TRADE IDEA: AUG 19TH 188/191/217/220 IRON CONDORAs previously discussed in my post below, there are several things you can do in a "locally" low volatility environment, one of which is to sell premium farther out in time. If you look at SPY's implied volatility in the June, July, and August monthlies, you'll see that there is a natural gravity toward normalization or reversion of implied volatility to a background level of around 20%, with June having an implied volatility of 16.4%; July, 17.6%; and August, 18.6%. It gets more toward 20% in September (19%) and December (21%), but I don't want to go farther out than two cycles (a lot can happen in two options cycles, and I naturally want to keep buying power free in closer-in-time expirations to take advantage).
Here are the metrics for this setup:
Probability of Profit: 51%
P50: 68%
Max Profit: $109/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $191/contract
Theta: .64/contract
Delta: -3.32/contract
Notes: Additionally, I foresee pulling off several SPY setups in profit in the next few days, as we are less than two weeks away from May opex where I've got a variety of setups on, and I don't want to get behind the curve with keeping a certain measure of positive theta on here. It ain't sexy, but bread and butter ain't sexy ... .
TRADE IDEA: SPY JUNE 17TH 193/196/212/215 IRON CONDORWith VIX above 15, I'm layering on some additional SPY in the June monthly here ... .
Probability of Profit: 54%
P50: 71% (explained below)
Max Profit: $100/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $200/contract
Theta: 1.53/contract
Delta: -3.97
Notes: The overall probability of profit for the setup is quite low. However, the P50 -- the probability that the setup will reach 50% max profit sometime prior to expiry-- is 71%, which I'm more than satisfied with since I'm getting one-third the width of the spreads for the setup. The other thing is that I already have several iron condors on in that expiry, so I can "mix and match" the short call spreads of one iron condor with the short put spreads of another to peel them off should I want to do that at some point ... .
TRADE IDEA: IWM JUNE 17TH 102/105/115/118 IRON CONDORI don't have an IWM setup on at the moment and with the highest implied volatility among the four index exchange traded funds (SPY, IWM, QQQ, and DIA), this is the place to sell broad market premium ... . Moreover, with similar percentage out-of-the-money strikes, I'm getting almost exactly as much bang for my buck as the June 17th SPY iron condor (see Post Below).
Probability of Profit: 55%
P50: 68%
Max Profit: $99/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $201/contract
Theta: 1.50/contract
Delta: -4.14/contract
Notes: As with the SPY iron condor, the probability of profit ain't that great. However, I'm getting 1/3rd the width of the wings, and the probability of hitting 50% max at some point during the life of the setup (P50) is 68%. Moreover, I'll look to layer a few of these on over time in the June 17th expiry, assuming VIX >15, and mix and match short call sides with short put sides to take them off in profit ... .
SOLD TO OPEN EWZ MAY 20TH 17.5/20.5/29.5/32.5 IRON CONDORGoing to where the volatility is to sell premium, and that's in EWZ (implied vol rank >70/implied vol is >50). (Plus, I'm kinda ticked that I screwed up closing out that rolled EWZ setup without checking the trade chain ahead of time ... ).
In any event, here are the metrics for the setup:
Probability of Profit: 74%
Max Profit: $66/contract
Buying Power Effect: $234/contract
Notes: I'm continuing to go with small defined risk setups here. EWZ has been "hot" volatility wise, and I may want to layer on additional setups going forward in the instrument, dispersing risk over several expiries. I also want to keep powder dry for broad market premium selling plays and/or additional long volatility setups, depending on which way the market goes ... .
BOUGHT JULY 15TH 180/183/217/220 IRON CONDOR TO CLOSEThis is a "mix and match" of a short put vertical and a short call vertical that were pieces of two separate iron condors I layered on in that expiry during low implied volatility. I'm closing it out for a whopping $40/contract profit here on this down move to reduce some market exposure and free up some buying power for setups nearer in time ... .
VIX >15 MAY WARRANT LOOKING AT ROTATING BACK INTO INDEX ETF'SOrdinarily, when VIX is below 15, I look to get in on long volatility plays, and I piled into them mightily on the sub-13 dip, loading myself up on them, thus spoiling my appetite to partake of earnings in any meaningful fashion.
Now, however, with VIX starting to rotate into +15 territory (today's high was 17.09), I'll turn my attention back to at least looking at index ETF premium selling plays, although -- as always -- higher volatility means higher premium, and VIX at 15.15 isn't actually the index ETF premium selling bonanza we had in mid-December, mid-January, and mid-February.
As of right now, QQQ offers the highest IV out of the four major index ETF's, and my standard, put-skewed iron condor setup (e.g., June 10th 96.5/99.5/110/113; 65% POP; $216 max risk) is offering up $84/contract at the mid price, which isn't horrible (using a four-wide instead will yield $100/contract at the mid price with a $300 max risk). As always, I'll go in small, keeping powder dry for further opportunities to go long VIX/VIX derivatives (if VIX fades here) or other index ETF setups (if VIX continues to rise).
