Best Trading Ideas for GoldGold had another bitcoin-like spike in price and has been ranging about 1807, our upper Fibonacci anchor. It looks like it is making another attempt for a run, but this is quite overextended at the moment. Although the Kovach OBV was strong, it has leveled off. The Kovach Chande has dipped, but it seems it might be on an upswing. The level 1807 will now become support, and the next target is a Fibonacci extension at 1832.
Economic, geopolitic, monetary news. Issue No 8.1- Get rich quick: Conspiracy guilty supplement company that got closed resurfaced and they have issues again
In a youtube video, bodybuilder John Meadows (Moutain dog), GS VP turned fitness businessman, talks about a supplement company (ran by someone called Wes Hauser, in Atlanta) that were manufacturing a product which he designed, they kept his name on it but the ingredients were all off, and then it was found they cut costs on ingredient, replacing some, changing doses, I don't think there was any cardboard in the mix, but they were some illegal steroids imported from China/HKG.
Wes Hauser a few years ago struck a deal and pleaded guilty to a count of conspiracy, yes conspiracy is a real charge not just something crazy people do. Conspiracy and speculating those are the bad words that sheep love to hear, that are used to make people look crazy, detectives speculate on suspects, motives, crime scenes, murder weapons, and use the evidence they have and their rigorous speculation to formulate conspiracy theories. Oh no they must be crazy! What about those crazy conspiracy nuts that said the NSDAP had big plans for war and for the jews?
Woohoo, where are those that laughed? They all quickly disappeared! Just like anyone that has been calling me a perma bear since 2017 :D
Anyway the same people, or at least that Wes Hauser, is back in business, and in the same town, Atlanta, a new company with a new name.
And big surprise, their used ingredients have been found to be different to what is on their displayed ingredient list, who could have guessed?
I think the FDA has given them yet another chance... But you just know they'll get in trouble again. Once a criminal always a criminal.
You can read about the story/stories online in the news, or you can watch the video. No matter what businesses you run, don't try to get rich quick. You just know those guys are going to keep cheating and trying to get rich quick their whole life and getting in trouble, for a shot at maybe getting lucky and escaping the law. If they just played by the rules from the start they might have made it already who knows...
2- Intense stupidity: Corona sales plummeted, while spirits in particular Tequila (that uses bats) skyrocketed
To be precise, if I got this correctly, Corona sales first went way down, in part because people stopped going out, and there were polls where a large number of supersticious idiots said they did not fully understand the link between Corona and Coronavirus - I don't remember the exact wording but it was something along those lines. Some people (38%) back in a feb poll said they'd never buy the beer under any circumstance but I don't know what that number was before the virus fearmongering campaign started.
Corona beer sales have recovered, but spirits are the ones with the best quarter (correct me if I am wrong) with in particular Tequila and I just wanted to mention them because Tequila is very special: It uses the tequila plant (it's called agave or something) which gets polinated by bats.
The depression will provide some nice cheap prices. And will all the sad depressed alcoholics, price will go up up up.
ABI (the biggest one) is already at 2007 levels haha! They're Belgian ofc, so they don't have the overpriced effect USA companies have (and some other including Indian).
"There is as much chance of repealing as there is for a hummingbird to fly to the planet Mars with the Washington Monument tied to its tail." - An idiot that was very, very, oh so very wrong in 1930.
3- Intense stupidity: Most young americans (muh education) in a street poll have no clue what the 4rth of July is
A quick one here before deviating, the eDuCaTiOn obsessed young muricans don't even know what the 4rth of July stands for, all the supersticious brainwashed idiots know is that "it's racist or something". I bet all the "dumb rednecks" know exactly what the 4rth of July is :D
The USA are one of the most "educated" country in the world, but afaik most of their brains come from foreign countries (and that's going to stop soon, the word you are looking for is "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"). They seem like such a bunch of complete idiots. I don't know exactly how high in the "most educated" tier list the USA are but I know they are pretty high, not 1rst of course, Russia has the 1rst spot, I also know Germany is way behind (they don't waste too much time on useless degrees, doesn't stop them from having a strong and resilient economy).
The average Murican can't place european countries on a map, not only that they can't even place their own states on a map!
What do they learn at school other than trashy junk science and the 780 genders? Math (and logic) has been a big disappointment for decades now, I don't even dare to look at how awful the level has gotten recently. Jim Simons says it's because decent mathematicians go work for big tech firms and quant funds, and what's left to teach are the bottom of the bucket. That's probably a big reason.
