Ichimoku Showing a nice breakout HOPEFULLY on XLM - Stellar L!!!This is a financial data and news portal, discussion forum and content aggregator. Content creators, instructors, and any other material are not brokers/dealers, we are not an investment advisers, we have no access to non-public information about publicly traded companies, and this is not a place for the giving or receiving of financial advice, advice concerning investment decisions or tax or legal advice. We are not regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
How to set the RIGHT Stop loss!Hey hey traders!!
Setting the "right" stop loss is a vital skill, yet for many traders... its a random act. This video will help you find stcutrue in setting the right stop loss, a stop loss that has the best chance of not being hit and allowing your trade to workout!
For us that comes down to basics:
1. Use the ATR value
2. Enter only via the fibs (definite entry)
and by following this process we have achieved great things so far, even increased our win ration by a solid 12% in February (since we added it)
If you have questions, feel free to ask!
All the best and good luck trading!
Trading Stocks vs Options: Which Is Better? I’m Markus Heitkoetter and I’ve been an active trader for over 20 years.
I often see people who start trading and expect their accounts to explode, based on promises and hype they see in ads and e-mails.
They start trading and realize it doesn’t work this way.
The purpose of these articles is to show you the trading strategies and tools that I personally use to trade my own account so that you can grow your own account systematically.
Real money…real trades.
Stock Trading vs Options Trading
Stock trading vs options trading, what should you trade? What is better? Is it better to trade stocks or is it better to trade options?
That’s what we’re going to talk about today.
I will also show you practical examples from trades that occurred today, so let me jump onto the desktop.
Now, I want to use an account size of $20,000 as an example here where I’m comparing whether it is better to trade stocks versus options.
Depending on your account size, just multiply the numbers that I’m showing you by whatever your account size is and you’ll get the idea.
So the idea is, on a $20,000 account, we want to risk 2% of the account.
This would be $400, nothing more.
Comparing Stock Trading vs Option Trading
Now, as we are comparing stocks and options, here are the things that I want to compare.
First of all, I want to write down how much we are risking stock trading vs options trading.
I also want to write down the reward, how much are we planning to make on the stock or the option.
Based on this, I want to write down the risk/reward ratio, and also very, very important, the buying power.
What is the buying power? The buying power is the amount of your account that you need to reserve for this trade.
It is not the risk and you’ll see this in just a moment.
Let’s take a look at some very specific trades that happened this morning.
INSW Stock Trading vs Option Trading
The first trade that I want to discuss is INSW .
So this morning (at the time of this writing) on the PowerX Optimizer, INSW came up as a trade, as a buy to open.
And the idea here is that we are buying 239 shares based on a $20,000 account at $22.84.
Our stop loss was at $1.67 and I was trading 239 shares. I want to keep it a little bit easier for all of us with the math so let’s round up and call it 240 shares.
What is our risk? Per one share, we are risking $1.67 and we are trading 240 shares, meaning that our risk is exactly $400.80.
So here let’s just round it to $401.
Now, what is the potential reward that we are looking for?
Here we are looking for a reward of $8.62 per share. $8.62 times 240 shares, so we’re looking to make $2,069.
So we’re putting this into our table, $2,069. So the risk/reward ratio here, PowerX Optimizer is calculating it, it’s 1:5.16 so let’s just say 1:5.2.
Now for the buying power. Again, we are buying 240 shares, and the cost per one share is $22.84, so we need $5,482 in buying power.
So this is how much our buying power will be reduced when we enter the trade.
Now, let me ask you, is this making sense thus far?
Just so that you know what happens when you’re trading the stock?
And again, we are trying to risk around 2% of the account here, $401.
Now, let’s take a look at the option here.
So I prefer to trade the in the money, I’ll do another article on the difference between ITM and ATM.
But here we are talking about the $22.50 call, and the risk was $172 per one option. So if we want to risk $400 overall, we’re dividing this by 172 and we can trade 2 options risking $344.
We’re risking a little bit less and this is just based on the price of the option.
In terms of the reward, we’re looking to make $6.80, it’s $680 per one option and we are trading 2 options, meaning that if this trade works out, we would make at least $1,360.
Now, according to The PowerX Optimizer, we were making a little bit less.
So let’s take a look at the risk/reward, the PowerX Optimizer calculated for us.
So the risk/reward was slightly lower at 1:3.95. Now we’re rounding it up so it’s 1:4.0.
