Favourite Stock - ECONBHDFA:
Solid parameters.
Institutional/Smart Money holding this stocks as well. (EPF , Tabung Haji, Amanah Raya)
At 4H chart, ascending triangle.
Previously i entered at 0.39 and bagged sweet 34% profit. Plan to reenter to at the breakout.
Best Entry : Chart Pattern entry. 0.54
RRR: 1: 2 (conservative) ; CL 10% no negotiation.
Oil is in unprecedented depression.The oil is nature things, that can boost up economy and can drag down an economy. In my opinion, if crude oil can break the resistance levels at 18.90-19.30 so the aim will be reaching and trying to fight the ceiling resistance. If this successful, the trend will continue upwards... But that's what my thought.
Crude storage is one thing, they are now short of storage. I've read, they wanted to ask the pipeline as a storage now. That is beyond mind thinking, but it will takes time. As the demand is still low, the price will have some down trend continues. If the oil futures drop below the supports levels of 14.5-14.03 they will try to seek another supports at 11-11.5. If in case breaking down all the way, the downward trend will continue to next supports...
If you find this help full, please do like , follow and comment if you have another opinion. The more we share, the more we can get.
KLCI Heading To 1405.37 Before Trump| 15th April 2020Looking to the price daily chart, the price is about to breakout the 1370.00 which is the key before the price going to 1400.00. I am holding the buying position today as the price of value RSI showing up before the previous value. The confirmation also has been develop after the candlestick eating all the price previous day.
Ringgit has strengten against the dollar this week. You might want to see those article as per below if you haven't read so.
I am closely watching and monitor the trump administration. The trump statement made on the 'shortly' is very dangerous to the KLCI. After the news that he only know when is the time to re-open the US economy, perhaps not now the KLCI is in safe mode to 1405.37 if the G7 meeting is not in favour. I am targeting the KLCI to 1405.37 before close the target profit.
For malaysian traders, I want you guys to read all these article that i have provided. Please subscribe to my telegram if you wish to trade with me or asking me a question regarding the trading. I know many of malaysian traders need help towards the trading. Please contact me if you need answer to your trading. I am opening a study group to regroup company of traders around the malaysia. I also do coaching if you guys seriously want to be a serious traders for full time or part time trading job aspect. Invest at the knowledge first before you make investment towards the trading before you loss money on your pension money or business money. Trading is a serious things and not can be played by gambling. Invest in knowledge first so that you can make a living forever and trade with confident so that you can see your bigger picture of the trade.
Thank you.
Zezu Zaza
KLSE Is Going Bearish to 1151.75| Bursa Saham| 16th Mac 2020"Dont buy or sell until you see significant pattern and price.
Price has inertia because it carry heavy volume inside the price.
Follow the trend and the trend never wrong.."
-Zezu Zaza Bursa Saham Trading @ Hotel Armada Petaling Jaya 15th November 2019
As you can see the world market right now is contain of fear. Great great depression is on the way. Economy will collapse. Before it does, the market will pause its trading first time in history. We are making history right now. Anything that passed upon the action towards the reaction is history. Greedy will develop after the fear. After this fear of selling vanish, people will greedy to buy. You must understand the concept of trading before preaching. How can you be so sure the price at this certain time of point will going to increase while all others investor pull all their money out?
When the fear took over the market, it must be follow with consolidation. This consolidation has not yet been formed. Bursa Saham trading is not volatile like gold trading or forex trading. Just because of this, we cant expect spike to be happen. In Bursa Saham market, spike will always occurred in bear market. When you have understanding the market and how the market works, then your theory could be functional.
While the coronavirus has been declared as pandemic, airport closed, tourism closed, events cancelled, Malaysian new cabinet reformed under the Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin has not yet started, dollar collapse, stock market crash... who on earth want to buy and hold the buy position for the KLSE stock? If you can answer my question, then I will buy the stock market of KLSE. I love having a debate because it is not simply just give people signal and people losing after following your signal of trading. Every trading buy or sell, we must keep questioning ourself that every trade we put must be under concrete reason. No good reason, dont put the trade because doubt will follow together with fear.
Since the price is right now @ 13++, I believe the price will continue to bearish until 1151.75. For my trade, I will looking to close the profit when the price reached 1200.00.
You can see the price that the presence of bull trader is not there yet. Bull traders looking the bear traders to losing its momentum on selling the KLSE. While other bull traders is waiting and waiting to push the market up since the bearish momentum was strong.
When you see the significant buying, then you can close the selling trade and buy the KLSE after the market is ok. The selling can be in oversold position for a very long time until the stimulus from FED. Next week FED meeting on Thursday 19th March 2020, will expecting they will reduce the interest rate again as expecting. People will sell KLSE again.
So, are you gonna buy KLSE ? Ask this question before making any trade.
Thank you.
Zezu Zaza
KLSE Will Rebounced on Thursday The 5th| 5th March 2020After Fed announced to drop the interest rate from 1.75% (29th Januari 2020) to 1.25% (4rd March 2020) , the stock KLSE will be bounce on Thursday 5th March 2020.
This is a good news for Malaysian Ringgit after to recover from the resignation of the Prime Minister of Mahathir Mohamad on 24th February 2020. As you can see on my illustrated chart, the demand has slightly increased and bull trader will be going soon to buy this stock again. After this news released by Fed, investor has already coming partially to purchase. The bull power will be increasing and hoping you guys to catch from the trend starting to bounce and making a correction.
The decision on Fed yesterday is crucial for the whole economy of the world since the panic attack of the recession will about to hit the entire nation again. To counter this part by part, the FED going to reduce percent by percent to let the economy grow a bit after the pendulum of China strikes the wall.
Muhyidin Yasin has become the 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia on the 29th February 2020 and this would be the soon to be the recovery for the KLSE stock.
Those two(2) sentiment of fundamental is enough to catalyze correction on KLSE Stock market by Thursday 5th March 2020 after gaining some early momentum on Wednesday of 4th March 2020 on the short term while waiting the FED making more announcement on 19th March 2020 2am in the morning.
By the index of Ringgit versus the Dollar has slightly stronger.
Article by Zezu Zaza