I really wonder what's going on in US universities, I spent 3 months in 1 but I didn't go to classes, I just co wrote a paper there.
They seemed like reasonable human beings, it was a while ago thought, AND it was a STEM area, no gender fluid studies there.
These "universities" sound like the biggest bunch of absolute cretins. In France we have an elitist system where apart from a few select ones, all universities are basically absolute trash that accept anyone. They got thousands of low level students, classes are huge, students are lazy. Seems like such a waste of time to go there. The elites go to "schools" and institutes that at minimum study a dossier on the student, but most require an exam. The 1 university I know to be selective has no exam (afaik), they look at dossiers instead, and trust me to get in finance (at least back then) they will ONLY look at your english and maths xd I got accepted having 15+/20 in maths and english (and a math specialty with a high score too) and around 0 in every other subject except physics :D Man all these subjects are so useless why do they even exist? Such a waste of gov budget...
I really wish the world would not waste so much on useless studying. At least France is doing something right, while alot of money and effort is wasted on the delusional no future people that all are accepted in Universities provided they got a high school degree (and some schools that are total scams accept students even without a degree - gullible people gonna be gullible), at least the elites that will be productive and pay taxes get their school covered, including a place to sleep, food, etc. And the top school students have special status (official, officer, ...) so their students get a salary, something around 1500 euros is usual I think. They are going to be high ranking officials, managers, scientists, officers...
Those are the most selective schools, and graduates will pay a whole lot of taxes, so it's truly a good investment by the government.
Of course, the no future surrender losers are whining that competitivity is bad and we should all be equal losers and surrender and no school should be selective anyone should be able to go where they want and be a garbage pos loser that loves to surrender and find excuses for failing.
The only countries I know to have such a système of competitive exam institutes or "grandes écoles" are France (duh), Algeria Tunisia Morocco, India, Ghana, and China was interested but I'm not sure what they got exactly.
Problem with all these countries (except France and I guess more and more China) is all the elites just get out. Ghana has been crying for a while about it. Engineers and so one just move to West Europe & NA where they'll make much more money. The USA are going full supersticious prehistoric animals (that use junk science as their god ironically, science, the thing that is supposed to be the opposite of superstitions), not quite sure about Europe. But I'm sure countries that are not rich will be able to retain much more brains and go up up up. I see a bright future for the arab world, well not sure, maybe WW2 in the middle east... But North Africa should be good. If the islamists are in check I might go live in Tunisia myself, I'm so fed up with the supersticious virtuous pious woke marxist templars of the west. And it's too cold in the winter.
4- Stock market: Unemployment still at great depression levels and alot of job losses are permanent. Unpriced
Nice "recovery" by the US indices, there are still tens of millions of unemployed people, and a large number are permanent.
And even if a number of the unemployed are just being decalred now to get checks, there's plenty that are really new. And the added permanent ones are a problem. I do not know how many are permanent (a bunch of businesses closed, so at least there are those jobs).
You better bet that alot of companies used this crisis to get rid of anyone they considered a deadweight that they were carying for a while and could not easilly get rid of.
Plus let's be honest, democrats are trying their hardest to destroy the US economy to make Trump look bad, they're willing to pay any price. Sorry, I meant they're willing to make the population pay any price. Not themselves duh! Let's defund the police and hire private security for ourselves on taxpayer dollars amirite!
I trust them to make a great job destroying the US economy ^^
Dog goes "woof"
Cat goes "meow"
Bird goes "tweet"
And bear goes "IT'S GOING TO ZERO"
5- Venezuela gold news: England court said no, you cannot sell your gold, we don't recognize Maduro
Leaders of the socialist utopia have been whining for a while about their gold being stuck in England.
UK high court has given it's verdict: get rekt m8 we aren't giving anyone the gold.
The west backed opposition is just going to keep getting in the way of socialist utopia führer Maduro, and say he rigged the elections and try to impeach him and so on... I don't get it, they were all so happy they had tears in their eyes a few years ago, and now they're mad, what happened? Changed their minds? Haha get f'ed.
Chavez won elections with 60% and massive support and they were some coups back then. Did something really change? Were they rigged back then?