So as you can see, the risk/reward ratio when trading the option is slightly worse but here’s the deal.
What is the buying power that we need for this?
The buying power that the broker will deduct from the overall buying power in the account is our entry price.
So here we were trying to enter at $2.16, we can round it up to $2.20, and since we are trading 2 options this means that our buying power is $440.
Can you already see what the difference is between stock trading vs options trading here?
Your buying power is less than 10%.
Now, keep in mind, the buying power is not what you’re risking.
The buying power is just how much of your $20,000 is being held in reserve for this particular trade.
So you can’t use this money anymore.
If you trade the stock, you would still have around $14,500 left.
However, if you’re trading the option, you would still have $19,500 left. Is this making sense thus far?
TVTY Stock Trading vs Option Trading
The other trade that I want to show you is TVTY .
Here we wanted to trade 392 shares, so let’s just round it up to 400. Now let’s discuss the risk first.
So the risk is $1.02 per one share. We’re taking $1.02 times 400 shares, meaning that we would risk $408, which is still within our parameters.
We were planning to risk around $400 so here it would be a little bit more, it would be $408.
Now, if this trade works out, here is what the reward would be. So the reward is $5.61, that’s how much we are trying to make on this trade.
And if we take the $5.62 times 400 shares, we are trying to make $2,248.
So the risk/reward, if we look at this, is 1:5.5.
Now, here is the buying power that we would need. TVTY is trading at $11.30, so this is where again, $11.30 times 400 shares, we need $4,520 in buying power.
Again, not a big deal if you’re trading a $20,000 account, it will be reduced and you’ll have less money to trade right now, around $15,500.
Very, very, very important, this is not the risk.
This here is the buying power that is needed. Our risk is $408.
Our risk here per one option is $141. So if we want to risk $400 overall, we’re dividing it by $141, it’s 2.83.
Now, in order to make it all a bit easier to compare apples with apples here, I am actually saying that we would trade 3 options, and $141 is what we are risking per one option, so $141 times 3.
It’s a little bit more than our $400, but I think we are still OK here. So we would risk $423.
Now the potential reward per one option is $444.
So this is where we take $444 times 3, and again, this is where we are looking at $1,333.
As you can see, the risk/reward ratio here is worse than if we would trade the stock.
It is 1:3.15 so we are rounding it again to 1:3.2.
Again, it would be better to trade the stock, but you’re using quite a lot of your buying power.
For the option, all you need, all that is reduced, is your entry price, and the entry price it’s $2.47. So let’s say $2.50 times 3 is $750.
As you can see you need less buying power, but you also have a smaller reward. But this is why I say usually on a smaller account, it makes sense to trade options instead of stocks.
Now the other important thing, especially when you trade a retirement account, is that you don’t get a margin account.
This means that you cannot leverage the money that you have in the account and you cannot short stocks.
So in the US, in a retirement account, you cannot short stocks.
However, what you can do in a retirement account is that you can trade put options, and with put options, you can bet on a falling market.
So this brings me back to the question…
What is better, stock trading vs options trading?
Well, this is why I wanted to show you a direct comparison using a real-life example.
This way you see exactly when it is more advantageous to trade stocks, and when it is more advantageous to trade options.
Long story short, often for smaller accounts, since you use less buying power, it makes more sense to trade options.
And now you have a direct comparison between stock trading vs options trading that will hopefully help you decide what is best for you.
SXP/USDT : bullish flag and a breakout from resistance zone BINANCE:SXPUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
SXP has been formed a bullish flag here, Also SXP had a breakout from resistance zone and bearish trendline.
Now we expect a bullish breakout from flag and upward movement to higher resistances.
By the way EMAs had a bullish crossover !
🔴 Below resistance zone will invalidate the movement.
Attention: this isn't financial advice we are just trying to help people on their own vision.
Have a good day!
Bitcoin - intraday. The first Target - Taken. BTC/USDTDear friends, as I promised, after some result, regardless of good or bad, I publish my positions and analysis of intraday trading situations on Bitcoin.
Read my trading ideas, understand how I value trading, and save your money.
Have a nice day, Profits and have a good mood. Your Opptrade
5 minutes of reading can save you thousands of dollars
All description in every trading idea - look down in the comments
Pattern Day Trader RuleI’m Markus Heitkoetter and I’ve been an active trader for over 20 years.
I often see people who start trading and expect their accounts to explode, based on promises and hype they see in ads and e-mails.
