Kondratieff Wave
ECOMOMIC CYCLEKondratiev wave
The economic cycle has four phases: improvement, prosperity, recession and depression.
Now we are in a phase of recession or inflation Economic bubble.
Within the next 5 years there will be big changes in the world.
Shange of the financial system, the educational system, technology.
In 2000 We didnt moved from the 20th to the 21st century. We use 20st century technology.
But very soon things will change.
We are witnessing a financial apocalypse.
Peace to all
Kondratiev wave + Hurst wave3 parameter used in this analysis.
Kondratiev wave & Hurst wave & Dynamic channel.
Dynamic channel Or parabolic channel is the strictest type of channel.
Kondratiev waves made the 54-year period. And. Hurst waves of the 9-month period.
We found that the integration of these parameters. GBP/YEN The potential to rise to 202 in the next month.
However, after the jump. Surely will fall..
SP500 - 17Y Winter Kondratieff Cycle May not be over
As SP500 has been losing momentum in the last 6 months and seems to be reaching what could be the TOP (In time and price), it becomes increasingly relevant to take a step back a reevaluate extreme scenarios.
In any case what seems clear is that SP500 could be above 10,000 in the years 2030.
The question is whether SP500 is going to suffer a 50%+ dive in the next 2 to 4 years and if that correction will be slow/painful or will come as a fast shock (maybe the second then the first).
As Governments have already used all their easing ammunitions, if there is a problem, it may take longer to resolve.
This is all vague at this stage. The take away is that markets often work in trio and a third leg down of 50% is possible.
Of course, thinking of 50% down seems ridiculous when most managers currently wonder if SP500 will reach 2300 this year but it was the same in 2000 and 2007: nobody could foresee what was coming and everybody was looking up.
Note: in 2013 and 2014, many prominent analysts were forecasting large corrections... They are instinct now. The move is therefore more likely to occur.