Bitcoin by Rocket Bomb🚀💣20.09.2021Hello, friends♥️How are You? How are Your trading going?🧐
I would like to share my personal statistics with You !💋
The question was👇
Are You shorting with me ?
● No, I'm longing 😬 – 41%
● I'm out of deal 😉 – 34%
● Sure❤️ – 25%
It can be concluded, that the majority of traders didn't believe in the price decline, and continue longing!
Likewise, many traders are still wary and distrustful of the market, closing positions and just watching!
And 25% of traders shorting Bitcoin! Write in the comments : What did You do ?🧐
What can I say? I expect a further decline in the price of Bitcoin to the levels 42 - 42 - 40 - 38k.
Will it be the end of bull run? It's hard to say yet, we must follow the market and analyze price formation!
So far there is no reason to believe that we are flying to the bottom, but plan B must be ready😉
Meme only cheer You up🤣
Everything will be fine!🥰
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
Some of my last posts 👇
Bitcoin by Rocket Bomb🚀💣Hello, my lovely friends! ♥️
I would like to make this post more motivational!So anyone, who looks here can understand, that he/she will succeed!💪🚀
It doesn't matter at all whether your last trade is profitable or unprofitable, the global result is important!😉
Remember, that the result depends on the correct goal in your head! 😊 And only You are the masters of your life! 🙏
In crypto I went though "Crypto? What's this?" - through "Buy high sell cheaper 🤣" also through the meme, that You see on my chart" .... and up to present day I make a lot of mistakes ...and I'm not ashamed✋🏻🤚🏻
My trading path continues, I try to develop myself everyday, every minute...I want each of you to fight ... fight with yourself!🤜🏼
Those, who have been a long time with me, know my lovely phrase sounds : <> 🔥
Now, briefly about the situation on the Bitcoin market👇On my chart you can see the distribution scheme🧐
We can expect a throwback to the levels 44 - 44-500k, then the price will drop again, continuing distribution!
$34k -$32k - possible we can touch it very quickly!
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
Bitcoin by Rocket Bomb🚀💣Greetings! 😊Dear friends!♥️Welcome on Rocket Bomb's page🚀💣
Many, who follow my analyzes, are worried about Bitcoin's rise!
That's absolutely normal: the price can't immediately collapse after my post (I'm still not Elon Musk 😆)
But my opinion has not changed!🙅♀️
We're approaching a strong 50 - 51 k resistance. To overcome it, we need a lot of news noise! But if that's does not happen, and the market continue moving at its usual pace, I think, we can expect a decline in prices and entry into the triangle is unchangeable! Time will tell us😉
How are You? Are You still in short or return into long? 🧐
Or You just holder? 🤣
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
Some of my last post:
Bitcoin & Rocket Bomb's view 🧐Who's lucky? - of course - Rocket Bomb!🤣
I forgot to charge my computer, but only found out about it when ...
I arrived at a cozy cafe in the city center, ordered the most delicious breakfast in the world, doing analysis for you (with inspiration of course) !!!
I don't have time to write a description to this post! 🤣 The most important thing I said already🤣
The correction is not over. We're waiting for the price 42 - 40 - 38 k🔥
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
Are we forming a triangle? Rocket Bomb Hello, dear friends!😊
Today I would like to draw your attention to the 4 hour chart of Bitcoin!👇
I noticed, that the price is forming a possible triangle (highlighted in yellow). Inside it, similar figures are formed (I call them fractals), which are very reminiscent of the phases of accumulation and distribution.
If You are interesting in EDU, click here👇
One of my latest post👇
If we're forming a triangle, we'll have an opportunity to re-test the bottom of the triangle. Where it will be 38 or 28 thousand? It's hard to say at the moment!
But let's look at this as an additional option.😉
In coming days, I expect the price can drop down to 38 thousand, and then I'll made update for You!
Do you wanna buy on correction or plan run into short?🧐
I really hope, that my post was useful to you, if so, let me know by clicking like button! It's not difficult for you, but I'm pleased ♥ ️Subscribe for don't get lost😘
Always sincere with You💋
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
5 Steps to Success: Serial Winner!💪Hey! Who wanna get a portion of motivation?🧐
I recently read a book "5 Steps to Success: Serial Winner" -
by Larry Weidel. 💪 This book served me as a great kick'n ass!
You know... sometimes a huge pile of difficulties falls on your head, when usual daily routine becomes unbearable - there are two options - give in and continue suffering or STRUGGLE!
The choice is yours, but I prefer to fight!🤜🏼
I'll briefly share the conclusions, that I made after reading this book, I'll be glad if it will become a drop of motivation for someone!
