Happy anniversary Bitcoin.From a 1989 article in the The Wall Street Journal, by Victor Niederhoffer, speculator:
Speculators don't only create bubbles (not sure short term speculators make bubbles happen, they might actually smooth them).
The Federal Reserve was created by a US president to separate the money supply from the government.
But they ended up being control freaks very destructive. I'll make another idea more detailed on that, in particular on the Bretton Woods system.
Satoshi in his white paper, published 11 years ago, said:
And 6 months later he said:
"The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust."
I do not know a single Fiat currency outside of the British Pound that stood the test of time.
And just 4 months after this, Bernanke told US politicians
"The Federal Reserve will not monetize the debt". Because it was temporary apparently.
Today the FED has pumped the stock market to a point where the rich are so rich and the poor so poor than 1/3 of US citizen get in debt just to eat (corporate buybacks did not help).
Europe is not better. Some countries even have negative interest rates and they are looking into "deep negative" rates, like -10% a year.
The IMF has a guide on Enabling Deep Negative Rates to Fight Recessions
The central banks are debasing currencies. And it's actually hurting the 90%. They keep pushing this pyramid scheme up.
The problem is, a peer to peer system can't even fight those low IQ central authorities, because they are just going to ban it.
They're going to have to end up in jail. The UK drifted to the right, the US drifted right, but also left, actually very far left it's scary.
Those central morons that think they are helping (are they really that stupid? It has to be intentional) won't stop, and won't let people save cash, buy gold.
So maybe citizen voting far left or right is necessary. But do those politicians understand they have to get rid of the central banks (or reduce their powers)?
All I hear is "white man bad, rich people evil, let's stop progress" it's like none of them has a clue what the real issues are.
Bitcoin reached a point where it went into a mania attracting alot of gullible unskilled speculators excited by stories of "Bitcoin millionaires".
The tech reached its saturation point, it can't scale further, and there is very low interest in using it as a viable currency.
I hope it will remain in history as a great prototype and not just a speculative bubble that cause "innocent people" to lose their shirts.
Bitcoin ended up being a ponzi/pyramid scheme, with early adopters making a huge amount of money on the back of late adopters.
But anyway, it possibly opened the way.
Central banks have done so much harm. Over and over. Just like governments trying to prevent traders from trading or forcing prices.
Take the example of oil demand being high on the east coast because it's terribly cold, and demand is very low on the west coast.
When the government forces a price, traders have no incentive to buy cheap on the west and sell high on the east (as price is not moving even with supply and demand varying).
And so on the west coast they warm their swimming pools they don't use, while on the east there is not enough Oil for everyone and people are cold.
I could list so many examples. Over and over same story.
Perhaps we could evolve into having currencies that are not completely controlled by some central authority.
The gullible victims that are dreaming of lambos would really love to see their favorite ponzi scheme be bought by everyone (greater fools).
But I have a better solution: The free market. Let's let currencies not be controlled in such a way, or very minimally, let's let the stock market not be controlled, and let them fluctuate naturally as they should.
Ultimately it does not even matter what currency we use, it's just a number to help make things convenient, to help with trade. As long as it has the basic qualities it's all good.
Central institutions hear about Bitcoin and immediately they want to control it... Risible...
Crypto gambling moonboys don't care of course, but using a crypto will serve no purpose if it is fully controlled by a central bank.
What we really need is to get rid of ultra controlling and manipulative central authorities. Central banks power must be reduced. Governments too.
Their role should be of regulation, administration, resolving conflicts, governing the military (with limitations)...
Not manipulating and spending like degens.
Look around, there are great examples of centralized systems, decentralized ones, and mixed. But I think the best ones are a fusion of both.
Just some examples off the top of my head...
Central powers have to stop sticking their filthy paws everywhere, preventing innovation and causing poverty and generally pain & destruction.
Let people with a financial incentive to do good, participate freely in the economy.
There is no simple workaround. We have to get rid of all controlling central authorities. No alternative. Just like Ron Swanson said.
Satoshi was right. We need to get rid of central institutions.
