ETC pump?! WWG1WGA baby!SHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person and not from getting your pee pee slapped because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!
-thank you to followers, I need more. I'm looking for hand outs HONK HONK but seriously, share this shit!
TWITTER @90dayJeff - I'll take requests for analysis - ping me on Twitter
NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul . I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
ETC H&S yields GREAT SCALPPING opportunity - SHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person and not from getting your pee pee slapped because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!
-thank you to followers, I need more. I'm looking for hand outs HONK HONK but seriously, share this shit!
TWITTER @90dayJeff - I'll take requests for analysis - ping me on Twitter
NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul . I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
WWG1WGA - BTC $30M, WHAT?! - Applying Universal GovernanceSHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person and not from getting your pee pee slapped because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!
-thank you to followers, I need more. I'm looking for hand outs HONK HONK but seriously, share this shit!
TWITTER @90dayJeff - I'll take requests for analysis - ping me on Twitter
NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul . I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
SHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person and not from getting your pee pee slapped because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!
SYNOPSIS - NOW, as one of my mentors always says, "let's get right into it"... This analysis is about learning the nature of a Head and Shoulders, Inverse or not. depending on the size of the H&S, will not only signal the distance but it will also dictate the time it will take to break down at the neck line. That is the focus of this post. What is the nature of the breakdown process and how can you prepare to re-enter for a quick bounce or position for a multi day long. PERSONALLY I LIKE MULTI-DAY LONGS/SHORTS because my life is too crazy for day trading ATM.
-thank you to followers, I need more. I'm looking for hand outs HONK HONK but seriously, share this shit!
TWITTER @90dayJeff - I'll take requests for analysis - ping me on Twitter
NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul . I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
WWG1WGA - Getting back under the NEckline AGAIN - ETC -- Update -
SHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person and not from getting your pee pee slapped because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!
-thank you to followers, I need more. I'm looking for hand outs HONK HONK but seriously, share this shit!
TWITTER @90dayJeff - I'll take requests for analysis - ping me on Twitter
NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul . I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
What is BTC doing? DOn't GET SnaTCH'd up!!! CORRECTION - I KEEP saying INVERSE H&S and I meant H&S. I'm very sorry... I'm hella tired and I've been up with a 3yo and a 3mo baby since 5am.
SHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person and not from getting your pee pee slapped because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!
-thank you to followers, I need more. I'm looking for hand outs HONK HONK but seriously, share this shit!
TWITTER @90dayJeff - I'll take requests for analysis - ping me on Twitter
NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul . I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
UPDATE - IS BTC TOOOOOO MOOONY TOOO SOOONY??? ALTS?SHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person and not from getting your pee pee slapped because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!
NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul . I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
Bitcoin, BTC historical repeat?If you are one of the traders that believes we are re-creating the 2014 market cycle, I'd expect one more drop back down (especially considering market cap has barely increased this past rally (past 1-2 weeks) indicating a fairly weak bullish rally has currently been taking place) then a continuation of price action.
S&p500, The Story ContinuesAs predicted mid-summer in my previous S&P analysis (linked below under related ideas), the US elections may have created a state of temporary panic within the US markets. Confidence being a large driver of any economic market (as seen in the Brazilian markets upon the anticipation of a capitalist president being elected), this temporary state of political confusion and panic appears to have been one of the leading factors influencing the decline observed in the last few weeks (1). The price reversal following the results of the 2018 Midterm elections appears somewhat bullish, however I am still leaning on a more cautious side. The daily price has reached a Green9 signaling a price reversal is approaching. That said, this current price movement rejected the current resistance zone at the end of the trading day last Wednesday (Green7 candle) the 7th, which led to a Green9 becoming a red candle. Under normal conditions I would expect that a market exhaustion (Green9) would be followed by a Red1-4 candle correction (visible on the weekly chart), then continuing its bullish price movement. However, the Friday candle closed on a Red Candle with a wick testing the 50 Day Moving Average. This forces me to be more cautious, even thought the 50 Day Moving Average acted as support for the price movement. RSI is currently at a support zone, zone being a trendline which i left out on this chart (2). A price reversal would force the RSI to move onto its next support zone. Lastly, the MACD appears to be beginning to turn downwards. However, it is too early to confirm this.
1. For the time being, it appears the market has decided that a Democratic run House and a Republican run Senate is doable. American's government greatest strength is also its greatest weakness (weakness in selective situations) continuously providing checks and balances to the party in current control. The market loves its political balances for it is more predictable. Any party maintaining power for too long over all three branches of government is not always favorable.
2. Reasonably argued, a number of traders are not in favor of trendlines being attached to market Indicators as they feel this form of trend criteria is not reliable enough as compared to price trendlines in order to help validate potential future price movements.
I'd buy this if I were youBig play on Uranium. This company owns massive Uranium and Cobalt deposits (Cobalt is needed for electrical car batteries)
Company just got funded for another 18 months, which I think is long enough before the coming Cobalt/Uranium boom (at least one of them if not both)
50-1000x play here.