Which day of the month to buy BNB at DCA?In this idea we want to show our operation as a long term trader - further definition for the term "Investors" - in which we select - doing also fundamental analysis - assets with long term bullish Bias.
In some of our portfolios we have BNB, which we buy every month in Dollar Cost Averaging ( DCA ).
As Quant Traders and Investors, we have developed the Bias Analyzer to help us decide the day of the month when we can get a statistically advantageous price.
We notice that between the 20th and 22nd the price of BNB tends to fall and therefore today, we can buy at market whenever we want, considering that the day of is calculated at midnight UTC .
Or we can combine the BIAS information by calculating Fibonacci levels or Hosoda's 50% to find a good point.
- 0.382
- 0.500
- 0.618
- 0.786
How do you guys calculate your DCA entries?
CWH: Major Insider Buying along with Expanding Margins = WinnerCWH has been one of the big winners of COVID19, as families look to spend more time outdoors while being socially distant. Marcus Lemonis, the CEO, has increased his position by over 100% through purchasing over 250K shares. The stock has recently been on a down trend since it's high of 42. It has recently broken that downward resistance line, and I believe a move to the 40s is in store.
Here are my 5 reasons for the long term hold.
1- A+ ceo. He has also increased his position from 257,504 shares to 544,221 (+113%). From $10 to $32
2- expanding margins- They are creating an RV-valuator + AirBnB for RVs through their “Good Sam” brand.
3- Camping/outdoors has experienced growth like never before because Covid
4- all demographics buy RVs ( average monthly payment for RV $300 a month/ average purchase price of RV only $30K
5- Breaking out from downward resistance trendline.