Symmetrical Triangle with Breakout in NZDJPY Towards 78.50Trend Analysis
The main view of this trade idea is on the 30-Min Chart. The FX Cross NZDJPY is in a symmetrical triangle setup. The support trend line is connected by the 76.50 and 77 high lows while the resistance trend line is connected by the 78.11 and 77.60 lower highs. Expectations are for a breakout higher, with a target of 78.50. A failure of this setup will be observed if NZDJPY were to decline to 76.855.
Technical Indicators
NZDJPY has positive crossovers on its short (50-MA), medium (100-MA) and long (200-MA) term fractal moving averages. The RSI is greater than 50 and there has been a positive crossover on the KST.
The recommendation will be to go long at market, with a stop loss at 76.855 and a target of 78.50. This produces a risk/reward ratio of 1.48.
The views expressed are mine and do not represent the views of my employers and business partners. Persons acting on these recommendations are doing so at their own risk. These recommendations are not a solicitation to buy or to sell but are for purely discussion purposes. Currently I have a position in NZDJPY.
NZD/USD Signal - USD 3 Month Bill Auction - 13 Sep 2021NZDUSD has bounced from trendline support prior to the USD 3 Month Bill Auction, which reveals the yields on the US Government backed security. Technically the pair has bounced from the trendline and the RSI has turned positive, and we are seeing USD weakness so far this week.
NZD/USD Signal - USD Initial Jobless Claims - 9 Sep 2021NZDUSD is trending to the downside today prior to the USD Initial Jobless Claims data, which measures the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time. Technically the pair has broken to the downside of the support trendline, and has bow formed a resistance trendline.
EUR/NZD Signal - NZD Westpac Consumer Survey - 20 Sep 2021EURNZD is trending to the upside prior to the NZD Westpac Consumer Survey data, which usually is based on a survey during which respondents rate their opinion on different issues concerning current and future economic conditions. Technically the pair is grinding to the upside, but is lagging behind gains made on EURAUD. We anticipate the pair to make gains and catch up to the highly correlated counterpart.
Markets news n°36> George Soros says Xi Jinping is ruining the economy and predicts investors in China are in for a rude awakening
The billionaire said: "Xi Jinping’s crackdown on private enterprise has been a significant drag on the economy. International investors are in for a rude awakening.". He also said "I consider Xi Jinping the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world.". Of course the chinese answered, and this is more pointless drama than anything, they called him a "global economic terrorist". I think the Malaysian PM had words a big more crude, a jew conspiracy was mentionned, I bet the chinese would love to make racist comments. When this country falls apart and they start getting nervous the conspiracies and antisemitism and blaming "the bankers and speculators" are sure to come back.
Blackrock, which is basically a mindless company that never had an exceptional performance but manages a whole lot of money, got on the hype train of "China next superpower" bla bla bla, totally missing the reasons as to why they grew so much. The reasons are pretty obvious: demographics - which are really getting bad now - and they came from very low! Their historical GDP share has been around 20-35% and a few decades ago it was down to 1%! So of course when their society sort of goes "back to normal" the grow will be gigantic, to go to their historical average it would take a 30X. Going up strong and fast doesn't mean they'll continue past their "normal" share of world GDP. Soros called Blackrock decision to invest in the chinese hype a "tragic mistake", and blackrock responded by whining and saying something along the lines of "stop spreading FUD".
> Another day trading "magic system just be disciplined" vendor goes to jail, another crypto ponzi crook gets charged
Another day, another day trader bites the dust. Just like in the mid 80s and late 90s "day traders" are back, giving us life lessons. I'd say it started since last year with the whole Dave Portnoy thing. They're all coming out of the woodwork letting us know how they're all "part of the 1%" and "you just need to be disciplined" or some crap.
