AMD - Advanced Micro DevicesExtremely high IVR here in this little over-hyped stock, so I'm using a jade lizard. This trade helps sell some juiced IV, but caps your upside (even allows you to profit from the upside as well) in case the craziness continues.
-1 Oct18 29/34/36 Jade lizard for $2.24 cr.
Risk: 2x cr rec (downside risk); No risk to upside
Profit: 50% cr rec
TSLA - TeslaThis trade is definitely a longer term look. IV is spiking way out in time now in TSLA.
I was able to sell the Mar15 '19 90/130 put ratio for $1.00/contract.
My breakeven is around $49 (Current price is $321.83).
The initial capital requirement here is $1200, so this would be around a 8.3% ROC if margin stays about the same here. Worst case scenario, I'm a baghodler of TSLA shares at $49.
Markets are not efficient.
MCD - McDonaldsMCD has sold off quite a bit here in the last few months and is hovering above this longer term support level. I decided to go with a asymmetrical set up using a call spread for this play.
+1 Dec21 155/170 call spread for $5.38 db.
Risk: Try to let price action stop me out at the project stop or manage near a 50% loser to keep the risk small.
Profit: Target hit (initially)
EEM - Emerging MarketsEM are big right now, so is the IV behind them.
Sold -1 Oct19 $43 put for $1.32
Risk: 2x cr received or possibly continue to roll out if the allocation deems worth it.
Profit: 50% cr received or roll up as EM recover. EEM has proven to shrink back down to low IV quickly, so that might not be the best play.
XLK - TechnologySome Iv hiding out in the Tech sector due to the middle of the earnings season.
Sold -1 Sep21 70/73 strangle for $2.43 cr.
Risk: 2x cr received to upside, possibly continue to roll put to the downside.
Profit: 50% cr received or manual close on some quick profits (IV collapse due to earnings?)