IBOV - downtrend to new lows aheadIBOV exactly touched de 0.618 fibonacci target for wave (B) and turned down. The rally has a counter-trend profile divided in 3 waves as is expected from B waves. It is very probable that we are now going to see wave C down that should lead the index to levels below the previous wave A low. if the index crosses up 100,000, this analysis should be reviewed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
"Nasdaq: Top and Bottom Analysis" by ThinkingAntsOkDaily Chart Explanation:
- Price broke the Ascending Channel and, then, went towards the Ascending Trendline.
- It bounced from there until it faced the Resistance Zone.
- After that, it started the down move again.
- We will be looking for sell setups until price breaks the Resistance Zone at 8.000.
4H Vision:
Weekly Vision:
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IBC reached the range forecasted and turned down. New lows aheadIBC reached 7,992 and turned down as we forecasted in our post of May 31. The downtrend should reach new lows. In the current wave pattern we could see a counter-trend move up to around 7,650, before the downtrend continues. If price crosses up 8,019 this analysis should be reviewed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
HSCEI - wave 3 up under way, probability of more than 10% gainsHSCEI is tracing minor wave 3 up of the primary impulse wave that just came out of a bullish primary triangle. Price should reach levels higher than 11,100 for the top of minor wave 3. If price crosses down 9,300 this analysis should be reviewed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
PSEC - uptrend aheadThe Phillipines index has finished a corrective 3-wave intermediate pattern that retraced around 38% and reached the fourth wave level of two lower degrees, this could mean the end of this correction. It seems to be finishing wave B, if price crosses up 6,000, the probable target to the upside lyes around 7,300. If price crosses down 5,380 this analysis should be reviewed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index - uptrend under wayThe Malaysian index has finished a corrective 3-wave intermediate pattern that retraced around 50% and reached the fourth wave level of two lower degrees, which is a typical end of corrections. It is now finishing to trace intermediate wave 1 or A. We could see a smaller correction up to 1,430 before the uptrend continues. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
SET - long-term positive trendSET index has finished a corrective 3-wave intermediate pattern that retraced around 50% and reached the fourth wave level of two lower degrees, which is a typical end of corrections. It is now finishing to trace intermediate wave 1 or A. We may see a smaller correction that should end at 1,200 - 1,250 range before the uptrend continues. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
XAO - last leg of counter trend rallyXAO is tracing minute wave v, which is the last leg that will complete intermediate wave C and also primary wave 2. The most probable target for the end of this move is at 6,202. After this price should decline during primary wave 3 down to new lows. If price crosses down 5,700, the odds are that primary wave 3 has already started. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
NIFTY 50 - potential for more than 20% gains in up to 3 monthsNifty50 is tracing the initial stages of primary wave 5 up and it is now developing minute wave iii up. This move should elevate its price to the most probable target of 12,640 with a more than 20% gain. If price crosses below 8,790 this analysis should be revised. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
SBF120 - final stages of counter-trend rallySBF120 is tracing the final stages of a this wave 2 complex corrective wave. The probable end target should lay between 3,850 and 4,080. After this wave 3 should carry the index to new lows. If the index crosses down 3,580 the odds are that wave 3 has already began. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
DTX - downtrend to levels below 650DTX is tracing the early stages of primary wave 3 down that should push pri es to levels below 650. If price crosses up 872 this analysis should be reviewed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
Dow Jones primary wave 3 down - next target around 21,000Dow Jones Industrials seem to have finished minuette wave 1, the early stages of primary wave 3 down. The target for the next 4 waves that will complete minute wave iii is around the level of 21,000. We could see a small correction before prices follow this direction. However, in any case, this is a good moment to be positioned on the sell side of the index. This analysis should be voided only in case the index crosses up 24,770. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
SP500 primary wave 3 under way - next target 2,535SPX seems to have finished today minute wave 1 of primary wave 3. If this is the case we could see a small short-term correction before price trends to the most probable target at 2,535. In any case, this is a good time to be positioned in the selling side. This analysis would need to be reviewed only in case prices crosses up 2,945. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
Ibovespa inicia onda C - índice deverá ir abaixo de 62.000O Ibovespa terminou a onda intermediária B e está traçando a fase inicial da onda intermediária C, a ultima perna da onda de correção primaria 4. Neste cenário o índice deverá alcançar níveis inferiores a 62.000. No cenário alternativo a onda intermediária B pode ser um triângulo e nesse caso demoraria mais tempo para o índice chegar no nível mencionado, mas mesmo neste caso o índice não decverá passar o top da onda (B) antes de ultrapassar 62.000. Esta análise deverá ser cancelada e revista caso o índice cruze pra cima a marca de 82,000. SIGA SKYLINEPRO PARA RECEBER UPDATES.
Ibovespa Brazil -wave C should push prices below 62,000IBOV finished intermediate wave B up and is now tracing the initial stages of intermediate C down, which should be the final leg of primary corrective wave 4. Prices should reach levels below 62,000. The alternative scenario would be a triangle formation, in this case, it would take more time to cross that level of 62,000, but also in this case prices should not go beyond the top of intermediate wave B before the primary wave 4 correction is finished. This analysis should be void if the index crosses up 82,000. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
IBOVESPA em formação de triangulo antes novas grandes baixasIBOV parece estar em formação de um triângulo que culminará com o fim da onda intermediária (B). Depois de completar este movimento, o Ibovespa deve colapsar para níveis inferiores da onda (A) anterior. O triângulo é uma formação não muito confiável de se posicionar. Desta maneira, devemos esperar até o fim do triângulo e concomitantemente da onda (B) para vender (short) o índice. Siga o SKYLINEPRO para receber nossos updates.
SP500 - final leg up before path to new lowsSP500 is tracing minute wav 5 up of a minor C wave. The C eave should finish between 2800 and 2900 points. After this nove is complete, it will enter in intermediate wave 3 down and drive the index to new lows. Keep tuned. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.