price has already ran the london algo yesterday playing above its target of 75. this will lead to chaos and traps as price tries to meet its order by wednesday 3 pm. much faith in the higher side has been taking out . now price will use the weak energy of the trades to lift to new highs leaving all sellers trapped for greed. if price closes just one point under 75 then it will without a doubt come to 3953 before tracing back up to the current 80 level. but before we get those depressing swing lower some relief must be made to bring hope back to the public. many think the Americans beast is dead but it wont go down without a bright flame setting all disbelievers in flames and burning all doubt in the market of who is the once great king of the world.
these stories and narritives is already priced in two weeks before they are present in market conditions. if you search for the light u will open your eyes to the truth of price .
The Greatest Depression (coming soon)The current Dow Jones overlaid with the Great Depression crash. This will not be a 2008 rerun, this will be lining up for 4hrs on the street for a bowl of soup next level shit. It will most likely usher in the end of debt base currency. The 19th of July 2021 will be a day for the history books.