Self-discipline - what's that?Whilst I am on a roll, I'm pushing out loads of questions and thoughts that have occupied me for the last two years. All this is well ' Beyond Technical Analysis '!
In too many trading/training videos out there, I've heard the words 'discipline' and 'self-discipline'. These are so commonly used words that many take their meaning for granted, or as something very elementary. I know - because I was one of those people who thought I knew what the words meant.
However, there is also a thing called self-deception which works against self-discipline. Self-deception at its heart, is the ability of the mind to justify anything! Quite simply - it's dangerous.
The Collins Dictionary defines self-discipline as, " controlling of oneself or one's desires, actions, habits ... .. the act of disciplining or power to discipline one's own feelings, desires... with the intention of improving oneself. " It's easier now to see how this connects to trading environments.
A sound trader needs a lot of personal self-control over actions, habits, feelings and desires. I add 'thinking processes'. Certainly there must be a routine that improves one abilities, as the markets are not static. Their behaviour changes so one needs to improve to match those changes.
The obvious question for many (especially new traders) is, " How do I become more disciplined? " I'm afraid there is no magic formula that I can prescribe. I can only share a few personal experiences that drove me to become more disciplined.
It's like a weird sandwich:
A firm and unshakeable desire to make myself consistently profitable.
Pain i.e. painful mistakes.
Non-acceptance that if others could do it, I couldn't.
Pain drives people - let's not debate that. By pain I include from the worse kinds of suffering to the more subtle kinds. One can include things like frustration, anger and disappointment. Pain stood like a distasteful filling between the two sides of my sandwich. I just couldn't ignore it. If I wanted to make this thing right I had to fix the pain; all sources of it.
I was/am my own pain. My enemies arise from within me to cause me pain. My mind plays tricks on me in trading environments. To deal with the sources of pain I had to deal with my own mind, else just give up. I'm no quitter! So whilst I do not claim near-perfect discipline now, I have been addressing the trickery of my own mind - those inner enemies - that thwart my thinking processes. After all, if I don't the whole sandwich (three bullet points above) become nothing - and I'd have to join the 90-odd percent of people who give up on trading in the first couple years.
Am I saying that pain is a necessary ingredient for everybody to reach a greater self-disciplined state? Well yes I am! In every walk of life people have to suffer some sort of discomfort in achieving their goals. If you wanted to become a top-rated lawyer, you would have to suffer the 'pain' of years of study, and the trauma of being beaten in court rooms. If you want to get to the North Pole on foot, that involves pain and personal sacrifice. But nobody gets to the North Pole alive, with poor discipline. I shan't go on to mention other areas where people suffer extreme discomfort in order to achieve their goals.
If there are take away points to consider, traders should to find out what they are about and anchor themselves on what they want and what they won't have. Then, systematically whittle away at all obstacles by robust self-refection. It takes time - and bargain for pain! Do the time - take the pain. Don't blow up a live account.
Courses, horses - or the mind?If you’re reading this looking just for the best course to attend, you may be disappointed. I go deeper than the simple issue of 'which courses' or 'what course is best'. The sharing of my personal experience may be of value to new traders but also for more seasoned traders.
I’m sharing a summary of my experiences over the last 4 years, so that others can see something more about ‘courses’ – and what courses can never give you.
I am nobody known or big in the trading world. I do not offer advice in this or any other post. I do not train anybody. I do not seek anybody's money for any service. I do not require recognition. Take all of what’s written here as 'what I've learned' and cautiously apply the parts of it that you find of any value. Where I use words like ‘you’ and ‘yours’, this is my self-talk as if I’m advising myself all over again. I do this all the time. You're not mad if you're doing self-talk. It is an important thing to do.
I started off with binary options and lost a fair amount of money. I watched numerous videos on YouTube about how to trade these, with numerous so-called successful strategies. In my searches I came across Spreadbetting, and did the same. More money lost. I then signed up with various trainers and spent more money there. More losses. I'm to blame I was led to understand because I didn't follow the rules. That's true to some extent - but something fundamental was missing. Why could I not follow the rules of some strategy invented by others? It's about why this post is in the Trading Psychology section of Tradingview.
