POSSIBILITES 12345based on the stockcharts, i could see some possibilities on this market, hopefully it could bullish soon.
Nasdaq Composite Index CFD
Time to start getting out of the Mania! One of these weeks (not likely here directly) shit will hit the fan. I’m out of the market as of here. With apple possible hitting 375-400 and tesla 1100-1400 before crashing to earth things will get messy.
Last time stocks went bezerk like this was 2000. Bankrupt companies going 100% plus. FOMO is real. Well played guys.
Don’t forget to pay the lady! There will be not enough room for the herd to get to the emergency exit🚨
I’ll be buying aapl at roughly 80$. See you next year:)
Nasdaq - ATH (significant event happened). What's next?
NASDAQ Composite Index ( IXIC ) is one of the world's leading indexes, an index of high-tech and rapidly growing companies.
My thoughts: I decided to share them with you!
In my opinion, a remarkable event has occurred today in the world economy!
Today, there has been a significant breakthrough in the ATH (All-Time High) in the history of the NASDAQ Composite Index’s existence.
Why is this so important in my opinion?
Taking into consideration all the fundamental factors that should have contradicted this event such as the general financial situation in the world, turbulent political situations, COVID-19, poor economic situations in the leading economies of the world, unemployment and above everything else it still happened!
Thoughts: New reality!
First of all, the paradigm of world development is changing!
Today, right on the chart we see that the index of technological companies NASDAQ Composite is emerging as the growth leader.
Being, in fact, a precursor for future growth, a new reality, possibly a new leading indicator for the rest of the global market and most likely for other leading world top indexes such as DJI, S&P500 and others.
And it is also possible for other risky assets including Bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency market.
Secondly, all of this is happening against the backdrop of a huge number of problems in all areas of the economy and life!
And finally, what this all points to in my opinion:
It says that in spite of all the problems in all areas, the capital is not invested in reserve assets such as gold (although some part probably goes there) but invested in technological companies, which will, in fact, be the ones changing our reality and our future.
The chart shows the goals of possible corrections. In my opinion, if the situation in the world worsens, then a correction of a complex protracted form is possible from these levels.
(At the moment it is not possible to calculate them)
However, in the current state of affairs, the general movement seems to be still heading up!
Once again for understanding, the wave structure, patterns, graphic models tend to change or change the structure, therefore confirmation is important.
Forecasts of financial markets are the private opinion of the author.
The current analysis is not a guide to trade.
The author is not responsible for the results of work that may arise when using trading recommendations from the submitted reviews.
Nasdaq Quarterly Chart Is Still Bullish Nasdaq full blown recovery in April and May has cancelled out the losses from March.
By end of March, things can go anywhere, especially that it marks the end of Q1 2020. However, as it turns out, the coronavirus pandemic is not as bad as it seems (it is bad for people who don't take care of their health and immune systems/ and bad for people who fears death so much/but it is okay or normal for people who believes in hereafter and wants to leave good legacy on Earth, which is not the cases for most people especially in the finance industry). So, we had the recovery we needed.
Nasdaq HAS NOT recorded CONSEQUTIVES RED/BLACK candles since 2008 and also since 2000. That's the only time where it had these two massive red candles and then we are heading south.
Based on probabilities alone, we are UNLIKELY to see Nasdaq goes down below March low. So, it seems like the party will keep running and continuing.
The federal reserves is the biggest whales/sharks in the entire world. It is foolish to bet against them. Don't bet, just stay aside or do something else.
THIS COULD BE THE 100X OF THE YEAR. SPX, NDX, VIX, USD, ANALYSISSPX has been ranging at the D 200 SMA today and depending on which way it breaks, I'd expect moves to start in a lot of other asset classes too NDX has been selling off all day, by contrast, and because so much market cap has gotten concentrated in the top 5 stocks, they account for ~45% of NDX and ~20% of SPX.
So there's a lot of inherent correlation just from that.
This is probably the best spot that exists on the chart right now for equities to finally roll over.
The run over the past 2 months has been the sharpest rise in SPX history.
Which is insane.
