The "House of Commons Circus" ContinuesAt this point markets have priced in the support for a Brexit extension of at least one-quarter. The votes today and tomorrow are unlikely to affect EURGBP significantly.
We are still tracking the same break to the upside that we have been for the past few weeks. There is a chance of a small move lower here with the headline on the extension of A50, however, risk investors are going to be underwhelmed with the coming weeks and this will be the catalyst for our break.
Round 2 is in play for the House of Commons tonight. The house are voting on whether it supports leaving the EU without a deal. Markets are overwhelmingly expecting this to be rejected, leaving the possibility of a Brexit extension (round 3) tomorrow the most likely scenario.
The pressure on brexiteers to deliver Brexit is mounting and my base case is for the deal to eventually pass meaning the UK will leave the EU with a Hard Brexit and the Pound will have to devalue to offset the immediate loss of access to the global trade stage.
Best of luck.