📌 Don't doubt - decide
Any victories are preceded by decisions. On the way, we always encounter with the main enemies of our aspirations - hesitation, detailing and excuses. Therefore, in order to decide on your fateful decision, you need:
a) do not rely on myths about the advantages of real winners and understand that " advantage is not a guarantee of victory. ”;
b) create a plan sufficient to start working on achieving the goal and stop striving for the PERFECT plan, because this simply doesn't exist;
c) determine the starting point of your movement, following your natural interest - to finally understand your true motives and desires and give yourself a chance to try.
📌Don't just do - overfulfill
Just doing a thing is not enough. In the beginning, we always set too low expectations regarding the energy and resources that need to be invested in achieving a new goal. Of course, we cannot look into the future.
However, it's underestimation often leads to defeat
The best way to prevent that is to overdo it or overfulfill. Put in extra effort - beyond what was planned - and work more than you think you need to. Not looking for easy ways, but giving everything that you have to a new undertaking. That's the only way to avoid the trap of underestimation and not fail at the beginning of the journey.
📌Don't quit - adjust
Difficulties on the way to victory are inevitable. There are two options: quit business and forget your dreams, or meet defeat with dignity this time and do everything possible to win in the future. Any effort has a cumulative effect. Only with time can you see the results of your work - it will be a shame to give up everything before the first signs of success. (That's not a desperate struggle for the impossible.)
Victory is a matter carried through to the end. Don't quit your deal, just adjust your unproductive goals. It's even possible to change direction. The main thing is never give up hard work and progressive work.
📌 Don't just start - follow through
When you come close to the finish line, various obstacles may arise. But winning is not about preparing, making adjustments, or talking about previous successes. !!!!! Victory is a completely completed business.
No matter how insurmountable these obstacles may seem, it's necessary to reach the victorious end. Leaving the goal, almost reaching the top, means losing all the resources that have already been invested along the way, and ruining your reputation due to the loss of trust of others. And don't be surprised, that the last steps on the path require a little more resilience, they are really hard.
“98% of what has been done is not done yet. Only the winners overcome the last 2%, ”!
📌Don't calm down - constantly improve
After receiving the first victories, it seems to someone, that they can already rest. They reduce the rate of their acceleration and development. However, winning is not a one-time action, but a constant movement. Serial winners recognize how much more can be achieved and are committed to it. They are constantly improving. The best time for it - the moment of "exit" from another victory. That's the perfect time to reflect on mistakes and start working on your weaknesses, try to master a new field and succeed in it, or to learn from even more successful ones.
Serial winners get a taste of life in the question "what's next?" That's what distinguishes them from everyone else.
Share with me in the comments♥️
Thanks for Your attention🙏🏻
Stay in touch🧡
Sincerely yours Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Some of my last similar posts👇
Ethereum & Rocket Bomb's view 🧐
Hello friends! It's me again, Rocket Bomb🚀💣I can’t leave you today without fresh & funny meme!♥️
Somebody say laughter prolongs life! Let's extend our lives💪
And of course, let's pay attention on the Ethereum price movement!👇
In the near future, the price may decrease by the levels of $ 2500 - $ 2600!
But so interesting further👇
Cover the right side with your hand or a piece of paper and compare the current movement with what you see in front of you (Price movement of ETH 2017).
And in the comments write what you think about it. Let's discuss?🤣Really crazy bull run ahead of us ?????
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Bitcoin & Fractals: Rocket Bomb's view Hello^friends and traders!
Fractals are everywhere around Us, did You know that?🧐
One of the most "invisible" discoveries is fractals. You've probably heard this word, but do you know, what it means and how many interesting things are hidden in this term?
Every person has a natural curiosity, the desire to learn about the world around him. And in this striving, a person tries to adhere to logic in his judgments. Analyzing the processes taking place around him, he tries to find the logic of what is happening and to deduce some regularity.
The biggest minds on the planet are busy with this task. Roughly speaking, scientists are looking for a pattern where there is none. Nevertheless, even in chaos, you can find a connection between events. And this connection is a fractal.
The very word "fractal" appeared thanks to the brilliant scientist Benoit Mandelbrot.
Today, the word "fractal" most often means a graphic representation of a structure that is similar to itself on a smaller scale. It can also be used in trading.
I have successfully found fractals for analyzing the price of Bitcoin movement many times! That's a special part of my analysis, I do it with great pleasure and sometimes I share it with You!
