Red-Line Zcash Pump June 1st or permanent Rekt Asset What are the economics of Zcash?
Zcash's monetary base is the same as Bitcoin's — a fixed supply of 21 million Zcash currency units (ZEC). Every 75 seconds, a new block is mined to the Zcash blockchain and a block reward of 3.125 ZEC comes into circulation. The amount of the block reward cuts in half about every four years until all 21 million ZEC are in circulation. Zcash inflation almost precisely mimics that of Bitcoin. It’s important to note that as new coins are created inflation goes down, and at each halvening the rate drops significantly. As of the Canopy activation, 20% of the Zcash block reward is distributed to a Community Development Fund. For more information about distribution, see the Funding, Incentives, and Governance blog post.
How can we determine the amount of ZEC in circulation within transparent and shielded pools? How does Zcash prevent counterfeiting?
Zcash miners validate every on-chain transaction. Transactions that involve a shielded address (either sending or receiving) come with a zero-knowledge proof. The zero-knowledge proof ensures that the transaction doesn't violate the "conservation-of-money" rule (i.e. a proof that the money coming out of the transaction is less than or equal to the money going into the transaction). ECC uses Turnstiles as a method of auditing the monetary base in Zcash’s shielded pools.
Is Zcash protected against quantum computers?
Zcash is better-protected against future (hypothetical) quantum computers than almost any alternative, primarily due to the fact that Zcash addresses ("public keys") do not get posted on the blockchain. Scientists at the Electric Coin Co., and in academia, are actively researching postquantum-secure alternatives to any affected cryptographic components. Members of the community plan to monitor developments in postquantum-secure components, and if/when they are mature and practical, update the Zcash protocol to use them.
What is a zero-knowledge proof? How does Zcash integrate it?
Zero knowledge proofs are a scientific breakthrough in the field of cryptography: they allow you to prove that a statement is true without revealing the statement itself. Think about this example: if you want to prove you are old enough to drink alcohol, you generally have to show your ID card which reveals a lot of information about you beyond just your age. Your ID card can reveal your address, your face, your height - all of that has nothing to do with your age. A zero-knowledge proof could let you prove that you are old enough to enjoy a cold beer and only that. Zcash uses a particular type of zero-knowledge proof called zk-SNARKs (or "zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge"). These zk-SNARKs are used in any transactions that involve shielded addresses. Dive deeper into zk-SNARKs and how they work in Zcash on the explainer page.
What mining algorithm does Zcash use?
Zcash currently uses Equihash as the proof-of-work for block mining in Zcash. Equihash is a proof-of-work algorithm devised by Alex Biryukov and Dmitry Khovratovich. It is based on a computer science and cryptography concept called the Generalized Birthday Problem. As of May 2018, Zcash's Equihash parameters have been implemented in custom hardware ("ASIC") miners. ECC is closely monitoring the effectiveness of alternative consensus algorithms such as PoS and will continue to evaluate as part of our long-term roadmap to increase scalability and sustainability.
What are the general characteristics of a Zcash block?
Average block time: 1.25 minutes (75 seconds)
Maximum block size: 2MB
Block Reward: currently 6.25, 3.125 after November 18, 2020
Each 4 year period, the ZEC creation amount will halve (from 12.5 to 6.25 to 3.125 to 1.5625 and so on).
Maybe OI goes higher and then Zcash ZEC price goes higher also"Privacy is the right to a free mind," Snowden said. "Without privacy, you can't have anything for yourself. Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."
XMR - I am bullish on privacy !!The recent crypto melt down has not changed my call on Monero relative to BTC.
I have been shaken out of my position and I already regret it.
The long term outperformance of XMR relative to bitcoin is still valid.
The downturn only provided a strong backtest of the breakout.
ETH whales cashing out to XMR? Record XMR/ETH Volume on Binance!Interesting data. This pair has been bleeding for months and suddenly it rebounds with some SERIOUS volume! I haven't seen anything like this.
This is a great sign for Monero I think. A lot of people made a LOT of money off of Ethereum the past couple years. Naturally, when you make money your next goal (after the hookers/cocaine honeymoon period wears off) is to ensure wealth preservation and protection. In the cryptospace, there is no other asset focusing on user protection as much as monero.