Well, crooks are taking advantage of it again, and this summer a crook called Leonard J. Cipolla got a 10 years jail sentence handed to him for selling a "secret trading system" that would "virtually guaranteed a gain of 10-30% per month". He used his winning account statements for a period of 2 years to draw suckers in "here is the proof". A few months or years ago I remember proving that a typical day trading macd strategy was equivalent - but inferior - to taking a single position on the market for a few months, it "works" when it's trending, but not too strong (or you never get signals). I think they have no clue their strategies are something like taking a long position on volatility, or even a long on the market period. People don't understand this are just ignorant. Then they go "well market conditions change". It's just so stupid.
The list of people that were excited and absolutely persuaded they'd make millions and I'm waiting to get back to me or get back to a forum is too long for me to remember. The list of people that did get back to me is very easy: it's empty. How do these guys become so sure that's it they are the wonderboy they'll become a multi-millionaire? There is a guy I managed to get my hands on, in the league of legends client, he said something like "Oh well I am taking a break". These guys swear on their grandmothers "I will let you know how it went", and then when they fail as expected they are so ashamed and disappointed, even depressed, you don't hear a word.
I had coworkers at a bank get all euphoric about crypto and picturing themselves in fast cars, talking about it ALL THE TIME, every single day. A guy that kept bothering me each time BTC was going down was mysteriously away for several months (mental breakdown) when it dropped below 6000. When he came back he NEVER mentionned crypto. Not once. Which brings me to the other crook, and this is a pleasure, nearly as great as seeing day traders break their teeth: Bitconnect founder has been charged with fraud a few days ago. They got him boys. They always do. I'm sure they'll even find the "crypto queen" that disappeared.
I feel we will soon (next 2 years I guess) hear plenty of "Lehman" stories, and rogue day traders. Remember the day/swing trading guy that was deported to Ghana after losing 2 billions? He also lost all of his personal money with 2 CFD brokers gambling it all away. "How do the pros make money". Simple, they don't. I hope we get plenty of rogue gambler blow up stories.
The 10 years jail day trader official document, these stories are exquisite, I can never get enough:
> France is getting violent. Far right groups assault far left anti-pass groups with sticks, and everyone assaults police
And here is the violence. Revolution vibes. The government will keep pushing them against a wall, as they said "make their lives as miserable as possible" (genius), give them "no choice", make sure they have nothing to lose. It's so stupid... Unbelievable. Wow what could go wrong? So now the government is surprised at the violence, and even the die hard "system" journalists are jumping off the ship. Even Patrick Cohen which is the worlds leading shill for globalism and "covidism" has criticized our health minister and defended our "pro Chloroquine" doctors. The health minister made big round eyes he looked astonished. So did I, this nerd IS the world biggest shill for the "system". People hate him already so I don't know what these journalists are doing, they think people will forget? They'll sink with the ship, too late to change camps.
France has been protesting for months now, against the covid pass, and the media won't cover this but the internet will, and the images don't lie: far right & far left groups are fighting each other, and both sides are now getting violent with police - which might have started it. Ah of course, the media won't cover this; BUT Macron the president and the government funded media will cover "our president wants to curb police violence after allegations", ah yes of course it just happened to be right now, just after violence in the streets, must be a coincidence. They tried to crush the angry people in the street, and it made them even angrier. So now they're trying something else. Good luck.
> CNBC: "Russia is building its military influence in Africa, challenging U.S. and French dominance." As I expected...
Not so long ago I mentionned the Russians and Centrafrique roasting France. And I said this was just the start. Well, the trend continues: Nigeria and Mali (from which France just left) have signed with Russia. Also Ethiopia according to CNBC. Will Russia allow the Tuaregs to have some sort of freedom or just support the southerners like France did? Maybe Gaddafi son will be Libya next leader, the media forgot to mention this but the tribes got together and said he was the only one they'd allow to represent them all. If Russia does not impose their own vision, it's totally possible Libya this time around builds a united Africa - United but of course with a Tribal system and ethnostates that respects everyone culture and independance. Not what the west wanted. The west: all mixed together, but divided not united. Need our migrants.
A quick reminder: Iraq has been civilized with a tribal system for 10,000 years. The "advanced progressive" west got out of the forest about 2000 years ago. The forest dwellers spent so much time in the forest they have adapted to the poor light with blue eyes. Clearly the "primitive tribal system" worked for thousands of years, produced big progress, and wonders and all sorts of pyramids.