Pay attention to this fractal, I'm sharing with You today!👇In my opinion, the price movement is quite interesting!🤫
Will it work? We'll see soon)
My previous analyzes using fractals:
In everything, that surrounds us, we often see chaos, but in fact that's not an accident, but an ideal shape, which fractals help us to discern. Nature is the best architect, ideal builder and engineer. It's very logical.
I'm sure, that fractals still hold many secrets, and many of them have yet to be discovered.
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
Bitcoin on 1h & Rocket Bomb's view Hello, dear friends, how are you doing? I hope you're all have good mood!♥️
I'm sending you my positive attitude and let's take a look at the Bitcoin price on the hourly chart! I think it will be interesting soon😉
On my chart, you can find an orange ascending channel. Let's analyze the price behavior at the beginning of the channel: when the price entering the channel, it bounced off the support and went up to the resistance. After that the middle of the channel was retested and the price rose, pushing off from the resistance and fell to support. The next move was exactly the same!
The most interesting thing is that after the same cycle, the price did not rise to resistance, but began forming a downtrend and left the channel with might and main. Now the price is outside the channel, which may mean an early deeper correction (15-20%).
Guys, that's not the end of the bull run, many people, thought that I had turned into a bear, no, that's not true!
Correction is wonderful - there is no market without it! Place a grid of orders at different levels and try to buy cheaper and sell more expensive!
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
My last view on 4h chart
Bitcoin by Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Hello, dear friends!❤️ Rocket Bomb here 😉
Many of You knows, that I have been on the market since 2017. And that's second bull run in my life!😎 (But mistakes still the same🤣)
You can argue a lot and give examples from the past, compare this run with the previous one! But this time will be different!🙃
Let's take a look at the Bitcoin hourly chart. What has changed since my last analysis?
Bulls try to attack bears👊🏿, can you see it? For second time we are at strong resistance line. Unfortunetly, for now no power to path across it!😔
But IMHO we have some chances to do it soon!🤫
The market still looks indecisive and ambiguous! Therefore, I have indicated several options for further price movement.
I think, that closer to September the market will show us the exact direction! Summer is always not the most active time in the Crypto market. Therefore, let's try to relax!🤗
Remember, every trader is unique. Each of us have own strategy and own characteristics. "All we need is love" 🎼 🤣 and of course plan B if the market goes against us😃
Do you have such a plan? Share with me in the comments😊
And never shift the responsibility onto another person: let it be an expert or just your wife / husband, who worries, that all money remains in Crypto🤣
Only you are responsible for your actions😎
Guys, I want to wish you strength, health and fulfillment of desires.
Dream and go to your dream. You can be wrong, but don't stop.
Only those, who do nothing are not successful.
I wish you happiness, kindness and a lot of love!😍
Sincerely, Yours Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Take a look at 👇👀my previous posts:
Bitcoin & Rocket Bomb's view 🧐Hello, traders and BTC's holders!
Happy to be here!Hope everything ok with You and let's talk a little about BTC situation😊
In my opinion, everything is not straightforward! Many people remember me as permabull, but I'm trying to be realistic.😊 Until the market shows us unambiguity!
We have come to the exit point from the bearish zone:
⚡️on the one hand, that's a chance for a sharp exit, which may turn out to be a bulltrap, on the other hand, we still have chances to break through 43 - 44 k and go again to a new high, and to be honest, I see chances for this (but there is no confirmation yet)🤫
We can also see a fakeout and continue the crypto winter and further falling down🥲
⚡️Another option is to push off from 42k and go to test 35 - 38k and again attack 42 k.
To be honest, while there are many options, I'm just watching.
I'm no hurry up and don't try to run ahead of the market, and I advise you do the same!
I try not to disappear, but while the market is not promising, I try to devote time to the main goal of my life. When I'll achieve my goal, I'll definitely share my success with you.
I wish all the best to each of you💋
Thank you for your attention❤️
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Bitcoin by Rocket Bomb🚀💣Hello, dear bulls and bears😆 Happy greeting You today!
Nothing is more invigorating, than rapid growth of Bitcoin ... and it doesn't matter whether you have short or long position 🤣 Growth will cheer you up anyway😆
And to be serious, it doesn't matter if your last trade was successful or not, the main thing is how you feel as a trader!
Great writer Oliver Goldsmith said: << Greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall >>
That's one of my favorite quotes, I always remember it when a series of failures comes into my life.
And on the chart, we have an encouraging picture for bulls! The downward trend line has been broken, which has been forming since April.
The next levels will be 46 - 48 - 50k! It's very important to monitor the formation of prices at these levels, because the previous bull runs ended unexpectedly, just after flying up from downtrends and unexpectedly falling!
