Monitor Bond Yields - Feels like 1987?Hey there, thanks for reading my idea! This isn't financial advice. Remember to do your own DD. Investing is risky.
This is connected to my "Feeling Overextended?" idea which can be found here .
An important metric to watch when determining whether a recession is imminent is the inversion of the Treasury bonds yield curve. Most specifically, the 3-month, 2-year and 10-year yields. The inversion occurs when the shorter-term note yields begin to rise and exceed long-term note yields.
Ideal bull market conditions would have higher yields in long-term notes and lower yields in short-term notes. Higher long-term yields forecast economic growth where the Government can be expected to be able to pay back the bond. Typically, higher yields are associated with higher interest rates, which poses as an investor risk, hence the higher yield premium. Meanwhile, higher short-term yields forecast economic downturn as investors look for shorter time horizon returns to minimize risk.
We have to remember that the Fed is expanding it's balance sheet through QE by buying certain assets such as mortgage-backed securities and TREASURY NOTES from the market, and J. Powell is confidently using his tools to prevent a market crash. By buying Treasury notes, the Fed can manipulate yields to create a positive outlook of the economy through a "positive" yield curve, rather than an inverted yield curve. In fact, the Fed has accumulated approximately $3billion in Treasury notes since the Covid crash. (source here , scroll down to the Fed Balance Sheet graph.)
Is it recession time yet according to the yields? Maybe not yet, but once the 3 month and 2 year yields begin to rise, this should place pressure on the 10 year yield to fall., setting the stage for the next downward cycle.
Is EUR/GBP indicating the S&P500 Crash ?The last test of the weekly trendline in EUR/GBP was the March 2020 Crash, thats when EUR/GBP spiked up 1200 pips within a few weeks.
Now price is moving close to the Trendline again, could this be a indication for the S&P500 Crash, i think so.
Those that follow my Charts know that im looking for a Market crash in the next few moths, it seems like This EUR/GBP trendline could be a Indication for it.
This correlation can be seen in most EUR pairs, i also posted a important EUR/AUD chart about this a few days ago, all of them give the same indication, they could be Indicating the Market crash from the technical side.
This proofed to be working in 2000 / 2008 and March 2020, will it work again? Lets see.
When does the market crash, VIX?Everybody would like that know that. Although VIX is in principle a forward looking index it is a poor predictor. VIX volatility has in fact been shown to be highly correlated with backwards looking volatility, not future volatility. So let us take a look at the past then, a full 13 years full of different kinds of crises and crashes.
As can be seen from the chart, each significant spike (to the level of 50 or above) has been followed by a lenghty period of cooling off. These periods are characterized by a series of lower highs forming a descending triangle with the support as the foundation. Each descending triangle in the past has been formed on a foundation on a different level. The cooling off period has varied from 1,5 years to 4 years.
The level of support of the present triangle is clearly elevated as compared to the earlier ones. Moreover, there has been several lower spikes within the past year. These factors can indicate that the market is still a bit squirrelly, it is keeping itself on its toes, so to say. However, each event so far has resulted in a lower high in VIX, so cooling off is in the process.
So what is VIX telling us then. I would say it tries to tell us that these things take time. Although there seems to be all kinds of bubbles, we can easily continue with the present bull market practically the whole year. That is of course if nothing dramatic happens and we continue making lower highs in VIX. Towards the end of the year the probability for the breakout increases and the bubble burst is inevitable. Then there will be ”blood on the streets”.
Take care and trade safe
Cheers, Whoop
How To Play The Markets To The DownsideI’m Markus Heitkoetter and I’ve been an active trader for over 20 years.
I often see people who start trading and expect their accounts to explode, based on promises and hype they see in ads and e-mails.
They start trading and realize it doesn’t work this way.
The purpose of these articles is to show you the trading strategies and tools that I personally use to trade my own account so that you can grow your own account systematically.
Real money…real trades.
How can you make money in a market that is going down? Today I want to show you two strategies on how to do this.
Shorting A Stock
The first strategy is shorting a stock. So what does this mean and how does it work?
Well, it means that you can sell a stock right now even if you don’t own it, and then buy it back later at a cheaper price.
This is how it works. So first there is your broker, then there’s you who wants to participate and make money in a falling market.
Let’s use Apple AAPL as an example.
Let us pretend AAPL is currently trading at $119 & we believe that AAPL actually might go down again to $110.