I followed various gurus on websites, paid more money and still no success. Most of these gurus had state of the art audio-visual equipment and studios. They usually appeared with large microphones, conspicuous and 'in the face'. Is that really necessary? Some will say it’s all about better sound quality.
Then I got into ‘trading diaries’ and other things people out there said I should do. Still major problems.
So, what was missing? To put it in a nutshell the problem was grappling with my personal psychology . This is about the way I work - how my mind functions in relation to risk, which would be different to everybody else. Psychologists may be able to tell you a bit about how minds in general work. They cannot tell you exactly how ‘your mind’ works.
Most of the gurus I came across would mention psychology several times but never get to the heart of it. Naturally they're not psychotherapists, so they can't tell me how to sort myself out. Most trainers focused on 'discipline' which is fine, but they couldn't tell me how to become disciplined. What? - am I just supposed to pull myself together and follow a script? Some would say 'yes'. But this is not how the human being operates. If everybody could just pull themselves together and follow a trading plan and a set of rules, then everybody would be rich. Come on - we all know that's silly.
... truncated .
This post became so long, that it cannot fit on Tradingview. It is accessible here where I go on to explore:
I do apologise, and hope Tradingview allows this post to remain.
Let D4 Try Again: Psychology Of A Market Cycle!Hey Friends
This is a re-reupload. I was not allowed to write swear words. I hope you will give IT A BIG LIKE, and support this chart again due to its educational purpose! Thank you, my friends
This is an educational chart about the Psychology of a market cycle. Every market is determined by people's feelings. In this chart I have illustrated how people tend to feel through a market cycle. D4 has used BTCUSD as an example but it applies to every market.
D4 loves you <3
Please give a BIG like - It really means a lot to me <3
Next quick BTC / EUR "analysis"I don't really follow all technical analysis methos.
How I do my predictions is based mostly on psychology. Patterns that look like they would repeat - but go the other way around just to form nice traps. And such.
I do my chart analysis based on how I feel what could be right and so far I have been correct quite a few times. Not always being like 1min chart correct, but I'm okay with it.
Enjoy my next prediction and take care of your money!
If I am correct here, the following hours could get very very hard to do highly profitable trades with. I only see small buy & sell space to trade with in this longer drop scenario.
Oh and by the way: My bear avatar doesn't mean I am always bearish. I'm bear / bull whatever the direction the charts go.
Feel free to paste in your chart predictions in the comments!
PS: Why is there no "psychology" category in the dropdown menu
EURUSD still BEARISH although option markets are record long EURUpdate on my SECULAR EUROUSD Short. After having clearly failed to break the secular downtrend channel at 1.2500 I continue to stress that EURUSD is overbought, both technically and by the record number of long option contracts. Please do not get caught long EURO and continue to sell on bounces. I trade it daily and been trading it for ages, obviously I rely on technical indicators as per my previous comment. But market psychology and behavior is as much important. We have a situation where nearly everyone is on the same side, long euro, and since hitting 1.2500 every time the chart highlights a buy signal the EURUSD fails to reach its short term target, then price suddenly reverse: we have a series of constant false breaks towards the upside...This is a clear sign everyone is trying to get out of longs (while many still hold their capitulation still ahead). Lets now talk about levels. 1.2200 nest support and target. But where I will first close my short is 1.2085 (Previous door to 1.2500 and now trap for 1.1500) where I believe we have a major support and will not go short again until we close 2 consecutive days below 1.2085. In the meantime I stress you to not buy EUR and sell only on pullbacks. But then again you do what you want :-)..this is my personal opinion. On the short Picture I think we will see some buying at 1.2200, mostly fueled by short term traders. The EUR attempted and failed to correct the 1.2500 -1.2300 drop: when pulling a classic Fibonacci Retracement indicator and the cross fails to retrace more than 25%, the market is clearly trending (downwards in this case) and further losses are to be expected. Again from a behavioral perspective this means longs are trying to get out of their positions and the more time passes the more they are willing to accept lower prices, this before the obnoxious ones, who fail to accept the bear market, will capitulate.