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Should I sell my BTC?🧐Hello, dear community!🥰
It became boring on the market ... the price constantly misleads us😆
Seriously, the price moves in the range of 2 thousand, the rounded forms of price formation scare and suggest an upcoming correction!
What am I going to do?🤓
Slightly below 46k I have a stop loss to close the long position.
Correction has been expected for a long time, perhaps its approach looms on the chart.
If the price doesn't fall below 46k, we can expect the price to rise. You can find more details on the chart.😊
Retest 38-40k is possible! Stay Safe!😘
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
Bitcoin & Rocket Bomb's 03.09.21Hello dear friends! I'm glad to welcome You on my page!♥️
Will Bitcoin continue growing? What's about new all time high? - these are the most frequently asked questions!🤪
Let's not play Russian roulette, but try to figure out what to expect from BTC looking at the price movement right now!
Take a look at 1h chart👇
A rising wedge is highlighted in green, which was broken by a fake drop down, then the price tried to return inside of the pattern, but now it's under the resistance and trying to break up.
The black thick line marks the down trend line, which has been broken upwards! As long as we are above it, growth is likely!🤞
If the price drop below 47,500 will mean the beginning of a correction - down to 38k (exactly the width of the rising wedge)!
If you like my work - click <> button and subscribe, so don't get lost!😊
I'm so glad, that You are with me♥️
And I'm always sincere with You
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Ethereum / Dollar #RocketBombquickideaHello, Ethereum traders, and those, who only click on my chart to see a new meme 🤣
Did you recognize yourself on the picture?🤣 If not, it's okay, just remember ... you can still feel it :)
But seriously, let's take a look at the chart and note, that the market continues to delight us, and we expect the Ethereum price to rise in the medium term, but my advice: don't rush to buy huge amounts now!🤫
Take advantage of limit orders by placing multiple orders in the yellow zone so you can average your buy price and say you're happy 🧐
You can also find recommendations for taking profit and stop loss on the chart 😘
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Do you always sleep at night?🤣Hello, my friends, I hope you're safe and balanced!😊
How do you sleep at night? Do you sleep at all? 🤣 If you are laughing now, then everything is all right! 😉
I'm sure, there are people who are not laughing at all😩
The last months have been so controversial in the crypto market: many traders are in a state of uncertainty and their trade is turning into a casino.
I have acquaintances, who are trying to trade every movement, going either into short or into lorg, while continuing staying in short 🤷🏽♀️
When there are a lot of money at stake, panic starts and person is looking for those whom he can blame!🤪
To avoid such situations, You need to remember that only WE are the masters of our lives and only WE are responsible for our actions.
Below are some tips for You:
● Being out of the market is also trading
● Limit the amount of information you need to make a decision
● Don't try to copy other people's trading methods - try to find your own way!
On the chart, we can see, that the price has left the pattern similar to the descending wedge and now trying to re-test 48,500 support!
I think there will be growth in the coming days!🧐
But don't forget, that in the coming weeks there may be a strong correction of 15-20%
Therefore, be sure to place a stop loss and stay in touch with me😍
I'm always glad of Your feedback, dear friends!
How is your trading?Is everything ok?
wish all the best to each of you💋
Thank you for your attention❤️
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Bitcoin: Did You buy this Dip?😉Hello, my dear friends!♥️
As usual, I'm in a good mood and with a fresh meme for You😉
The situation is not unambiguous, but I'll try to express my thoughts in the most accessible way!😉
Take a look at me chart^ if You disagree^ enjoy meme🤣
Many traders can see the head & shoulders pattern on the chart, I also see it, and the wedge, and the channel and much more🤣🤣🤣
Bitcoin has features of working out patterns, that you will not find in other markets. Once I did a post about it, take a look👇
What can I say about the current situation?
Until we break down 45k, the price may fall into the yellow oval zone and return, continuing the up trend.
But if the price hits the orange zone and pushes it down, there is a chance to go even lower!
Therefore, everyone who trades on the futures, be sure to watch the breakdown of the levels 45 500 - 45 000!
Stay safe ♥
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣 ️
Bitcoin & Rocket Bomb's view on weekly Hello, my crypto family!♥️
Do you know where my Lambo is? 🤣🤣🤣That's my second Bull Run, and I can't catch it 😂
Guys, write in the comments, am I really only one crypto trader without a Lambo?🤣
But seriously, I'm here with good mid-term news🤫
Let's take a look at weekly BTC chart using MACD indicator😉
MACD . Usually, a Buy signal is considered when the MACD line (blue line in the figure) crosses the signal line (red line) upwards. A Sell signal is considered when the MACD line crosses the signal line from top to bottom.
