SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Update : Shift Market Trends - BUCKLE UPThis update is to show you why I believe the markets have already started moving into the low-liquidity phase I have been suggesting for more than 3+ weeks. This low-liquidity phase will happen as we move closer to the US elections.
Simply put, traders are very anxious regarding the outcome of the election and the chaos that may happen after the election. Because of this, I believe many traders have already pulled capital away from the markets and are sitting on CASH.
This lack of market liquidity could present a very real risk of a FLASH-crash type of event.
Metals shifted downward (silver is leading almost all other markets with very clear patterns/setups).
BTCUSD appears to have peaked and is rolling downward.
The SPY is about to APEX into a new FLAG APEX - thus we should expect extreme volatility over the next 3+ hours of trading. Possibly leading to a strong downtrend near the end of trading today.
And, I believe all of this points to the lack of liquidity event taking shape. Moving the markets into a type of low liquidity PANIC mode (downward).
Play safe and Buckle Up!
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-30 : GapUp-Higher PatternToday's pattern suggests the markets will attempt to GAP higher at the open, then continue to trend upward throughout the day.
I go into great detail in this video trying to highlight the setups and constructs of price for my followers.
We are moving into a very volatile period for the markets with what I believe will be a low liquidity event taking place throughout the election. My thoughts are that liquidity will dry up later this week and early next week before the election day (we also have a Holiday on Monday).
So, if my analysis is correct, we are going to be looking for the US and global markets to clearly illustrate extreme anticipation/fear related to who the US will elect.
That should translate into extreme potential market volatility.
I urge traders to watch this video (and some of my more recent videos). Now is the time to prepare for this extreme market volatility and to learn to PULL AWAY from risks.
There is no reason to be trading like normal throughout this event. By late today or late tomorrow, you should really ask yourself "how much are you willing to risk throughout the election event and long weekend".
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Update For 10-29 : Ripper Apex BreakoutThis short video highlights the Apex Volatility breakout in the SPY today and shows the ripper rally in Gold & Bitcoin.
If you've been following my research, you already know I called these moves many days ago.
If you are new to my videos, this is an excellent way for you to see what I do, learn from my videos, and attempt to see now my research fits into your trading style.
My single goal is to make you a better trader - and I hope I'm doing that with all the content I provide.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-29 : Gap Defender PatternToday's SPY Cycle Pattern is a Gap Defender in Counter Trend mode.
Even though I forgot to show you the pattern page in this video, today's video suggests the SPY will attempt to protect and defend yesterday's opening gap price range - possibly attempting to move a bit higher as I predicted.
With Bitcoin rallying away from the consolidation range, I see this as a "move to hedge against fear". I believe Gold and Silver could make a strong move higher as this hedging moves across all fear-base hedge assets.
Additionally, both presidential candidates support renewed legislation for Bitcoin & Cryptos in the US - so either way I believe the digital currency world is ready for US involvement.
Right now, I see the markets as trying to make a "last gasp effort" at a rally into Wednesday. Then, I believe the markets will roll into a broad contraction phase setting up just before the election as liquidity vanishes from the markets.
Price volatility should be EXTREME between Nov 1 and Nov 6.
Play the next 2 weeks very smart. Otherwise, your lumps could be painful.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-28 : Top Resistance PatternToday's SPY Cycle Pattern is a Top Resistance pattern in Countertrend mode.
I believe this pattern will represent a moderate early topping price action in the SPY/QQQ - resolving slightly to the downside, then rolling into an upward price trend near the end of the day.
The reason I believe this to be the case is because of two factors.
A. The Countertrend mode suggests the top will actually be a moderate bottom in price (a pullback resolving as a base/bottom).
B. The continued bias for the markets is slightly upward, thus I believe the SPY/QQQ will attempt to reach new intermediate ATHs before we start to move into the pre-election downtrend.
Gold and Silver will struggle today as both appear to be consolidating in a FLAGGING formation.