You can make money betting against AAPL in a falling market, and here’s how it works.
Now, you want to sell AAPL but you don’t have the shares just yet. So what you would do is you borrow shares from your broker.
So your broker is actually lending you 100 shares of Apple, or at least, we’ll use 100 shares for this example.
Now, the price at this point doesn’t matter. He’s just giving you the shares and says,
“OK, you need to give me back these shares later on.”
And he is actually reserving some money from your trading account to make sure that you really give it back to him.
Now, you have 100 shares, and you can do with these 100 shares pretty much whatever you want.
So in this example, you would sell them. So you sell AAPL , 100 shares of them, at the current price of $119 because you believe that AAPL will go down.
So how exactly do you make money?
Let’s say after a few days, AAPL , in fact, does drop down to $110.
Here’s what happens next. Now you are buying back AAPL at $110.
So how much money do you make? If you sold AAPL for $119 and you’re now buying it back at $110, you’re making $9 per share, multiplied by 100 shares.
This comes to $900 in profit.
Now that you have the shares back, you, of course, have to give them back to the broker.
Remember, the broker lent you the shares, so you have to give them back those 100 shares of AAPL , and when you do, the broker releases the money that they held, kind of in escrow, to make sure that you are getting the money back.
Now, the beautiful thing is this is all going on in the background.
This is what it would look like on a trading platform.
So now, I want to trade AAPL , and I want to just sell 100 shares of AAPL .
So all I do here is, it says already short minus 100 and I would sell them at the current price of $119.35. So I click review and send.
And the broker is requesting almost $6,000 from me. And this $6,000 is basically the money that he’s holding in escrow to say,
“All right, Markus, you have to give me back the shares.”
And it is that easy.
And now if I click on “Send Order,” I would sell the shares.
So this is the first way because I told you that I’ll give you two strategies of how to benefit from a falling market.
So this was strategy number one, shorting a stock.
Buying A Put Option
Now, let’s move on to strategy number two. You would buy a put option.
“Put” means that you have the right to sell a stock at the strike price.
So, again, we will be using the same example of AAPL that we used for the first strategy.
So as I just said, we’re pretending AAPL right now is trading at around $119 and we believe that AAPL will go down to $110.
This is how this would work.
So this is where we are looking at an AAPL put, let’s say here, AAPL put of 119, and it is trading at around $1.80.
So here is what exactly we would do.
We would buy a put for $1.80. Now, this put gives us the right to sell AAPL for $119.
Now, if AAPL really goes all the way down to $100, see same deal here, we actually would make $9 per stock.
However, we have to deduct the premium that we paid for the option, which is $1.80.
So this means here we are making $7.20 per share ($9 — $1.80).
If we would trade one option, one option controls 100 shares, so this means that we are making $720 total.
Which Strategy Should You Use?
Now, the main difference between these two strategies is that, for strategy number two buying a put, you don’t need as much money.
Remember when I went to my trading platform earlier and wanted to sell AAPL 100 shares, that my broker was reserving around $6,000 dollars in my account?
Now keep this in mind.
According to what my trading platform is telling me, if I want to buy this option, it would only cost me $180. So as you can see, huge difference.
In the one case, the broker is reserving $6,000 with the possibility of making $900.
For strategy two, buying a put, your broker is only requesting $180 and that is also the maximum amount that you can lose, and you can make possibly $720 here.
So this is how you can make money in a falling market.
Now, very important, strategy number one, where you’re just shorting the stock and where the broker is lending you the stock, you cannot do that in a retirement account.
But strategy number two, buying a put, you CAN do in a retirement account, and you can do this for any stock.
Now, you might actually be bullish on AAPL , but if you look at some other stocks right now that we're in a downtrend, for example, ZM , if you say,
“Oh my gosh, Zoom is crazy, during the pandemic here,”
it went from, what? $50 to $500? You could think,
“This is absolutely overvalued and I believe that Zoom will go down to $300”
you can use one of these strategies.
So you see that all these stocks that, during the pandemic benefited a lot, could actually move lower, this is how you can make money in a falling market.
So now you know two strategies how to make money in a falling market, how to bet on a stock that is going down.
When We Mistake the Map for the TerritoryNow that we know the virus is not going to get even remotely close to what the models were projecting (for now). I think it’s relevant to compare this V-shaped price recovery to the December 18 market plunge.