PS; By tomorrow I will also publish on my blog
Patience vs TradingPatience is a great quality in trading. Why ? Simply because it helps you not ceeding to impulsivity and it helps you decreasing mistakes.
Patience in trading is similar to patience in poker. A good poker player will wait hours to get the best hand possible. He will wait for a very good pair like AA or KK instead of risking losing with weak pair like 44 or 66.
Of course having AA or KK is not a guarantee of winning but you get a much higher probability to do so.
In trading you face the same problematic. Sometimes the market doesn't give you anything, no info, no pattern. In this case, you should close your laptop and do something else. Really !!!
The more you trade, the more you are exposed to make big mistakes. I used to make scalping for a time but I quickly realized that it was not for me. Staying all day in front of a laptop waiting for an opportunity, no, many opportunities to get 2 to 10 pips only. Some traders are very good scalpers but I am not. I am a swing and day trader. I look for 30 to 20,00 pips on each trade.
You really need patience to get 1000 pips profit ! And obviously I have a dedicated account for this kind of investment. Why ? Because, after having made 100 pips, the temptation is huge to take my profit and close the trade. On this account you only have very long term trades where potential is 500 to 20,000 pips !
Patience is also a quality when you do not see any opportunity on the market. You are frustrated, you want to feel the adrenaline of trading. Calm down, stay cold. The market always gives opportunity, It will happen very soon trust me but at this moment, use this time to improve your skills, reading, learning, analysing or simply deconnecting totally from trading.
Think how you feel good without the stress of a losing position when you are always looking after your smartphone to check the price.
Be patient, wait for the optimal opportunity wen you can sell high and buy low. The opportunity which gives you the best risk-reward.
Patience vs trading ? No !
Patience = Trading !
The Escalation Of Failure In TradingThe escalation of failure in trading ! : 5 reasons why most of traders lose their money !
Reason 1 / Step 1 : The "I DON'T ACCEPT LOSING" syndrom
Reason 2 / Step 2 : The "I MOVE MY STOP LOSS" temptation
Reason 3 / Step 3 : The "AVERAGE DOWN" disease
Reason 4 / Step 4 : The "RISK EVERYTHING" game
Reason 5 / Step 5 : The "I SWEAR IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN" lie to yourself
Let me tell you the story of JOE the gambler :
Joe creates an account with $1,000 with a broker offering a x500 leverage. Virtually, Joe could invest almost $500,000 on the market ! Amazing !
Joe thinks that he is a reasonable investor and start investing with 0.05 lot.
Joe creates an account with $1,000 with a broker offering a x500 leverage. Virtually Joe could invest almost $500,000 on the market ! Amazing !
So Joe has $1,000 on his account. He has a very good investment strategy which has worked very well for 1 month on demo account.
Joe's projections gives $250 profit in one month.
It is time now to pass on real account. Joe has read many articles about money management and joe wants to risk only 3% of its capital on each trade.
Joe's strategy is to take trades only if a combination of several indicators give the same signal. Joe always use stop loss and take profit. The plan is the plan no matter what ! Right ?!
Joe bought 0.05 lot on EURUSD at 1.2200 with a SL at 1.2150. He thinks that the price will increase from 100 pips at least in the next hours to reach 1.23.
Reason 1 / Step 1 : The "I DON'T ACCEPT LOSING" syndrom
Problem, the price falls from 40 pips. Joe starts panicking.
Reason 2 / Step 2 : The "I MOVE MY STOP LOSS" temptation
Joe decides to move the SL from 50 to 100 pips at 1.21.
Reason 3 / Step 3 : The "AVERAGE DOWN" disease
Problem, the market decides to go down again and the position shows a 80 pips floating loss. Joe decides to move the SL from 100 pips to 150 pips at 1.2050 and take a new position of 0.05 lot on EURUSD at 1.2120 with a SL at 1.2050.
