Kondratieff Wave
Bitcoin is Amazon before 2008.Bitcoin is Amazon before 2008.
The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.
A preacher went into his church and he was praying to God. While he was praying, he asked God, “How long is 10 million years to you?” He replied, “1 second.”
The next day the preacher asked God, “God, how much is 10 million dollars to you?” And God replied, “A penny.”
Then finally the next day the preacher asked God, “God, can I have one of your pennies?” And God replied, “Just wait a sec.”
BOAKR: not just a classy name? GO BULLSi did a bit of reverse analysis on this one, and it makes a great case for the Bulls.
from time to time i do things a little bit backwards just to see what the charts reveal to me. i was thankful to see that it gave me some insight to the period of time where the Bulls won championship after championship. this is evident by the appearance of a basketball mid-chart. i was living in Chicago from the time that streak started and when i moved, the streak was over. i am the basketball on that chart. you can also see other heads - they do not look impressed. we've got Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, Dominique Wilkins - none of them have ever heard of me and when my name is mentioned, that is the expression on their face.
the charts tell all.
looks pretty bullish for that period. i realize there are other dates depicted on the chart.
💡#i37 : Is Any One As ❤️🔥 For Bonds As I ? 🤓 💵 💰ULTRA U.S. TREASURY BOND FUTURES 🗽
What A Tremendous Name
Dripping With Imperial Greatness.
Bonds Are The Cornerstone Of
Our Debt Based Monetary System.
As Such, Correct Usage Of Bonds
Can Form The Cornerstone Of
A Diversified Personal Portfolio 📊
If You Call You're A Financier, 💸
You Must Understand The Bond 🤵🏻♂️
I'm Going To Approach This Idea
From 3 Unique Perspectives :
The Ultra Bond CBOT:UB1!
The 30 Year Yield TVC:US30Y
Detailed Variants of Idea Charts Below 🖼️🎨
⏩💡#i : Concept Catalog:🖼️:EURUSD Multi Spectrum🎨 T/A ☄️Rdx🔁Reboot 🖥️ :
I'd Be The First To Admit My Fellow Artists 👩🏼🎨👨🏼🎨
One Still Has The Tendency To Be 'Early' From Time To Time..
Don't Read Into That Too Much
Little Damage Done So All The Better
*In Alignment with a Chart based
Bullish on 'Quality Risk' stance for foreseeable:
A multi perspective case:
The Rising Euro to USD from time
of this posting, to upside target:
~1. 40 🐂🏄♀️🧙🏻♀️
💡#i38 : US Dollar In Deep Do-Do. Great For Quality Assets⚠️🐻📉I'm Sure You've All Heard The Spiel
The US Dollar Is In Some Deep S**t
After Bottoming in Feb 2021, The Ole
Dollar Has Been Slowly Grinding To
Final Resistance On November 5th
Double Topped Out At 3649
Next Stop Notations On Charts
Detailed Variants of Idea Charts Below 🖼️🎨
⏩💡#i33 : Most Golden Of Bugs Rejoice! Redux 💹🥇🦗
Purists with a thirst for an Artisan's Knowledge, seek not further🎭👨🏼🎨👩🏼🎨
Craft-peoples will be richly rewarded by Tracing these Trad-Fi Ideas 💡💭
Ask yourself always, Where is The Devil ?👹
In The Details, of Course ♋🔯
💡#i33 : Hate it, Love it, Never Count It Out.. XRP 🏃🏾🥊🩸 XRP Multi-Time Frame ⌚⏰🕰️
Total Market Cap in USD.
I'd Like To Let
The Charts Do
The Walking Rather
I Do Much Talking
For This One.
Perhaps The Featured
Chartist @yonsfx
Would Care To Speak
On XRP Fundamentals 🧾
In Comments Below 🔻
Detailed Variants of Idea Chart Below 🖼️🎨
🌠 Featured Chart Artist ✨
XRP Enthusiast Maximus
@yonsfx 🕶️✖️😎
💡#i36 : A Potential Parting Of Ways. GOLD/SILVER Ratio 🥇🥈📊Put Simply, The Gold To
Silver Price Ratio Represents
How Many Oz. Of Silver
Required, To Buy A
Single Oz. Of Gold ⚖️
Intuition With Observation ♋
Suggests Gold Is Set To
Once Again Outperform 🏁
Second Place Silver.