$FNMA/$FMCC Riding On Momentum From 2 Catalysts;Long Road AheadBoth Fannie Mae ( FNMA ) and Freddie Mac ( FMCC ) are rocking and rolling. Mnuchin's interview paired with the court of appeals' move against the Gov't have sparked more interest here. This is great and another potential catalyst today could add fuel to the fire.
HOWEVER, is there a motion likely before the election? I think the jury is still out on that front. We've got the election year to think about as well. My guess is short term momentum and hopefully, it retraces back to a higher support than its previous resistance range.
" So, are FMCC stock and FNMA stock penny stocks to buy or should you avoid them like the plague? In my opinion, there still needs to be some diligence had right now and don’t throw caution to the wind either...Should a Democrat beat the current incumbent, this whole “to do” may be scrapped entirely. Even though things are exciting now, make sure to keep tabs on the underlying risks and learn how to manage should those materialize...At the end of the day, if an overhaul does happen, Congress will lead negotiations. All these points mentioned would be up for discussion. Some of the more conservative ideas would most likely get taken out of the running. So, keep in mind that there are many unknowns, still. The fact of the matter is that these two penny stocks will remain under close scrutiny for the foreseeable future; this week being the next potential milestone to keep an eye on. "
Source - The Best Penny Stocks To Buy This Month? FMCC & FNMA
Ripple to be the new SDR during reset?I think it is widely known that governments want to issue a digital currency. In fact, once the next crisis occurs, credit will freeze and people will not have access to their money. Enter the government. They introduce a digital currency and people will accept it because they will be angry demanding access to their money. Government can also use the "bank run" excuse to go cashless, meaning if they do re-open the banks, people will line up to take out their cash and you would get bank runs.
Why do they want a digital currency? Simple. Tracking money for taxation. Especially for small business'. A lot of small business' can use loopholes to move cash (ie: pay a family members, buy assets etc). It is also a way to tax tips from restaurants and also tax private transactions such as private jobs or selling things on ebay or craiglist.
If we go down the path of Modern Monetary Theory or Universal Income, we would require a digital currency for smooth operations. Even the socialist economists know that if you increase money supply without increasing PRODUCTION, you have people with more money competing to buy the same number of products and services...prices will go up to eliminate any benefits from extra money. The solution? Taxation.
The government takes the role of the central bank. The MMT school knows that government will have to remove excess money supply, and they will do so through taxation.
Back to Ripple. It always gets the name of the banker coin. A lot of the true crypto enthusiasts hate it. Ripple pretty much has a partnership with every bank in every major countries. I have even spoken with bank managers telling me how the bank was very negative on the crypto bull market...however just recently they have begun to implement systems for a digital currency. Again, this is coming.
So let us consider this new theory. Could Ripple be the new SDR?
The next crisis may involve governments having to be bailed out as well as the banks. Who can do this? The IMF and the World Bank. What is a quick way for them to do this and ensure a digital currency takes place? Use Ripple (or maybe they have their own coin already, just use xRapid).
Why Ripple though? Because it is sort of like fiat. You can create as much of it as you want. The IMF will say each Ripple coin is worth say 100-1000, and then send this to governments or banks worldwide. Instant liquidity. The reason I say SDR is because it technically is the IMF currency. They can just use Ripple and rename it SDR or IMF coin since it meets their requirements and promises a digital currency.
Now ask yourself, if the banks know many people own Ripple...would they use it? It really is the xRapid system that they will use...perhaps already have their own coin.
However, I still believe we will see a large surge in cryptocurrencies as well as precious metals as a confidence crisis in government, in banking and in fiat currency looms. Human history since 3000BC is cycles of hard money and soft/fiat money. These cycles keep repeating. The Keynesian economists (modern day mercantilist economists) believe they have found a way to prevent recessions and ensure total prosperity...but they cannot admit they are wrong. Their excuse is that they did not do enough. We did not cut more rates or further negative in the case of Japan and Europe. We did not print enough money. This is the confidence crisis.
So as a trader, this will be a golden age to profit from active trading. We are about to see an amazing once in a lifetime wealth transfer.
