FTRP equilibrium watchFTRP is currently undergoing weekly consolidation (high, low, lower high, higher low, lower high...)
As shown on the daily, the bullish engulfing candle looks great. However, there is strong resistance the top of this pennant/triangle/equilibrium whichever you name it.
We would need to see some major surge in activity pick up here for a decisive break. *Be alert of potential false breakout*
The scenario that would be ideal for bulls is one more pullback into the trading range to cool off the oscillators, before lift off. The tighter the range gets, the more explosive the move.
Note how the resistance is the .786 fib - if we pull back I prefer to play the break of horizontal resistance rather than descending angles of a triangle - this is more reliable -
the chart is showing you 3 upper wicks on daily candles at this area - sellers are distributing their stock here. In order to get on the move, the sellers must become exhausted enough to
break through their distribution level.
Taking a position on the break of the triangle at a lower level is feasible for those who want to load up more size for bigger gains - but don't lose sight of the
.786 being major resistance and plan accordingly.
An aggressive bull strategy when facing a pullback would be to play off the .618 or .5 fib levels from the swing high to low, and then add more on a clear break of the .786 to the upside (pyramiding)
There are a few ways it can play out from there (back test some supports after break, run away etc)
With this information come up with a plan for how you will handle various scenarios and where to take profits (previous high, fib extensions, measure move of the current structure)
Disclaimer: This is NOT investment advice, I am not a financial advisor, do your own research. Adhere to proper risk management, position sizing, etc.
Like and share this post if you found it informative, and please comment below - tell me what you think!
NNOX: TSLA OF HEALTCARE?After successful breakout above 51, NNOX has been retracing to test the newly formed RBS.
Fundamentally, it has had a successful launch of its futuristic looking NANOx.ARC, which design can only be seen in Startrek or Starwars movies before this. This could provide major tailwind for NNOX as Xray imaging is one of the most essential diagnostic process especially during the current era of chest & lung loving virus.
Looking to enter at current level and hold forever.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an investment advice nor a buy call. This is just some analysis of based on some technical factors coupled with just a little or totally nonexistent fundamentals. This analysis is based on lagging (past) data (ie historical prices) thus any forward looking statement is just based on perceived highly probabilistic assumption(s) to assist personal trading decision.
ONEM: Potential Runner Forming A Cup and HandleInteresting setup here in ONEM. Creating the handle here with a nice risk reward skew. Could be worth a look
JNH Resumes Uptrend? Trade Setup (>100% Potential Profits)Hello Fellow Traders,
Here we are looking at Jack Nathan Medical Corp (JNH) on the TSXV. As we can see, this is a relatively new chart which rallied throughout October, reaching a high of $2.72.
The price has since corrected and formed a bullish falling wedge pattern. Additionally, following a breakout from the wedge, it has printed a double bottom in the $1.10-$1.15 range. Prices are now trading above the 10, 21, 50 EMAs on the 4H chart. We can see increasing volume, the RSI has risen above 50, and the MACD is increasing as well, all bullish signals.
Depending on how quickly this chart picks up, we could see massive growth, so I have marked some potential paths for the next bullish wave. Prices can easily move up from here. In the long term, a breakout past the high of $2.72 would allow for additional growth, with a target at the 1.618 Fib level of $3.70 (+184%). A potential trade setup now may be:
Entry: $1.20-$1.40
Targets: $2.10 (+61%) | $2.70 (+107%) | $3.70 (+183%)
Stop loss: $1.05 (-20%)
Let me know what you think down below and leave a like if you appreciate the analysis. Also, check out my profile or some of the related ideas below and be sure to follow for more chart analyses and profitable trade setups!
Price at writing: $1.30
The biotech revolution (crisis, collapse, rebuilding)Hello
I still think the next bull market will probably include biotech, high tech, renewable energy.
After a violent bear market there might be a new peak civilisation, in the past they all happened during climatic peaks (Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Europeans/British empire), I do not know if the cause was rather the heat or the CO2 itself.
Now the roman republic had those big socialist issues, the assassination of Caesar 1 year after he reduced the number of romans on bread welfare (conspiracy theory, his position surely has not helped) and then after civil wars here comes the Roman empire, 17 years after Caesar assassination so ye it might take a while. The roman empire peak is considered to be around 250 AD, but we are not after the peak we are after catching the uptrend early on.