They start trading and realize it doesn’t work this way.
The purpose of these articles is to show you the trading strategies and tools that I personally use to trade my own account so that you can grow your own account systematically.
Real money…real trades.
Now I want to talk to you about the pattern day trader rule because this rule requires that you have at least $25,000 in your trading account if you are day trading.
Here’s the tricky part.
The tricky part is that you could trigger this rule even if you’re only swing trading, and not day trading, which is why it’s important that you are aware of what the pattern day trader rule is.
I will give you examples of what can trigger it, even if it’s accidentally, and I’ll break down what then happens if you trigger it.
Most importantly, I want you to be aware of how you can avoid it.
What Is The Pattern Day Trader Rule?
So what is the pattern day trader rule? According to FINRA, who set the rule, a pattern day trader is a trader if you execute 4 or more day trades in 5 trading days.
So if you execute 4 or more day trades in 5 trading days, then you’re being flagged as a pattern day trader. This is not a good thing.
So what actually is a day trade? A day trade is a trade that you open and close, during a trading day.
So as an example, if you buy a stock at the open, at 9:30 Eastern Time, and then sell it before 4:00 pm Eastern Time, you are placing a day trade.
Now, very, very important: this whole rule only applies to stocks and options.
It does not apply to futures, forex, or binary options. It only applies to stocks and options.
How To Trigger The Pattern Day Trader Rule
How can you actually trigger this rule even if you’re swing trading?
Well, it actually happened to me very recently.
My head coach, Mark Hodge, and I, we were trading with our Mastermind members.
I asked Mark to place a trade in my account, but he accidentally placed it in the wrong account.
When something like this happens, I have a rule.
“When you make a mistake, liquidate.”
So I asked Mark to close the position, and when he did that counted as a day trade.
So we opened the trade, realized we made a mistake and closed it right away.
This lead to me having one strike in this account.
And again, if we would get 4 strikes within 5 business days, then we are flagged as pattern day traders.
Now, here’s another scenario. Let’s say that we enter a trade tomorrow and it hits the profit target or stop loss on the same day.
So this would be another strike because now we are also entering and exiting during a trading day.
So as you can see with this, even if you’re not day trading, it is possible that this could happen a few times.
If this happens 4 times within 5 trading days, then you’re flagged as a pattern day trader.
What Happens When You Trigger The PDT Rule?
What happens when you trigger this rule? Well, first of all, if you have more than $25,000 in your account, nothing happens.
This is because the pattern day trader rule says, if you are a pattern day trader, then you need to have $25,000 in your account.
Now if you don’t have $25,000 in your account, then you will be restricted to trade on a cash basis only for 90 days.
What does this mean? Well, see, as a day trader, you actually do need a margin account, and when you trigger the pattern day trader rule and cannot put $25,000 in there, this means that now you are restricted to trading with cash only.
So let me give you an example. Let’s say you are trading the Wheel trading strategy, and you put $20,000 in an account.
This means if you put it into a margin account, that you get $40,000 in buying power.
So when you trigger the day trading pattern rule, you no longer get this buying power here, the 2:1 leverage.
You are now basically going back to whatever cash you put in there when you trigger this rule.
How To Avoid Triggering The PDT Rule?
Now the question is, how can you avoid this? Well, and I want to give you three tips for how to avoid it.
Number one, have $25,000 in your account because if you have $25,000 in the account, then triggering the rule won’t matter.
What about if you don’t.
Number two, you want to make sure that you count the number of day trades.
Leave the date you placed a day trade on a sticky note, and count the number of day trades that you do even if it is accidental, so you can keep track of how many strikes you have.
Number three, you can avoid it here by trading a cash account.
So if you’re not trading a margin account, you don’t have to worry about it.
Then, of course, if you are trading futures, forex, bitcoins, so cryptocurrencies, or if you are trading binary options, this is also when the day trading pattern rule does not really matter.
Now you know what the pattern day trader rule is, how you can trigger it, even if it is accidentally, what happens when you trigger it, and how you can avoid this.
So let me ask you this, at this point, was this helpful at all? If so, feel free to share this video on Facebook, on Twitter, and I’ll see you for the next article.
UNI 🚀 [RECAP + TRADE SETUP GUIDE] 160% !! Here is the complete breakdown of the UNISWAP trade.
On January 4th UNI made its last critical trend support retest at around 4$.