Bitcoin AND the Libra Hearings! This will indicate the future.While some are saying that these declines are corrections, others say its a bear market.. but, I say it has a lot to do with the recent threats of cryptocurrency regulations and the Facebook Libra hearings. Keep an eye out, because Libra was put on pause until Facebook can be grilled about Libra. Libra isn't the issue, but regulations are. Just like stock markets decline on Fed Minutes, earnings, jobs reports... the crypto market is also awaiting these hearings.
I suggest to get out of the markets until there is a clear decision made on Libra and proposed regulations. If Libra gets the green light, get in, because the entire crypto market will definitely rise back up. If they decide to ban Libra, and regulate.. for SURE we'll see new lows. If you're out of the market, you'll be safe. Let's hope the Financial Senate Committee. Unfortunately, the first day of the hearings weren't great as headlines read "Senators aren’t sold on Facebook’s Libra project".
Consequences, oil surplus & dollar in troubleThe previous week provided quite eventful for the financial market. Now, the market expects the Fed to cut the interest rate this month. The probability of such outcome is 100%. So, there is a conundrum, reducing by 0,25% or 0,5 %? After two days of Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's testimony to Congress making the US dollar a weak player as a short dollar.
The current downtrend is just a beginning as the US dollar is at extremum point. In addition, as the USA monetary policy has shifted supporting bearish trend. The one and only important data will be Retail Sales Report in the USA, therefore, we sell the dollar.
Force majeure events are near term and not supporting the current market conjuncture that has been named as long-term Surplus. International Energy Agency 2Q 2019 the surplus was 900 000 b / d. As we can observe the OPEC + No. 2 did not precipitate the commodity deficit.
Since 2011 oil consumer demand growth rate is at its lows, we will sell the oil.
Trade war is the reason for all the trouble the economy is facing. China reported a data pact with macroeconomic data: GDP and industrial production growth rate, retail sales indicator.
Despite the fact that the outcome is better than expected, GDP growth was 6.2%, which is below the minimum mark of 6.5%, which the Chinese Government put in its long-term development strategy.
Earlier, China reported a decline in exports by 7.3%, and Singapore (one of the world's most export-dependent economies) reported a decline in GDP in the second quarter by 3.4% (the maximum decline since 2012).
Our trading recommendations for today are as follows. We continue to look for opportunities to sell the dollar in almost all pairs (USDJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD). Sell the Russian ruble and oil. We continue to sell the oil near the highs and buying from the lows.
RECESSION IS COMINGIf price can break this support zone and trend line then we could see further big movement to the downside, price might use this support level to bounce once more before breaking, but the overall outlook for price is bearish ( down )
The US economy is in trouble, but the government are trying to pull the wool over your eyes so you don't panic.... A recession is coming and people are non the wiser.
Fluoride Fed... What the Government Dont Want You To Know ;pOur 1st green line could be 1st sign of resistance ( 36 pips ) on this trade as it has been used before, but our yellow box is the target on this pairing ( 100 pips )
Plenty of bearish movement about at the minute, so this should be a nice quick trade.
Our purple arrows mark out where price has previously hit our support and resistance zone ( because we are nice like that and like pointing out the obvious ) ;p Actually this day and age need the obvious pointing out to them, Its probably all that tap water they are drinking! We call them the fluoride fed, As they are unaware the government are putting fluoride and other stuff in the tap water to dull your brain to make you stay in line! Bottled water sales are going to go up now hmmmmm I might run out and invest in Volvic haha.
U.S ECONOMY CRASH COMINGS&P 500 index, This is the stock market index and is made up of the 500 largest US publicly traded companies, now if you take the time to look at these companies individual stock charts like i have ( yes i have no life ) you will notice that recently some of them are in a downtrend, had a big fall or some are at or nearing all time highs so we could see some correction with the all time high stocks.
Now add into the mix that the US federal government is in $22 TRILLION of debt ( the largest debt the US has ever been in ) then add in the rising unemployment in the US 4% of the population ( 6.5 million people ) this only equals 1 thing.... A RECESSION IS COMING!!!
Now look at the chart, purple arrows are resistance which when hit last time saw a big market correction ( big drop ) Now price is coming back up to test this price again we can see another market correction on its way and where better to do this than at a previously really strong weekly resistance?
Circled in orange are all time highs, we cant see this been broken with all the information we have supplied in this analysis.
