Rolled (IRA): IWM October 1st 161 to the November 18th 163... short put for a 1.10 credit.
Comments (Late Post): Rolled this out at >50% max to the strike in November paying around 1% of the strike price in credit. I might usually just take profit and close this out, but still need small cap long delta for a bit here while I manage my IWM short delta hedge. Total credits collected of 1.62 (See Post Below) plus the 1.10 here for a total of 2.72 relative to a price for the November 18th 163 of 1.71, so I've realized gains of 1.01 ($101) to date.
Closed (IRA): SPY October 21st 356 Short Put... for a 1.66 debit.
Comments: Opened this for 3.65 as part of a four-leg ladder. (See Post Below). Closing just the October rung of that here at >50% max. 1.99/$199 profit.
This also has the added effect of reducing my long delta a bit, so in that sense it's a subtractive delta adjustment trade at the same time. If you're big on keeping your portfolio net delta "happy," you want to first look at doing adjustments subtractively (i.e., taking off offending delta), only doing additive adjustments (i.e., putting on a new setup to delta balance) if subtractive adjustments haven't quite done the trick.
Closing (Margin): /ES October 21st 2550 Short Put... for a .95 debit.
Comments: Filled this for a 3.05 credit. (See Post Below). Out here for (3.05 - .95)/2 = 1.05/$105 profit. Taking off a little risk in advance of FOMC/Triple Witching. I'll naturally re-up if we get weakness plus an uptick in implied volatility.
Closing (Margin): /ES September 30th 3080 Short Put... for a 1.35 debit.
Comments: Filled this for 3.10 (See Post Below). Closing it out here for a little bit more than 50% max. (3.10 - 1.35)/2 = .875 ($87.50) profit. Reducing risk with FOMC in 13 days (where I'll look to add on weakness/uptick in implied volatility).
Rolled (Margin): SMH October 21st 235 Short Call to 225... for a 2.20 credit.
Comments: Rolling down the untested side of my short strangle, the short put leg of which is at the 205. Total credits collected of 11.87 with a resulting delta/theta of 12.67/21.50. Unfortunately, there are only five wides available in the October monthly at the moment, so it's hard to be surgical with adjustments.
Opening (Margin): /ES November 18th 2400 Short Put... for a 3.10 credit (arrow indicated).
Comments: Would prefer to do this on weakness plus an uptick in implied volatility, but I'm not getting any younger here. 1.55 max on buying power effect of 13.90, targeting the <75% of current price strike paying around 3.00/1.50 (due to 50x multiplier); 11.2% ROC at max as a function of buying power effect; 5.6% ROC at 50% max.
At its core, a bet that that we don't see 2400 by opex.
I've gone ahead and shown all my open /ES positions here, since part of the calculus in making the decision to take a rung off at less than max is its risk relative to other strikes I have on. For example, the nearest to at-the-money strike is currently the September 30th 3210, so I've got my eye on potentially taking that rung of before everything else since it's closer to at-the-money.
Opening (Margin): QQQ October 21st 276/328 Short Strangle... for a 7.26 credit.
Comments: The highest IV broad market exchange-traded fund on the board ... . Selling the 20's on both sides. 7.26 credit on buying power effect of 33.90. 21.4% ROC as a function of buying power effect at max; 10.7% at 50% max.
Opened (IRA): SPY Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan Short Put Ladder... for a 13.52 credit total.
Comments: A slightly different deployment approach, dispersing risk across expiries and strikes, rather than bunching up all my risk with multiples in one expiry (e.g., a 4 x October 21st 356). Here, targeting <16 delta strikes in successive expiries paying around 1% of the strike price in credit. You can do a maximum of four different strikes with any given order, so can either leg into these one strike at a time or look to get filled for the entire four leg kit-and-kaboodle. The alternative way to look at laddering out is as an acquisitional strategy where you're looking to acquire shares at increasingly lower prices if they present themselves.
Since I'm going to manage each of these "rungs" separately, here's what I got paid for each leg:
3.65 for the October 21st 356
3.24 for the November 18th 335
3.41 for the December 16th 320
3.22 for the January 20th 300
Generally, I'll look to roll out a month at 50% max, whenever that occurs. Alternatively, if monied toward expiry, I'll compare and contrast rolling out (with or without strike improvement) versus taking assignment of shares and selling call against.
Rolling (Margin): XOP Sept 16th 142/159 to October 21st 127/165... for a 1.76 credit.
Comments: Was hoping price would stay more centered in my setup running into September mopex, but ... nope. Rolling out/recentering risk with 14 days to go. 6.17 total credits collected relative to the 127/165's marking at 8.02, so it's still a bit underwater. Delta/theta at 1.58/16.78.
Rolled (Margin): NVDA October 21st 210 Short Call to 160for a 3.88 credit.
Comments: Rolled to a short straddle today. Total credits collected of 11.56 with a cost basis of 148.44/share if assigned on the 160 short put. It's not great relative to where it's trading now, but I'm getting whipped on both the call and the put side, so I guess the benefit of a covered call (if it goes that way) is that I'll eliminate call side risk.
I'm indicating it's "long" here, since the delta metric is 49 or so, but don't have a particular opinion on where NVDA goes from here.
Opening (Margin): /ES November 18th 2300 Short Put... for a 3.30 credit.
Comments: Laddering out a bit here in longer duration on weakness, targeting the <75% of current price strike paying around 3.00. 1.65 max on buying power effect of 14.15; 11.7% ROC at max, 52.7% annualized; 5.9% ROC at 50% max, 26.4% annualized.