Bitcoin maximalists, possible Lambo ordering dates! ;-)If you are a Bitcoin maximalist (Personally I'm rather indifferent, but anyway),... and want to know when you can order you Lambo, read on! ;-)
I thought to myself,... imagine if the whole Bitcoin thing just goes on and doesn't fade out as a complete bubble, what would be a completely pulled out of my a##, but still slightly logical trajectory it coul follow!?!
I my opinion this is the most bullisch scenario I could possibly come up with for BTC to follow.
So, without any scientific foundartion whatsoever,here it comes,...
if you like a little gamble, put your eye out for July 2020 and January 2023!!
PS. For BTC-minimalistst, the fastest "DATES TO ZERO" I can come up with are about the same!!! :-P
Just my useless 2 cents,