Dec. 03 peak to Dec. 24th trough = we plunged 17.10% (in 3 weeks)
From that bottom to Jan. 18 peak = we rebounded 14.74% (25 days)
-->We recuperated about 86.5% of that percentage loss
Feb. 19 peak to March 23rd trough = we plunged 35.72%
From that bottom to our April 20th peak = we rebounded 31.5% (also 25 days!)
-->We recaptured about 88% of that percentage loss
*Now why did I choose these specific dates?? Answer: Because both April 20 (2020) and Jan. 18 (2018) are the peaks we made before we deviated from that “V-shaped recovery channel”
In both V-shaped recoveries, we recapture roughly 87% of that % loss in “coincidently” 25 days as well. And then deviated out of the V-shaped channel, tested the nearest support for confirmation, and tipped off a new bull market. It probably boils down to some sort of market psychology that repeats in these types of circumstances...
Now unlike the conventional belief right now, why is it all of sudden relevant and perhaps helpful to compare this crash to December 2018’s?
1)it’s the most recent liquidity crisis we’ve had
2)it was an overreaction to the potentiality of something
-fear that we’re due for a recession because this bull run is much longer than its predecessors
-this cycle has lasted for 10 years whereas the average is 4.5 years. This does not constitute a recession!
-However, this bad logic no longer mattered once the fear becomes a contagion
3)The unraveling effect. This begins when people are provoked(by media) to look for these assurances and “oddly enough” they find these assurances
As the wise Nassim Taleb says when describing cultural products, "It is hard for us to accept that people do not fall in love with works of art only for their own sake, but also in order to feel that they belong to a community. By imitating, we get closer to others-that is, other imitators. It fights solitude."
Just think about it for a minute. If you were really to boil down and I mean really...The Covid crash, Dec. 2018 crash, Feb. 2018 “Peak”, Dot Com tech bubble, 01’ panic were all triggered by nothing more than a cultural product. How do contagions come about? We as humans scorn the abstract, we hate uncertainty. What we have is an aptitude for reduction. We find patterns where there are not (at first). Where can these patterns be found? What does the current language around me sound like? Most people just accept this as truth but all it is, is majority opinion that becomes so widely accepted that it becomes reality.
This according to the book Black Swan is called “platonicity” which is our tendency to mistake the map for the territory. We focus on the pure and well-defined forms, the overgeneralizations, the things that make sense. And where things get dangerous is when, “...these ideas and crisp constructs inhabit our minds, we privilege them over the less tractable structures
Platonicity is what makes us think that we understand more than we actually do. Now obviously this does not happen everywhere. Only in specific applications are these models, and constructions, these intellectual maps of reality wrong. “These models are like potentially helpful medicines that carry random but very severe side effects...The platonic fold is the explosive boundary where the platonic mindset enters in contact with messy reality where the gap between what you know and what you think you know becomes dangerously wide. It is here that the Black Swan is produced.” (Nassim Taleb)
Prove me wrong. But Stock to flow model will not hold!First off this time is not different. It's all same, all market psychology. After all, we are human beings with similar greed and fear.
Why you may ask?
Simple Reasons:
1) Market will go through a disinflationary bust. Every asset will regress to its mean value or below.
2) S1F and S2F models don't take into factor black swan events like this and I believe in lengthening cycle theory with the same price prediction.
3) Something unexpected happened in the market in the last few weeks. Euphoria is over the top: overleveraged, overhyped, overbought.
4) Crypto market is still highly correlated with the equity market because of liquidity/ high volume.
5) DXY and bonds are breaking out to the upside. Crypto is inversely correlated to bonds and USD.
- I don't have my crystal ball with me right now, but my intuition tells me soon. I may be wrong but in the coming weeks or two months.
How to survive?
- Set tight stop losses on all your long-term holdings.
- OR Sell everything.
- Buy bonds.
I didn't want to publish anything this year as I explained in my last post, but this is important and I don't want anyone to lose everything you gained so far.
The Big Short (SPY/ES)DONT TIME THE TOP! I post these charts as a warning to be catious, i barely trade puts bc we are in a rally and i will enjoy and make money every day of it with all these great opportunities instead of getting killed by going against a trend.
However, this is my big short plan, i'll be adding into this position with the first sign of a big rejection as a confirmation, expecting this anywhere between now, 388-390 and 395 at the very max. Happy trading :)!
DJI broke down the first level of support!While everyone in the social media is talking about another market crash in 2021, and the inverted yield. DJI is showing signs of weakness and volatility which can continue for some time.