I haven't traded any ETH for XMR (because I have very little ETH and I hold XMR already) but I will come back here to check in on this ratio perhaps.
Top pick 2/3 - XMRThe reasons because I took a decent position in Monero are the following:
1 never before in history has privacy been under attack globally
2 people need privacy not only if they are evil (they need it especially if they are good intentioned ;o)
3 monero has some interesting protocol upgrade coming, that will make it more private and more scalable
4 xmr has been in a bear market more than 4 years against bitcoin and it has just broken out against it
5 i am mostly invested in "legally compliant" and transparent projects and consider monero as a hedge against them
As I just stated, XMR has recently broken the 4 year descending resistance and is just sitting on it (now support) after having back tested strongly.
(since my last post a month ago XMR is already up 50 USD (or 30%).
MACD is turning positive on the monthly time frame.
Holders sentiment is extreemely depressed and flat, which is what I want. You want to invest before or right at the moment of uptick on the awarness side.
MONERO has just undergone a period of 2 years of sideways action, just like between 2014 and 2016 (rectangles defined by yellow horizontal support and resistance).
The pattern is very similar...
...and if history rhymes this should meen a 11 x against Bitcoin alone.
That is, if Bitcoin does a 5 x from here ... XMR would do a 55 x ... or a price of around 12'000 USD.
Monero Completing Potential Zigzag Elliott Wave PatternXMR looks like it is completing a potential zigzag where wave-c is only about 62% of wave-a. This implies that the entire zigzag should get retraced and we should see a powerful move to new all time highs.
Wave-c is also a potential terminal impulse which means it should be retraced very quickly. To confirm the terminal impulse we must retrace all of wave-c faster than it was formed, and it will likely happen in less than 25% of the time of wave-c.
We've already slightly broken the 0-b trendline so if this gets some follow through we could see a fast move up to new all time highs.
The timing of all waves is virtually perfect and basically all rules are followed from a price, time and structure perspective.
This comes at a time of extremely heightened privacy concerns regarding sanctions targeting Russian crypto addresses and Canadian asset seizures targeting vaccine mandate protestors. Monero is the oldest and most trusted privacy coin, as well as the most liquid and most widely used in dark net commerce so it has several advantages, especially for larger entities like Russian elites who want to avoid sanctions. Based on this I have a feeling XMR could do well at least in the short-term but potentially in the longer-term as well.
There's also very large bullish momentum divergences forming that indicate a large move to the upside could be happening soon.
Potential targets depend on how quickly wave-c and the entire zigzag are retraced. It's possible that this is a triangle wave-c instead of a terminal, meaning it would be followed by a d-wave, though this seems unlikely. If we a get a wave-d then it won't break all time highs and wave-c likely won't be retraced faster than it was formed. If we get a fast retracement then this should go to around 3k at minimum, but depending on the long-term could even go as high as 20-100k in a few years.
OXEN - the most unique monero fork with a functioning product? Microcap. Development is steady. Launched as PoW in 2018 but has transitioned to PoS. Not wild on that, but might be good to hedge bets. Staking offers an attractive return mostly fueled by being rewarded a chunk of new emission in exchange for locking up supply - fairly standard, right?
Here's where it starts to get interesting.
Oxen is the token behind two unique, working-today privacy applications: Session and Lokinet.
Session is a signal-alternative that is entirely decentralized with messages being processed by the nodes that are staking oxen! It has a desktop app and is on mobile as well. Somewhat buggy on my phone at times, but works today and development is continuously improving. They have voice calls in beta right now almost ready for release, for example. Group chats can be formed. Disappearing messages, media can be sent etc.
Lokinet is a VPN-alternative service. I need to look more into it, but it does work. You can pick different "Exit nodes" similar to tor and use it to either browse lokinet, ".loki" sites that are only accessible on Lokinet similar to .onion addresses that are only available on TOR, or you can browse the so-called "Clearnet", or normal internet. Your data and requests are encrypted and hopped between several nodes such that your exit node does not know your origin IP.