Detailed Variants of Idea Chart Below 🖼️🎨
The biotech era possibilities: reverse aging, cure cancer, ...A little intro to the biotech cycle... It could be real big.
RNA technology can do a little bit more than tell your genes to produce spike protein.
It could be used to fight cancer.
It could also be used to increase life expectancy from 75 years to perhaps 90.
And more importantly, make people age slower as well as kill "deficient" cells involved in aging.
This means "prime" and "old age" would go from 25-50 and 50-75 to 25-60 and 60-90. Can you imagine?
Of course this is not eternal life, but us humans prime for what seems like such a short time, especially as our life expectancy increase.
You get to 25 and it's a race. By 50 it's over. At 35 you're already basically halfway through and missed on so much prossibly.
But if you got until 60 then it would make a significant difference. You life would not be "over" just a few years after reaching adulthood.
A while ago they came up with solutions but they had a little downside: it was highly cancerigenous.
Research has improved, and if people don't revert to the stone age soon (no guarentee about that), it will continue.
Plenty of treatments (injections, drugs, not RNA modifications) have been tested, and we have seen "70 year old" mice run faster than "25 year olds".
They have been tested on various mammals and plants. And to my knowledge, 1 human. David Sinclair, a genetician that looks at least 10 years younger than he is.
Not going to lie, the first people to get access to this, after the innovators (the few professors testing it on themselves) will be rich people.
Anti-ageing through DNA therapy got to be cheaper and work better than weekly injections of 5 products + 25 other products to counter the side effects.
RNA also is used to fight rare diseases, genetic disorders, but this concerns a tiny part of the population.
It's nice and all, but let's be honest, most people care way more about increasing everyone's (and their) healthy life spans.
Other uses:
Vaccines. Obviously.
Hunger management (you could also just ban obesity like Japan or ban the industry from dumping trucks of sugar and salt in their food to make people hungry).
Faster fracture repair (maybe send gene instructions temporarly)
Cure all sorts of handicaps (up to 10% of the population)
Less very dumb people (that are unemployable)?
Hair loss
Color blindness
Finally fix these teeth constantly getting damaged by bacteria
Regrow an arm?
Some cool sci-fi stuff? X-ray vision maybe?
Idk unlimited possibilities
A huge market bubble since "unlimited possibilities" Oh I can already see it
Right now they are showing the population that RNA tech isn't scary by using them all (most of the pop) as guinea pigs and force vaccinating a lot of people.
But I think they are calming down. These guys aren't that bright but at some point they might figure out if they insist too much they will alienate people and make them ultra-conservative and anti-vaxx and anti-everything. The boomers in power don't have long, so of course they are in a hurry to push this tech at any cost. Funny. They are desperate. The only western president that is young is Macron and OF COURSE his wife is like 80 or something.
The risk is MOAR mass hysteria, MORE euphorism, so I think ultimately people will get greedy and go after more and more half tested rushed treatments, and traders should know the outcome: eventually, a catastrophe. Mass deaths followed by reverting back to ultra conservative values.
Good buy on the next major bear market (this company or whichever one survives). But investing in this is not even the most interesting part.
RNA tech inaugurates the new Kondratiev biotech cycleModerna up $75 in a single day damn. $90 since I bought.
Didn't buy at 346 when I posted about it but at the bottom of the pullback a bit below 400 on friday.
More and more people are accepting the vaccine, and new shots are coming.
And regular retail "dumb money", the one that creates bubble, has not paid attention to PFE & MRNA yet (somehow). These companies are more famous now than Coca-Cola or Bitcoin. The bubble has not even started yet. It is going to go GME.
I've been saying that vaccine hesitancy was U shape with the morons on the left of the IQ curve not trusting it for silly reason, and the gifted on the right of the IQ bell not trusting it for valid reason & being misunderstood. I was dead right!
I have also been saying that the propaganda was so stupid only morons would fall for it. Right again 🙃.
Now scientifically proven!
I'm not saying the vaccine is dangerous, just that the smartest people are the more skepticals, the ones that think for themselves and that don't just mindlessly follow what some celebrity says. There are plenty of reasons why they might be skepticals not just a "lizard psyops" (that's what the authorities tell to high school dropouts to get them to take the shot AND IT WORKS THEY FALL FOR THAT).