Bitcoin is still consolidating in the Phase #3 sideways consolidation pattern of the Excess Phase Peak pattern.
Everything is playing out generally very well aligned to my research and cycle patterns. Last week I warned that market price would likely be very difficult in comparison to my SPY Cycle Patterns and that traders should begin to move to protect capital.
This week is the last week you have for any upside opportunities. You need to plan to protect capital (if you plan to) before the pre-election correction. I believe skilled traders will be able to move back into the strongest sectors at a 5.5 to 8.5%+ pullback just after the elections.
That is a smart move if you can pull it off.
Also, don't hold any Gold/Silver futures contracts through the 2-3+ days around the election day. Volatility will be EXTREME and unless you can take the lumps (margin calls), I don't advise anyone trying to trade metals on November 5-6. If you do, get in and get out QUICKLY.
Here we go...
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US100 H2 - Short SignalUS100 H2
Here is Nasdaq, a little different as compared to US30, we have price trading as close to ATH's as you could expect, with a couple of trading tops here from last week. We also saw a huge dump on Friday, that single H2 candle demonstrates a move of 180 points, followed by two more bearish candle closes to end the trading day and trading week.
That being said, markets opened and we gapped upside around +130 points, we have sustained this, just like US30. I'm wondering whether we reject this price level we have indicated at 20,500 price and selloff back down to 20,300 price. Seeing how Nasdaq moves, if it breaks or rejects, may give us a better steer on US30 trading opportunity.
Preparing For Pre Election Volatility - Stay Protected From RiskI wanted to highlight what I believe is the most likely 5 to 10+ day price activity and why I believe traders should immediately begin to prepare for extreme price volatility.
I believe the SPY/QQQ will move into a very moderate rally phase over the next 2 to 4 days, then peak near Oct 30-31 and shift into a very aggressive downward price trend.
That downward trend could evaporate 5.5 to 8.5%++ (possibly even resulting in a 10-14% downward price move in some of the most volatile tech sector stocks/ETFs).
Traders really need to understand the risks of holding positions through the election vs. the opportunities of CASHING out of 80-85% of your holdings and attempting to buy back into those same symbols at a 5.5 to 8.5% discount on November 6-8.
Think about it.
Why take the 6 to 10%+ risk when you don't have to.
Again, I'm trying to help you plan and prepare for what I believe is likely to happen. I could be wrong - we'll see.
But, even if I'm wrong about some of my expected ranges, you would still be able to buy back into these shares at a reasonable price no matter what happens.
Remember, a quick 6 to 10% pullback can provide a very good opportunity for skilled traders.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-25: Rally111 PatternHappy Friday,
Today is potentially the start of a moderate rally phase in the SPY/QQQ headed toward my predicted peak level near October 30-31.
Although this week has had lots of rotation, we've seen the markets hold up pretty well. Tesla surprised with earnings recently after Boeing and other issues prompted a bit of panic selling.
My research suggests the SPY/QQQ will attempt to move a bit higher over the next 3-4 days - attempting to setup a peak just before the election. The 3-4 days prior to the election are likely to be very volatile as liquidity dries up.
Traders need to stay keenly aware of risks over the next 15+ days - even after the election day.
Whatever happens on election day, we are likely to see some moderate level of unrest and challenges related to who won. I believe the current election will be the most watched and validated election in US history. Everyone is watching for errors and shenanigans this time.
As traders, our #1 job is to protect capital. That is why I suggested traders more to 80-85% CASH over the past 2+ weeks.
There is no reason to be engaged in this market at full allocation levels when I expect the markets to become extremely volatile (and potentially prompt a flash-crash type of event).
Remember, lack of liquidity means extreme price volatility.
Gold and Silver are moving into another rally phase. Get ready to see Gold above $2800.
Bitcoin is still consolidating - just as I expected.
This is the time to play it smart. Trade smaller allocation levels and prepare to hedge against risk factors over the next 2-3 weeks.
