Evening star pattern, up 25% just in February prior to earningsSHOP has been a beast for along time! It has runup 25% just in February, so be careful for earnings on Feb 17th. The past 3 days show a bearish evening star pattern (not 100% perfect). I calculated the implied move to be 6% or $90 dollars. Options - 1068 in $1500 weekly calls, over 1600 in $1200 weekly puts. If you know how to play iron condor, I think that is best earnings trade o capture premium. They beat last earnings and raised expectations , its going to be hard to repeat, imo. Have a great long wknd!
INTC -- iron condor over againI like doing iron condors on Intel all the time and consistently just keep rolling them out. Never a huge risk play with Intel in my opinion with smaller spreads but always adds a little daily theta to my portfolio.
I don't do a lot, really none at all, Elliot wave counts with Intel. Recently, I just draw supply and demand zones and trade the range.
My play: will look to enter an iron condor tomorrow, looking to sell the $57.50 strike call to upside (buy 60) and sell the 47.5 strike put to downside (buy the 45). Simply approach play and not throwing a lot at it. Something to balance out portfolio a bit and grab some daily theta. Earnings are approaching, however, but will still look to enter this play.
Options strategy Iron CondorIron Condor - a spread with limited risk and limited profit, using four different striking prices but the same expiration date. The position is a combination of puts and calls all of which are Out of the money. The maximum profit is realized between the two inner strikes, and the maximum loss is realized outside of the higher and lower strikes.
This strategy is preferable for beginner traders because there is no unlimited risk theoretically, unlike selling straddle/strangle. When selling an Iron Condor (or Iron Butterfly), the trader is neutral.
Because all the options are Out of the money, the trader receives credit for it.
The inner options are being sold, those options worth more than the outer options that being bought, inner options are closer to the stock price, which means their strike is closer to At the money strike (to more expensive options).
If the stock price closes between the two inner strikes at expiration, all the options will expire worthless. The trader will receive all the credit.
Chart example:
Credit recived-> 13.45, Stock price-> 484,
Top Upper strike (Bought) ->560 Call
Top Lower strike (Sold) ->530 Call
Bottom Upper strike (Sold) ->450 Put
Bottom Lower strike (Bought) ->450 Put
Days to expire -> 46
Implied Volatility -> 46.7% (0.467)
Date - > 02/11/2020
Maximum Profit = The credit recived = $1345
Maximum Loss = Difference in Upper (or Lower) Strike – the credit
= 560 - 530 – 13.45 = 16.55
= 450 - 420 – 13.45 =16.55
Maximum Loss = $1655
If the Iron Condor is not balanced (the differences between strikes are not equal like in this example), the calculations are different.
Like selling Straddle / Strangle, the same conclusions about increase or decrease in Implied volatility are true here.
In these conditions, it will take 10 days for the position to enter the profit zone and 35 days to receive 50% of the credit.
This post relates to previous posts.