SOLD SPY JULY 15TH 191/194/217/220 IRON CONDORSimilar metrics to the setup in the post below for similar reasons ... .
I like having these on fairly constantly to generate theta decay. Unfortunately, going out this far in time (two cycles) isn't what I generally like to do, but that's where the IV is fairly "regular." If we get a volatility pop at some point, I'll cycle back into 45 DTE setups ... .
Filled for a $104/contract credit.
TRADE IDEA: SPY JULY 15TH 188/191/217/220 IRON CONDORGoing a bit bonkers here with the lack of <45 DTE premium selling setups in the index ETF's, but doing my best to stay mechanical here.
My general cycle is that when VIX drops below 15, I look for (a) setups in index ETF's >90 DTE, as that is when implied volatility begins to return to regularize or return to a general background value; (b) look for long setups in VIX or VIX derivatives; and (c) do earnings plays. When VIX rises meaningfully above 15, I cycle back into <45 DTE index ETF setups.
Sticking to the "script," I'm looking for a fill of this setup at NY open, trading off a bit of profitability of profit percentage for credit nearly equal to one-third the width of the wings. Naturally, going out this far in time isn't that much fun, because it seems like you're waiting an awfully long time before these come to fruition. Nevertheless, it beats leaving your buying power out there unengaged waiting for a volatility pop that may occur tomorrow or three months from now ... .
I'll look to take this off at 50% max profit.
Probability of Profit: 53%
Max Profit: $93/contract
Buying Power Effect/Max Loss: $207/contract
TRADE IDEA: IWM 102/105/114/117 IRON CONDORPutting some index ETF premium selling action on in the May expiry in IWM, the index ETF with the highest IV.
Probability of Profit: 55%
Max Profit: $97/contract
Buying Power Effect: $203/contract
Notes: This is one of those probabilistic iron condors I referenced in the post below, with the strikes being selected based on their probability of expiring out of the money percentage. It's not what I usually like to go with in terms of probability of profit (70%+ is ideal), but I'm looking to eek out one-third the width of the wings in credit here ... .
TRADING IDEA: IWM 101/105/113/117 "PROBABILISTIC" IRON CONDORThere are several different ways to set up iron condors, one of which is to set it up using given strikes' percentage of being out of the money at expiration; another way is to set up the IC using the delta values for each individual option.
In this particular case, I'm using the "probabilistic" method. In this particular case, each long option is about at the 15% probability ITM strike and each short option is about at the 70% probability out of the money strike. This relieves me of having to look at each individual option's delta and tweaking this and that to get a fairly delta neutral setup.
The additional criteria I'm using for this particular setup is that I attempt to get at least 1/3rd the width of spread in credit. Since the wings are four strikes wide, I'm looking to get at least 1/3rd of the width or about 1.33 in credit for putting it on.
These are the metrics for the setup:
Probability of Profit: 52%
Max Profit: $140/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $260/contract
Delta: -6.45
Notes: Unfortunately, with volatility this low in the broad market, twisting premium out of index ETF's is difficult here (even though IWM is the "best of the bunch") ... . This is why you always go small, dispersing risk across a large number of setups put on at different times in different expiries and at different price points.
BOUGHT AMZN 552.5/557.5/617.5/622.5 TO CLOSEClosing out this fella here at 26% max profit ... . Wasn't my favorite kind of trade to put on (IVR wasn't high enough for me, frankly), so I'm taking what little money there is and running to free up buying power for approaching earnings. Nothing's worse than being in a trade you hated from the get go and then having it go sour on you ... .
(Originally opened for a $96 credit; closed here for a $72 debit, so about $18 profit/contract, after all was said and done with fees and commissions).
SOLD SPX MAY 20TH 1940/1945 SHORT PUT VERTICALSold a short put vertical here on this weakness to complete a May 20th SPX 1940/1945/2120/2125 iron condor.
The short call vert was filled for a $110 credit, and the short put vertical for $60, so the entire setup is worth $170/contract max profit.
I'll look to take off the whole thing at 50% max ... .
ROLLING IUX/RUT APRIL 15TH 1075/1085/1105/1120 IC... to April 15th 1060/1080/1110/1135 iron condor.
The short put side and short call sides were rolled separately: the put side for a .48 credit and the call side for a .59 credit.
Notes: I widened the spreads on both sides here (rolling the short call up and the short put down) to increase the probability that I will be able to exit either one or both sides at or near max profit some time prior to expiration. A word of caution is in order: widening the spread increases the profit potential of the spread, but it also increases max loss. As a general matter, I only use widening as a last resort in rolling where I simply cannot get enough credit from the sale of an oppositional side to offset the roll of the tested side adequately. Here, I'm doing it largely for practical reasons: first, I want to insure that at least one side is not "too close for comfort" such that I have to roll both sides out (i.e., I want to be able to close at least one side for near max profit); second, I may not be able to watch the setup attentively next week to be able to take advantage of a short-term move ... .