Hollywood and the deep state were the biggest supporters of Chavez lmao that aged well. Stupid morons, performance monkeys, know your place.
6- BIS warns of generational crisis & biblical tsunami, and for the first time since 1950 suspends dividends
And bear goes "Oh happy day, everything is imploding and I told you so". I am delighted. Spoiler: they did not use those exact words (but close).
The morbidly obese guy with a huge body and tiny head said he had never imagined he'll live such a crisis. Need a bigger head duh!
He had warned BEFORE 2020 of fragility, and the potential for boom boom, but looks like it it much worse than what he had imagined.
Who's the perma bear now?
In reports, the BIS calls the coronacrisis "generation-defining". You can do a research on those keywords on their site, plenty of results.
Say it once again. Generation-defining crisis. Ah yeeeesss, it feels good.
"A global shock of this magnitude puts a premium on international cooperation.". There's a big premium on China-India cooperation right now haha.
There's a big big premium in the USA between blacks & whites.
They don't use the words depression, recession, tsunami, etc... Lame. They're trying so hard not to scare anyone when it's clearly a gigantic collapse.
The director himself said he never thought he'd see such a crisis in his lifetime, and they keep warning about the crisis and its consequences.
But they keep avoiding no-no words to not scare simpleton. It's so stupid, they literally explain it is biblical and we're all going to die but let's avoid simple words that scare stupid people.
"2020 will be a year for the history books ... output drops have been the largest since the Great Depression ... global sudden stop ... crippled both supply and demand, crushing the production of goods and services." So close to calling it a great depression, come on.
They really like the word risk, there's 1 every sentence.
Awww but why do they only use euphemisms, idiots don't understand euphemisms. Well I shouldn't argue with idiots anyway, plus when proven wrong they act victorious anyway so whatever they're so far beneath me why even bother.
"Although the profit for the financial year came in at SDR 166 million, SDR 295 million less
than in the previous year, our total comprehensive income more than doubled, to
SDR 1.6 billion, boosted by substantial unrealised valuation gains from the rising gold
price and a fall in bond yields." (The SDR is the IMF world reserve currency that tries to be less dependant on the USD).
-> Buy Gold
-> Make Gold tier 1
-> Oh noes! A big crisis! Quick! Rush to Gold!
-> Rub hands
About the dividends my source is the belgian bank:
A few months ago, the ECB asked banks not to pay dividends for the year. BIS just showing the example.
Hey isn't that a systemic risk? If top banks don't pay then other banks below in the pyramid scheme can't pay, and so on.
Taxpayers should take the blow to make sure bankers get their full profits. Even if they all made big gains on gold (at least Russia China and major central banks did now I don't know about all banks).
The most important release is probably the annual economic report
Page 21 they drew their cryptocurrency pyramid scheme I see. 1 crypto to rule them all. That's some scary s**t right there.
Back in 2007 the BIS warned of great depression dangers from a credit bubble popping from greedy bankers speculating on trash bonds with mega leverage. Spoiler: the BIS was right (except it didn't go all the way to a great depression maybe because "QE and bailouts worked" - the USA are burning and they are dealing with a communist revolution and are entering the greatest depression in history 10 years later but hey, it worked great! Well done!)
If you wonder what direction they'll keep going just look at the heads of governors meetings: Powell, German guy, French guy.
It's going to be the same guys, the same countries, the same tools, and a big big explosion.
MrRenev "warns of risks" of biblical collapse and possible "risks" to western central bank governors.
I'm going to do what they do and replace everything bearish by "warn of risk". What a running gag.
Oh and also rather than say "absolute collapse that decimated the lifesavings of millions" I'll say "there was volatility in the markets" 🙃
I found out why they call it volatility, it is because when it happens your savings... volatilize. Sorry.
I'm so tired of those slow mode no trend markets, even Bitcoin is not spared lol. I can't wait for "risks" and "volatility".
A brief introduction to RISK MANAGEMENT:If you like my ideas and the work I do, please check out the links in the signature and give me a like ;).
As I tend to get a lot of questions about this topic, most traders don’t seem to understand basic risk management in trading! From my experience capital protection and risk management are probably the most important part of any trader's skillset. So that is why I wanted to address this in a more elaborate educational Idea.
The kind of questions I get:
- I’ve got half my portfolio in this coin and the other in this do you think I need to sell.
- Do you think I need to sell my … and buy …
- I've been holding this since it was at that price do you think it will go down more ...