🔷After a few it was confirmed to continue an upwards channel. That was until we reached the critical $7 resistance cluster.
Looking back in September UNI had exploded and saw a massive sell off, (most likely from the free air drop). We had scene small accumulation in this area which marked critical resistance / support ($6.80 - $7.50).
🔷On JAN 16th we closed above this resistance level saw buying activity after confirmation. Usually retail traders will FOMO sell after thinking they have reached the peak. This then caused the price to move back towards critical support levels. Paying attention to the wicks, we can see price had moved down to $6.80 and quickly climbed back up. This indicated heavy demand getting filled (people buying the dips).
🟢 After confirmation of the critical support cluster holding. We can make the predication of making a higher high.
👉It is always BEST to enter your trades after confirmation. In this case we had waited about 6 days to enter the trade.
👉If we had entered at the first break out, most of us would have fallen to FOMO selling.
⭐️ Entry : $8.00
✅ 160% + Spot gain!
✏️ Current View
Looking at the current price, we can see UNI had exploded again closing above its trend resistance. We are currently retesting this level and can see long wicks at the support cluster (high lighted area). The long wicks are indicating demand is getting filled. Remember to make your entries after confirmation of 4H candle holding above
Hopefully this can help you enter trades strategically with less risk level!
Thank you for your time ❤️ Please give this a 👍 if learned something new :)
Feel free to view previous analysis and results below !
This is not financial advice. The guide above should only be used for educational purposes.
XRP/USDT : Bullish flag and a breakout on current candle BINANCE:XRPUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
XRP has been formed a bullish flag on current level and now it's breaking flag's resistance.
Also XRP had a bullish crossover on EMAs, Everything is being green for this coin after a while.
As current candle is growing, breakout is being more possible.
Bullish flag :
🔴 It can be a fake breakout, So set tight SL. There is a high possibility for XRP to retest supports.
Attention: this isn't financial advice we are just trying to help people on their own vision.
Have a good day!
Bitcoin - 10900 pips/$ Again - How Do My Trading Ideas Work ?!For today - all growth from 32000 (almost) achieved. The last mark is to close the position at 38150. And stop loss at breakeven. (already closed position) Profit - 6150pips / $
The second position was opened at 36850 - and the first target position was also closed at 38150 - 1300 pips / $ in our wallet.
The third position is the short position from 37000.
Now 3 profit targets reached 3400pips / $
Total for the day - Profit - 10900pips / $ - loss 0
If the level 33800-34400 is held, you can look for an entry point into the bosom, since we have formed 2 top ones, and the calculation of the take profit can be determined by the internal percentage - to the tops.
Watch this level carefully, it will show you the further direction of the price.
Bitcoin - How to trade profitably? Free positions (Open Trade)Btc/usdt
Hello dear friends.
I will choose for you, recommendations and reviews that at that time no one could have imagined that it would be so!
Do not think that I am such a tough trader - no, I was also mistaken and will be mistaken, but everything that I write happens, sometimes I do not observe this and bear a loss, but it will be all the same!
Green rectangles - achieved profit - red - loss. - total for 3 months -
Profit: 123850 pips / $ ✅
Busted 13950pips / $ ⛔️
I can’t help but praise myself, I can’t help but share this with you, but every trade I made, we went through together.
And since we have the end of the month, I summarize.
I can't help but show you how many trades we made - how much profit and loss we have in our wallet, but it was insanely cool.
I am happy that I trade with you, and happy that you have earned with me.
On the chart, I have selected only a part of the position ...
But we started trading with you when bitcoin was at 16,000.
And everything, almost everything that can be achieved - we took it.
I am very glad that each of you was able to earn with me.
Please, observe risk management, money management, do not overstate the lot in a position, trade by take profit, take profit at strong levels, and be flexible in trading.
This is what we have been all this time. Thank you for being there, thanks for 300 subscribers. I hope you continue to benefit from my trading reviews.
Have a nice day everyone, profit and good luck.
BTC/USDT : How to trade in volatile market BINANCE:BTCUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
BTC has been rejected from 40K and now it's moving above 32.5K support.
Now EMA 100 is supporting movement, and it's good at all !
But we expect a wick on 30.5K level.
Main target is 37K, Now indicators are at limits and they are Turning into Bullish phase again.
🔴 This upward movement is for short-term and it be canceled below 32.5K.
Attention: this isn't financial advice we are just trying to help people on their own vision.
Have a good day!