Right now I only see very short term speculation as making sense. It could be 3 decades or more before getting real investments, things take a great amount of time.
Pretty sad we'll all be old by then. It could come faster, in particular from the emerging world.
Scientific research is very correlated to GDP, and looking at the number of papers published we can see the US continues to lose dominance, and all european countries and Japan are not in an uptrend, while China, Iran (yes Iran), middle east & african countries are on double digit growth. Another reason than GDP is westerners (and japanese) are encouraged to work in finance & business (the best ones I mean) whereas in poor countries their best most shiny glamorous goal is PHD and such.
In France since the 1790s (the revolution) universities got destroyed and rebuilt, and the best students go to "grandes écoles" (tertiary education schools) that mostly creates managers & engineers. When I was a student the word "university" really had a smell of poop and all the double digit IQ trolls that smoke in class and don't care go there. Populist/socialists want "equality" and "no discrimination" and "everyone welcome" (zero selection) and so on so universities stay trash. The revolutionaries were so mad they chopped off the heads of many recognized scientists (Lavoisier worked as a tax collector and back then people really hated taxes they did not ask for more).
US universities are an absolute joke as the world must have learned by now. No selection, no elitism means a decline in quality. Gender studies, wokism, politicized science and dogmas do not produce progress, actual science does! The UK seems to be the same.
On top of universities being absolute crap in the west (France since the revolution, UK & US since what... the 2000s? It was a progressive decline), the people that make the decisions do not bother reading papers with a critical mind, you got actual doctors that would much rather read the newspaper, if me an engineer specialized in electronic payments that gambles on currencies can read those papers and in at most a few hours figure out the basics about specific issues they should really be able to. And these authorities are completely disconnected from reality, anyone that disagrees with anything they say no matter how idiotic it is gets called "conspiracy theorist", they are stuck inside the most ridiculous dogmas.
On that subject, to make things more "practical", here is a great example:
=> "Authorities" step their foot down and angrily claim that genetics is not essential and funding should go to a more immediate need which is aids research because "wE hAvE tO sAvE LiVeS" (typical politician argument with work with the 100 IQS and does not let people disagree with, who would say "no let's leave them to die we have more important things to do")
=> Genetic research comes up with a cure for Aids.
=> 🤡
Did these politicians get held accountable? Of course not! Half of them are dead, most of the other half is now doing something else, the public has obviously forgotten and does not even understand any of this anyway. This is very real. And it is a big deal.
One other issue with healthcare is the horrendous economic model.
The grandchildren of singers will own the rights I don't know 70 years later but hey, someone makes a great discovery and first it costs a fortune to get an authorization (making sure only very big centralized companies can afford those) then "bEcAuSe hEaLtH iS nOt FoR pRoFiT" I think they have 5 years (don't quote me here) to sell it before all the generic treatments can come. So the business plan is broken. Then you have all these old medications (Chloroquine...) that are cheap and no one wants to experiment on them, big pharma won't because they won't get their money back, and the government won't because as they have proven for the past 10,000 years they are useless and terrible and slow.
In the US since the recession (2008) workers have gone from mostly working in small businesses (it lasted for generations) to mostly working in big or very big ones, and covid is the euphoria in this bubble with small and medium sized businesses dying and huge ones making record profits. So the entire capitalist system is bound to go boom.
More specifically, in the domain of health the whole process has to be reworked. Hey, and who created all the problems once again? This duhsdhjing government!
It's always their fault. Everything is entirely their fault ALL THE TIME. And we really have reached a point where they are complete sheep and idiots that get their info from the freaking media, from some idiot that thinks a lost plane might have entered a black hole is their source. You thought they were getting super military grade data? Hahaha no they get it from some biased newspaper that has no clue what they are writting about. At that point they are even recruiting representatives by placing surprises in Christmas crackers and mentally disabled people that struggled to wait tables end up in congress.