Scenario 1 - downtrend:
DJI broke below the 100 moving average, it has also broken the daily support trendline. This indicates either a downtrend momentum is happening or a correction to next previous resistance level that should act as a strong support.
Scenario 2 - volatility and continue the uptrend
DJI would just fall into volatility for 2 months and then continue its path to uptrend.
This time is...⏰ Market exuberance:New secular bear market? 🐻Hi mates, stock market is probably near top and next huge market meltdown is next door . Why i think so?I want to share with you some pieces of my analysis:
📌S&P500 vs. Utilities sector ratio
It seems it could forecast short and mid term corrections in stock market but it looks like its good indicator of broader market cycles as secular bear/bull markets. A secular market trend is a long-term trend that lasts 5 to 25 years and consists of a series of primary trends. A secular bear market consists of smaller bull markets and larger bear markets; a secular bull market consists of larger bull markets and smaller bear markets.
📌Yield spread
Inverted yield curve is leading warning indicator of future recession.
The basic principle is whe yield spred inverted (was in negative territory) you can expect recession in next 12-months.It happened when bubble bursted in 2000-2001 and so in Great financial crisis in 2007- 2008 as you see in chart.
📌Put/Call ratio
The put-call ratio is calculated by dividing the number of traded put options by the number of traded call options.
You can use it as contrarian indicator to determine how much Bullish/Bearish the market is.
An extremely low ratio means the market is extremely bullish. A contrarian might conclude that the market is too bullish and is due for a pullback.
Contrary extremely high ratio means the market is extremely bearish.
In my analysis i using 20day MA of Put/Call Ratio an looking up for divergencies.
📌VIX divergence of 20 MA
📌Nasdaq vs Russlel 2000
Just so similar pattern on monhly chart of Nasdaq and Russell 2000
📌Other factors
Margin debt acceleration is another sign of speculative frenzy in the market
Margin debt is not a technical indicator for trading markets. What margin debt represents is the amount of speculation that is occurring in the market. In other words, margin debt is the ‘gasoline,’ which drives markets higher as the leverage provides for the additional purchasing power of assets. However, ‘leverage’ also works in reverse as it supplies the accelerant for more significant declines as lenders ‘force’ the sale of assets to cover credit lines without regard to the borrower’s position. Here is chart
Total market cap of negative earnings of IT firms near $1 trillion its more than 2000 -2001 bubble. Source:KailashConcepts
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Leave a comment that is helpful or encouraging. Let's master the markets together.
🏴☠️Market crash 2021 BIG UPDATE: Bull trap on SPY and more...Hi mates, i sharing my thoughs about markets from last week and my view for week ahead.
So there is little summary of last week:
Stocks AMEX:SPY and NASDAQ:QQQ had another up week and reach another all time high
President-elect Joe Biden promise another $2000 stimulus
COINBASE:BTCUSD soared to 40K and reach all time high
TVC:TNX rose above 1%
Labor market worsening, key economic data showed last week
COMEX:GC1! Sellof more than 4%
TVC:DXY bounce from support at 89.50 level
US Dollar Index - DXY
Dollar index created inverted Head & Shoulders reversal pattern in demand area and started boucing off the lows, supported by massive divergence on long term CCI
Volatility index - VIX
S&P 500 Volatility index is still well above 20 level from 2020 and its set up for another bounce from its demand zone on 19.50 level
10 Years Trasury Yield
Yield of 10-y Treasury pumping up momentum. Last week advanced more than 20% thats big move, compared several weeks ago
Next week we expecting some important economic numbers and events:
CPI and Core CPI
Beige Book
Unemployment Claims
Fed Chair Powell Speaks
Retail Sales and Core Retail Sales
Through next week i expect higher volatility will come. At friday AMEX:SPY created bull trap by candlestick pattern hanging man by piercing higher rising channel line supported by divergence on long term CCI. So i will play stocks very carefully next week for long side. We can observe some flow into Financial, Healthcare and Materials sector so these sectors could be a good play for next week.Expecting further rise of TVC:DXY and TVC:TNX so this could make some further pressure on commodities like COMEX:GC1! .
Market Crash Inbound? TLT WILL DECIDE $TLT $SPY | Play of YearTLT (inverse gov bonds) looks like it's ready to make a move within the next few weeks, after forming a pretty nice wedge. This will ultimately be a very important indication of what direction the market will be heading in Q1 21 and beyond...