And my guess is, and I am very certainly right again, that the PHDs hesistant are mostly the more healthy ones, with the old & fat having a better risk to reward taking it (even if we do not know for sure what the risks actually are, there is no stop loss here).
So the most hesistant group is the PHDs, followed by (at the time) the "rednecks" (high school degree or less), and of course who is the least hesitant group? Bachelor & Master degrees. The dead average normies that think they are smart "I stoodid! I am edookataid!", the typical clueless idiot parrots that think they are smart for mindlessly repeating what they are told. Universities suck, no idea why the US doesn't follow the french system, China did. In the US it's even pay to win. Kids want the gov to spend more for their university so they can have fun.
Science has proven I was right about the propaganda only working with morons:
Vaccine hesitancy among the high school and less has gone, between January and May, from 35% to 20%. Meanwhile the PHDs hesitancy actually WENT UP! Lmao pesky nerds, it went from ~23% to 25% in May.
Fortunately for my investment the vast majority is convinced and will keep purchasing new vaccines and "booster shots" some hypocondriacs are even breaking the law to get several booster shots! Take as many as you want, as long as you (via the government) pay for them :)
And fortunately for my investment, the ignorant high school dropouts are literally too stupid to read let alone understand the FUD written by these pesky hesitant PHDs. But when a celibrity wearing a clown nose burps and farts and tells them the vaccine will make them normal they listen, when the media says that people that don't get the vaccine are silly flat earthers they fall for it, when the media tells them they should vaccinate their 3 year old because of some magical reason they listen, when they say the vaccine is efficient BUT not efficient if other people don't take it BUT it's efficient after all because you won't make a "serious" case BUT other people still have to take it because it could mutate into a more serious version so you have to pressure other people to take it they listen and they can't figure out they're preparing public opinion for more vaccines in the near future.
Pretty amazing that the constant hammering of propaganda, of every single trick in the books has ZERO effect on PHDS, no it even has a slight negative effect (maybe a few can be tricked by reverse psychology or something? Just annoy them enough till they hate you so much they do the opposite of what you claim you want), and the high school dropouts massively fall for childish first degree tricks that are so obvious they sometimes make me blush.
It's actually useless to try and warn people of the risk.
1- High IQs will only change their minds if they find rational evidence, and if there is evidence about something they'll know about it.
Plus they are arrogant c***s that think they're smarter than everyone else (because they are) and don't listen to anything anyone "probably inferior" says and are super stubborn. Easy to be confident when you have something to back it up with.
2- The mindless spineless sheep in the middle will mindlessly follow anything anyone screaming loud enough says, they wouldn't want to lose their average normie repetitive desk job. Their greatest fear is looking stupid because they know they aren't smart enough to understand all the intricacies and put their balls on the table (assert themselves) and say they know best than "the scientists" (wheareas the scientists can obviously), while they also know they are smarter than the low IQs they despise and fear being mistaken with. There is probably a lot of Dunning-Kruger effect going on in here too, with this group being smart enough to understand 2-3 things, but not smart enough to understand the whole picture and know that they don't know what they don't know.
3- The "in difficulty" group, the low IQs, well they have a natural distrust of science not sure why, I don't know because I didn't study it because I don't care about this group, I don't care because they have no money and therefore no money to lose to me and even if they sometimes have some even Bitcoin is too solid an investment for them they rather lose it in a regular (obvious) "2% a day" ponzi. I don't know. What I know is they fall for childish manipulation tactics, their whole life they've let someone else do the thinking for them, and they are the fuel to this rocket ship. And to be fair I don't despise them like I despise 2, but if they grow a third arm and drop dead big deal, not like we don't have enough deadweights on welfare. We got an ample supply of those, not to worry. What we are missing are more doctors, more inventors, more independant thinkers.
We have to fight against the minsinformation! These scary FUD tactics are causing potential clients to hesitate 😠.
It's not a "new experiment method" my own father was working on it (against cancer) when I was a baby. It's older than me.
If people would just sponteanously combust we would know it.
The hesitancy is more subtle than that, nothing regular folks should worry their little heads about 🙂
One of the reason why it's good to have a few individuals not take it is so we have a group to compare to.