Another issue is accountability, french government say they'll pay for vaccine secondary effects so first of all the people that produce those do not do that much testing, second governments either, and third there are I think about 100 official (god knows how many unofficial) cases of people with very bad secondary effects from the H1N1 vaccine and none has gotten any of the money promised by the governments that would "cover" for the pharma industry (eager beavers, I wonder how many of them laughed and belittled skeptics also calling them "antivaxxers", I might be an idiot "antivaxxer" but I don't randomly drop down and sleep in the middle of the street so who's the idiot now?). They're pushing now what is not just a new vaccine but a entirely new tech, as interesting as it is just... mass vaccinating people with something entirely new is as stupid as it gets call me anti-vaxx all you want history will not be kind to them. Vaccine, or any medicine is just like an investment, if the risk reward stinks you avoid it. (Theorical example) Taking a vaccine that kills 5 in a million and cripples 100/1 million to prevent an illness that kills & cripples no one is idiotic.
Science in general has been a hoax, or a religion if you prefer, for a while and the public is only now hearing about it, so things might actually start to move.
Of course today's useless politicians have done nothing about it they are even a major part of the problem and they will pretend to be the solution after the lowest of the low dumbest "dumb money" is aware of the issue. We're talking ripple investors at that point, even ripple investors understand at least healthcare is in a crisis.
There is a problem with who is getting the financing (the dogma sheep not the innovative free thinkers), how the info is distributed (decorated genius gets censored, dum dum parrot gets broadcast to the world), the rights to medication or call it intellectual property, the accountability of secondary effects.
I do not know biotech very well, and it might be way early (or not, I have no idea), but I am sure of 1 thing I will get my info from innovators at the forefront of progress not from broken media that can't even repeat correctly 10 years later.
Unless we fall into complete communism and as long as these issues I described (the economic model) get improved - this can take a very long time and I do not know how to predict how long it takes for the info to reach certain people's brain - there will be a phenomenal expansion in the healthcare business.
Even if the west goes insane, the world is not restricted to it. Let it decline, the Middle East & China will take over.
It may take time but we are not in antiquity anymore, it could go very fast, still as Warren Buffet so wisely said some things cannot be rushed it still takes 9 months to get a baby from a woman, but hopefully the whole process will take less than a century.
I wish I could find a good chart on Roman gdp/capita to see how fast it went up and so on, wouldn't that be great, please let me know in the comments if you have one. All I know is Egypt & Italy were rich, Gauls were poor plebes, and the rest was in between.
The contaminated blood scandal, the thalidomide distribution scandal (called a wonder drug at the time), they are going to look like minor boring stories compared to what is coming. The entire system is broken. History will not be kind to the dogma people, and I will be proven right as usual :/
$AMGN - NR Picks Nov 22Amgen se dedica a descubrir, desarrollar, fabricar y ofrecer terapias humanas en todo el mundo. Se centra en las áreas de inflamación, oncología / hematología, salud ósea, enfermedades cardiovasculares, nefrología y neurociencia.
La compañía tuvo una reacción positiva a inicios de mes cuando presentó una actualización de su fármaco para la psoriasis, durante el mes el precio de la acción fue cayendo hasta estar cerca a los niveles pre-reacción.
Este retroceso se ve como una oportunidad para Amgen , recordemos que esta compañía es una de las mas importantes del sector. Creemos que el interés de los inversores durante el mes ha cambiado a compañías que están brindando actualizaciones sobre el desarrollo de la vacuna contra el COVID-19.
Amgen Nears a Death CrossMany stocks have hit new highs this month, but Amgen isn’t one of them.
The biotech may be showing signs of topping out. The main thing jumping off its chart now is the falling 50-day simple moving average (SMA). Current prices have dropped back to the 200-day SMA. If the trend continues, it could produce a “death cross.”
Next, why is AMGN’s 50-day SMA falling? The reason can be found on October 8 when a potential heart drug failed to reduce death in a phase 3 trial. Its partner, Cytokinetics , lost more than 40 percent of its value on the news.
Third, AMGN’s last peak occurred at almost exactly the same price around $241 where it ended 2019. It’s back in negative territory YTD and at risk of potentially bearish window dressing into December.
Fourth, stochastics have been overbought -- even as the stock made a lower high versus early October.
Finally, relative strength has been poor in big pharma. Most of the gains in health care lately has been in HMOs, hospitals and medical devices. For an example of the weakness, just look at Pfizer or Gilead Sciences. Even with Covid products, they haven’t been able to advance.
Investors should always be wary of stocks falling when the market’s rising because it can foreshadow broader distribution.