(scroll for options play idea)
Just looking at the fundamentals on TLT, we can predict a market-wide dump (nice correction) with the next 4 months, nailing it on the head will be the difficult part which will most likely involve some type of fundamentals like another rate cut for example (what happened back in Feb and March). TLT is an extremely slow mover, which makes a extremely profitable during higher volatility moves.
This will predict the direction of almost the entire market. TLT would give an indication of a bullish market and economic bounceback if it falls off below $154.63 , but would be confirmed with the break below $148.9. TLT would indicate a potential market-wide correction if it were to break $159.7 as it should make a quick move toward $170 once broken. The economy might get sketchy If TLT were to break $172.15.
Back in February, we entered TLT after the gap up and continuation past $148.90, leading us to a 19% move at highs from that level. Now we will watch $159.7 for a potential breakout which will ultimately result in a similar move as we saw in Feb.
|BULLISH| : TLT $170 CALL 4/16/21 @ $140 AVG (I like)
TLT $170 CALL 3/19/21 @ $90 AVG (higher reward higher risk)
|BEARISH| : Not gonna touch it, sit on hands and find other great growth
Timing is key, don't jump the gun
DCJ | Jack
BTC/USDT 15 minute Hide your wife Hide your kidsAs UK Borders are closed due to a new Corona strain that spreads up to 70% faster we are seeing a large market sell off. We are currently testing resistance, but I expect to see another drop at market open 930am EST. I knew something like this would happen, but did not know precisely when. This could be the catalyst that finally rolls the dollar over as well as the final straw on the proverbial back of World economies. Say a prayer this is gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.
US Market: About to crash or everything is going "good"?Hello traders!
Hope y'all had a good week. In this post I want to talk a little about the nature of the economic recovery that we have seen in one of the largest equity markets in the world: the USA stock exchange.
Unless you've been living under a rock, isolated and without contact with the outside, you are probably aware about the overall outlook on how the pandemic has impacted different countries. In the U.S there were strong market crashes at the beginning of the year, multiple sessions with market halts, companies going bankrupt and others, mainly on the tech side, significantly increasing their value, among other things.
As the months went by and as optimism about an accelerated economic recovery began to reach the markets, we saw how they started rising again, to the point of reaching all-time highs. However, there are certain things that we cannot ignore when evaluating the character of this rise. On the fundamental side, we have certain aspects that we must consider:
Stimulus packages
The (literally) trillionaire dollar print
Interest rates at 0
There has been much talk that this recovery is nothing more than a result of the stimulus packages delivered by the US government, since many people have used the money to start their trading journey, leading to demand for shares and consequently pushing the price up. This is tied to the gigantic amount of new dollars in circulation, which is intended to combat deflation. (In short, it's when no one spends money because they expect prices to fall, and it can be much more devastating than inflation).
The problem is that, despite all these efforts, inflation continues not to rise and the US government has been left without many alternatives to achieve its goal of 2% per year inflation rate. Since interest rates are already at 0%, the only bullet they have regarding monetary policies is lowering the rates to the negative field.
From a technical analysis point of view, there are certain patterns and clues (circled on the chart) that volume leaves us. If we pay attention, we can see that we have repeatedly seen a significant increase in volume around the areas where the market has made a correction, while the bullish rallies have not been accompanied by a especially high volume. This may suggest, in summary, that when the market makes a correction, there are many more interested in selling than buyers who want to join when the market rises. This in itself is not enough to conclude that we are facing another market downturn, but it is definitely something to consider when analyzing the character of the upward momentum in recent months, especially when contrasting it with the reality that exists in many places, since it does not it exactly reflects a healthy economy that supports rising markets, and while Main Street and Wall Street are different creatures, it's important to consider both.
There you have it folks! Remember that with or without a global economic crisis, we must always plan each trade we make and trade our plan.
I hope this post is useful for you! Leave in the comments what you think about it.
Assigned With A Wheel Trade & The Market TanksI’m Markus Heitkoetter and I’ve been an active trader for over 20 years.
I often see people who start trading and expect their accounts to explode, based on promises and hype they see in ads and e-mails.
They start trading and realize it doesn’t work this way.
The purpose of these articles is to show you the trading strategies and tools that I personally use to trade my own account so that you can grow your own account systematically. Real money…real trades.
In this article, I want to talk about what to do when you get assigned with a Wheel trade.
Previously, I have shown you the Wheel strategy.