Rather than whine about conflicts of interests, come and profit from it, get your piece of the pie 🤑
ADA ACCUMULATION PHASEAda is in complete accumulation phase.
Accumulation is to collect or increase the amount of something. Accumulation can refer more narrowly to increases in the position size of an asset that is built up over multiple transactions. Accumulation can also refer to the overall addition of positions to a portfolio.
In technical analysis , accumulation points to a general increase in buying activity in an asset. In this case, the asset is said to be "under accumulation" or "being accumulated."
The boomers didn't have enough kids trendThe london area and some countries are ordering millions of body bags.
They are super bearish. At the bottom. As usual.
Covid is over. There were 2 deadly waves and there won't be a third.
I hope I'm not offending anyone too much. I know that to big brains going against the fear narrative - which changes everyday - makes you a conspiracy theorist that believes jewish lizards control the world.
I believe reptilians control the world and this is my right.
Look at this chart:
Do you not think that governments are ran by reptilian brains because I think they are.
They made illegal buying masks and told us they were useless.
Then they forced us to wear masks and used strict police repression to enforce this rule.
They locked healthy people at home, even in middle ages they didn't do that.
Scientists proved it was useless AND showed that for the first time ever,
entire families (locked together) died!
They are always wrong about everything. They are reptilian peasants.
Covid passes, just like retirement reforms, are rules made by boomers for boomers.
And these rules apply to everyone except the police and military. Democracy.
It's like literally everyone is ultra bullish on covid but they are all wrong. This is the top.
They are going to panic with the violent 2023 flu pandemic but it's just the start of wave 1 in the new uptrend.
And 2022 will be "back to normal hurrah".
After 1 century of exceptional progress, S&P growth, life expectancy, the trend will reverse.
Good times create weak men etc. These weak zombies will panic it's going to be funny.
When a very violent bubonic ebola plague hits it's possible that the zombies get the zeal of the convert:
They believed in covid fear, they will change their mind once it's over and they slowly learn restrictions were for nothing. Redpilled.
And so, when the plague hits they will brush it off. I'll be in my bunker in the middle of nowhere watching natural selection take its course.
Deaths will actually go up for several reasons:
- Massive obesity, in particular in the young (that are getting older and fatter)
- Massive old population with very little replacement
And also:
- Weak chinned low T drug addicts
- Hypocondriacs with weakened immune systems
- Being stuck at home and other small reasons
Medical institutions have done a lot of campaigning to get people to avoid using antibiotics all the time.
Some fear penicillin resistant bacterias pandemics and mutants. This will not happen, not on a large scale.
Bacterias have been at war for BILLIONS of years. Using penicillin or other antibiotics for millions of years.
Zambia is a country with a population of 15,000,000.
The west stole almost all their doctors. They had 1600 and that number dropped to 400.
This obviously really screws the country beyond belief but a few thousand doctors for the west is not enough.
They have a few hundred per 100,000 and as the population age they will need more, perhaps as much as 500/100,000.
But their doctors are retiring, so the number goes down.
In France the number now is 330, stagnating, but the number of patients is going up.
And that 330 number will decline.
France alone might need 100 doctors by 100,000. So in total 67,000 doctors (the population is 67M).
That is more than 50 times the number of doctors that were stolen from Zambia.
And that's France alone.
Plus the "brain drain" has been going on for decades so Africa has little left to leech.
Maybe they are now letting in refugees because they hope some of them will turn into doctors?
For context at least 70% of refugees are women and children.
The revolution already started, but during the 2023 flu pandemic where thousands of old people are waiting in makeshift beds in tents because hospitals are full, and the government runs out of options (they might lock people at home again, out of despair again), a hard paradigm change will be necessary.
There are a lot of variable. For example if the anti covid injections have side effects, pharma companies, that already have scandals way too often, will lose the public trust. And the biotech period will not happen, or be delayed, or be very secondary. We are changing of paradigm & period (50-75 years), but also of era (200-300).
The period in France is 1968-2021 so 53 years. Or you could say since the 1946 NWO, 75 years. It is not an exact science.
The past 50-75 years was the period of neo-liberal pleasure seaking, tech religion, etc. It's ending.