Problem, the market continues its fall and the price displays 1.2070. Joe thinks OK. I move my SL from 1.2050 to 1.1950. It gives more margin to let breathe the market and Joe takes a third position of 0.05 lot at 1.2050 with a SL at 1.1950.
The average price is now 1.2123.
Problem, the next days the market starts a range between 1.20 and 1.21 and Joe wants absolutely to leave the overall position in profit. Pride !
Joe loses patience and decides to take a new postion of 0.1 lot on EURUSD at 1.2070.
The average price is now 1.2102.
Joe is stressed and tired of this situation and decides to put an overall TP at 1.2120. The probability to hit the TP is high.
Finally the market goes up and hit the TP during the night and when Joe wakes up the the price on EURUSD is 1.2200.
Oh my GOSH !
Joe is frustrated ! Why did I change my TP ? I missed a lot of profit on this movement !!!
Joe decides to take a new trade on EURUSD at 1.2200 without SL this time because this time is the right one !!! Pride !!!
Problem, the market falls from 25 pips at 1.2175. Joe is convinced that he is right so he takes a new BUY pending position at 1.2150.
And now the market makes a huge falls from 1.2175 to 1.2050 during the day.
Joe has now 2 positions of 0.05 lot size. At this moment, Joe decided reasonably to close all positions with losses at 1.2050.
Joe lost 275 pips on these 2 hasardous trades.
BTCUSD breaks crystal ballsEverybody is interested to find out where BTCUSD is going!! Well, if you only knew where it was heading you'd have an edge on the rest of the world and make loadsah money - right? Too often on Tradingview and other places - even among some so-called expert traders and trainers - I've heard the words, " I predict.... blah blah... ". These are the folk who claim to have some 'greater' insight on the future - these are the chaps and chappesses who claim to have amazing crystal balls.
Well - a majority of these folks have had their crystal balls broken by BTCUSD, in the last couple weeks! I'm not surprised, at all. Why? Nobody owns the future. Many a trader confuses a probability estimate with the word 'prediction'. If a probability is 60% for the north, all it means is that there is a 40% chance it'll go south. That's by no means a prediction. The word prediction has a specific meaning. If I predict that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow morning, I do not think anybody would be impressed by that. If however I predicted that the sun would rise in the West on 09 December 2019, that would require some looking into for foundations of evidence leading to such 'prediction'. Note that a prediction requires a lot of specificity and a pretty well defined range of time to make it meaningful.
BTCUSD has been a bearish market for several weeks. All the available evidence - right on the charts - show that a down trend is the greater probability. Yet many a trader/trainer has been predicting various high levels. Their so-called predictions are actually statements of speculation for the most part, given with some degree of assertiveness. The markets do not respect anybody. They do as they like.
Lots of traders find a great sense in being right - after an event happens - in what they call ' their prediction ' (come through). If a ' predicted ' event happens it seems to confirm their 'predciction'. No - it simply happened their way by chance (and I'm not talking about luck). 'Sense of victory' is a thief in this business! It'll rob you of your money in the long run. How? You come to feel that you were so right the last time, that you'd be right if you do the same thing in the future. Seasoned traders know that it just doesn't work like that.
Note the above paragraph excludes traders who have developed a sound strategy that matches their personality characteristics, and who have a proven expectancy ratio over a long period of time across several markets.
The following is not advice (I'm sharing my personal long experience and methods):
1. I cannot predict the future - and therefore predict nothing, ever!
2. I can estimate probabilities relevant to a particular time frame.
3. For every probability that favours my estimate, there is a counter probability that I'll be wrong.
4. I chose my trend time frame very carefully.
5. I base my stop-losses mathematically on the ATR and other tools.
6. I agree with myself to accept the loss in advance of making the entry. In other words the money is gone! It's an accepted/acceptable loss at the time of entry.
7. I don't know where a trend will go (being mostly a trend-follower). So, I have no targets but have exit criteria relying on mathematics.
8. I aim to become a 'robot' (not easy) when trading the markets. This is some protection from my inner enemies (never perfect).