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Working To Unlock The 3-6-9 Secrets Of The MarketRecently, there have been a lot of questions related to my SPY Cycle Patterns and how they work.
I've often stated that these patterns are based on Gann, Tesla, and Fibonacci's price theory.
However, underlying all that is a core component related to the 3-6-9 (secrets of the universe) theory.
This video tries to introduce you to the concepts of the 3-6-9 theory and how it overlays with Gann, Tesla, Fibonacci, Japanese Candlesticks, and more.
My focus for the past 24+ months has been to unlock this theory's secrets and develop a practical use component (code) that attempts to provide very clear future trading/price predictions.
Spend some time watching this video. See what you think and open your mind to the concept that price moves through construction and destruction phases (likely based on the 3-6-9 concepts).
At the end of this video, I share some practical knowledge/examples showing why I believe the 3-6-9 theory is critical to unlocking the true secrets of market price action.
I may never be able to unlock all of it, but I'm dedicated to trying to unlock as much as I can within my lifetime.
This drives me to build code solutions and attempt to improve my skills.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-24 : Breakaway PatternToday's trading should begin to resolve as a reversion back to the upside after yesterday's panic selling.
I spend a lot of time going over what happens when news or outside events disrupt price action and sometimes disrupt my SPY Cycle Patterns so everyone can try to understand how the SPY Cycle Patterns work.
My SPY Cycle Patterns are not immune to news or outside events. They attempt to predict what price will "most likely" try to do for a day based on Fibonacci, GANN, Tesla, and Rodin Vortex Math concepts. They don't attempt to predict or address any outside news, geo-political, earnings, or other external data.
As I like to describe them.. They represent price characteristics, showing what price would most likely attempt to do if no outside event disrupts the markets.
Given yesterday's panic selling and the fairly strong recovery/reversion we are seeing in early trading, I believe the SPY/QQQ will attempt to move into a moderate rally phase lasting till October 30-31, then move aggressively downward just before the US Elections.
Gold and Silver will follow roughly the same path but may become even more volatile just before the elections.
Bitcoin is still consolidating sideways - just as I expected/suggested.
Please pay attention to my comments about HEDGING and POSITION SIZING over the next 3+ weeks. These market trends (with lower liquidity) can often be very difficult for all traders.
It is better to cut your trading allocation down to 20-25% of normal sizes throughout these election cycles (especially so close to a hotly contested election).
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-23 : Gap/Breakaway PatternToday's Pattern suggests the SPY will attempt to move higher in a potential Gap/Breakaway mode.
I read this as a potential for an opening price gap (likely higher) and trending upward throughout most of today.
I will point out that I believe the QQQ will not follow this same pattern. The expectation I drew earlier with my SPY Cycle Patterns suggests the QQQ will attempt to consolidate today - possibly moving slightly downward.
This can, and often does, happen when we get a divergence between the SPY & QQQ.
Gold & Silver appear to be moving into my expected Rally phase over the next 4+ trading days. I believe Gold and Silver will attempt to rally about 2.5% to 3.5% higher before reaching a peak near 10-29~10-30.
Bitcoin is consolidating in the Phase #4 Excess Phase peak pattern - just as I suggested. Watch for support to form near 65,600 or slightly higher. I believe this congestion phase will last until after November 2-4 - be aware.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade EOD Update : Rally ContinuationThis quick update related to my SPY/GOLD cycle patterns, and other research/predictions, is to help you plan and prepare for the pending rally phase in the markets.
Based on my research, the markets will likely pause a bit tomorrow, Wednesday, and move into a basing/bottoming phase - where price will attempt to develop support.
From that support, I see a fairly strong rally taking place on Thursday and lasting into late- Monday/mid-Tuesday next week.
As I have urged traders to stay cautious over the next 15+ days (elections and liquidity issues), this may be a great time to play the last rally phase before the 3-5 day pullback just before the US elections.
Watch this video. Follow my research.