🎓 EDU 4 of 20: A PROFESSIONAL TRADING APPROACH (FIST)Hi traders, wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.
In the last EDU post, we touched on the main factors that move currencies in the short, medium, and long run. Professional traders follow these influences to determine what currencies to buy and sell.
However, each trader has its own time horizon, so following long-term market determinants if you want to hold your trade for a few hours doesn’t make much sense. In fact, it’s counterproductive. Currencies can move in the opposite direction of their Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) rate, or Terms of Trade (ToT) for months and even years.
While these models work well to provide us with a possible market direction in the long-term, their short-term track-record is rather poor.
At CommaFX, we hold our trades mostly intraday or for a few days, and close them ahead of the Weekend (if a trade is still open on Friday.) This way, we can make more short-term trades and avoid the market risk of holding trades over the weekend. News that are releases over the weekend can have a significant impact on open trades after the markets open on Monday!
I am following the FIST approach, which is a global macro approach that allows us to take only high-probability trades. FIST stands for Fundamentals, Intermarket, Sentiment, and Technicals.
On the Fundamental side, I am following:
1. The current business cycle of a country through leading economic indicators such as housing starts, durable goods orders, and PMIs. Countries that are in the expansionary phase of the business cycle see their currencies strengthen, while countries that are in the recessionary phase usually see their currencies weaken over time.
2. Important news and themes: Such as Brexit, US stimulus, OPEC meetings, Central Bank commentaries...
3. Economic Indicators used by central banks to adjust their monetary policy: inflation rates, labor market indicators, economic growth.
On the Intermarket side, I am following the performance of other markets and asset classes that can have an impact on the FX market, such as:
1. Commodities: For commodity currencies like CAD (oil), INR (oil), AUD (copper, gold), NZD (dairy).
2. Stocks: The performance of the stock market can provide clues for future exchange rates (e.g. higher Nikkei 225 usually leads to JPY weakness).
3. Bonds and yields: Global capital chases the highest yield. When bond prices fall and yields rise in a country, the country’s currency will often strengthen.
If I see a strong divergence in the Intermarket (for example oil rises but the Canadian dollar falls, such as the case in the previous week), it gets our attention. I become bearish on the CAD from an Intermarket perspective.
On the Sentiment side, I am following risk appetite indicators and market sentiment as shown by the options and futures markets. What I pay attention to is:
1. The performance of risky assets vs safe-havens: stocks (risky), risk-currencies (AUD, NZD), oil (market optimism), metals (silver, copper) vs safe-havens such as gold, bonds, JPY and CHF. When risk sentiment is positive (risky assets are bought and safe-havens sold), I become bullish on stocks, AUD and NZD, and bearish on the JPY, CHF, and USD, for example.
2. Market positioning: I follow the positioning of fast money (hedge funds) and smart money as shown by the Commitment of Traders report. When the big guys become bullish on a currency and increase their bullish bias week over week, I become bullish as well.
3. Options put/call ratio: The put/call ratio shows how many put and call contracts are active for a currency. As the ratio rises (i.e. more puts than calls), this is usually a bearish sign for a currency, and vice-versa.
Finally, once I see a promising trading opportunity in the market after performing my Fundamental, Intermarket, and Sentiment analysis (matching strong vs weak currencies), it’s time to identify possible entry and exit points with the use of Technicals.
Bear in mind that I know what direction I want to trade (i.e. short USD/CAD) before even opening a price-chart! The chart is only used to find suitable levels for a selling position.
On the technical side, I focus on important retracement levels, volume profile, and price-action. I don’t trade breakouts, but wait for the market to come to my level (using LIMIT orders) to enter into a trade with an attractive reward-to-risk ratio.
This was a short introduction to how professional traders find trading candidates in the market. Unlike the usual retail trader who focuses only on charts, we know what we want to trade before even opening the chart!
A chart is the last thing I pay attention to, and my technical analysis takes me around 5 minutes to find where I want to enter into a trade. 90% of the time, I am only focused on fundamentals, intermarket, and sentiment.
If you found this post useful, please hit the “LIKE” button and follow. Also, I’ll try to respond to all questions you might have, just post them in the comment section below.
Stay tuned for the next part of our Educational Series! In total, there will be 20 posts that will CHANGE the way you trade and look at the markets – PROMISED!
ATOM/USDT : Broke Tringle's higher and now breaks ResistanceCOINBASE:ATOMUSD
Hello everyone 😃
Atom had a breakout from Key level resistance and now MACD is being Bullish.
