Which sector has the chance to outperform in the coming months?Pandemic era: Mid Feb 2020 - mid-March 2020
Everything went down.
March 2020 - Feb 2021
Everything went up. Energy, Consumer discretionary, Information technology. and the Material sector beat others constantly.
Feb 2021- 1 August 2021:
Real state shine and separates itself from the pack with a +21.7% gain.
It will become more interesting when you know Real Estate has had the 3rd worst performance between Feb 2020 and Feb 2021 with a -6.31% performance!
In the same period, the Information technologies, Consumer discretionary, and Materials sectors had +28.4-30.3% gains, almost twice as much as S&P 500 (+16%).
The past 3 months:
Real Estate ranked 1st, with a +9.345 gain, almost twice as much as 4.74% of the S&P 500.
Dec 2018 - Feb 2020:
Real Estate performance = S&P 500 = 34.51% =34.56%
Highest Gap ever:
The Most probable scenario:
This gap will shrink in favor of the Real Estate sector in the next few months!