It’s a strategy that I’ve been trading for several months and I haven’t had a single losing trade yet, knock on wood.
So I received a lot of comments on my videos asking,
“Yeah. That’s all good. But what do you do when you get assigned with a Wheel trade and the market crashes?”
And that’s exactly what we are going to talk about today.
What To Do When You Get Assigned With A Wheel Trade
I want to show you how to handle getting assigned when the market crashes by using a real trade as an example where this happened to me, and I couldn’t have timed it more perfectly because a little over a month ago, on October 28th, I was recently in such a trade.
The market was down more than 3% and it was a bloodbath.
Luckily, this scenario provides me with an opportunity to use it as a template to show you what to do when this happens.
The TQQQ trade I was in at the time works as a perfect example, so let me just show you how things panned out.
So with this TQQQ trade, had an open P&L of -$2,667.
So what does this mean? Does it mean that we do have a big loss here? No.
This is only an unrealized loss, and this is how I handled it.
I simply followed the 5 steps of The Wheel strategy, and the 5 steps are as follows:
Pick a stock that’s going sideways or slightly moving up.
Sell a Put Option , i.e. you have to buy the stock at the strike price.
Collect Premium and buy the Put back when we see 90% of the profits.
If we get assigned, i.e. have to buy the stock, we will sell Covered Calls against these shares to try and sell the shares at the strike price.
Collect premium and buy the Call back when we see 90% of the profits.
Selling Puts
The trade initially started on September 3rd, so let’s backtrack a little bit to really dissect it step by step.
TQQQ met all my criteria, and on September 3rd is when I first trading this.
September 3th, when I started trading this, I sold 150 put for $0.66, which is $66 because I traded one contract, and one contract represents 100 shares.
The next day I got assigned. I got assigned because when you’re selling puts it means that if the stock goes below the strike price at expiration, 150 in this case, I would get assigned.
This is exactly what happened a day later when the option expired.
So I made $66 by collecting premium, even though I got assigned 100 shares at $150/share, but here’s the deal.
Since I sold the put for $0.66 this means that my cost basis, since I keep that premium regardless of whether I am assigned or not, gets lower.
So this means that the $150 a share I paid minus the $0.66 I collected per share, brings my cost basis down to $149.34.
Now doesn’t sound a lot, but it basically means that the stock now does not have to go above $150 anymore.
As soon as TQQQ goes up to $149.34 I’m breaking even. Now if it goes above this, I’m making money. Simple right?
Selling Covered Calls
Now that we have been assigned, this is where we start selling Covered Calls.
When you sell Covered Calls against these shares, the goal is to try and sell them at that strike price of that Call, while collecting more premium.
Here’s the trade that I did. I sold a 155 Call for $2.10 on the 10th after realizing 90% of the profits, I bought it back for $0.37 the next day.
So $2.10 minus $0.37 means I made $173. And now my cost basis gets reduced by another $1.73.
Well, now our cost basis is going lower. Our cost basis of $149.34 drops by $1.73, so our new cost basis is now $147.61.
This means that if the stock goes back to $147.61 we break even, and if it goes above we are making money. Easy right?
Next, I sold the September 80 Call, the September 18 150 Call, for $0.45, then bought it back for $0.05.
So this means at this point we made another $40, bringing our cost basis down by another $0.40 to $147.21.
The stock kept going against us. It was going down and this is what many of you are concerned about.
“What do I do if the stock keeps going down?”
Well, you keep selling premium, and by doing so, you’re lowering the cost basis. Well, what I did next was really cool.
Selling More Puts?
So next, I sold actually two puts for $110 and $118.
So that averages out to $114. Then I bought them back at $0.06.
This means $114 minus $0.06. So we made another $108 here.
Now I’ll explain in a moment why I sold a put here even though right now since we own stocks, and we should be selling calls.
There’s a very specific reason for it, and I’ll explain it to you.
Looking back at our trade, we are lowering our cost basis to $146.13.
Next, after we sold the puts and they expired worthless I actually sold another 100 put for $2.40 and bought it back for $24. So we made another $216 here.
Bringing our cost basis down again from $146.13 minus $2.16 to now $143.97.
When To Sell Puts INSTEAD Of Calls
So if you are supposed to sell Covered Calls during this stage of The Wheel Strategy, why did I sell those Puts?
I already owned 100 shares of TQQQ that were assigned to me, so why risk getting assigned more?