If you are new to what I'm doing, then watch my Plan Your Trade videos for a week or two. See if you like my style of analysis and if it helps you improve your trading.
My objective is to help as many traders as possible. I'm not 100% accurate in my predictions - but I believe my research is uncomparable to others in what I'm capable of presenting/sharing with all of you.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your trade For 10-22: Gap Reversal In Counter-TrendToday's Gap Reversal in Counter Trend mode should resolve as a moderate downward early price trend - possibly transitioning into a base/bottom and turning higher near the end of the trading day today.
Looking at the charts, it appears price is actually leading my SPY Cycle Patterns by about 12+ hours right now. Why?? I don't actually know why - but it appears price is anticipating the cycle patterns a bit early.
Given the heightened sense of concern related to the elections, price may be rolling through stages of liquidity and volatility with only about 15 days to go before the elections.
Either way, as I suggested, this week is going to be tough to trade with the markets moving into a pause phase ahead of the elections. Most traders are trying to position assets away from the markets or are planning on riding things out past the elections right now.
I continue to suggest traders scale back allocation levels this week and next because of the issues related to liquidity in the markets.
Look for the SPY/QQQ to attempt to find a base and try to melt upward near the end of trading today.
Gold & Silver should stay rather muted today.
Bitcoin is consolidating - just as I suggested.
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DreamAnalysis | NASDAQ's Next Move Key Levels and Market Outlook✨ Today’s Focus: NASDAQ (US100) – A Market Mover
We delve into the latest price movements and analyze key market levels to uncover potential trends.
📊 Current Market Overview:
Currently, the price is consolidating within the 4-Hour Imbalance zone, formed after breaching the Previous Month High and retracing lower. Additionally, Smart Money Technique (SMT) is evident at highs, correlating with ES (SPX500).
🔴 What to Expect: Short-Term vs Long-Term Scenarios
Explore potential outcomes for both short-term and long-term perspectives, outlining bullish and bearish possibilities for day trading.
🗣 Short-Term Outlook:
In the short term, expect the price to consolidate around the Imbalance and SMT levels, potentially targeting the Previous Week Low (PWL) as a liquidity draw.
🗣 Long-Term Outlook:
Long-term projections suggest a possible retest of the Previous Week High (PWH) followed by a decline towards the Equilibrium (50% level) of the current monthly range.
🕓 Key Levels to Watch:
These critical levels could significantly influence price action:
- PMH: Previous Month High
- PML: Previous Month Low
- PWH: Previous Week High
- PWL: Previous Week Low
- BSL: Buy-Side Liquidity
- SSL: Sell-Side Liquidity
- Daily FVG: Fair Value Gap (Imbalance zone)
These levels denote potential areas for liquidity absorption or market rebalancing. Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) represent zones where price retracement may occur before resuming its trend.
📈 Bullish Scenario:
Currently, a bullish stance is not anticipated. However, on lower time frames, identifying Low Resistance Sell Side Liquidity (LSSL) could precede targeting higher levels such as the Previous Week High.
📉 Bearish Scenario:
The bearish scenario aligns with the short-term outlook. Currently bearish, lower time frame analysis can refine entry models and points for enhanced trading confluence.
📝 Conclusion:
Remain adaptable as market conditions evolve. Vigilantly monitor these critical levels and setups to refine your strategy and identify high-probability trade opportunities.
🔮 Looking Ahead:
Stay tuned as we track NASDAQ, DXY, EUR/USD, and other major markets. Timely insights will follow as trends develop.
⚠️ Disclaimer:
This analysis serves educational purposes only and not as financial advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult a licensed financial advisor before making investment decisions.
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-21: Gap Potential PatternToday's pattern suggests an opening price Gap is likely. Given the markets are trading slightly lower this morning, this Gap potential plays very well with my Roadmap trading outline from last week. I highlighted the need to sell out of positions last Friday and look to buy into the Gap Potential pattern today.