I know these don't necessarily seem like bad questions to most people, but that is not actually how you should be trading.
Note: In crypto trading lots of people (myself included) keep their portfolio in BTC or ETH. Now in doing this, you should not look at the dollar amount of the asset, but the goal should be to increase the amount of the asset you hold. If you are going to switch every five minutes because you think about the dollar amount of said asset, I would advise you to stay in dollar and trade from there.
Now with that little particularity out of the way, we can look at how trading should be done.
It is known most retail traders take positions with their entire capital and then when it drops they get scared and don’t want to sell because psychologically they can’t handle the risk. Now, this is the best way to blow up your entire portfolio in the shortest amount of time.
In trading, you can never be sure a trade will be a winner so you should always make sure you can handle a string of losers without it affecting the bottom line too much.
Example of how human psychology works in regards to this is a study done around the Kelly Criterion formula: ( This example is from the Wikipedia page of the Kelly Criterion )
Each participant in this study was given $25 and asked to bet on a coin that would land heads 60% of the time. Participants had 30 minutes to play, so could place about 300 bets, and the prizes were capped at $250. The behavior of the test subjects was far from optimal:
Remarkably, 28% of the participants went bust, and the average payout was just $91. Only 21% of the participants reached the maximum. 18 of the 61 participants bet everything on one toss, while two-thirds gambled on tails at some stage in the experiment.
Using the Kelly criterion and based on the odds in the experiment (ignoring the cap of $250 and the finite duration of the test), the right approach would be to bet 20% of one's bankroll on each toss of the coin. If losing, the size of the next bet gets cut; if winning, the stake increases. If the bettors had followed this rule (assuming that bets have infinite granularity and there are up to 300 coin tosses per game and that a player who reaches the cap would stop betting after that), an average of 94% of them would have reached the cap, and the average payout would be $237.36.
In this particular game, because of the cap, a strategy of betting only 12% of the pot on each toss would have even better results (a 95% probability of reaching the cap and an average payout of $242.03).
Now, this is why we do not want to trade like this. We should choose a risk level we are comfortable with per trade and keep this consistent. You can use the Kelly Criterion which can be difficult to do because it requires the win probability per trade for the calculation. Now you could get this by trading a certain trade setup you like to trade, let’s keep it simple, a 100 times.
By doing this, you could gage the probability of this setup being a winner and that would allow you to use the Kelly Criterion formula.
For beginners, a simpler way of doing this is the 1 percent rule. This means you risk 1% of your portfolio per trade. Simple example:
You have a risk-reward per trade of 1/1.5 and your strategy has a win rate of 50% of the time and you make 100 trades on a 10000 dollar portfolio. You would end up with a 25% gain after 100 trades even though the 50 losing trades lost you a total of 5000 dollars. Because of the risk-reward the winners got you 7500 dollars which brings you to 12500 dollars in the end.
This is a simple example but it shows the importance of both risk/reward and position size.
Of course in reality it would play out slightly different. You would recalculate after every trade if your portfolio decreases due to a loss, which means you reduce your positions to make sure your risk stays at 1% of your portfolio and if you win you increase your positions to do the same.
Another thing people get wrong with this rule is they start just betting the same position on each trade of let's say 5% and think they will get out when they lose 1%. This does not work!!!
You should look at your setup and where you want to place your stop and look at the percentage between your stop and your entry. If this is for example 20%, you take your 1% risk tolerance and divide it by 20, then multiply it by 100 and that will be your position size. If you are using leverage you will need to divide this position size by the amount of leverage used.
An example of risk-reward is shown above.
From my experience, some general rules I use which tend to improve your results on top of a risk management system as described above:
1. Cut your losers quickly and keep your winners.
2. Don't change your stop unless you take profit and move it above break even.
3. Always place your stop at a technical level and not a random percentage, for example, the last highest low.
Of course, you can adapt this to fit your trading strategy and style but the basics will be the same.
I hope this was helpful and if anything is unclear feel free to ask me a question through chat.
📝 Using Fixed Equity Percentage VS Dollar Amount?! 💣Today we are comparing fixed equity percentage vs. fixed dollar amount to show how fixed % has an edge.
The chart above should mostly be self-explanatory.
The only real note here is that while the difference can be slight in the short term, and while static dollar amount does have an advantage in some instances, over the long term the data suggests the % based method is the way to go.