P/E for SPX is right about at the 2000 peak. By other metrics, we're the most expensive since 1929.
Regardless of measure else we're significantly more expensive than the Feb top.
This move is widely attributed to a massive new interest in retail trading accounts since the crash, which is like textbook.
It's certainly the same exact thing that happened in 2018 in crypto after the initial pop, the argument for going any higher basically amounts to "bubble is not over yet."
My assumption at this point is that a crash back down would be pretty violent and I'm assuming that because of how absurdly overextended we are.
NDX is nearly back at ATH. Like, what?
Between Feb and now 20-30% unemployment happened, forward earnings tanked hard, and a bunch of obvious large risks are on the table that weren't before. At some point fundamentals do actually start mattering. This may be the most disconnected from them that we may see in our lifetimes given just how extreme the rift is.
We're staring down numbers that haven't been seen since the 1930s, and most people with a memory of the 1930s are dead, but IMO if we reject the 200 SMA here and dump - a very realistic scenario for the last 2 hours of the cash session where volume spikes back to open levels, the goose is cooked and it will be so obvious to big money that we're going lower that we'll go lower fast in the next few sessions.
Treasury futures are generally around pivots for continuation up or to mean revert down. Everything is set up for a large move one way or the other. I think the only thing that would truly surprise me at this level is more VIX crush.
The ultimate safe haven is USD and USD equivalents that can be used as collateral which is to say treasuries.
Margin calls are denominated in dollars, not gold. When things are darkest, institutions take their profits on gold to get more liquid. This happened in 2008, happened briefly in the Feb-March dump.
For better or worse, as the global reserve currency USD is what people need worldwide when things dump in 2020.
So, the money supply hole the Fed is trying to print into is far larger than just in the US. This appears to be why DXY melted up in March. Institutions abroad needed dollars and had to sell other currencies into it.
The position I currently have which I'm most excited about are moonshot June Eurodollar calls
I think if a dump plays out treasuries melt up, interest rates go negative, and it happens about as fast as Feb (which took 2 weeks to move interest rates down 1.2 points)
but it's a very high R:R bet to take and it probably needs to be right less than 1 in 10 times. Arguably it's as high as a 1:100 R:R scenario.
TL;DR: a lot of things are at pivots and SPX is at the D 200 - a very strong move on a lot of things is very likely once SPX decides which way to go.
This was written by my co analyst acatwithcharts. He made the indicators used here! If you have any questions for us, links below.
#IXIC ANALYSIS.. BE CAREFUL!.. We see a huge bearish divergence in monthly chart of #IXIC.. Be careful about indices.. I firmly believe that we will see a strong wave of sales in the global indices.. Big Crash is coming.. Markets will become very interesting after 4,5 months, we will wait and see..
Please do your own due diligence when it comes to trading.. Invest at your own risk..
I wish you all the best..
Grand Canyon Education $LOPE$LOPE is just below the 50SMA on weekly and RSI is above 50. It seems that it is forming Head and Shoulders,inverted. the right shoulder is missing though. To confirm the pattern needs to pull back and back above $98.93.
If you find my charts useful, please leaver me a "like"
PANDEMIA FACINGThis Company engages in the development and commercialization of therapies derived from genome-editing technology. Its proprietary platform CRISPR/Cas9-based therapeutics allows for precise and directed changes to genomic DNA . CRSP and Vertex creates new possibilities in medicine to cure diseases and improve people's lives. We work with leading researchers, doctors, public health experts and other collaborators who share our vision for transforming the lives of people with serious diseases, their families and society. The company itself still seems to manage and operates even we're facing crisis e.g. The COVID-19 pandemic.
BULLISHEngages in the development of antibody therapeutics for the treatment of cancer based on its Probody therapeutic technology platform. Its pipeline includes immunotherapies, probody drug conjugates, T cell engaging bispecifics, and other multiple programs. Shareholders may be thrilled to learn that the analysts have just delivered a major upgrade to their near-term forecasts. The consensus statutory numbers for both revenue and earnings per share increased, with their view clearly much more BULLISH on the company's business prospects. hopefully by the end of the this week there is a possibility to shoot up here!