EUR/NZD: +65 And It's Still Melting! The Perfect SetupWrite to me guys in the comments if you entered with me and share your profits
This is an educational + analytic content that will teach why and how to enter a trade
Make sure you watch the price action closely in each analysis as this is a very important part of our method
Disclaimer : this analysis can change at anytime without notice and it is only for the purpose of assisting traders to make independent investments decisions
LTC Market Corrected. Where to go from here and how to make $$$Hi Everyone,
(I accidentally posted this under the BTC charts, here it is on LTC).
Hope you are all doing well and have accumulated a healthy amount of coins. I am basing this current chart off of the 2017 September Market Correction to anticipate how markets move. Because if its one thing about stocks/ always have patterns. While it is not exactly apples to apples (comparing LTC to BTC 0.55% charts). LTC is currently following BTC's movements.
I have already notified my telegram group of this trade early morning and have netted today's %'s. We have already seen Phase one complete this morning, and in the tail end of Phase Two. with LTC rising to $290. Sold...retraced to $240 and on the rise to $290. What we can expect is another retrace back to $250-260 area and a final movement upwards north of $300 resuming a 45 degree trajectory growth.
I have also included my BTC 0.55% chart that I dropped several hours ago which essentially states the similar theory.
Short Term Trades: Accumulate $250 and below sell at $300. Wait for Retrace, buy back in and hold for north of $300.
Long Term Trades: Anything closer to the low $200's is a great position to build and generate north of 100% ROI -0.23% in the next month or so, as LTC progresses to attach previous ATH -0.99% of $420 and the bigger goal of $500.
Good luck on all of your trades. I didnt explain this trade as much but feel free to PM/comment if you have any questions.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!