Hope this helps some! :D
Best Stock Trading TipsStocks broke down from the bear flag pattern as we had spelled out yesterday, only to get bought back up immediately. However the momentum here is really weak, and we could see another wave of selling. Both Kovach Momentum indicators are very heavily bearish, despite the meager rally. Watch for stocks to at least test 3021
Coronavirus 2.0: Top Strategies for BondsBonds priced in yesterday's risk-off sentiment. On 30 min charts we have a perfect Sickle Pattern. If you traded this pattern, you would have made 10 ticks on the ZN. The Sickle Pattern is exclusive to Ghostsquawk, so if you want to learn more about it, consider one of our trading courses.
The Kovach OBV is still very bullish, but the Chande indicates a pullback. This is reasonable because momentum does seem to have waned, but ZN has not really pulled back significantly. It would be wise not to FOMO into a long position. Instead, wait for a dip to 138'29 or 138'26, the two nearest Fibonacci levels.
Best Trading Plan for StocksStocks are caught in between levels at the moment. We have a high at 3156 that will provide resistance. But after that, there is a vacuum zone to 3233. The Kovach OBV remains relatively flat, which confirms the ranging we have seen this week and at the end of last week. Ghostsquawk AI is reading a lot of risk on sentiment this morning, so watch for that to drive stocks higher to at least test 3156.
'Position Sizing' for beginners - XAUEURIn this example I'm gonna show you how important is the entry point.
With same levels for stop-loss and take profit, one position will give you the opportunity to earn 3 times more than the other.
It doesn't mather if the position is a loss or a win, I just want to visualy show you the importance of the entry.
Best Gold Trading Ideas for MondayThose hungry for volatility have been disappointed by stocks and bonds lately, but gold has taken the spotlight. It has rallied quite a bit, breaking through the 1750 level. This level constitutes the upper anchor of our Fibonacci levels and is otherwise significant technically, as a relative high. The Kovach indicators have confirmed the trend, so we should consider gold to be in 'buy on dip' mode. Wait for the Kovach Chande to dip more before entering a trade.
Also, watch the Ghostsquawk AI tool for risk sentiment. Currently, we are pretty risk off, at the moment, so this could result in another push higher.
Top Gold Trading Strategies for FridayGold continues to range, like most assets since yesterday. It seems to really be having trouble with a cluster of levels between 1737 and 1742, including Fibonacci and technical levels. Where it goes from here will depend on risk sentiment in the news, so please refer to our Ghostsquawk AI tool for updates as the day progresses. On the upside, it could hit 1753, the relative high. On the low side, watch 1705, a Fibonacci level that is really close to our psychological level of 1700. The Kovach Chande indicator (which comes with the Ghostsquawk AI package) is encroaching the high end of its oscillatory range, so this suggests we may see a retracement, even if it is just a squeeze down to 1728, where we are likely to see support.
RELIANCE (Daily futures chart) : SHORTRecently the price have made a new all time high. Now all the news has factored in the price of stock. OI at 1700CE is increasing which acts as a resistance level for stock. Price has also made a Short hook setup at top with RSI in over bought levels. We can short the stock when we get the opportunity at right price. Maintain strict SL
Top Trading Ideas for GoldYou may find some good trading opportunities today. Since mid May, gold has been ranging, after a huge rally beginning mid March. It is holding strong to a POC which coincides with a Fibonacci level at about 1737. It seems like this level will provide resistance at this point, so watch for gold to test the range and feel out 1723, another Fibonacci level. The Kovach Momentum indicators confirm the ranging.
Best Bond Trading Strategies for TodayAfter an extended 5th wave in the impulse, ZN has broken down (as anticipated from this pattern). After ranging yesterday, it is up to the vagaries of risk sentiment to decide where it will go next: if it will rally or breakdown further. It seems likely we will see strong resistance around 138'18 and 138'21. The Kovach momentum indicators are gradually shifting to the bearish side.
Top Stock Trading Tips Stocks completely reversed direction yesterday as the Fed came in with more historic stimulus. We are currently seeing some support at technical levels. It looks like a bull flag is forming. The Kovach OBV has reversed confirming the bull trend, but the Chande has dipped suggesting this may be the dip we get before another rally. Watch out for a squeeze before that. The S&P has rallied so much a retracement is reasonable before picking up steam again.