9. Nobody has authority over my assessment of probabilities.
10. I do not rely on confirmations on charts, the news or opinions out there.
I do not suggest or imply that others should follow my methods. I claim no successes nor do I need to impress anyone. I believe all new traders should be helped to help themselves totally for free.
Supplemental/optional (some of my personal thoughts from my diary):
On luck, chance and prediction:
What is and is not prediction:
INTENSE moments! BITCOIN and The Uncertainty Principle...! Dear Friends!
D4rkEnergY is here with an exiting update on Bitcoin. But before D4 will jump in, he will spread some wisdom to you guys.
So trading is basically like quantum-mechanics. Have you ever heard about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?
It is one of the most famous ideas and principles in physics. It tells us that there is a fuzziness in nature, a fundamental limit to what we can know about the behavior of quantum-particles and, therefore, the smallest scales of nature. Of these scales, the most we can hope for is to calculate probabilities for where things are and how they will behave.
The same goes for TA and trading. We can NEVER be sure of where we are going, but the best trader is the one who is best at figure out what is most plausible!
So this is a follow up on D4rkEnergYs chart from yesterday. As you can see, as predicted, the small HS pattern is taking form. We are squeezed into the decending triangle, and we will most likely go down. D4 already predicted days ago, we would go under 10,000 USD. But how low will we go?
D4rkEnergY thinks 9,100-9,300 USD would be optimal. We need this LONG JUMP and momentum if we want to go way above 10,000 USD. And history shows that. We can see that if we look at the yellow dot, and also further back on the chart. From there on, we will finally go up. The pink inverse HS pattern and the descent retracement will finally allow us that.
Kiss and hugs
D4rkEnergy is Everywhere
PS. Again. It would mean a lot to D4 if you gave him a LIKE if u liked his analysis. It is much appreciated! Thx in advance, my friends!
BITCOIN will now go UNDER 10k - and then UP to 13k!Dear beloved D4-fans!
D4rkEnergY is here with an update on BTCUSD. The last 3 BTCs updates have been spot on - this one will probably also be nailed. Remember guys, D4 is here for you. He does not come with bad news, nor does he come with goods news. D4rkEnergY only brings the truth to the crypto community!
Let us begin. We are here taking a look at the 4h BTCUSD chart. As D4 before has described we finally not long time ago managed to get out of the descending channel. D4 predicted the inverse HS pattern, which let us through in the second attempt.
We got the way up to 11,3k, as D4 also predicted in an earlier post. Not so long after BTC had an expected pullback. We are right now at around 10,7k. Seen from a psychological point of view this is really not a good place to be in for the BTC-holders. There are not that many new buyers right above 10k.
The bulls has lost a bit of momentum, which the bearish MACD-cross indicates. Also take a look at the volume bars. 3 red bars all above the MA20 volume. The RSI shows its soon overbought.
D4rkEnergY thinks we need to go down under 10k again, to get up again. We have more buyers under 10k and we need that long jump and momentum to get us up, up up... and way over 10k. D4 has made a Trendbased Fibonacchi Extension to figure out where we are heading.
He has also made the Elliot Wave counts, and if we look at wave 3 we still need a bigger retracement which will let us down under 10k. But only for a short time. We will hereafter go even higher to about 13k.
D4rkEnergY loves you! OUT.
PS. Just to be clear. D4 is not saying that we will go down right after this post is made. We might go a little bit higher before we go under 10k.
SECRET: A traders No. 1 ability...I'm gonna share a secret with ya'll. You want to know how every great, rich, famous trader got there? How they crawled out of nothingness eating instant noodle soup to driving Maserati's and eating premium bamboo?
Ask your friends...what would they say? They'd say “Those guys know their edge”, “they push their winners”, “they trade their strategy”, or “nah they just got lucky”. How’d pushing their winners work with Bitcoin in January? And if you don’t know your edge or strategy, are you really a trader? Maybe you’re just getting lucky? ^^ Call me honest panda...just for saying it like it is.