With weakness in the economy people normally run and buy gold so we could also see gold prices rise when we see a market correction, the US economy is like a bubble that is getting bigger and bigger and is ready to pop... if you are too blind to see this then more fool you.
So short the S&P and buy gold.... then laugh all the way to the closest yacht dealership ;p
KILL BRAINCELLS and BRAINWASH - the effects of TV programs todayHere we have 2 charts of the same pairing and timeframe 1 is zoomed out so you can see how strong the support level is, and 1 is zoomed all the way in so you can see how the candles are acting around this level.
We don't really need to talk about the 1st chart because it is clear as day, The 2nd chart you can see that price has really struggled to break and close below this level.
PURPLE ARROW- We can see that price finally broke and closed below this level, the bearish candle had a biggish body but also had a long lower shadow which means buyers came back into play and wanted to push price higher and back above this level, The next 2 candles confirmed this with 2 bullish candles forming.
From here we can only see price push higher after price failed to break such a key and strong support level.
See how easy it is to spot these levels, and how they work so well? so why cant everyone find these?? Probably all these reality programs they watch on TV, I caught 5 minutes of SHIPWRECKED on TV the other day and I swear it made me loose half my brain cell count, it should be called BRAINWRECKED not SHIPWRECKED! The people on there are so thick... and this is what our kids are growing up watching... we really have no hope ;p
This is just another tactic used by the government to dumb the people of the nation down and turn them into braindead zombies, get them watching dumb stuff on TV like that, because if they are watching that they believe this airhead behaviour is normal and they are staying in line and cant be learning anything else that may help them break out of the straight jacket we want them in.
Back to the trade hahahahhahahhahahah..... We are long on this trade incase you hadn't already gathered that from our analysis, and if you hadn't got this from our analysis then TURN ON THE TV AND WATCH SOME MORE REALITY PROGRMAS YOU IDIOT ;P
SCHOOLS BRAINWASH OUR KIDSAs you can se price is at a very strong support level as marked out by the orange arrows, so we are expecting a bounce and a rally to the upside.
You see how simple trading can be? So why do schools not teach the tools you need for trading if they really want people to succeed?
That's correct because they want to brainwash you and hide you from making proper money so the government can keep you in line and control you.
You go to work to pay for a lovely house that you are never in because your always at work... just so they have you by the balls and you have to keep working to pay the government there tax's.
People are set up to fail from the 1st day they go school.
Open your eyes people and don't be a brain dead zombie like they want... P.S what do you think the government are putting in your tap water? i would go and do a bit of research if I was you.
Anyway we are long on this trade.... RANT OVER ;p
The Government F#cks You Without You Even Knowing!You can see our purple arrows point out where price has been used as resistance and orange arrow are where price has been used as support.... it really is that simple!
If you can find these levels on a chart you WILL make money in the market... if not then there really is no hope!
The big boys and the government have purposely put information out there to make people believe that trading is hard just to put people off and keep them in line and in the system so they don't make money, because if everyone was rich they wouldn't be able to make money out of us.... they want us to get a dead end job and a mortgage so we are trapped and they are always making money off us to fill there pockets and power there mega yachts..... BREAK OUT THE SYSTEM YOU ARE STUCK IN!!!
The school system is set up so we fail, teaching us stuff we don't really need, telling us that if we go to university we will be better off... but most students come out of university thousands in debt and end up working in McDonalds... work that 1 out.
Then there are so many fake ass traders out there on social media flashing money, cars and houses about saying they got all them from trading forex.... the idiots couldn't even trade Pokemon cards, these idiots are probably put out there by the brokers in order to get people to join, deposit money and then loose it all because the MILLIONAIRE FOREX TRADER they believed is just some idiot who lives in his mums basement, And now the broker is sitting back counting your money.
Anyway the moral of the story is..... Find these levels on the chart and don't believe everything you see and read....... RANT OVER :p
SP500 big fall coming SP500 is destined to reach the key resistance before it can determine whether the trend is bullish or bearish. After the December crash, the price is almost completely absorbing the losses and is moving towards the EMA200 passing through the 2690 points: this is the level that will determine the future of this index for the first months of 2019: an upward break will ensure that SP500 can reach the next key resistance ( the one placed at 2815 points) in a few sessions and then try to stretch towards the previous highest level; a rejection by that level will mark the beginning of a new corrective wave that should end with the reaching of the support area at about 2200 points. So far, with the current fundamental scenario the second hypothesis is the most probable. As soon as there are both technical and fundamental confirmations, we will position ourselves in the market.