I predict the ethnic cleansings and so on will be dramatically reduced, as long as Russia respects African traditions. Goodbye refugee crisis. Even with all the harm the western NGOS, armies, clean energy dictats, and propaganda, have done, Africa has been developing. Imagine trippling the number of power plants, but your population quadrupled. It will look as if you are stagnating or declining. And why do they keep making kids? Western democracy. The ethny with the most people will get the most vote and therefore will rule over the other ethnicities. We don't need Bill Gates vaccines to slow the multiplication, what an ignorant fool, we need to stop the west from imposing their vision of the world on others. Some may explain the high fertility with "Oh well they have strong kin/tribe values" which is sort of rephrasing what I said.
> New Zealand might start a new leg down till 2023 if the delusional GDP consensus is not reached tomorrow night
Deluded economists and bankers might be wrong again, and New Zealand GDP numbers might be way lower than what they expect, then they'll get their little ties and go to tv or whatever and make up some explanexcuse. And if/when the GDP goes boom the price of NZD might also go boom.
If it crashes this week, this may be it. I don't think the USD is just going to go to zero overnight. Tommorow we are also getting Canada & UK CPI numbers, some China numbers. Then next week the big FED meeting. Maybe this week, or next week, is what gets this new year started.
The ECB and FED continue their far-west duel, no one wanting to do anything first. The status quo "easy monetary policies" continue.
On the NZ side: "Electronic retail card spending for August came in at -19.8% on a month-over-month basis, missing the 1.7% (delusional) consensus forecast. Visitor arrivals for July fell to 767.8% from 1365.2% the prior month.". That's so bad. Yeah it missed it alright. Slightly.
The price went up in a straight line for 2 weeks, 10/11 candles are green. So possibly the only thing holding the price up are day & swing gamblers that got excited or something. And once it falls, it could be violent.
> Aging germans can't stand getting beat by tech stocks and a poor performance indice: DAX 40 launches Monday 20
Just going to quote here:
"On Monday September 20th, STOXX a unit of Deutsche Borse, the German holding company of stock exchanges will implement what Reuters referred to as the biggest overhaul of the DAX index since it was created 33 years ago.
The biggest changes include:
Growing from 30 companies to 40 companies
Strict new index listing criteria
New de-listing rules (to enable faster action in instances like the Wirecard scandal)"
They are adding Airbus? Wasn't that a french company? 4 of the 10 new companies are health/chemical/genetic companies. Biotech basically. Apart from that there isn't anything special worth noting in my opinion. Seems diversified enough, which is what institutional investors wanted. After the Wirecard fraud hit them they got upset and wanted more diversification/companies so a single one wouldn't hurt so much. This would bring Germany to the number of France (CAC 40) and Italy (FTSE MIB, Italy main indice went from 30 to 40 in 2004), and still far behind the UK with their 100 companies. Even Spain had more companies in their indice than Germany (I'm not sure but banks might be a bit overweighted there), and the Dutch with less than 25% of Germany population have 25. Should have created a DAX-50 or even DAX-100. Germany is way smaller than the US so no DAX-500, but DAX-50 or 100 makes sense. Maybe the "Eurostoxx" should give back the companies they stole too. And indices per sector would be nice too.
Dear Santa Claus... Ye man if I wanted to buy 2 dozen companies I'd do just that not buy an indice. Going from 30 to 40 isn't much of an improvement but I think they didn't want to scare anyone, especially old people holding it. The DAX-40 companies have a mkt cap going from $15 bn to $175 bn. The ultra overvalued S&P 500 companies start at $4 bn. If the less overvalued German started at $3.3 bn it would be the DAX-100. If it started at $4 bn it would be the DAX-90. Going by price to earnings it could easilly be the DAX-100. Just mindlessly buying everything rather than taking intelligent decisions stock by stock is bad I guess but if you're going to make an indice anyway, give us an indice of large cap companies, blue chips. Dax-100. CAC-80.
