Goal : The portfolio I'd like to build in 2020Hi, my name is Wendy!
I'm a beginner and my aspiration is to learn from all you kind people here on TradingView.
One day I hope to land a job as tecnical trader with an investment firm.
Please don't hesitate to critique, correct, and leave feedback — I'm here to learn!
I have never traded a stock in my life.
I know nothing about how to build a portfolio.
But we have to start learning somewhere, right?
Further, I love Catherine Wood of Ark Invest.
She seems so smart and I really like her way
of describing possible futures.
So, to get started in trying to figure out what stocks
to look at and possibly add to my portfolio, I read
a bit on the ARK invest website.
I found the American Beacon fund and shamelessly
picked their top 10 stock holdings.
To bring up the total to 100% I added gold and Bitcoin.
Just to avoid any misunderstanding — I don't own these
stocks. Rather, they are stocks that I want to analyse and
hopefully invest in during 2020.
Since I'm a beginner, my main focus is learning how to pick
stocks and manage a portfolio.
What are your thoughts on how to start buidling a portfolio?
What are some simple but important things to consider?
NEL ASA (Part of my hydrogen portfolio)Definitely a long term investment for every portfolio size.
The Company delivers solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. Nel ASA serves industries, energy and gas companies with hydrogen technology. The Company’s hydrogen solutions cover the entire value chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling stations, providing fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fueling and long range as conventional vehicles.
They working on a new processing technology which will reduce the manufacturing costs drastically.
It is just a matter of time that big car companies will produce hydrogen vehicles in mass. NEL ASA provides the hydrogen technique.
Financial Q3 showed a revenue rise.
Upward trend.
Bollinger Band: Long
Sochastic RSI: Long
Moving Average(100):Long
Negatively correlated assetsIn times of increasing instability investors tend to invest in gold and pass from the iShares MSCI Global Metals & Mining Producers ETF (PICK).
Note : Pick seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of global equities of companies primarily engaged in mining, extraction or production of diversified metals, excluding gold and silver.
It is always good to have in portfolio actives with negative correlation, so you dont lose wehn the market goes down. In our case, pick and brent have a negative correlation with Gold and viceversa.. Thus, using negatively correlated investments in his portfolio helps to reduce the overall volatility of the portfolio.
Palladium, where is entrance?Is Palladium now good for trading or is he a good investment?
There are many reasons to put some precious metals in an investment portfolio, as well as to trade them in a shorter time.
Speaking about Palladium it is anticipated that supplies will be tight in years ahead, while at the same time, growth in industrial usage is expected.
This tight supply and increased demand suggest stronger prices than alternative metals.
I prefer to hold metals in my investing portfolio. My investing portfolio has three pillars: Bullions, ETFs, REIT ( for more you can DM me)
In terms of trading, let see will the price break the blue line or not and then place the trade
Dis-Chem Bullish SentimentThe skills and knowledge we apply in currencies can also be applied in any other market, how so?, as long as there is a chart, technical analysis can be used to predict and/or determine future movements, along with fundamentals and economic events.
Here is a possible investment opportunity for those interested in owning shares.
Good Luck ;)
Altcoins selection, Day #4: RLCBTCI hope I learned a lesson today, whn I checked some coins and I saw some of them already on the train to financial freedom. But only for those on that train. That happens when price alerts are not set. anyway, I am very happy, that I saw BINANCE:RLCBTC on binance listing. I bought some RLC weeks ago and I am a little bit angry I bought small amount of coins. anyway i will add some more at this level, and every dip under price of 0,00008 is strong buy for me. I hope this time wont take 24h before my idea is published, but anyway, I will make everything that you get the ideas on time. click Subscribe if you eant to get more altcoins tips and sips. Cheers
Altcoin selection, Day #2: MCOBTCI selected this coin from two reasons. I dont want to hold unused bitcoin on exchanges and second, it looks like something is going on silently in the back. Altho the BINANCE:MCOBTC is relatively expensive, I alway like invest in coins based in asia. and the drop already happened. If we take into the considsration, that BITSTAMP:BTCUSD price drop didnt affect price of BINANCE:MCOBTC at all, I am looking forward to first correction UP. I hope you catch some good entries and dont be foolish when holding the positions.