This is incredibly interesting to me because TOR, while around for a long time and functional, relies on altruism for their node infrastructure (i.e. they rely on people running exit nodes out of the goodness of their own heart at a loss, essentially) - I think it is completely unsurprising then that TOR has historically and continuously suffered from malicious-exit-node-related attacks. With Lokinet, but financially incentivizing good behavior and potentially punishing bad, it will hopefully lead to less attacks along this vector.
Currently, starting a node requires staking 15,000 oxen, or $9000 at current writing. However, you can use rented hardware for $10-15/month and this is suitable specifications for the node, and it will generate ~200 oxen/month - meaning the return far outweighs the operations cost. Yes, $9000 is high but this is only for FULL node operators. Users may group up with up to 3 others including the operator and split up their contributions to the 15,000 reward. The node operator who maintains (or pays for) the hardware usually takes a 5-15% premium on the rewards to pay for the operations cost. This premium is subject to market demands and fluctuates as it is set by the operator upon node creation. But someone with only $900 for example could still find a node to contribute to and instead make ~20 oxen/month so node participation does not price many people out unlike many other projects. The development team has adjusted this 15,000 oxen amount in the past and, I assume, if Oxen were to go to new highs they would lower the contribution amount. This is interesting because it means someone with 1 node now could end up in a future where they have enough oxen to run 2 nodes. This can occur over time naturally even without node staking requirement changes, i.e. 15,000 oxen will be accrued via rewards over a ~6.2 year period anyways.
With all variables frozen, a $9000 node (15k oxen) run solo would cost you around $120-180 per year (hosted/rented) or potentially less if you maintain your own physical system, but yield ~2400 Oxen for a USD value of $1440. $1440/$9180 = ~15% annual return if you sold all your rewards. "With all variables frozen" is an incredibly important, and unrealistic, expectation for the future as number of stakers and price per coin will undoubtedly fluctuate considerably over the course of a year, but this still provides a basis for which to compare the return compared to other traditional investments. Other hidden fees in this example that aren't included are network fees on the oxen chain (currently so low they are negligible) and exchange trading fees if you are forced to sell through a centralized party (could add up but likely still <$20).
Node operators and contributors do have the ability to sell rewards as they get them, which is an important consideration when factoring in future price performance.
I have used both Session and Loki personally and I'm impressed. It's astonishing to see dozens if not hundreds of crypto projects with shittier products, or even no functional product, with 10x the market-cap of Oxen. I don't think this can last.
My one major complaint: oxen itself needs more utility to attract/maintain value over time. Currently you need it to run a node and the rewards are attractive, far outpacing the server costs necessary even when paying for hosting. However, as a user, Oxen is really only used to either reserve a unique username on Session, or "buy" a ".lokinet" domain from the network by burning a set amount of oxen based on how long you wish for the domain to remain active/in your control. It can also be used to generate a vanity address.
The rates are currently quite cheap on the so-called "Oxen Name Service":
Session ID: 7 OXEN
Wallet Address: 7 OXEN
Lokinet Name 1 year: 7 OXEN
Lokinet Name 2 years: 14 OXEN
Lokinet Name 5 years: 28 OXEN
Lokinet Name 10 years: 42 OXEN
Considering 42 oxen at current price is $25-26 bucks coming out to ~$2.55 annually at the time of writing, this is all relatively affordable. The interesting part is when you purchase these name services, you don't pay a node operator - the oxen is burnt and removed from the circulating supply. The goal of the project from a macroeconomic standpoint is to have enough users such that the burning from name services can offset or even outpace the emissions produced by the network. I think this goal is ambitious, which is why my "One major complaint" is that oxen needs some more utility.
But this project is on the right track IMO, and oxen @ $4.50 would mean a ~250 million mcap which is modest by crypto standards especially considering the inflationary environment the USD is experiencing. It will be interesting to track this one. There isn't many PoS projects that are focused on privacy, and the volume especially looks interesting as it used to be <100k for months and suddenly has gone up to 500k+ since March 23rd. I smell a market-maker.
Let me know what you think of oxen in the comments, and I hope you enjoyed this write-up. If you did, please consider giving a follow, thumbs up, or share with someone. It would mean a lot to me :)
(Not financial advice and all that.)