Now we can see a strong bullish signal from this indicator!
The larger the timeframe (the time period of one chart element), the less false signals will be! Weekly - good enough😊
So we're continue our bullish mood, but touching our support line can't be ruled out 🧐in a few weeks we can see a correction!
Let's stay closer to each other for making right decisions!♥️
My last analysis 👇if you disagree - look only a meme🤣
I'm always glad to see you in my comments for discussion😊
Thank you for your attention❤️
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Wohooo😉 50k incoming...🚀Hello, dear friends!As we can see, today we managed to break up strong resistance 47 500.Hope next hour will be fix this levels and next step would be 50 - 52 and in next few days up to 57k!
My last analysis👇
what's up, guys? Are You bearish or bullish on BTC?
I wish all the best to each of you💋
Thank you for your attention❤️
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
BTC on a bullish side🤫Hi, friends! I hope you are doing great!🤗
Since my last post, nothing has changed with BTC, but since Trading View has the opportunity to add cool memes, I'll gladly do it🤣
My opinion has not changed and Bitcoin has chances for ATH, but it's too early to talk about it! 50k could be the key point! Let's watch the formation of the price movement!
It's so important not to rush the market and if you are unsure of a trade, don't enter it!
The market is full of opportunities: wait for your own😉
I wish all the best to each of you💋
Thank you for your attention❤️
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
XRP by Rocket Bomb🚀💣Hello^ that's me, again!🤗
I have a friend, who put a lot of money in XRP.
And buying levels are far from the current price🤪
That's so difficult to give advice when the market is like Russian Roulette and there is a lot of money at stake!😱
But I tried to make a chart what I see at the moment!
If we manage to break through the 0.92 level, then the chances of seeing the price above 1$ would be so real!
Well, as always, a meme on this topic, so relevant for my friend!🤫
Guys who have an opinion about XRP, share in the comments, because the truth is born in a dispute!
Let's discuss 😉
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Bitcoin by Rocket Bomb🚀💣Hello, traders and friends!
Many people are interested in one question: what expect from Bitcoin in the medium and long term?🧐
Many of Us are afraid of the falling of Bitcoin, some are waiting for 100k🚀
In any case, each trader is responsible for his own decisions.
You always need to think through all the possible options. And for each option, you should have several plans (at least A and B).
That way, if the market goes against you, you will be ready for it!
What would I like to say with my analysis?
First of all, cheer You up with a meme (Can I do it differently? Haha)😂🤣
Speaking seriously, having analyzed the price movement many times, I can conclude, that while the price is expected to rise to 56k ( for a more accurate result, stay tuned for new updates, I try to do it as often as possible).
The very important level 47k has been broken and for now we're moving up to 52-54-56! (while we are moving, we need to pay attention to which patterns we'll form)!
I wanna remind You my comparative analysis🤫
If you like my work - click <> button and subscribe, so don't get lost!😊
I'm so glad, that You are with me♥️
And I'm always sincere with You
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
BTC and MA's by Rocket Bomb 🚀💣Hi, guys! Until we were blown away by wild volatility (in any direction🤣), I want to share with you my observation and, of course, a new meme! 😂
A few days ago the moving average crossed, which is an excellent signal to raise the price! And for me personally, that's an encouraging signal😉
Of course, we must not lose vigilance, and after 50k, look very closely at the price formation.BUT...
(Inside me a little bull rejoices)😂😂😂
Moving averages are one of the most popular technical indicators. They have various types, but they have one purpose - to determine the current trend by smoothing out volatility and noise. Let's look how MA works on price movement of BTC!
Some informations about MA!🧐
The crossing of the slow MA by the fast one from bottom upwards gives a signal to buy, from top to bottom - to sell!
- The simplest form of a moving average is known as a simple moving average ( SMA ). It is found by calculating the arithmetic average prices for a certain period of time;
- Exponential Moving Average ( EMA ) assigns more weight to the latest data, which is why it is more preferable;
- The main functions of moving averages include identifying trends and pivots , as well as support and resistance levels;
- Moving average can be a risk management tool. Thanks to it, you can set a stop loss and cut a losing position;
- The most popular moving average signals are their intersection with the price or their intersection with each other;
- Crossing of the moving average price upwards gives a signal to buy, downwards - to sell;
- Moving average signals can be false when pairs are trading in flat or when a gap forms;
- Moving averages should be combined with various indicators and oscillators. So their signals will be more accurate, which will lead to the opening of profitable positions.
Stay in touch🤗
Always sincerely with you 😊
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