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$SPY is *blindly bullish* and I'm not falling for it anymoreThe last 16 days of SPY have been this ever ending bullish movement. We're almost at the Pivot point, but I'm taking put options early.
Expiration - March 15 2019 (56 days)
Strike - 260 puts
Stoploss - If SPY goes above 270.36
Target - 245 by EoM February
Cup-&-Handle in the TBT- Interest Rates Going Higher, Tax Probs?Hold tight for this ride, there's a variety of reasons why bond prices will stagnate or fall.
Interest rates should rise and be higher than they are now; "should" certainly isn't a reason for something to happen, but there are scant monetary policy maneuverings available for the Fed to keep interest rates low and by extension, prop the stock market up much longer.
The TBT - ProShares' 2x Short 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF - is an exchange-traded fund that seeks to double the inverse of the U.S. Treasury Bond index on the daily. When bonds do poorly from falling prices and/or higher yields, TBT rises and seeks to double the fall of long-term treasuries.
There's a lot of reasons treasury bonds don't look so hot in the foreseeable future.
Let's first be honest about the state of the economy - it's not doing as well as the Fed and economic experts might lead us to believe.
1. Data continues to show GDP is not as strong as predicted.
GDP estimates are coming out crazy high. It's alarming to watch as the real numbers are revised lower and lower.
2. Input costs of all types are rising.
Trade concerns and commodity shortages are leading to higher input costs in sectors across the board.
3. Unemployment numbers don't reflect reality.
The unemployment numbers themselves might be valid, but the way they are calculated today is misleading. Experts claim that unemployment for college degree holders is below 2%. If the assessment is based on simply whether or not degree holders have a job, that might be true - but the numbers are false with regard to the reality of America's employment situation; an engineering graduate who is cooking pizzas for $8.50 an hour might have a job, but their pay grade is a fraction of what it would be if they could find employment in their field. Record-low unemployment numbers are no good when it means law school graduates are working as office receptionists and scientists are waiting tables, etc., and that's a more prevalent situation than what experts might lead us to believe.
4. The tax cuts aren't - and won't - help the middle- and working class as intended.
The stated goals of Trump's tax cuts were to repatriate offshore money and bring corporate tax rates to competitive levels with countries like China. Those goals may be becoming realized, but the end result is not beneficial for the little guys. We've heard feel-good stories of employers tossing out $1,000 bonuses to employees, etc., but the reality is companies are using the favorable tax situation for stock buyback and M&A (merger and acquisitions) - and as a whole that benefits people at the top much more than professionals in the middle or workers at the bottom.
So, the overarching situation is this: tax cuts aren't helping the everyday worker as much as experts might expect, and workers may be finding employment but they are underemployed and underpaid.
Bottom line? Lower tax receipts with unfettered government spending will mean the U.S. Treasury will need to issue bonds.
Bond prices will flounder and yields will rise - just as the Fed will presumably need to start printing money (QE 4?) - begging a couple questions:
How are bondholders going to get paid?
How is the strength of the dollar going to be maintained?
Simply put, there are fundamental reasons for the price of the TBT ETF to climb higher. Similarly, there are technical reasons for the TBT to rise too - a cup-and-handle has printed in TBT's chart. This indicates higher prices in the future.
A TBT trade is a little more involved than most, but could pay off with big returns on investment as the story plays out.
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Thanks again!
See it on the site: holsturr.com/category/markets/charts/
** For speculative and research purposes - good luck! **
Why I Think Bitcoin Is a SELL!!!All right traders, I do not comment much on the bitcoin market, but I have seen just a ton of people all over the internet spitting nonsense about how bitcoin is going to $40,000 and this is just a small correction. So I wanted to put out a video talking about what I see on the charts technically and why I think fundamentally its a bad long term investment.