That was for the period (50-75). The era (200-300) is industrial revolution/wageslavery/capitalism/socialism.
We were born just in time to witness some of the greatest change in history. Worth it.
All of Africa does not have enough doctors and nurses to take care of the hundred of millions of obese and old patients. Not even close.
The only half valid hope is technology but it won't magically save people.
Deaths will go up, like it or not.
And governments can crush revolts, but they can't crush the underlying fundamentals.
If Louis XVI had put an end to the tax revolt of 1789 (Like Macron put an end to the yellow vest tax revolt), monarchy would still have ended.
The trend, and what to expect is clear. I believe not 1 in a thousand knows this.
It is mathematically impossible the welfare state continues, government guarenteed pensions will vanish.
And it is mathematically impossible that our generation (Z to X) lives better than boomers.
For the first time the kids will not be better off than their parents.
Not only that but even much worse off.
I will add another call, gold, easy one:
I hate explaining the obvious but I have the intention to throw this at the face of dum dums.
Here I am so clear even a zombie should be able to understand:
Months ago me said covid-19 wave was over, and me said if other wave it would be other variant. Which was the case. That call aged well.
Now me say covid deaths any variant is over. I no care media say "ooga booga many case". Me say death spike covid any variant over. No more big spike.
No third deadly wave. Understand? Death. Not case. Regardless vaccines. All country same.
Detail of US net imports, and why the situation is so dramaticThere is a clear picture here. The only (tiny) saving grace the US has is the "on site" stuff that cannot be delocalized, or hardly, all these basic industrial goods, as well as their agri mostly grains.
The US imports 3 times as much consumer goods and auto parts as they export.
It's cheaper to get chinese slaves to build goods in huge factories than pay these expensive unionised americans.
The US , and even the whole west to a smaller extant, became totally reliant on foreign manufacturing.
The US are heavily dependent on the rest of the world for their consumption of pharmaceuticals, auto parts, electronics in general, all sorts of household items like clothes and beds and microwaves and so on, cheap TV made in China etc.
This became particularly visible during the covid crisis of 2020 where the US went "wait we need stuff, where is it?", sorry it's in India, I remember Morocco made big stacks of Hydroxychloroquine meanwhile the west could not get any, so then the whole west started a big conspiracy theory about every single drug that is cheap to make - therefore is made in foreign nations (revenues < minimum wages ==> impossible for entrepreneurs to produce locally), the propaganda branch of the west starting spreading messages on how drugs that billions (with a B) used for a century were very dangerous, no idea how anyone bought that.
"Nearly 80% of drug ingredients used in the United States originate overseas, but FDA has struggled to oversee the manufacturers’ factories, raising red flags about safety. It caused drug shortages and suspension of safety protocols of the medicines manufactured overseas - the majority in China and India."
Am I being a negative perma bear now? This was "speculation" before 2020 (not really guesswork, it's literally in the numbers but whatever nobel prize economists and keynisians are too dumb to understand). But now in 2021 it REALLY happened. We experienced it for real, it's not theory anymore.
To be clear: The drug shortage during the covid pandemic was VERY SMALL. It's not 1% of what is about to hit.
The west, mostly the US, and the least Germany, have no productive ability. When India & China stop sending humanitarian aid to them, they will turn into a desert like Venezuela, it's back to prehistory, they have the ability to build nothing at all.
Elected officials are not the ones running the economy, entrepreneurs are, businessmen, and these guys conduct their business in Asia.
There is no simple switch that they can turn on and off. Rebuilding the country if all goes right would normally take at least a good decade or two (maybe I'm too optimistic), but surely a while longer with the population being so old.
If you are curious what consumer goods the US is a net exporter of, here is the list:
To compete with Chinese cheap goods Germany (and a little bit France & the UK) came up with quality standards, the ISO 9000/9001 family which was first created by the US and the UK I know but Germany is what really went in that direction. So they retain some industrial capabilities (in particular an impressive car industry, France not doing too bad in that area too, Japan too and motorcycles also). Germany, France, Japan... They still build stuff, but what they build is more expensive so it has to be "high quality".
But the US, being overly woke-liberal-capitalist-shorttermist completely gave up. They are more vulnerable than a baby in a pitbull fighting arena. Not sure what their plan is? Maybe take in millions of cheap migrants to use as workers once shtf? What will they do? Build a wall to keep them in? Lol that's not beyond the realm of possibilities.