$XMR/USDT 3h (#BinanceFutures) Falling wedge breakout and retestMonero is pulling back to 200MA support and looks good for a bounce after and resume bullish.
Current Price= 243.55
Buy Entry= 244.15 - 238.15
Take Profit= 261.12 | 276.36 | 295.61
Stop Loss= 225.11
Risk/Reward= 1:1.25 | 1:2.2 | 1:3.4
Expected Profit= +24.84% | +43.80% | +67.74%
Possible Loss= -19.95%
Fib. Retracement= 0.5 | 0.786 | 1.117
Margin Leverage= 3x
Estimated Gain-time= 2 weeks
Tags: #XMR #XMRUSDT #PoW #Mining #Privacy #Blockchain #Bytecoin #Hardfork
#Secret secret19ungtd2c7srftqdwgq0dspwvrw63dhu79qxv88
Zcash Cope and Hope lines for the futureWhy Is Crypto Down? Inflation Worries. ZCash (ZEC) Synthetix (SNX) Price Prediction | Market Update. Do we know Why Is Crypto Down? Is there any place for Worries about Inflation? We use graphs and data to find out in our Market Update. Also we give ZCash (ZEC) and Synthetix (SNX) Price Prediction
XMR - Monero / BTC Showing Signs of Life - Part 4-2The additional Bad Ass Bollinger Band 8 day chart for Part 4
Price volume oscillator.
ZCSH Zcash Grayscale Trust - OTC Market Redemption Arc GBTC ETHE
Zcash Idealism:
In November of 2016, journalist Morgen Peck showed up at her friend Molly Webster's apartment in Brooklyn, told her to take her battery out of her phone, and began to tell her about The Ceremony, a moment last fall when a group of, well, let's just call them wizards, came together in an undisclosed location to launch a new currency.
It's an undertaking that involves some of the most elaborate security and cryptography ever done (so we've been told).
And math. Lots of math. It was all going great until, in the middle of it, something started to behave a little...strangely.
Zcash Reversal Rally potential on Low Time FrameA purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online
payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a
financial institution.
Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main
benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending.
We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network.
The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of
hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing
the proof-of-work.
The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of
events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As
long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to
attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers.
The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort
basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest
proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
Zcash vs Bitcoin must avoid the 1D Death Cross!Zcash is an implementation of the Decentralized Anonymous Payment scheme Zerocash, with security xes and improvements to performance and functionality.
It bridges the existing transparent payment scheme used by Bitcoin with a shielded payment scheme secured by zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zk-SNARKs).
It attempted to address the problem of mining centralization by use of the Equihash memory-hard proof-of-work algorithm.
Monero Breaking out on the weekly - catalyst for Privacy coinsMonero is breaking out of the largest cup and handle structure in the Crypto Industry and the MACD is turning green on the weekly
This breakout will turn into a long-awaited catalyst for the entire privacy coin sector.
It has been a quiet sector all this Bullrun due to FUD and bad news.
The current political climate has shown the world the need for privacy coins or at least given attention to it.
My second privacy coin investment is a coin called: XTA/ITALO, Which is doing a rebrand into SYFER, fully homomorphic encryption with smart contracts, basically a fully private Ethereum network with barely any fees. The best part is that the market cap is less than 100.000 USD due to marketing not beginning until the Rebrand is done, which is within a couple of weeks.
Good luck, everyone, and don't miss out on this privacy coin run!
Privacy coins will be a demand in the next yearsSo... privacy coins will surely be a demand in the next years due to the regulations and people looking for privacy with their money.
Better if the privacy is with smart contracts+defi, we have Secret Network as the next big thing (IMO)
i'll keep accumulating and looking for the next levels on the next bull run.
(*this is not a financial advice.)
Time to load up on privacy coinsIt's time to load up on privacy coins.
My picks are:
XMR - everyone knows about Monero
DERO - Got some exciting things coming out
XTA - Rebranding into SYFER with homomorphic encryption, privacy network with privacy smart contracts! at only 70.000 USD Marketcap it is a steal!