Rolling (IRA): IWM March 4th 185 Short Put to April 8th 175... for a 1.58 credit.
Comments: With 7 days to go and with the short put at >50% max, rolling this down and out to the April 8th 175 strike, which is paying around 2.10. I've collected a total of 4.08 in credits relative to a current price for the 175 short put of 2.05, so have realized gains of 2.03 ($203) so far.
Rolling: XBI March 18th 93C/99P to April 20th 93C/99P... for a 2.38 credit.
Comments: Rolling this "as is" at 21 days until expiry to collect additional credit and improve my break evens. Total credits collected of 12.66 on a 6-wide inverted with a downside break even of 86.34 relative to where the underlying is currently trading at 88.22
Rolling: ARKK April 14th 80C/103P to May 20th 77P/102.22C... for a .93 credit.
Comments: There isn't much extrinsic left in the deep in-the-money short put, so rolling it out to May to collect additional credit and reduce cost basis further. Total credits collected of 25.86 on what is now a 24.22 inverted with a break even of 76.36 relative to where the underlying is currently trading at 65.37.
I'll continue to scalp around this position to reduce cost basis further, but have been working it for several cycles already, so it's more about mitigating loss at this point than attempting to make money on the position (although you never know).
Rolling: IWM March 18th 199 Short Straddle to April 1st 201... for a 2.34 credit.
Comments: Locking in some realized gains (.72/$72) here by rolling out a smidge early to at-the-money with 28 days to go. Total credits collected of 15.14 relative to the April 1st 201 short straddle price of 16.07, so still a little underwater at the moment.
Opening: QQQ April 14th 295/376 Short Strangle... for a 6.63 credit.
Comments: Selling some fresh premium in the QQQ's. 6.63 credit on buying power effect of 34.20; 19.4% ROC at max as a function of buying power effect; 9.7% at 50% max. Will generally look to take profit at 50% max and/or manage sides on approaching worthless or side test.
Rolling: IWM March 11th 199 Short Straddle to March 25th 201... for a 2.95 credit.
Comments: Rolling for a small realized gain here at 21 days until expiry. I've collected a total of 15.05 in credits relative to the current March 25th 201 short straddle price of 15.46, so the position is still a smidge underwater. Current break evens: 185.54 on the put side, 216.46 on the call.
Rolling: NVDA March 18th 265 Short Call to 250... for a 4.25 credit.
Comments: Rolling down the call side of my 265 short straddle to the 250 on put side break even test. It's now a 15 wide inverted (250C/265P) short strangle on which I've collected 34.27. Break evens now 230.73 on the put side, 284.07 on the call. Net delta leans long (i.e., it would benefit from a bounce).
Opening: ARKK April 14th 50 Short Put... for a 1.47 credit.
Comments: Adding to my ARKK position on weakness. Total credits collected of 24.93 with a 78.07 break even relative to where it's currently trading at 66.92. (Ugh). This also wouldn't be bad as a standalone trade, with rank/implied at 78/72, paying 1.47 on buying power of 5.12 (28.7% ROC at max).
Opened (IRA): IWM April 1st 175 Short Put... for a 1.98 credit.
Comments: Selling premium in the broad market exchange-traded fund having the highest 30-day on the board, targeting the strike in the shortest duration contract of 45 days or longer that pays at least 1% of the strike price in credit to emulate dollar cost averaging into the broad market. I usually do this on Fridays, but if it's gonna dump on a Thursday ... .
Closed: KWEB March 18th 35C/39P Short Strangle... for a 6.67 debit.
Comments: Took the opportunity to close out this inverted setup while I had the chance to scratch it out. Collected a total of 6.77, (See Post Below), so made a whopping .10 ($10) on it, which is better than a loss. Rank/implied remains decent at 62/53.6, so may re-up tomorrow depending on what underlyings float to the top of my screener.
Rolling: NVDA February 18th 242.5C/265P to March 18th 265*... short straddle for a 1.23 credit.
Comments: I will probably regret playing through earnings, but throwing a smidge of caution to the wind by uninverting my short strangle and rolling it to the 265 short straddle in March.
Total credits collected of 30.02 with break evens of 234.98 on the put side, 295.02 on the call. Will look to roll up untested side on approaching worthless or on side break even test.
* -- Depicted at the 270 strike to avoid overlap with the February 18th 265 Short Put.
Closing: KWEB March 18th 27 Short Put... for a .12 debit.
Comments: Added this for a .63 credit to my inverted 35C/39P short strangle to rapidify cost basis reduction and improve my break evens. (See Post Below). Since price is back between my short strikes and the short put is approaching worthless, I'm taking it off here. Total credits collected of 6.77 with break evens of 32.23 on the put side, 41.77 on the call.
Rolling (IRA): SPY March 18th 381 Short Put to April 14th 391... for a 2.45 credit.
Comments: Rolling at 50% max to the April strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit. I've collected 3.95 (See Post Below) + 2.45 or 6.40 in credits so far relative to a current price for the April 14th 391 of 3.87, so have realized gains of 2.53 ($253) so far.
Rolling (IRA): QQQ March 18th 298 Short Put to April 14th 295... for a 1.46 credit.
Comments: Rolling out at 50% max to the strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit. I've collected 3.00 (See Post Below) + 1.46 here or 4.46 relative to a current price for the 295 of 2.77, so I've realized gains of 1.69 ($169) so far.
Rolling (IRA): IWM February 25th 193 Short Put to March 31st 178... for a .58 credit.
Comments: The 193 isn't at 50% max yet, but it's the highest strike I've got in my short put ladder, so taking the opportunity to both realize a little gain, strike improve, and receive a credit for doing it. Total credits collected of 2.09 (See Post Below) +.58 = 2.67 relative to a current price for the March 31st 178 of 1.93, so I've realized gains of .74 ($74) so far.
Rolling (IRA): IWM February 18th 194 Short Put to March 25th 178... for an .83 credit.
Comments: With only 7 days to go, rolling down and out to the strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit. Total credits collected of 3.53 (See Post Below) + .83 = 4.36 relative to the March 25th 178's current value of 1.80, so I've realized gains of 2.56 ($256) so far.
Rolled: NVDA February 18th 225 Short Put to 247.5... for a 5.90 credit.
Comments: Rolled up the untested side to a 5-wide inverted here (242.5C/247.5P). Total credits collected of 20.89, so I can conceivably widen the inversion to 20+ at this point, but still don't intend to hold it running into earnings in 6, so I may just have to take the loss and move on.
Closed: XOP February 18th 87/117 Short Strangle... for a 1.27 debit.
Comments: One of the only setups I didn't have to touch/adjust during all the January gyrations (i.e., no side was tested or approached worthless), but I had to wait on it longer than I would've liked. In for a 2.53 credit (See Post Below); out today at 50% max, 1.26 ($126) profit.