Crypto MarketCap Support 1.194T is BrokenCurrently the strongest support is at the level of 1.1.94T and has been broken. The market will continue to fall, people will exit the market. So far the death cross has just started and the market cap could be much lower. Wait and see, the bounce hasn't been seen so far, don't enter the market before they stop at new support
market cap analyze TOTALAs you can see, the Total 2 Market Cap minus bitcoin chart, which consists of Altcoins, has lost a very important support floor, and at least its target is the black dashed line that has been marked.
But if he wants to show more of himself and go lower towards the target, he will have to lose the total and the total cup replica (chart on the right) of the support floor.
If the total support floor is lost, which is accompanied by a fall in the price of bitcoins, the rate of fall in altcoins will definitely be higher than bitcoins according to the indicators, and we will see a heavier fall in altcoins.
Crypto MarketCap Hidden Head and Shoulders Pattern (Rev)We can see, after the accumulation in the symmetrical triangle, on June 12, the close candle was right below the triangle which indicated the market was breaking down. This is reinforced by another pattern, on June 13 there was a hidden HnS, meaning that the crypto market capitalization in the next few days will dump massively. We are just waiting for the 3rd proof, if the MA20 crosses then be prepared for a significant decline in crypto prices
Crypto MarketCap Hidden Head and Shoulders PatternWe can see, after the accumulation in the symmetrical triangle, on June 12, the close candle was right below the triangle which indicated the market was breaking down. This is reinforced by another pattern, on June 13 there was a hidden HnS, meaning that the crypto market capitalization in the next few days will dump massively. We are just waiting for the 3rd proof, if the MA20 crosses then be prepared for a significant decline in crypto prices
Total Market Cap ForecastThe chart is similar to the Bitcoin chart. And it seems that half of the uptrend is left and we are about 400 days away from the end of the uptrend. And the recent correction was due to the collision with the midline. The Fibonacci timeline also marks the end of the climb and the uptrend.
If you see my bitcoin analysis as well.
I think we have to wait for the Altcoins pump and the slow uptrend of Bitcoin
Welcome to the altcoins season.
TOTAL2 Retest, Likely Further Collapse - PitchforkTOTAL2 Has seen some great growth
there is more to come for the bulls but we are now jus taking a breather and gearing up
at the 0.5 line is a strong and likely point of support for this price action
Being tested as resistance three times, to be tested as a support? It will likely reject upwards and continue with the bull run.
The Possible 2 Scenarios for Crypto Today. Tell me your thoughtsIf we look carefully the chart, we will see a huge crash in 2018, 58%. Then, the great final 768% pump came before the end of the bull run. Now, we have a very similar event, where we see a 50% crash. We haven't got one like this before, so maybe we are about to see the final part of the bull run, the very great one before the final crash.
I was specting BTC into the 30-38k range.
Or maybe not... What do you think?
It's Easy To See with BTC as easy as 123 all the data points are so easy to read. It looks like we should be recovering at least in the short term.
As long as we continue to bounce back off of 28000 I believe even if we ride the bottom for a again just the short term.
We should correct and hopefully return the bull market with new highs in august. worst case we break that 28 bounce back or not an re-enter
a brand new uncharted Bear Market.
Yeah ugly chart but shes oldschool and she works
Doge - Market Cap is a trap?Question: Doge is at #4 on Market Cap size - does this mean people have invested $65,818,633,420 into Doge coin?
"Market Cap means real money invested in the markets!" I heard a popular youtuber say..... Is this the riskiest assumption in crypto?
To understand this better I thought I would do a little digging - Disclaimer:
a. I'm just trying to get my head around this topic so no expert but the concept seems pretty simple.
b. I'm thinking about the market as a whole - not Doge specifically but my thoughts on Doge should be pretty clear.
c. I am trying to be objective here buy I'm currently short on BTC right now so watching out for my bearish bias.
Last price x circulating supply
CoinMarketcap says .. "Market Capitalization is one way to rank the relative size of a cryptocurrency"
Binance (academy) says.. "Crypto market capitalization is the current market value of a cryptocurrency network"
Great! so the market is growing and Doge on the way to the moon right?
-- What they are implying here is 'value'. I use this term in my day to day job when we are trying to create the illusion of real cash for clients but it doesn't really exist - that's marketing for you ;)
Breaking this down:
1. Supply:
When you see a youtuber talking about a skyrocketing market cap and institutions jumping in with wedges of cash this is not necessarily the truth. As author Anthony Back noted:
- If I launch a crypto with 10 billion circulating supply and one person pays $1 for one token you have a $10 billion market cap.. wait!! that person sold it for $2 and the Market Cap is now $20 billion! *
- This means with no regulation the market cap can scale without real money and only the introduction of new tokens/supply - think XRP.
* as more buyers come in they will establish an alternative price.
2. Circulation
- Calculations do not account for lost tokens - this would bring down the Market Cap - e.g. reduce BTC Market Cap by 20%
- creation of tokens out of thin air - this means you can boost market cap (unless the price adjusts but for many small tokens in a bull market this may be overlooked)
- the circulating supply doesn’t take into account illiquid coins or tokens in long-term storage
3. Value
- this is often quoted when talking about market cap but in crypto there is no value and Market Cap has nothing to do with value. We as humans keep things simple and misread this data value.