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Swing trade *AUVI*
Not much data due to company time in market but here is what I have:
Entered position today in small increments.
Chart shows a bounce off area of
S1(Support) and looking to make it way to P(Pivot point)
Neutral outlook here with a very bullish outlook should it go back up past $7.90.
Stop loss @ 5.0 4.97
*indicators used*
-Supertrend V1.0
*Please leave a like if you found this useful*
Sector: Health Technology
Industry: Medical Specialties
Applied UV, Inc. engages in the design, manufacture, development, and sale of infection prevention UV products for the healthcare, hospitality, and residential industries. It operates under the Disinfectant and Hospitality Segments. The Disinfectant segment designs, manufactures, assembles, and distributes automated disinfecting mirror systems for use in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The Hospitality segment manufactures fine mirrors specifically for the hospitality industry. The company was founded on February 26, 2019 and is headquartered in Mount Vernon, NY.
BLACK SWAN PESSIMISTIC SCENARIO WIG20This pessimistic scenario is based upon current state of healthcare services in Poland which were underfinanced for many years and have very limited resources in qualified personell and equipment.
There is significant lack of nurses and doctors in Poland not mentioning available hospital beds which means the system is near its breaking point.
Recents countrywide protests could lead to epidemic spread of Covid 19 infection which will soon paralyse healthcare sytem and force goverment to freeze everything.
Careplussupport level at 3.20
Resistance 1 : 3.50
Resistance 2 : 3.85
medical gloves are on demand globally so investing in careplus till 2021 shouldn’t be an issue. *Profitable company *
If you bought at the higher price my suggestion is use this formula call (buy on deep)
Buy On deep at 3.25
It’s helps you to lower your total unit price (Lower price vs more units in hand )
Careplus projection to 4rm in 2weeks time
Healthcare Critical LevelTechnical Analysis
The 200ema has been tested several times, and has worked very well as a mid-term support level.
Risk reward ratio is easy to set-up with a 3:1 ratio approximately.
Sector & Industry Analysis
It is important to note that the industries inside the sector have different performance, which has been very useful to analyze what the market thinks of the risk of healthcare with the election coming up.
The following list is the Healthcare Industries with a 6-month performance % move, as well as a some good ETF to follow/trade:
Healthcare Technology --> +56% // have not found appropriate ETF.
Biotechnology --> +21% // XBI (smaller biotech), IBB (large-cap biotech), ARKG (genomics)
Healthcare Equipment --> +19% // IHI
Healthcare Providers --> +5.51% // IHF
Pharmaceuticals --> -1.3% // IHE
Unheard gross margins of 95% and a $800B TAM : $GDRXGoodRx is a free-to-use service that allows Americans to find the lowest-cost prescription drugs in their area. The company makes money by receiving a commission for every prescription order filled via its coupons, which are accepted by nearly all 70,000 pharmacies across the country.
-Most Downloaded medical app in US with 4.8/5 rating(700,000+ reviews)
-Partnership with Kroger
-Competing with TDOC with the launch of HeyDoctor
- Rising prices of pharmaceuticals and their mission is to lower the cost of healthcare
-95% Gross margin (What?!?!). 30% Operating margin.
- $75M Free cash flow.
- TAM $800 Mn
- NPS 86
- 4.6/5 Glassdoor
- Founder led
1. P/S of 37.1 and 201 PE. Average PE in healthcare is 24.
2. IPO hype(good for trades though)
3. 94% of top line revenue still coming in from prescription stream(concentration risk?) which grew 42% Q1.
4. Regulations
5. International expansion?
6. 4 holders own 60-65% of the company(Both good and bad)
1. Wedge breakout
2. Potential base of Cup.
3. Low volume on Pullback
Not a long term position yet. Swing trade.
Entry : break of 52
Stop loss : 49 (-7.8%)
Dialysis solution may have bottomed following IPOI want to thank Vara and Ericrock on the Atlas Trading server for calling this one to my attention. For the same reason that I loved the shape of $ZI and $LMND I see a similar pattern of a poor IPO response that has (possibly) bottomed out. Potential upcoming catalysts could be in response to CA Prop 23 which would add additional regulations to dialysis clinics if passed.
