CherrySwap (CHE) with bullish divergenceCherrySwap is the DeFi platform with the highest TVL (Total Value Locked) on the OKEx blockchain.
On the chart we can see a bullish divergence, which could break up.
The OKT and OKB cryptocurrencies native to this blockchain also appear to be upside potential.
Consider the BTC.D (Bitcoin Dominance) graph. When it's going up, it's not a good time to be on Altcoins.
OKT is the OKex's chain token and looking hot!Now I don't know if there will be a pullback, but that retest on that massive breakout definitely looks great. Maybe a little pullback and then higher, but so far it looks fantastic. The test of the triple resistance on that cup and handle formation makes me think a double from here is possible.