Your greatest tool as a trader is your willingness and ability to admit you were wrong. When you don’t admit you were wrong you resent the loss. Resent is an emotional response, that clouds your judgement. This takes you down the road of seeing what you want to see in the chart. Over trading. And more emotional trauma. Admitting your trade was your own making, and taking responsibility for everything in your control is a step toward preventing all this pain. So guys, I was wrong on the last copper swing up to $3.50. :(
Slow panda walk with me…what happened?
Price did indeed rally briefly from our key support at 3.15 to 3.20...up to a whopping 3.24 and instead of continuing, it became a reversal point. And considering the price action around that level, I suspect we’ll see a run down to 2.95 - basically to the bottom of the big consolidation we have been in (not without a few upside hiccups of course). If we get there, that’s where things get tricky. Will our new key support level find support? Or will we fail and go even lower down to… dare I say it…. 2.750. (you knew I would because I’m bad)
Damn that's a long way….is Copper still bullish?
Don’t get me wrong, I still see $3.50 as a target, question is when do we go for it? Ask me and copper’s gonna have a good year. Just gotta wait for it. My overall outlook on fundamentals tells me price is supported at a minimum of 2.20. Yeah that’s a long way from where we are. If we establish we are in a retracement, long or short, our best bet is to wait it out.
So what do I like? Get yourself some sweet bamboo and enjoy the show. Trade something else if you’d like, but just wait for the next major buy signal at a key support level. And don’t worry I got your back when it gets there ;)
Like my commentary and analysis? Follow The Bad Panda and like my posts! Your trading account will thank you ;)
Note: All ideas expressed here are presented solely for learning and educational purposes only. Any gains or losses assumed by trading ideas presented by The Bad Panda are done so at your own risk.
BTC will NEVER go under 8k again.. and here is WHY!Hello, my beloved fans!
D4rkEnergY will once again spread wisdom to his followers!
Evil voices in the Crypto community has for a long time tried to convince D4rkEnergY, that we again will go down to 7k again. Even 5k or under has he heard mentioned.
First of all... D4rkEnergY acknowledges that the chart he posted is not THAT relevant in this case. This is more a matter of psychological analysis
But let us anyway just shortly take a look at he 4h BTCUSDT chart.
As you can see on the MACD, the bulls are starting to lose momentum after a long uptrend. A bearish MACD cross is on its way. At the same time the RSI has just made a confirmed double top.
Therefore there are no doubt a retracement is on its way. A 50 % percent pullback is pretty normal, which is also equal to 8,000 USD.
BUT!.... The reason, that we probably not will see such big of a retracement is because of 2 things.
1. We have HUGE support at 10k and 8k. Also we have great support on 9,5k, 9k and 8,5k. Fans, always remember that the BIG EVEN numbers acts as heavy support and resistance levels.
2. And this is probably the most important thing. Weeks ago we were in a situation, where all the noobs and new cryptoholders for the first time saw a huge retracement. They were fudding out like crazy.
Today is a different story. The noobs who is still here, have now experienced that BTC is able to recover and go up again. There is a new reborn trust in the market. The EMA100 and EMA200 are getting closer and closer which emphasizes my point.
You are welcome!
--D4rkEnergY is everywhere, D4rkEnergY knows everything!
A Breakout or Another Bull Trap? Market Fundamentals Included*Today is an interesting day, most people who are looking at hourly and daily charts (or shorter term charts) are thinking that Bitcoin is on a breakout.
Short term charts are signaling a breakout. But do not be fooled, market makers know how to play with people's psychology. If we look at weekly and monthly charts, the bull case is still not there. In fact these moments may be the worst moments to buy into FOMO.
Before taking a look at weekly and monthly charts, let's analyze the current market fundamentals.
There are 3 top issues that needs a resolution:
Tether & Bitfinex
Commodity vs Security
Probably over 90% of the market thinks that Tether manipulated the market many times, and they don't have the money they have been telling in their banks. Audit issue, subponea, and the days that tether printed heavily (i.e. market manipulation), all correspond to a negative scenario. There are almost no positives that may lead the market to think that Tether issue will be resolved without any problems. Tether is used in most exchanges, and if it collapses, the whole market will go into a crash, and media is going to make it even worse. Bitfinex, who is known to be closely connected with Tether, will probably take a big blow too, if Tether collapses or fails to show the money they printed in their banks.