4. Comparison
- You are comparing nothing with nothing - there is no intrinsic value in the token thus an individual token market cap is based on sentiment vs another token sentiment
- they are designed for different use cases - thus you cannot compare ETH to BTC... unless they are just all in the speculating category which is probably the real truth
5. Price
- this is what the last person paid for a token - I can but a token at 10 times the current market price which would in effect 10x the market cap.
6. Tether
- a whole other topic
Conclusions and questions I'm asking myself thus far - (bearish bias coming through here)
---- Are market caps worth paying attention to - the market caps I see are pretty accurate in the way they are calculated but can be very misleading
---- In April total market cap dropped by 30% - if this was real cash then the market took out $700 billion almost overnight which is unlikely. The price just dropped to a point where people are willing to buy it again which established the market cap
---- if you can control price and supply then you can set the Market Cap? Seems that way - Some such as BTC would be harder to manipulate but there are 5,000 ALTs on Coinmarketcap with little regulation.
---- so the market is growing and Doge on the way to the moon right? Believe what you wish - I'm just suggesting that Market Cap looks misleading to me
---- is there really this amount of (real) money invested in the market? The answer seems to be ... NO! but I don't have enough knowledge to confirm this yet
---- If this is true about Market Cap, why would an institution invest in this space? I don't think they are.
---- When watching a youtuber talk about market cap going parabolic I must ask the question - do they really understand why this is happening?
-- There you have it - my basic research which may offer a new perspective or perhaps allow for further entrenchment into the Golden Chain that is crypto? Market Cap seems to make for nice charts but this may be why Doge coin can make the top 4 coins (based on Market Cap). The total market cap sits at $2.49T..
Take this with a pinch of salt and cynicism + perhaps in my limited research I have misrepresented Market Cap here so I suggest you take some time to research it if you are as unfamiliar as me.
Best, Hard Forky
Could Ethereum beat Bitcoin? Special Analysis!!!Based in my opinion, there's a highly chances that Ethereum going to strenghten the trend during this bull rally. But stil alert in the market cap, the market cap it's key to know what cryptoucrrency are growing up. For that guys, we would need to be so alert if Ethereum it's take dominance of Bitcoin to growing up.
Ok look on 2017, in the Ethereum market cap hit the $142 billion in the past bull rally. Meanwhile, Bitcoin market cap hit the $320 billion in the past bull rally. So, Ethereum was more powerful in the past bull rally on 2017 when Ethereum was undervalued to $100 USD and go to $1,500 USD approximately on the end of 2017. And 2018 was the bear market that Ethereum down to $113 USD. Now, actually, Ethereum it's so near to mark a market cap worth in $500 billion. Meanwhile, Bitcoin market cap it's around of $1.10 trilion. Now, if we look, we can to get price future to know the comparsion what will happening if Ethereum reach the $10,000 USD as first objective, or using the the market cap value to use basic mathematic.
To know, Etheruem has the supply circulation of 115,795,729.75 ETH and Bitcoin has the supply circulation of 18,704,050.00 BTC. Now if you want to know the price and know what will be happening in this comparison. Look this exercise.
The easy way it's know your price future. Imagine that Ethereum going to reach $10,000 USD. This price future it's possible to reach by long term. We use the Ethereum supply circulation and we use it to multiply with $10,000 USD. and the result will be a market cap value of $1.15 trillion.
Now, if you want to know that Ethereum going to reach $20,000 USD for coin. This price future it's possible to reach by long term. We apply the same.
Multiplying $20,000 USD with the Ethereum market cap. Ethereum could to reach a market cap worth in $2.31 trillion.
The 20,000 USD it's so similar when Bitcoin on 2017 reach this price, now Ethereum it's turn. But what will be happening if Ethereum mark the $30,000 USD. Well, the market cap will worth $3.47 trillion
Now, if you want to know in that case of Bitcoin what will be happening if Bitcoin reach the $100,000 USD. We need to know that Bitcoin has a supply circulation of 18,704,050 BTC. We multiply the $100,000 USD as future price with the supply circulation. The result will be 1.87 trillion.
If Bitcoin reach the mark of $200,000 USD, The market cap will worth 3.74 trillion
My Personal Opinion:
I believe that Ethereum may to change the things. As Bitcoin and Ethereum are main cryptocurrencies. A lot people are invest in Ethereum than Bitcoin right now if we compare the Ethereum/Bitcoin ratio. And we see that there's a lot chances that Ethereum it's becoming the next Bitcoin. So, I believe that Ethereum have all chances to go easily so fast a market cap of $1 trillion and so near of Bitcoin market cap. But, this chart are so fundamental key if you hold Ethereum in this altseason. becuase Etheurem coul have more ROI than Bitcoin do.
And well, I interesting to look Cardano to compare with Ethereum using the market cap of both cryptocurrencies. Because Cardano, it's the next Ethereum killer and remplace of it For that, big news are incoming in Cardano during this bull rally. For that, Cardano it's my cryptocurrency key in this smart exit plan.
DogeLooking for some thumbs up so I can speak in the chat,
Thank you :^*
GL Trading!
Disclaimer: This graph is not serious.