The french indice is so troll, the "fashion" companies are so huge compared to the rest (wanted to buy the dip for a few weeks by the way). So you got the top 4 that are big fashion companies with the 2 biggest ones (L'Oréal par ce que je le vaux bien, LVMH) with a market cap of $262 and $385, LVMH has a weight of more than 10% that has to be some record, and the smallest ones are playing in another league around $15B. The top 5 make up 37% of the weight. Can't find the DAX weights, I guess it's a secret, I think it's more balanced than other ones. In the S&P 500 the top 9 stocks are all definitely not overvalued tech stocks + BRK, and their weight is more than 25%, Apple being the biggest with 6%. The Dow Jones valuations are complete troll it goes by price and the biggest weight is just under 8%. Some companies worth trillions, and some worth 3 bn. Well I guess it represents well the socialist monopoly system where 95% of the population are wageslaves.
Maybe this brings some hype back to the German stock market. The big winner other than the US ponzi has been France.
I rather want to buy these beastmode companies but I don't know where to buy for sure, maybe when it starts trending again, or a bit lower, maybe an ABC:
NZD/USD Signal - NZD NZ Business PMI - 17 Sep 2021NZDUSD is trending to the downside currently, having broken below the key support zone following disappointing NZD Business PMI data, which presents business conditions in New Zealand. The Business PMI is an important indicator of the overall economic condition. A result that values above 50 signals appreciates (or is bullish) for the NZD, whereas a result that values below 50 is seen as negative (or bearish). Technically the pair has broken key support, and we also anticipate USD strength to drive the exchange rate lower.
The Kiwi Setup 1 - Can it do a Wave 5 up?This might look like a simple pullback on the D1 chart
on the H4 chart, if you follow my method, then it is a setup 1. Possibly going into a Wave 5 up.
The negative is that it might be the start of an ABC pullback and I might get B trapped.
But I will take this regardless and keep that in mind.
Stop Loss below the Daily Small doji
NZD/USD Signal - RBNZ Rate Decision - 18 Aug 2021NZDUSD is trading to the downside today as the RBNZ were expected to raise interest rates but held them instead. Technically the pair has created a large wick shadow to the downside and we anticipate the pair to continue to the downside and fill this wick.
RBNZ rate decision setup for NZDUSDNext week marks a rate decision event for RBNZ. Currently at 0.25%, there is news in the air for an increase in the rate by 25bp, and possibly another hike before the end of this year.
Currently NZDUSD has been flowing more or less in the indicated upward channel. It has fallen due to a strong USD this week and a reversal is in the making.
Two highlight points on the chart indicate 1. a slight drop in US retail sales and 2. the RBNZ rate announcement.
Provided these events fall in support of the Kiwi, it is expected to bounce up and test the 0.7100 range and possibly further.
Point to note: currently the 4h signal shows the reverse from this week's downtrend has already started - however its a Friday!!! I feel like jumping on to the long already but may be worth waiting till NY open or London close to understand the levels better. There's a chance we lose pips on the entry but its a safer play. A well-placed stop may benefit the early birds.
See ref.
AUD/NZD Signal - AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence - 10 Aug 2021AUDNZD is trending to the downside prior to the AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence data, which shows Wesptac's analysis of the consumer market. Technically the pair is trending to the downside and has pulled back into resistance at the trendline, the 200 moving average, and the structure zone. We anticipate continued downside.
GBP/NZD_1H_ShortShort position taken – 1H - Although in bigger timeframes the trend was bullish but it showed weakness and cannot pass the last week high and reverse from it. In 1H timeframe, it broke the last low (1.96205) which created last high and also it passed the ascending komu. I entered the short position and the TP is last week low.
R/R = 1:2.07
GBP_NZD_4H_LongThe long position is taken – 4H -Daily timeframe I checked and last day candle barriers are HL and HH, in 4H also I see the start of a movement from a 4H demand zone, although price broke an ascending channel it was above a fat ascending komu. Also in lower timeframes, I see HL and HH. I enter the long position and the TP is last week High.
R/R = 1:1.1