G20 is another key issue that most people only heard about 3 days ago in this post by Coindesk: . Since the overall panic atmosphere that we have seen last week is kind of gone after the CFTC hearing, market didn't seem to care so much about G20, yet. A month ago there were news about "Monsieur Bitcoin" (a well known critic who was former deputy governor of the Banque de France), being appointed to regulation task force in France. In the meanwhile, there are lots of hints that cryptocurrency is going to be a hot topic of G20, during March gatherings in Argentina. G20 is the biggest international gathering, and it is very likely that there will be news that will create panic in cryptocurrency markets. I believe this issue is even bigger than Tether issue, because if nations take offensive approaches to cryptocurrencies altogether, we might go through a very rough market. Tether collapse might be forgetten in a couple weeks, but if G20 decides to act harsh on cryptocurrencies, we might see months of trouble.
Commodity vs Security issue has been talked in CFTC meeting, but it was only the tip of the iceberg. While most ICOs and cryptocurrencies like to defend themselves as commodities, regulators will most likely see most cryptocurrencies and ICOs as securities in the future. J. Christoper Giancarlo became the hero of cryptocurrency fans and evangalists by defining cryptocurrencies as commodities. However, there was an opposing side during the hearing, which was suggesting cryptocurrencies as "undercover securities". While CFTC meeting brought a relief to a crashing market in general, there are a variety of nations' regulators and SEC, who might decide to see cryptocurrencies as securities. G20 meetings become even more important in that sense, because nations will gather there to decide whether to see cryptocurrencies as Commodities or Securities.
If cryptocurrencies become defined as securities, this will cause problems for both ICOs, exchanges, and cryptocurrency investors in general.
Even though bulls got encouraged by CFTC meeting, market makers probably do not feel as positive as bulls about these unresolved issues. Whether the market is bearish or bullish, they always find great opportunuties to make money. The CFTC meeting gave the market maker whales the opportunity to buy during 6000s and lower 7000s, however, they have a different greed than we do. They love to make profit during bull traps, and get even more greedy to push the prices even lower.
GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES ON GOLDNew analysis.. make what you want from it. Follow your plan without distractions and ego. Remain flexible in current market conditions. Stay focused on inter-market dynamics and correlations including FX, futures and equities markets.
One picture of a chart isn't what determines your trading. All the best next week.
BTCUSD - Venus Trap disguised as recovery after binance comebackRight now we can still observe a relative sideways movement which could be mistaken for a reversal of trends to the upside.
(Volume temporarily increasing artificially as a lure but bitcoin dominance falling from 36% towards 34% as people trying to "secure" their assets in altcoins although if BTC drops everythings dips anyway).
The volume resistance at the time of writing seems to be 424 bn. (falling)
Today binance finally managed to stand up after an unexpected and prolonged downtime of more than 24h.
The fourth largest BTC trading platform by volume is now being flooded with panic buying, fueled by an artificially increased FOMO and weekend gambling.
This is not sustainable and won't be able to break the overall bearish trend and downtrend channel of BTC.
The MACD seems generally bearish as well.
The bulls would like to break the very strong 9000 resistance but struggling heavily.
The bears are patiently waiting for people to regain trust only to form another surprising bottom.
Retesting the 5800-6100 area seems necessary and potentially the bears would welcome a further drop in hope of activating a second round of panic selling so they can enter the market around 6000, 5000 and 4000.
Just be patient and see how it develops. Some expect the next major dip around 10th, 11th or 12th of February 2018.
Others think a large bottom will form around the asian lunar year celebration on 16th of February or even 1st of March.
Some even forecast a hyperinflation of USD fiat between March-May which could be corelated to the crashing stockmarket but I think they will simply print less fiat to temporarily circumvent a 2008-2010 like crisis.
It's always a good idea to have some metals and cryptocurrencies stored.