Well, I sold these Puts, instead of Calls for a specific reason.
At this stage of The Wheel Strategy is where you normally would sell Calls, however, if you are on this part of this strategy, and the market is tanking, you have to make an adjustment to this strategy if the price keeps dropping, to help keep your cost basis as low as possible.
These were 100 Puts, meaning if the price would have dropped below $100 at expiration for either of them, and I would have been assigned the shares.
If that were to happen, I would now own 100 shares at $100 each, on top of the 100 shares I already own at $150 each.
So now I own 200 shares, I paid a total of $250 for, bringing the average price per share to $125.
Getting assigned these shares would have lowered my cost basis tremendously.
If you subtract the total Premium I received on all of these trades, which was $12.05 a share ($1,205 overall) from the average price per share, which in this case is now $125, this comes to a cost basis of $112.95.
This is what the cost basis would have been IF I was assigned these additional 100 shares at $100 each.
I wasn’t assigned these shares, however, and my final cost basis was $137.95.
Do you see why getting assigned is a good thing?
People are afraid of getting assigned, but as long as you have adequate buying power, and are following my methods for picking good stocks, assignment should be looked at as a good thing.
Selling Premium
You see, this is what the Wheel does. You can sell premium while you own the stocks.
So I then sold a $150 call for $1.57, bought it back at 15. So this means that I made another $142 bringing down my cost basis again to $142.55.
Now, I don’t want to bore you and make this article too long here, but long story short, as you can see, I sold a few more of the calls and I bought them back.
So overall, by just selling premium, even though I still owned the stock, I was continuing to lower my cost basis.
At this point, the stock was down $2,770.
However, by doing this, by selling more calls and puts here, I was able to make $1,748 in premium.
So this means I made $17.48 per share on these 100 shares.
So if you take the $150 minus $17.48 right now, right now my cost basis to break even on this trade is $132.52.
So as soon as TQQQ goes back to $132. Now, what happens if TQQQ keeps going down?
I will keep doing what I’ve been doing, following The Wheel Strategy.
I’ll keep collecting premium until at some point, I can sell these shares for a profit.
So now you know what to do when you get assigned with a Wheel trade, and hopefully, it becomes less scary for you.
I look forward to getting assigned with a Wheel trade because that allows me to sell calls and make even more money.
If the stock keeps going down, I’ll just keep selling, and I will continue to lower my break even more and more.
So, right now, TQQQ does no longer have to go all the way up to 150. It only needs to go up to $132.52.
I just wanted to address this process because I know that many people who are trading this strategy are concerned saying,
"Oh my gosh, what if I get assigned with a Wheel trade?”
It’s a good thing. It’s a good thing and now you know why.
Crash Happening?With many outlets warning of a crash this could push sentiment towards a bearish market.
COVID cases rising in Europe could indicate a similar fate for the U.S. The stimulus checks not coming as promised and an election that could change the monetary policy and increase taxes on the wealthy that influence the market. This could mean trouble with an eviction crisis coming soon too. The only thing I see getting us out of this is a massive distribution of a vaccine that works. People aren't trusting the idea of a rushed vaccine (wasn't that the plot of I AM LEGEND?)
Anyways based on this information, I'd like to submit my analysis of the SPXS which in the heat of the lockdowns rose 150%, and based on this information I will see price targets of 11.10-11.50 which is where I will start a trailing stop. Then I may consider the price 16.60-16.75 based on technical analysis and price action. The trailing stop may hit prior but either way, I will profit while the market tanks. I hope you do too
BTC/USDT Day Chart THE Bitcoin pattern Descending triangleWe fall far from here all the way to 3800. We will bounce off key support levels which I will post following this chart. You will see we are finished up a descending scallop and am falling from here. Watch your alt coins as BTC falls to its support levels. As it enters HCR (Horizontal Consolidation Regions) we will see pumps from alts so keep an eye out to catch some of those for some quick scalps,but don't over stay your welcome. Its also advised to get out of any shorts on BTC and avoid trying to long the HCR's as they will chop you up and spit you out very easily if you slip up trading the waves. It is important to remember that everything involved with these charts are fractals. Given this information you then determine the overwhelming pattern. Whatever market direction is associated with a certain pattern you can then see it echoed in the sub patterns. You see this when you see the descending scallops within the descending triangle. A lot of money to be made on this drop be careful keep to your rules. if you like the content throw me a like and follow me for great ideas.