obvious and typical** NinTendo pattern and of course it worked out.
I didn't follow up or anything as it fell from grace because why would I? DYOR or whatever. Well now I'm back from a rave roadtrip and I see that its ready to pop again:
Initial target 23.88 by 1/24/2023
Target 28.08 by 2/3/2023
Play: Go all in rn
GME all smoke and glass and reddit hype This stock was pumped only to get slowly rug pulled. The CEO and the Board do not communicate with investors at all, not a word about what the company is doing to grow, just cryptic tweets. It deserves to be shorted into the ground. Its going to under $10 before ANY meaningful movement up.
$GME - The final yolo
Not trading off my data anymore. Here's my thesis.
-Large option OI expiring this week for GME and a lot of other stocks due to leaps bought in 2022/2021.
-Going back to my old ongoing theory about SLD Tuesday (Next Week's Tuesday) where the Opex week's options e.g this week's expiring options will settle on Monday and shares on Tuesday. The bigger the amount expiring on Friday, the more the net total that needs to hit next Monday/Tuesday.
-During Opex, Wednesday - Friday is the opening window for banks to post collateral to the NSCC and OCC/Option Clearing Corporation which handles all options netting, clearing, settlement. This window opened on the 18'th and ends on the 20'th of Jan.
-BOFA made money disappear from people's accounts this week just 1 day before this window. This tells me BOFA is posting a massive amount of money towards this big opex and option clearing. The amount post netting of all these positions should be big enough to move the market really hard next week.
-Another Canary in the mine is my data here The TLDR is that IF i'm right and it's a big IF, we're in a March 2022 mode for GME where the price went parabolic around SLD Tuesday (Next Week Tuesday). I'm pushing it with this, in the data i have this is the most similar occurence to what's going on right that i found.
-For SPY's ranges, there's support at $383 (Unless that breaks in which case bye bye) and that to-be bottom coincides perfectly with SLD Tuesday (Next Week) for a nice perfect reversal (again i'm pushing it).
-IEP (Icahn Enterprises) ticker's usually drops and immediately after that we have a GME run. This is a consistent pattern over the past 2 years. IEP is yet to drop. I'm keeping my eye for it.
-Wabbuffet's (Warren Buffet) KO is pumping in this market which is normal as it's dips are bought by clever investors. It could also simply signify what the rest of the market has to flip to (bullish) by the end of the day after what i think is one final dump.
-Yesterday the price touched $400.01... again and dumped, i managed to read this one and quickly reposition my puts whilst the underlying price of SPY was at $399.80 ish and rode that down to today's low. It's done this a few more times in the past and it usually ended with us being in the $370 range... but i think this time this dump is a quick dump to a price where we can pump from next week.
This is what non data based trading looks like. I'm all in on FD's for next week. I'm confident in this one jut like i was in all my previous losing trades which means you should inverse me and buy puts. Here's my portfolio right now:
Yes it's all FD's and i don't plan on exiting with a loss early this time. I'm letting this ride until the end. I'm either going to make it, or i'm not. Tomorrow/Monday is the optimal day to buy calls, but i'm impatient and like to lose Theta. I wouldn't yolo into GME this hard unless i was really sure (of a string of conspiracies mixed with real regulations and other technical stuff). Anyway i think that i'm right so here i am yoloing it all until the end.
I think this is going to be the last Yolo and post here for a while if it fails. I have a dislike for forums where GME/BBBY is discussed as the tinfoil is deep reaching, but here i am creating my own and going with it putting my money where my mouth is. Do with that what you will.
GME (Gamestop) Price Analysis 30 Min ChartHello and good morning fellow traders! hope you are all feeling great about today.
So after watching the opening of the market this morning I came up with this idea.
GME just lost the 20.35 -21- support lvl and has dipped into the green lvl of support shown on the Ichimoku cloud.
It must hold the 17.17 -18.78 LVL of support or else GME will continue to the downside.
On the flip side ... if GME ends up pushing back and flipping the current zone of resistance back to support we could see GME go up and test the 22.84 -23.26 lvl.
Stay safe out there guys! keep your heads up ! Enjoy your day !!!
GME, APE, AMC Trading Data 1-19-22 to 1-19-23$GME
284,152,540 - Shares Traded Short Reported
4,433,987 - Shares Traded Short Exempt
491,230,683 - Shares Traded
Chart shows 2.8 Billion shared traded on the Yearly for 2022
2,869,327,325 - Shares Traded Short Reported
73,070,781 - Shares Traded Short Exempt
5,292,793,100 - Shares Traded
Chart shows 10.4 Billion shared traded on the Yearly for 2022
$APE 8-22-22 to 1-19-23
1,395,763,913 Shares Traded
28,236,308 Shares Traded Short Exempt
661,931,758 Shares Traded Short
Chart shows 2.27 Billion shared traded on the Yearly for 2022
Data is referenced from here.