That's all grim but what about solutions? How to rebuild? Obstacles to rebuilding:
You have to find capital (and as we know voters will demand a government with high taxes to "help them out", shooting themselves in the leg).
Business owners & builders have to be willing to take risks when they are getting squeezed by social politicians & probably more regulations.
Businessmen/women have to build factories, this does not happen by itself, need construction materials and so on.
Entrepreneurs need to find skilled workers (americans have not worked in factories for 50 years) willing to work (so not on social aid).
A country requires its entrepreneurs to not simply bail out because why bother? After decades of anti-nationalist propaganda.
Good luck!
Once the snowball of rebuilding gets going it's GG, it will keep growing, but when everything collapses it's just so hard to get the snowball initially going. Look at Venezuela and Argentina. Not only elites & go-getters left, but their "shoot myself in the foot" population is working hard to make sure business creation is next to impossible. And they've been in a mess for 10-20 years, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
In modern days, high performance dynamic people will not "hold the bag" of a dying nation with a population hostile to business and in denial, lmao imagine arguing for months with morons in denial when you can just buy a plane ticket to a beach somewhere and GG.
Almost no one has a nationalist sentiment anymore, so the people that build the economy will bail out of failing nations.
And they only come back when a nation works hard to attract them (enough for it to be worth taking the risk of moving), with low taxes and low regulations and so on.
It's really simple and straightforward...
So to sum up, the US is doomed. Wasteland of nothing being done soon. And it's not worth fighting for, let them sort their mess. Solutions?
East Europe, Australia, Caucasus countries, and others, let you in if you got money in the pocket (to invest in their country of course) and plans.
Georgia Citizenship by Investment: Become a Turkish citizen within just six months with a real estate investment, bank deposit, or new business.
Turkey with their empire history have it implanted in them to take people in. And actually they have the fastest growing economy of OECD countries.
And much better demographics. Turkey has not the best eco freedom, but better than France. Georgia better than all.
As the economies keep growing, and less of their entrepreneurs and workers leave + new ones come in, it can snowball and they can easily be in a better place than the US.
All countries that went through troubles are fighting for wealth & job creators in this very high sedentary & risk aversion era. Go-getters still overvalue the west. Not much longer.
Istanbul is 6 times as bif as NYC, and got twice the population, don't worry there is plenty to do. Remember, when Rome fell, the population of Istanbul went to the moon.
Of course die hard atheists, LGBTS and so on are not welcome. Moving to a country, no matter which one, is a big decision not to be made overnight.
Also if some NA states split from the rest it might get interesting, Texas in particular is trying to be more pro business.
Big beautiful country average size (30m pop 700k km² bigger than France, plenty of space for new arrivals) with natural ressources etc.
Their GDP grew 71% more than the US between 1997 and 2016 and manufacturing output 130% more. They're getting overrun with californians and illegals though (risk).
Sorry Americans stuff does not magically fall off the sky after the welfare state makes an incantation, it has to be harvested from the ground and then manufactured.
If no one builds anything in the country, and foreign countries that build stuff stop sending it for free, there won't be anything in the country.
Enjoy no toilet paper, no computers, no phones, no wine, no car parts, no drugs, no televisions, no shoes, no shirts, no veggies, no nothing.
All that will be left will be sugar, wheat, soybeans, corn, and meat which the US does produce in large quantities.
In other words sodas, high fructose corn syrup, and burgers (wheat + meat). Yay!
Ah an a final word, all this collapse is considering they do not repay their debt (both official federal debt and us dollars printed to import).
If they have to export what they owe the hit will be even bigger (what little drugs they produce will have to be exported while seniors die being denied treatment), but I don't see this happening, or maybe very little of it.
Some of the most notable GDP contractions of recent historyRussia & Ukraine bit the bullet in 2008 and has some decline, and another decline in the mid 2010s (maybe made worse because of droughts?).
They recovered by now (the US collapse might pull them down or maybe free them to go up).
Even Germany GDP between 2014 and 2015 dropped by 15% (never heard of a great depression) , their GDP now is back to 2014 levels, it took 3-4 years to get back to pre-(undercover) recession levels.