Friday's Top Bond Trading StrategyBonds have rallied, but not to the extent that stocks have collapsed. ZN has validated our position that it would rally and fall, missing our level by 10 ticks or so. They are likely to range today, on account of the rally, and the fact that it's Friday. Watch 138'14 and 138'27, two Fibonacci levels.
The Kovach OBV is still pretty bullish, but the Chande has declined, indicating that this may be a good point of entry if you are long of bonds. The Elliott Wave suggests that we could have a correction down to the 61.8% or 50% Fibonacci level, however.
Best Trading Ideas for StocksYesterday we saw a prolific collapse in equities. It appears that the risk-on exuberance has faded and the reality of persistent global issues has sunk in. Stocks woke up from their stupor with a gigantic hangover. We outlined all the levels of resistance well, but we admit that the extent of this selloff caught us off guard. This is why tight stop losses are important. After all, if you don't get a good price, it's better to let go and wait for an even better one.
In the over night session, stocks have bounced back a bit after plunging through a vacuum zone, retracing June's move. Currently, they are facing resistance at 3071, a level we have identified a while back. After such a crash stocks are likely to try to find footing in this area. Currently the Ghostsquawk risk sentiment is tilted to the risk-on side, but this could change on a dime. In the larger picture, the Elliott Wave suggests that this is a reasonable retracement for an overall bull phase.
Today could be very dangerous to trade. Rather, it may be a time to pick up some stocks on discount, or add to your existing holdings. After all, 2008 proved that some companies really are too big to fail, so now is the time to buy on dips rather than sell in a panic.
Just Shortened $SPCB in Favor of a $0.20 ADOM DipFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, looking at the growth rate potential of SPCB and ADOM, I think ADOM currently has more potential, and that $SPCB is still expecting a positive retracement. However, I feel like now isn't the time for diversification over growth, so I did the comparison I did. Again, just my opinion, but it is all about opportunity cost and risk/award ratios. I think the retracement pattern for ADOM may still be more bullish.
WHY CAN´T I BE PROFITABLE??!!Every trader has got himself into a loosing trade. This is simply the part of this game. You will never be able to predict every move correctly. The biggest thing that separates a profitable trader from an unprofitable trader is actually not better technical analysis or more experience. The biggest factors in my opinion are trade management and risk management. These two components will have immense effect on your profitability. With good risk management you can be profitable even if you are right on less than 50% of your trades. Good risk management means you know where you should get into a trade so you can set a stop loss (which upon hitting it should invalidate your entry) relatively close to your entry. This makes your losing trades much smaller than your winning ones. And the result of this ratio will be seen in your profitability through time.
On the picture above you can see how one of my last trades went. I got in on the close of the candle marked with a green arrow. The trade then quickly went against me. But with my risk management i minimized the loss by closing the position when it closed below the red support line. I also put a stop(white support line) at a level that would upon breaking very likely invalidate my my long entry. Even though i took a loss i do not regret taking that trade since taking losses here and there is a part of my strategy and it can not be otherwise.
Yesterday i also posted about another trade i was playing on the s&p 500. That trade turned out perfect. And with 50% winning rate for that day i made some really nice profit simply thanks to my risk management.
Here you can check out how it went
You can also go check out my posts from yesterday on why i was taking those trades.
What is the Best Entry Price for Stocks Today?Stocks simply can't go down lately, despite pervasive risks in the markets. However, we do appear to be completing the fifth impulse in the Elliott Wave, and may see a correction, albeit a small one, soon. Additionally, we have a head and shoulders forming. Note that there is a big vacuum zone down to 3140. There are some nested Fibonacci levels in between. It seems 3176 may be a reasonable target for a long position. Note that the Kovach OBV has levelled off, while the Chande has dipped a bit, indicating a relief to the bull momentum.
Top Stock Trading Ideas for MondayStocks continue to rip and it really seems they are trying everything possible to close the Coronavirus dip. We have only 200 points more to go before reaching all time highs again.
Although the S&P 500 has rallied prolifically,it is facing some consolidation which is normal after such a big move. Notice how the it found resistance exactly at our Fibonacci Extension level. If you are not paying attention to our commentary and levels, you are losing money! It is really tempting to fomo into a trade here. At least try to get in on the lower bound of the range. The Kovach OBV is still very strong but the Kovach Chande has fallen back indicating a buying opportunity.