Minimal Complimentary Aesthetic No analysis but wanted to share this color scheme I have concocted. It's nice to look at a beautiful chart if you're going to be staring at it for hours on end.
I like to avoid very bright or jarring colors on my charts. I also avoid red as much as possible because it's not ideal for keeping a calm collected mind required for trading (IMO).
I went for a cool modern look with complimentary oranges and steel blues.
Here's the details:
Background Gradient
Top: 1d2c3a
Bottom: 29485b
Text: d1e6ff
Up (color, opacity)
Body: b2b5be, 0
Border: b2b5be, 100
Wick: b2b5be, 100
Down (color, opacity)
Body: f9a26c, 100
Border: f26627, 100
Wick: f26627, 100
Vert/ Horizontal grid lines optional but if you decide to use them I personally like to use a very low opacity dark grey. And I use yellow for the price line but you can use whatever tbh.
Here are the indicators used:
Enjoy the theme and share any you have made you really like.