SPHealth 2 Week Comparisons (Oct 7-20 2020)SPHealth - Growth Analysis & Comparison - Cindicator Poll Submission (October 7th - 20th 2020)
I've been looking through my Cindicator questions, making forecasts and watching markets as new polls pop up. Here's a comparison chart for 5 major S&P health companies and my rankings forecast.
(Descending order from most growth to least)
United Health Group Inc (UNH)
Abbott Labs (ABT)
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Pfizer Inc. (PFE)
Merck & Co. (MRK)
This forecast will be explicitly graded by total growth % comparisons of opening prices on October 7th to closing prices on October 20th across the 5 aforementioned companies.
As of right now before 10-9-20 daily market open, the percentage growth is as follows:
UNH +1.9%
PFE +1.87%
JNJ +1.56%
ABT +1.1%
MRK +0.54%
When looking at a specific metric within the already completed duration since I submitted my forecast, overall recent growth is:
UNH +2.82%
PFE +2.66%
JNJ +2.24%
MRK +2.22%
ABT +1.62%
10-9-20 Forecast Adjustments:
Now that I have seen the last 2 days play out, I'm starting to notice a couple things about my forecast and actual live value.
I'm confident that United Health will still outperform, but this outlook could change if any major market sell off occurs before the 20th. Pfizer looks like it could be a strong runner up, and I may have flubbed my original forecast by ranking it 4th in growth. Johnson & Johnson is performing approximately as expected. Merck and Abbott Labs could be tricky to pinpoint exactly without some further research and analysis but, I'm guessing that Abbott may come in 4th place if everything settles after any quick rallies that should happen. If a light pump in Merck occurs over the 19th-20th, then there could be a small chance it outperforms Abbott for 4th but it feels like an unlikely scenario.
After these deliberations, I've decided my forecast doesn't need much adjusting other than to swap the placement of Pfizer and Abbott. My updated forecast is as follows:
United Health Group Inc (UNH)
Pfizer Inc. (PFE)
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Abbott Labs (ABT)
Merck & Co. (MRK)
One thing to note is that I believe TradingView is not calculating its percentage scale correctly, its placing the 0% Y axis at the close value of the first candle used to calculate growth. So this graph is really just more for me to check my own work by hand, as the percentages on the left will not accurately portray what is actually being graded by Cindicator.
I'll check back in after the 20th to see how this turned out!
Thanks for tuning in :) Disclaimer, I am not responsible for any losses incurred while attempting to use my data, I hope this can prove to be some sort of learning tool for some and give insight as to how I personally come up with my own numbers. Take into full consideration this could be a completely bad forecast. Cheers
Genomics ETF --> breakout & measured moveARKG broke out of the parallel channel with strong volume (over 110% tan average 10-day volume).
When there is a break-out, the 5sma tends to be a good rule of thumb to follow the short-term trend; and not lose to much if there is a failed breakout.
RSI shows we are still not overbought at 67; but with strong buying.
Using the bottom level of the parallel channel to calculate a measured move; puts ARKG around $75.
$LMAT can rise in the next daysContextual immersion trading strategy idea.
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. designs, markets, sells, services, and supports medical devices and implants for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease worldwide.
The demand for shares of the company looks higher than the supply.
This and other conditions can cause a rise in the share price in the next days.
So I opened a long position from $33,45;
stop-loss — $32,46.
Information about take-profits will be later.
Do not view this idea as a recommendation for trading or investing. It is published only to introduce my own vision.
Always do your own analysis before making deals. When you use any materials, do not rely on blind trust.
You should remember that isolated deals do not give systematic profit, so trade/invest using a developed strategy.
If you like my content, you can subscribe to the news and receive my fresh ideas.
Thanks for being with me!
$AVDL can fall in the next daysContextual immersion trading strategy idea.
Avadel Pharmaceuticals operates as a specialty pharmaceutical company in the United States, France, and Ireland.
The demand for shares of the company looks lower than the supply.
This and other conditions can cause a fall in the share price in the next days.
So I opened a short position from $5,23;
stop-loss — $5,89.
Information about take-profits will be later.
Do not view this idea as a recommendation for trading or investing. It is published only to introduce my own vision.
Always do your own analysis before making deals. When you use any materials, do not rely on blind trust.
You should remember that isolated deals do not give systematic profit, so trade/invest using a developed strategy.
If you like my content, you can subscribe to the news and receive my fresh ideas.
Thanks for being with me!