Altcoin portfolio: Day #1As i promissed, I will analyze coins, already in my portfolio, or coins I have set order limits. Subscribe to my channel, to be notified about buying the bottom every second day, sometimes every day. The market dictates the tempo.
Today, we talk about Monetha BINANCE:MTHBTC .
Monetha is now on the market over a year and it looks like the team is working behind this project. they have android and ios working app. you can register on their website www.monetha.io and start selling products or services on blockchain. More about available and upcoming features on their website, with very good live support.
Anyway the project need much improvements and main features still not working, but on the other side, that is why prices are low and good time to buy. There are many reasons why this is a coin I belive in and investing in it on long run, but with the market situation standing still, on the edge for the whole month, we have a good chance for BINANCE:MTHBTC to pump. I have it already in my portfoluo, but in the green level, i will add more Monetha coins.
Don Lobster wishes you good luck.
Paper Portfolio vs S&P500 - IntroThis is the introduction to the video series here to grow the paper portfolio on TradingView in an attempt to beat the S&P500 in real time. The reasoning behind this is that it is usually difficult to start trading stocks especially because you don't know what you don't know. It generally takes a couple of years for a trader to make a whole bunch of mistakes, before reaching a level of understanding to see right vs wrong, and even then the trader still learns something new every day.
It took me a couple of years to make even the tiniest sense of what was going on in the market and all along I thought was going to beat the slim odds and master the stock market in 3-5 months! I decided to make this as a way to further challenge myself and to show other traders who are struggling with the process. This will not be a one time "get rich quick" process with excessive risk-taking or gambling, but a more disciplined approach to trading without all the bs that floods the internet these days. Hopefully, the portfolio beats the S&P500, but if not we will live to fight another day (many large funds cannot beat the S&P500 so it's totally fine).
Trades based on my personal trading strategy (detail about when and why certain trades are placed) including concepts about sticking to a trading plan, risk management and trading psychology. Monthly updates on the current state of the portfolio will be made starting from 09/06/18 and every month from that point onward . The goal is mainly to help other traders learn good things and do away with bad habits, and secondarily attempt to beat the S&P500 in real time
Starting capital - $10,000
Risk per trade - 1%
Max. positions at a time - 20
Investment style - Equities long only (no short-selling, only stocks >$7, technical analysis > fundamental analysis)
Again, the stocks that will be shown will not be shown as investment advice but rather shown as a form of education only. Comment on what you would like to see or hear more about!
Thanks and stay tuned (will try to keep videos 5-7 mins long)!
AGN - Long opportunity +30%Just thought i would share this one as i believe this could be a good opportunity i'm already hedged in targeting around 30% please i will always recommend to do some research and your own analysis following your strategy's thank you.
The long and short positions in my charts are not always exact stops entry's or limits they are just rough guides to highlight target areas.
Crypto Assets - Balancing the BasketToday's discussion is one which will send many crypo-traders into a riotous frenzy. In this market many traders are of the belief that high frequency, short term trading patterns can pay off due to its fast paced volatile movements.
While this may or may not be true, it does leave one of the most important lessons of both investing, and trading, at the door - without context or discussion by most writers.
Long term goals
There is little in investing, or trading, which is more important than setting long term goals. Really you could make this argument for just about every area of your life, but its extra important with so many fast paced, and dynamic influences being accounted for (or not). We must set expectations of ourselves. We must have metrics to measure success and failure. We must make decisions - sometimes in time constraints - which are in line with long term motives and plans, or we will fail. The pits of a market are not the place for emotion, or guesswork.
Picking Positions
Its important to think of positions in the crypto market similarly to any other market. Never forget that " cash " or in the crypto marketplace " fiat " is a position. Picking a position is a vital part of investing and trading alike. It is literally art, and we use the science to explain, and predict the art. I don't want to go too far into the picking portion in this write-up. Lets look at some long term plans with regard to what we want to pick. I believe in picking assets which make long term sense. I look at projects which appear to be among the best, or clearly the best in a use case in this market place.
Probable use cases of Decentralized Blockchain
1.) Remittance and FinTech
2.) Distributed Services, (DAPPS, Governance, Tracking, Logistics, Supply, etc.)
