Rolling (IRA): SPY July 15th 400 Short Put to August 26th 391... for a 1.04 credit.
Comments: With only 4 days to go, rolling this down and out instead of taking assignment of shares at the 400 strike and selling call against. I'll keep rolling down and out as long as that remains somewhat productive.
Total credits collected of 11.37 (See Post Below) plus the 1.04 here for a total of 12.41.
Rolling (IRA): QQQ July 1st 301 to August 19th 292... for a 2.93 credit.
Comments: Rolling down and out to the August monthly, as the August 5th contract didn't seem all that liquid. Total credits collected of 6.50 (See Post Below) plus the 2.93 here for a total of 9.43.
I'll generally keep on doing this (down and out) with any of my monied rungs until I can't get decent (a relative term) strike improvement, along with a decent credit, at which point I'll just take assignment and proceed to sell call against. (See, e.g., my QQQ June 24th 321 short put, which I couldn't strike improve to my satisfaction without going out hugely long-dated).
Rolling: IWM July 22nd 167.5/172 to August 5th 158/187.5... for a 6.04 debit.
Comments: Rolling out and paying a debit here that is smaller than total credits collected to reduce buying power effect. Up to this point, I'd collected a total of 8.39 in credits, so I'm still net credit on the setup by 2.35, but it's currently marking at 4.57 or so, so I'm down 2.22 on the position at this point. The setup, however, is now "delta/theta happy" at -4.03/12.39 and isn't being such a buying power pig.
Rolling (IRA): IWM July 1st 154 Short Put to July 8th 164... for a 1.04 credit.
Comments: With the July 1st 154 at greater than 50% max, rolling it out to the <16 delta strike in the expiry nearest 45 days paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit. Total credits collected of 1.64 (See Post Below) plus the 1.04 here, for a total of 2.68.
$VET nice VCP with bullish sweepsNice technical set up and bullish PUT sweeps at the bid to support, interesting one trader opened 12/16 22.5 puts for about 310K in premium.... stock is trading at 21.95 implying strong upside move .
For the more conservative, can wait for pennant / triangle breakout to go long / short, depending on direction.
My bias is to the upside and am long here with a stop being close outside of triangle with confirmation.
Almost forgot, that MACD is looking juicy as well : )
Opening: XBI May 20th 76/105 Short Strangle... for a 2.35 credit.
Comments: And here's my "clean" XBI setup after having scratched out my previous position. High IVR/high IV at 61/41. Selling around the 16 delta on both sides. 2.35 on buying power of 9.05 (on margin); 26.0% ROC as a function of buying power effect; 13.0% at 50% max.
$XBI Monthly approaching buy zoneStarted XBI LEAPS position buying JAN 24 $150 Calls, will continue to add as XBI Biotech has taken a beating, but technically has just found it's way back to the long term upward trendline support zone.
First price target 120, followed by 140 after expecting a bit more downside here.
This is a long term trade idea, for those looking in the short term, there may still be more downside although the R/R favors the long position now IMO.
Opened: ARKK May 20th 49.22 Short Put... for a 2.14 credit.
Comments: Total credits collected of 28.00 on a 25.22-wide inverted with a put side break even of 74.22. Ordinarily, I would have rolled out the shorter dated March 18th 59.22 at 50% max, but I sold it for 1.83 and it finished the day at 2.03 with 15 days to go, so will just look to take it off on approaching worthless if I get an opportunity to do so.
Rolling: ARKK April 14th 80C/103P to May 20th 77P/102.22C... for a .93 credit.
Comments: There isn't much extrinsic left in the deep in-the-money short put, so rolling it out to May to collect additional credit and reduce cost basis further. Total credits collected of 25.86 on what is now a 24.22 inverted with a break even of 76.36 relative to where the underlying is currently trading at 65.37.
I'll continue to scalp around this position to reduce cost basis further, but have been working it for several cycles already, so it's more about mitigating loss at this point than attempting to make money on the position (although you never know).
Closing: KWEB March 18th 27 Short Put... for a .12 debit.
Comments: Added this for a .63 credit to my inverted 35C/39P short strangle to rapidify cost basis reduction and improve my break evens. (See Post Below). Since price is back between my short strikes and the short put is approaching worthless, I'm taking it off here. Total credits collected of 6.77 with break evens of 32.23 on the put side, 41.77 on the call.
Opening (IRA): QQQ May 20th 260 Short Put... for a 2.65 credit.
Comments: Part of a longer-dated strategy to emulate dollar cost averaging into the broad market utilizing options in IWM, QQQ, and SPY. Here, targeting the strike in May paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit. (I already have "rungs" in March and April). Will generally roll at 50% max.
Closed: BITO January 21st 25/44 Short Strangle... for an .80 debit.
Comments: Filed this for a 1.60 credit (See Post Below; out here via good-until-cancelled order to take profit at 50% max. .80/$80 profit. 3.3% ROC as a function of buying power effect.
Although implied volatility has contracted a bit, will consider re-upping in the February cycle after New Year's, assuming the strikes above 40 get populated. Currently, the February 18th 40 short call is the highest available strike, with a delta of .29.
Closing (Margin): TLT June 17th 2 x 171/153 Back Ratio Spread... for a 39.10 credit.
Comments: Opened this puppy up for a 36.45 debit on TLT strength. (See Post Below). Taking some risk off by taking profit here a little shy of my profit target, as I've got another short TLT setup on already (a March 18th 151/2 x 163 back ratio). 2.65 ($265) profit; 7.3% ROC.
Rolling (IRA): SPY February 18th 335 to 362... for a 1.21 credit.
Comments: Adjusting a rung of my longer-dated premium-selling strategy in SPY* to lock in realized gains and take advantage of this higher volatility environment. I've collected a total of 18.03 (See Post Below) + 1.21 or 19.24 with rolls with this contract relative to a current short put value of 3.66, so have realized gains of 19.24 - 3.66 or 15.58 ($1558) so far.
Will generally look to roll at 50% max.
* -- The basic strategy is to sell the shortest duration premium in SPY at 16 delta or less that is paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit and to roll intraexpiry (as I did here) or from month to month at 50% max (i.e., when the short put reaches 50% profit).