Historic lows were:
5800-6000 (6th Feb 2018) corresponding to 5800-6000 (12th Nov 2017),
5500 (25th Oct 2017),
5200 (18th Oct 2017),
4200 (5th Oct 2017),
3600 (22nd Sep 2017),
3000 (15th Sep 2017).
A Wyckoff Analysis of january 2018 Bitcoin "bubble"In Wyckoff Analysis, four main phases occur during the trading cycle: accumulation, markup, distribution and markdown.
Accumulation phase is when smart money enters on a long position, when general public is not interested.
Markup phase is when parabolic movements start, driving media and public attentions, when entusiasm and FOMO make their victims.
Distribution phase is when smart money start exiting lasting only newbies' money. During distribution, bulls fail to stablish new highs,
a big correction may be seen, driving fear to the market, this correction is followed by a lower high. Usually where traders exit positions
and public think everything is back to normal, this is called bull trap.
The Markdown phase is when ansiety, fear and pain make general public close positions with huge losses.
Case Study for Mismanaging a Disciplined Trade StrategyIn the most recent BTCUSD dip I made a series of mistakes that put me in a slightly nervous position overall, but still generally favorable.
Over a series of trades I managed to find myself in a position with an average buy price of $7486.13. Trading profitably on the dips I reduced this average buy price to $7348.21.
Throughout this series of trades I had multiple opportunities to take profit and this discussion will focus on trading psychology and process failure.
Early in my trading session I had managed to identify successfully entry levels that were reasonably close to where I could make a "dip" profit. Generally my target is around 2%.
Given the big dip from $9.2k to below $8k and given the duration and recovery of that dip from $10k I felt confident that the market was oversold and all of the order book charts indicated an overall strong buying to selling ratio.
My price target was just below $8.5k and on the first move up it hit $8.4k and I felt like there would be an orderly move over time.
What I learned with this recent price action was that trading bots and whales/funds that control them have disproportionate leverage over price action. Not being fully aware of their techniques, I decided against adjusting my price target and I was "too greedy" and completely missed my profit opportunity after being presented double my normal target over two periods.
Now having missed that opportunity I was forced to double down knowing that the next price move would likely be much bigger and deeper.
Trading for profit on the way down I was able to recoup some of poor positioning but again, I did not quite understand the techniques of these algo bots until near the end when I was able to make an adjustment to how I choose price targets to better compensate for whale/shark algo bots.
Setting price targets for exiting my position and reducing my risk came down to three possible outcomes:
1) Sell ALL at a higher price that would make profit but also leave me no room for error if I missed at $7800. This price level would have still been poor risk/reward overall so this exit strategy seemed like a mistake.
2) Sell ~half (47%) of my position at a profit at $7400 and then sell the other half at $8000 for "break even" on that part of the trade. This seemed like a prudent risk management strategy as I would have funds to take additional profit if the market moved back down while leaving in place a position that could become profitable over a longer duration.
3) Sell ALL at the higher price target that would give me a much bigger target but leave me open to poor risk management again. This was definitely the worst option.
So I chose 2) which worked ok in that the first trade target was hit as expected.
Then, while watching the order book I started to worry because there were big sell walls below $7500. I thought about how stressful it would be to ride that position back through another big dip and because of fatigue also overly focused on this possibility rather than going back to my pre-defined strategy of hodling for $8k on half and trading with the other half.
Clearly, stress causes one to adopt a risk averse mental state. And this kind of risk aversion usually leads to the panic selling and "weak hands" phenomenon of selling at exactly the WRONG time, i.e. when you should be thinking about buying.
So when I saw the price being challenged at $7k to $7.1k with very clear algo bot action pushing the price in both directions with very light buy order positioning I became a pawn in this algo bot action and decided to exit early and go take a nap rather than have to sit through another big dip with half of my fund at risk.
Rather than see any huge sell wall the sell-side volume relented and the price nearly hit my price target of $7.9k. If I had been more disciplined I could have set a contingency (less greedy) target below $8k but I changed my plan using no particular reasoning whatsoever other than fear of these algo bots.