France same thing, Turkey, Iran, the UK, Canada...
There is 1 exception: the US. Hey George Soros was right shorting it back then but he forgot about brrrrr.
China is also an exception but their growth was so big it could absorb the hit, it went from 10% growth to 6%.
The US GDP did not drop and growth not even slowdown.
The life expectancy in Russia was skyrocketting until 1965, this is when it started to stagnate even decline a bit (it dropped in the US btw they're behind several African countries now).
It's ridiculous it went from 24 yo in 1945 (even before the war it was at around 30) to nearly 70 by 1965. No wonder communism lasted so long.
Ironically much of the gains were from babies surviving birth but soviets started furiously aborting, so the real life expectancy actually went down...
From the fall of the USSR to ~2000 depending on the source the life expectancy dropped by ~5 years.
The US life expectancy did not drop since WW1, until 2020. Covid, or foreign dependency? The medications other countries used were not easilly available in the US.
What if all their hate for the many treatments 2/3 the entire world outside of the west have been using was just a silly way to avoid saying "yes they work, but we don't have any of these cheap drugs"?
The silly restriction rules in Europe, and part of the reason why the death rate was so high, is (officially and when you look at the numbers) a lack of beds.
They did not have enough stuff to provide treatment to the sick. I think it's possible the US were in the same situation they dug themselves in over the years.
A country collapsing does not mean "stock indice go down", it breaks down in many other ways, and "stonks" can keep going up like the pyramid scheme they are.
A grim conclusion
There was only 1 superpower left in 1992. Soon there will be 0 left. The standard of living of the west will drop but the US will drop most because they are on life support from the rest of the world (China, Mexico, Germany, and many others de facto send humanitarian aid to the US to keep them fat and rich).
The higher you push life expectancy the exponentially harder it is right? And it drops more.
Life expectancy in the US is going to drop by 5-10 years. It dropped by 5 years in Russia and it was not as high and Russia was not as broke as the US.
A large part of the "problem" is the aging population (that refuses to postpone the age of retirement and ask for even more social welfare).
Nature always finds a way...
There is euphoria now it seems. Everyone cheers when they get their stimulus checks. They won't be cheering when they die of old age at 70 years old.
My call: Less than 10 years before "This was not real socialism".
Is it going to sting...There are 2 way to calculate GDP:
GDP method 1
GDP = C + G + I + NX
For investments I don't have a good source, but this one is something, seems to stagnate, lots of investments are made in China I'd bet:
The INSANE net export chart from the FED:
Consumer spending chart
===> When you adjust for the increased population & official fake inflation numbers it is up by 14% (Pop increased by 17%, 12k today => 8k in 2000)
GDP method 2
GDP = Total National Income + Sales Taxes + Depreciation + Net Foreign Factor Income
What we take out of this is that:
The Soviet Union was the world second economy, developped, a superpower, no one went hungry, Ukraine is the "bread basket of Europe" but still when it collapsed people STARVED, even in Ukraine. They went back in time a century.
It will obviously be worse than Greece. I'm not trying to be a perma bear I am not riding a short like with Bitcoin 2 years ago.
Let me take my bear uniform 2 seconds: It will be MAD MAX. If you think this is not possible, look at Somalia.
There is this whole list of issues to tackle, demographic first, Greece, Rome, the USSR had the same, there are ancient letters casting blame to Rome & Greece nobles "you are so eager to let your bloodline die", of course workers are important but it's the elites that build a civilization, that make it happen. Elites now are all (not literally...) corrupt, pedos, orgie addicts and so on. A complete mess.
Working age populations peaked in ~2010 even with the mass immigration going on, lmao at Denmark that got desperate and begged men to sleep with women.
Liberals have been lowering taxes in a desperate attempt to attract entrepreneurs but that barely helps there is too much.
Now they are killing small businesses and helping enforce multinational monopolies. This is not rational. These are the actions of a desperate ruling class that KNOWS what is going on.
In the best case scenario, where debt is cancelled, migrants stay to work, there are no riots and no civil war etc, it's unrealistic but assuming it all goes perfectly it will still be a catastrophe when it ends (obviously foreign nations like China won't export for free forever like a slave country). When it ends the standard of living will nosedive, all the free stuff taken from net imports won't be here anymore.