If the markets rally off this opening gap pattern, we could see a nice move in the SPY up to 587-588+.
Gold and Silver are rallying again. But be aware today is a TOP pattern for Gold/Silver. That means both Gold & Silver will attempt to identify resistance and move away (lower) from that resistance level.
Bitcoin looks to have moved into the Ultimate Peak level on an intermediate-term Excess Phase Peak pattern. Additionally, the deeper low sets up a longer-term Excess Phase Peak pattern that suggests Bitcoin has entered the Consolidation Phase (#3).
Because of this, I suspect Bitcoin will fall below the FWB:67K level and potentially move into broad consolidation for a minimum of at least 5-6 weeks.
These Consolidation phases in longer-term Excess Phase Peak patterns can be brutal for traders. The volatility of these consolidation phases can present real challenges and last about 50% of the time it took to Flag. Given this information, we may see many weeks of consolidation within a range in Bitcoin - possibly lasting into December 2024.
This will be a tough week for traders. Try to stay aware of the bigger picture and play the rotation headed into next week.
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US100 H4 - Short Signal US100 H4
A slightly higher timeframe here on US100 as compared to the previous US30 analysis, that being said, we have some very attractive trading zones here, 20,500 certainly in the crosshairs, a good area of confluence, ATH price, H4 supply, H4 resistance and a half number trading at 100 points. Which holds as a psychological price level.
You can see we set our alerts for the price, now we simply wait patiently, there are lots of setups to play and trade from this week. After a struggle last week, getting those first sniper entries banked is really important for us. Starting the week strong and picking the best of the bunch.
US100 H4 - Short Signal US100 H4
A slightly higher timeframe here on US100 as compared to the previous US30 analysis, that being said, we have some very attractive trading zones here, 20,500 certainly in the crosshairs, a good area of confluence, ATH price, H4 supply, H4 resistance and a half number trading at 100 points. Which holds as a psychological price level.
You can see we set our alerts for the price, now we simply wait patiently, there are lots of setups to play and trade from this week. After a struggle last week, getting those first sniper entries banked is really important for us. Starting the week strong and picking the best of the bunch.
-Non-Commercial traders, including hedge funds and large institutional speculators, have significantly increased their net selling positions compared to the previous week. This shift indicates a strong bearish divergence, suggesting that market sentiment has turned decisively negative.
Additional Fundamental Bias:
-The Nasdaq appears overbought relative to U.S. Treasury bonds, suggesting that tech stocks within the Nasdaq Index, such as #AAPL, #META, and #GOOG already falling in prices.
-We also have the Nasdaq Futures contract Rollover Price gaps, they normally act as a magnet to be filled.
US-Election year Seasonality - Heavily Bearish this week.
Technical Analysis portion:
-We are just hit the weekly covered daily Supply zone, price may now be ready for a bearish this week.
***As always, trade safe and make sure to do your due diligence when analyzing the charts.***
Let’s see how this plays out... 👀👀
$NQ outlook headed into OCT. 21 WEEKMarket structure still shows us that it is bullish based on Technicals.
No catalyst yet for a big bearish move/correction/pullback.
Friday ended as an inside bar /1 / harami.
Means an explosive move is coming.
Got a 2-1-2 going into Monday.
The overall market structure is still bullish with higher lows and higher highs.
Rejection off the order blocks from April time frame and the SEPT bounce off the imbalance created in AUG.
There's no real catalyst 'yet' for a big bearish move.
I'd watch how Sunday night's global opens and see what transpires during the London session of NYSE:ES SEED_ALEXDRAYM_SHORTINTEREST2:NQ
Similar to my NASDAQ:QQQ post a week ago, price is still respecting the upward trendline which is now annotated with the green triangle.
Watch for price for the rest of OCT attempt to take out ATH (Liquidity) at 20983.75 and potentially reverse/stall at 21,000. Why that number? Psychological level along with where many algos most likely set their orders along with those who went short at ATH set their stops ABOVE entry.