I'm sure this video will tick off a bunch of you bitcoin apologists, but oh well. Thats the beauty of the markets, you can be on either side.
Good luck and good trading.
I'm not yet bearish, but cautiously!In my opinion the markets are overheated and a recovery is soon overdue. On top of that, Trump has to prevent a "goverment shutdown" until this weekend. If this doesn't work out, it could at least lead to a small market correction. That's why I'm going to expand my cash position.
BTC - When Will The Overall Market Sentiment Become Bearish?We have been in a bearish market for a month now and for crypto enthusiasts this is just another healthy correction before the price blasts past 20K and, once again, silencing all the haters. Other people are feeling smug or in despair because they knew Bitcoin would never end well!
Looking on Twitter, YouTube and Reddit, the overall market sentiment is definitely still bullish with 80% of people are saying they are either HODL'ing or buying. However, the majority of people that are selling are probably not shouting about it. Bitcoin has dropped 50% in the past month in the shape of the flag continuation pattern (ignoring the noise). The volume has generally been decreasing, which is required for the flag formation, and we have hit the 0.618 Fib retracement from the recent move. On top of all this, RSI, Stochastic RSI and MACD all point towards on oversold area. All of these technical indicators favour the bulls!
In a market that has become glamourised by its profit potential, it has become the go-to for everyday people to make some quick money. These are the weakest hands and they are most likely to fold. There has been a lot of talk about regulation by Korea, China, France and now a German Central Bank Director has called for International cooperation in regulating it. The pressure is heavy and the fact that the price is declining makes it twice as worse. In my eyes, these pieces alone aren't enough to make Bitcoin plummet however we look forward to what news lies ahead.
This bloodbath serves as a reminder that we are in an extremely volatile market and we should always have a plan for every trade we do! This becomes ever more important when we are on a winning streak and we get complacent. In some ways, Crypto is the best market to learn about trading strategy as it is as punishing as it is rewarding.
I am looking for the end of the retracement to be no further than the 0.618 level drawn from Aug 15, around the $8000 mark. I will set my buy orders around this mark and if we do find support here then my first target would be $20k. If it breaks down from here, I think the overall market sentiment will turn bearish and then I will only keep my core holdings. I think there will be many news outlets claiming this bubble has burst but I would advise everyone to look for the next buying opportunities! Out of all the bubbles in the past, I think this is most comparable to the Dot-Com bubble as these technologies have an application to the world that is open for anyone to build upon. I believe in any event, the blockchain technology will prevail.
GOLD mine site explosion is imminentGold price explosion upward seems to be so imminent.
And Given the trend following method, when the candle closes over 1400 around the 1 month timeframe, new spot entry would be nice in the super long term.
Good luck
Inflation is coming, Save your money in your saving accounts.
$BVTK Bravatek Now Listed Gov Contract Holders (SEWP) Order Page
Encrypt 1 patent info. Case docketed with examiner on 6/13. What does that mean? investorshub.advfn.com … OTC:BVTK
Cellucci has higher clearance in the US government than even the providers of the SEWP contract
- Business is all about connections, and cellucci has connections to very large agencies and corporations
- Bravatek has submitted several 8ks and are waiting for the lawyers and service providers to approve and file them, as they are very rigourous in making sure everything is perfect
- They have sold Ecrypt one, and have not only governments interested in Ecrypt one but also corporations
- They are already producing revenue, and have 8 IDIQ contracts being leveraged
- Viking telecom services is already producing revenue, and has the opportunity to generate substantial revenue. Towers are run by governments agencies like the NSA, CIA, ect and they lack the work to maintain and operate these towers. My opinion is that we see government contracts for the telecom services as well for that reason.
- Ecrypt one was developed by a leading Microsoft engineer (Ian treleaven) and is so different and advanced that it would even make microsofts head spin.
-Company is in talks with many equity investors, and people/firms who would like to acquire Ecrypt One or even Bravatek as a whole
- The firms that Bravatek has partnered with through the alliance marketing program are companies with products that can incorporate Bravateks products into their own and vice versa
Cellucci has turned around Bravatek, and now it is time to head in the direction opposite of which we turned around from, which means we are going north. I personally believe this is going to be a very successful company and I hope we don't get bought out lol