How about the debt?
The internal debts can be cleared, I mean... look 21 of the top 25 biggest hedge funds are jews, they could go to court to fight it, force the states to pay but surely they learned their lesson last time. Let's not repeat what happened. Anyway peacefully or violently internal debts will be cleared or almost cleared imo.
Who holds external debt? Well obviously China, but then a little of everyone, the Saudis, Israel, Norway, idk who else?
Some rich countries and big japanese businesses I guess?
China can come to Europe take factories, doctors, engineers etc, but they can't do this with the US.
What China can do even if they don't want to force the US to pay up immediately is seize factories such as Elon - hype man with 0 results his whole life - Musk Gigafactory 3. That's a given. Bare minimum.
Doesn't help that the west over-delocalised their manufacturing, including of medications.
Nah don't worry with covid they learned their lessons and actions will be taken. HAHAHAHA!
How do nations bounce back when their population is almost entirely made up of seniors?
It's not all about the money, where to invest. If you have parents that took care of you, prepare early, to take care of them later.
Elders that had no children well they'll die welcome to nature. But hey no one will be sad.
Pretty funny that all political sides are so eager to win, especially the US, like it's the most important elections that you absolutely have to win. It's hilarious, using every dirty trick and trying so hard to win to get the right to get blamed for the collapse.
Dumb tv anchors with shinny eyes filled with joy saying "this is a return to normalcy" I am pissing myself, "back to normal", oh it's going to sting them.
So ye to sum up the EU and US are basically big frauds ran by crooks, like the CEO of Enron or Wirecard.
It's like a husband that lost his job 5 years ago (20 here) and has been borrowing from friends the whole time to continue to drink champagne and hide the truth from his family but boy will you be in trouble when your buddies stop funding your lifestyle.
Let's just say globalist-leftist-liberalism will not be very popular in 20 years. Heads are going to roll.
Ah screw it I'm not pessimistic, let me not potentially give the impression that I am worried or upset.
I'm smiling because I'm getting the f out of this s***hole, I'm probably going to a beautiful beach in Tunisia.
Good luck with your old people and rich in diversity and megadebt and tolerance and masks and curfews and purple hair and return to paleolithic soon westerners, oh no Tunisia have made strict shariah laws against extreme LGBT acts oh no they are a muslim country they won't even let perfectly fine people do sodomy orgies in the street in front of schools how will I survive in such an intolerant place? Muh liberty to do orgies in public and play with feces and get guidelines on how to safely do butt licking muh democracy muh progress 😂
You know I used to care, but now knowing the west will suffer & millions will die actually makes me laugh 🤣.
They don't even suspect it yet, they're so joyful "return to normalcy" gosh they will eat their words.
I don't even want to help anymore, just watch and laugh and rub western neo-liberals face in it.
Keep bombing Syria children "for democracy" I'll eat popcorn in front of the elderly death count when you can't afford care anymore.
You reap what you sow. If they look for investors to bail them out I'll invest my ***** in Europe and the US.
The die is cast. Let this economy die in euphoria and mass delusion. This is long term so no need to short sell this very instant. But 2021 could be the year the stock market tops, if they don't go for hyperinflation.
Sorry for getting so brutal. Don't waste time arguing with deluded idiots, do you insist when a crazy person incoherently screams at you in the street no you try to help first then you leave them in their mess, each man for himself. Protect yourself, your family, your assets. Don't pay for the mistakes of others. Don't help people that don't want help. Ex-USSR countries are very eager to attract entrepreneurs, so let's all pack our s*** and move to greener lands.
As George Soros said, "doesn't matter what I do they will die anyway, so might as well profit from it. It was the happiest period of my life". Looks like I'm a huge sociopath, nice I got all the tools to succeed as a trader.
Oh hi people in 20 years digging dirt on me 👋 This is sarcasm please. They are doing porns in religious dresses I mean c'mon I get a free pass here please no hang me.
Oh hey and if you want to stay in "the west", I don't know how Australia is doing I think they are doing ok, and any businessman (/woman/8000 other genders) with 100k and a business gets a free ID and house or something. They have bats though.
The AWARA study on US Russia Europe net growth:
From a 2019 Wall Street report: "Real US debt could be 2000% of GDP". Talk about being overleveraged.