3.) Production level long term stable decentralized ledger for data, analytics, and value
Subsequent Positions & Holdings
Fiat/Cash this is at times a position awaiting better market entry conditions
XLM Lumens - ICO's on a super fast chain, super cheap transactions, excellent settlement with asset swapping (exchanges) -- Asset Class 1
LISK - blockchain as a service (sidechain), DPoS, speed, flexible SDK (.js programming), Great future governance -- Asset Class 2
Bitcoin - stability, production value, longevity, proof of concept -- Asset Class 3
Pruning difficult decisions
A large part of trading and investing is about discipline. There are terms which have developed in the crypto marketplace to describe the emotional ebb & flow of a trader: " FOMO ", " weak-hands ", and " FUD ". These are all terms which in every other marketplace are not required. Difficult decisions require discipline in the market. Namely being willing to " call a bottom " to buy, and " take profits " through the top of the market. These two things are difficult, and many traders struggle with the buying aspect. Most investors struggle with the selling aspect. Both of these "weaknesses" in strategy can be accounted for with some long term planning. The bottom line is traders and investors both must be ready and accustomed to stomaching ugly bottoms, and exciting tops with little emotional input.
Re-balancing a Basket of Assets
To be continued...
WhoTrades Marketplace 2018: Which Portfolios Will Perform Best?Goes through a few of the portfolios that did best on the WhoTrade Marketplace in 2017.
Will the trend be likely to continue in 2018?
PLUS, takeaways from each portfolio -- strengths, weaknesses, and how all three can be combined together.
WhoTrades Marketplace: Intriguing Portfolios To Watch AheadIn our last article, we looked at some of the best performing portfolios on the WhoTrades Marketplace.
This time, we are looking at portfolios that were flat to down this past year and making an assessment of their future prospects going into 2018.
Winning in the markets is difficult to do and just about everyone is going to lose money at some point. Even though US equities are up approximately 20% in 2017, those who have had more exposure in unpopular sectors (e.g., telecom, energy, retail), over-concentrated in certain securities, or followed a “value” strategy more broadly likely haven’t done as well.
But there are still things that can be learned from portfolios that have underperformed, just as those that have performed better than or in line with the market.
So let’s go through a few:
Full article can be found on WhoTrades .
I'm trading ALDW oil, F, GMViewing the chart above, the vertical line represents the day Hurricane Harvey hit. These stocks; which fall in the automotive, home and oil industries; saw a substantial increase over the next month and all but oil is still seeing an increase.
Ford, GM, LPX and Alon. I have been mentioning and trading the first three, Alon (ALDW) is a new one for me.
ALDW appears to be forming a cup and handle going into this storm. The last storm caused ALDW to jump upward. At a p/e multiple of 16.38, this stock trades cheaper than say XOM, which is at 29.49. Also note that ALDW has a small capitalization of 739 million, making it fairly reactive to oil prices.
I'm using technicals, mainly RSI, for entry. I look for RSI to range around 50-65 on support, lower could mean a bearish move.
My portfolio holdings going through Q4,
FX trading - 10%
Swing/pattern trading - 30%
ALDW - 20%
F - 20%
GM - 20%
Portfolio Position: Teva Pharmaceuticals $TEVATeva Pharmaceuticals $TEVA has shed over 50% of its value following its $6.1B impairment charge and 75% dividend slash in its latest quarterly report.
- The company continues to expect double digit sales growth from its recent Actavis acquisition from Allergan $AGN.
- Teva expects over 1,500 new drugs to launch in 2017, with over 900 drugs still pending approvals.
- The company is divesting its non-core organic revenue drivers, expected to bring in over $5B in 2017 and boost margins.
- Aggressive cost cutting, saving over $1.6B annually is expected to boost Net Income and Margins.
- Teva's blockbuster drug Copaxone is under competitive pressure, losing market share in 2017 & is expected to continue in 2018.
- Sentiment: The company still trades in a highly retail environment being effected by mass hysteria, boding bad for share price.
I initiate TEVA with a $30 PT for the next 12 months, throughout 2018.
For the full review: seekingalpha.com
Hindustan Oil Exploration Breakout BUY, Long TermHindustan Oil Exploration is company with good fundamentals and as management is trying resolve issues which has caused pain for company in past. I believe that good days are ahead for company. On the technical point of view stock has given a good breakout above 52 level and had sustained it on weekly closing basis. A buy trade on this share would be suggested for multi fold target,
mnk-long Still watching and waiting mnk +50% maybe start to see some movement in the second quarter after the class action period is over march 27th