SOLD TO OPEN AMZN 552.50/557.50/617.50/622.50 IRON CONDOROkay ... . This isn't my usual cup of tea, but I have a lot of buying power sitting on the sidelines here, and the implied volatility in the underlying is >50% ... .
Probability of Profit: 72%
Max Profit: $98/contract
Buying Power Effect: $402/contract
I'll look to take it off for 50% max, as I don't want to hold it into earnings ... .
TRADE IDEA: MON APRIL 15TH 76.5/81/93.5/98 IRON CONDORMON announces earnings on Wednesday before market open, so look to put on your play on Tuesday in the waning hours and minutes of the NY session. As with all earnings plays, you may have to tweak your strikes somewhat, depending on how MON moves running into the end of the session.
Here are the metrics for this defined risk setup:
Probability of Profit: 69%
Max Profit: $63/contract
Buying Power Effect/Max Loss: $387/contract
Alternatively, you can go short strangle:
MON April 15th 81/93.5 short strangle
Probability of Profit: 72%
Max Profit/Buying Power Effect: $99/~$1140/contract
Notes: Because we're just at the beginning of earnings season, I'm looking to manage my capital a bit more efficiently here and will probably use the iron condor because it's defined risk and the per contract buying power effect is easier to swallow than that of the short strangle ... . Additionally, the broad market is in a low volatility environment here, and I don't want to have a bunch of buying power tied up with earnings plays in the event we get a volatility pop such that I can wade back into 45 DTE index ETF setups.
SOLD RUT/IUX APRIL 15TH 1075/1085 SHORT PUT VERTICALAfter buying back the short put vertical side of this short duration iron condor yesterday at 50% max, I'm resurrecting the short put side here to hedge against the possibility of further upside in the Russell.
The setup is rather tight, with a scant 20 strikes between my short options, but the model is telling me that the 1075/1085 short put vert has a 70%+ probability of profit for that expiry, so that's what I'm mechanically going with.
Filled for a 1.41 credit ($141/contract).
I'll look to take the entire setup off in profit or the wings one at a time ... .
TRADING IDEA: LULU APRIL 8TH 54/68.5 SHORT STRANGLEI'm going to go with a nondirectional bias here (pretty much always do).
Here are the metrics for both a run of the mill one standard deviation short strangle, as well as an iron condor:
April 8th 54/68.5 short strangle
Probability of Profit: 70%
Max Profit: 1.30/contract ($130)
Buying Power Effect/Max Risk: ~$616/undefined
Break Evens: 55.30/67.20
April 15 50/54/68.5/72.5 iron condor
Probability of Profit: 68%
Max Profit: 1.00/contract ($100)
Buying Power Effect/Max Risk: $301/contract
Break Evens: 53.01/69.49
Notes: I had to go a touch farther out in time for the iron condor to get the long options strikes I wanted, but it'll still yield about $100/contract ... . Look to take either setup off at 50% max profit on the volatility contraction that is likely to occur post earnings.
SOLD TO OPEN APRIL 15TH RUT/IUX 1025/1035 SHORT PUT VERTAfter closing the short put wing yesterday for a small profit and rolling the short call wing up and out a week for an additional credit, I'm selling a 1025/1035 short put vertical in the same expiry as the rolled out call wing to complete an April 15th 1025/1035/1105/1120 iron condor.
I'm still playing a little bit with the percentage of max profit to either take the whole setup off or an individual wing off. Ordinarily, I take off the entire setup as a unit at 50% max profit, but I regard these short term setups kind of like scalps, so have been taking them off at lower profit percentages (money, take, run ... ).
Filled for a 1.21 ($121) credit ... .
SOLD RUT/IUX APRIL 8TH 1100/1110 SHORT CALL VERTICALAfter closing the short call wing of my original iron condor, I rolled out the short put wing down one strike and out one week to the April 8th expiry to give it a little more room and a little more time.
I'm just matching that rolled out side with a new call wing to hedge, resulting in an April 8th 1050/1060/1100/1110 iron condor.
Since I rolled out the short put size for a miniscule debit ($4), I'll look to take off the entire setup at 50% max profit or either side when it approaches near worthless ... .
BOUGHT TO CLOSE RUT/IUX APRIL 1ST 1120/1130 SHORT CALL VERTWith this little down move here, I closed out the short call side of my RUT/IUX iron condor -- the April 1st 1120/1130 short call wing. The short call wing of the iron condor was worth approximately $166 in credit/contract when put on as part of the iron condor, and I closed it out today for a $40 debit, yielding a profit of about $126/contract for that side.
To give the put side a little more time and room to work out, I rolled it out and down to the April 8th expiry for a $4 debit and will erect a new call wing in the April 8th expiry tomorrow ... .
SOLD NKE APRIL 15TH 56.5/60/69/72.5 IRON CONDORI had to fiddle a bit with the expiration and the strikes to get what I wanted, but the metrics are basically the same as outlined in the post below..
Got it filled for a 1.03 credit ($103/contract).
Notes: Looking for NKE's implied volatility to contract post-earnings, as well as for price to stay between my short strikes.