Also Volatility is going to have a Bullish crossover, By the Way on daily view, ATOM is Strong Bullish :
🔴 IF Bitcoin can maintain its current price levels And consolidate longer so the altcoins may have the chance to rally up again.
Attention: this isn't financial advice we are just trying to help people on their own vision.
Have a good day!
- Helical_Trades
ETH/USDT : Retest on Pivot point and supply zone !BINANCE:ETHUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
ETH had a retest on Supply zone ( ETH did this Retest for 2nd time ! ).
ETH is moving into Bearish Wedge, But it's to early to consider it as Bearish phase.
Now ETH have more space on Funding Rate and makes it more Bullish than Before !!
🔴 As ETH is Above 900$, target is 1350$ or more...
Attention : this is not a financial advise we just try to help people on their own vision.
- Helical_Trades
BTC/USDT : Candle Sticks AnalyzesBINANCE:BTCUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
BTC had a retest on last Daily close Because of High Funding Rate, Now BTC is pulling back to ATH resistance.
🔴 We are facing High volume of Volatility more than Before...
📍 Last Master Candle had signs of Bullish movement, So for now We are safe in Bull Run.
Attention : this is not a financial advise we just try to help people on their own vision.
- Helical_Trades
LTC/USDT : Critical point, How to trade now ?BINANCE:LTCUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
LTC is moving Above a Bullish Trendline and Now it don't have enough Volume to Break resistance.
Indicators was Slightly Bullish and now they are Turning Bearish, Above Trendline We're still Bullish...
We expect a retest on EMA 50 and Ichimoku cloud but Below Trendline, Will make another Directions For LTC.
So Next Candles are very important, If LTC Breaks Resistance Target will be 215$ at Next resistance zone !
🔴 Watch for Next Hourly Candles, Also BTC is near to FIBBO resistance and Now it's moving Below Bullish Trendline.
Attention : this is not a financial advise we just try to help people on their own vision.
- Helical_Trades
ADA/USDT : ATH Options, How to trade now ? BINANCE:ADAUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
ADA has broken 0.25$ resistance zone and now it's moving to ATH resistances.
For now we expect a retest on lower support line which is near to Ichimoku cloud and EMA 50 support line.
Main Target is 0.32$ above it we will take another long to ATH.
🔴 Below 0.23$ will change Direction. Whole market is in Over Bought zone... Watch for it !
📍 It could Grow from current point.
Attention : this is not a financial advise we just try to help people on their own vision.
- Helical_Trades
LINK/USDT : Directions, How to trade ?BINANCE:LINKUSDT
Hello everyone😃
Link Is above Ichimoku Cloud and MACD is Bearish, Also Volatility had a Bearish Crossover.
we Expect a retest on EMA50 and Target will be 15.6$, By the we have Bullish flag on 1 TF and If it works, LINK will head to 15.6 from this point.
Any 4H closes above 14.6$ will make it more Bullish and It can reach higher resistances.
For Now BTC is at Resistance zone and it's Critical, We expect a range movement zone on BTC and it could make more space for ALTs...
🔴 Below 13.25$ will change direction, And we have a FIBBO time zone cross on 11th January, watch for it !
📍 We Update our status, When directions changes. Market volatile and Risky !
Attention : this is not a financial advise we just try to help people on their own vision.
- Helical_Trades
ETH/USDT : What's next candles direction ?! BINANCE:ETHUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
ETH is moving just like past months, So We decide to show up what happened on last months candles !
As You can see ETH breaks Wedge and its being neutral on Base 2 ( mentioned on chart ).
By the way, Indicators are touching limits and we expect a correction after it...
Also BTC is affective on ETH's movement.
🔴 We will analyze BTC on next !!
Attention : this is not a financial advise we just try to help people on their own vision.
- Helical_Trades
BTC/USDT : Bearish triangle, AIM for 25K BINANCE:BTCUSDT
Hello everyone 😃
BTC Has formed Bearish triangle on 17th December and failed to handle it.
But now, There is no more BTC buying from Grayscale at the moment and Funding Is getting very positive !
🔴 MACD is being bullish on 1H timeframe but it won't last too much...
📍 As BTC is moving into triangle we won't take any side, Wait for break from triangle.
Attention : this is not a financial advise we just try to help people on their own vision.
- Helical_Trades