Pine Editor Shortcuts Hotkeys (All Hidden Included)For Those who have not explored, Here is the list of All the shortcut keys available.
Very useful for Macros
'show settings menu' - "CONTROL - ," "command - ,
'go to next error' - "ALT - e" "F4"
'go to previous error' - "ALT - SHIFT - e" "SHIFT - F4"
'select all' - "CONTROL - a" "command - a"
'center selection' - "CONTROL - l"
'go to line' - "CONTROL - l" "command - l"
'fold' - "ALT - l |or| CONTROL - F1"
'unfold' - "ALT - SHIFT - l |or| CONTROL - SHIFT - F1"
'toggle fold widget' - "F2" "F2"
'toggle parent fold widget' - "ALT - F2" "ALT - F2"
'fold all' - "CONTROL - command - option-0"
'fold other' - "ALT - 0" "command - option-0"
'unfold all' - "ALT - SHIFT - 0" "command-option-SHIFT - 0"
'find next' - "CONTROL - k" "command - g"
'find previous' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - k" "command-SHIFT - g"
'selector find next' - "ALT - k" "CONTROL - g"
'selector find previous' - "ALT - SHIFT - k" "CONTROL - SHIFT - g"
'find' - "CONTROL - F" "command - f"
'overwrite' - "insert"
'select to start' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - home"
'go to start' - "CONTROL - home" "command - home |or| command-UP"
'select UP' - "SHIFT - UP" "SHIFT - UP |or| CONTROL - SHIFT - p"
'go lineup' - "UP" "UP |or| CONTROL - p"
'select to end' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - end"
'go to end' - "CONTROL - end" "command - end |or| command-DOWN"
'select DOWN' - "SHIFT - DOWN" "SHIFT - DOWN |or| CONTROL - SHIFT - n"
'go line DOWN' - "DOWN" "DOWN |or| CONTROL - n"
'select word LEFT' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - LEFT" "option-SHIFT - LEFT"
'go to word LEFT' - "CONTROL - LEFT" "option - LEFT"
'select to line start' - "ALT - SHIFT - LEFT"
'go to line start' - "ALT - LEFT |or| home"
'select LEFT' - "SHIFT - LEFT" "SHIFT - LEFT |or| CONTROL - SHIFT - b"
'go to LEFT' - "LEFT" "LEFT |or| CONTROL - b"
'select word RIGHT' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - RIGHT" "option-SHIFT - RIGHT"
'go to word RIGHT' - "CONTROL - RIGHT" "option - RIGHT"
'select to line end' - "ALT - SHIFT - RIGHT"
'go to line end' - "ALT - RIGHT |or| end"
'go to RIGHT' - "RIGHT" "RIGHT |or| CONTROL - F"
'select page DOWN' - "SHIFT - pagedown"
'page DOWN' - "option - pagedown"
'go to page DOWN' - "pagedown" "pagedown |or| CONTROL - v"
'select page UP' - "SHIFT - pageup"
'page UP' - "option - pageup"
'go to page UP' - "pageup"
'scroll UP' - "CONTROL - UP"
'scroll DOWN' - "CONTROL - DOWN"
'select line start' - "SHIFT - home"
'select line end' - "SHIFT - end"
'toggle recording' - "CONTROL - ALT - e" "command-option-e"
'replay macro' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - e" "command-SHIFT - e"
'jump to matching' - "CONTROL - p" "CONTROL - p"
'select to matching' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - p" "CONTROL - SHIFT - p"
'expand to matching' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - m" "CONTROL - SHIFT - m"
'remove line' - "CONTROL - d" "command-d"
'duplicate selection' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - d" "command-SHIFT - d"
'sort lines' - "CONTROL - ALT - s" "command-ALT - s"
'toggle comment' - "CONTROL - /" "command-/"
'toggle block comment' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - /" "command-SHIFT - /"
'modify number UP' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - UP" "ALT - SHIFT - UP"
'modify number DOWN' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - DOWN" "ALT - SHIFT - DOWN"
'replace' - "CONTROL - h" "command-option-f"
'undo' - "CONTROL - z" "command-z"
'redo' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - z |or| CONTROL - y"
'copy lines UP' - "ALT - SHIFT - UP" "command-option-UP"
'move lines UP' - "ALT - UP" "option - UP"
'copy lines DOWN' - "ALT - SHIFT - DOWN" "command-option-DOWN"
'move lines DOWN' - "ALT - DOWN" "option-DOWN"
'del' - "delete" "delete |or| CONTROL - d |or| SHIFT - delete"
'backspace' - "SHIFT - backspace |or| backspace"
'cut or delete' - "SHIFT - delete"
'remove to line start' - "ALT - backspace" "command-backspace"
'remove to line end' - "ALT - delete" "CONTROL - k |or| command-delete"
'remove to line start hard' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - backspace"
'remove to line end hard' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - delete"
'remove word LEFT' - "CONTROL - backspace"
'remove word RIGHT' - "CONTROL - delete" "ALT - delete"
'outdent' - "SHIFT - tab" "SHIFT - tab"
'indent' - "tab" "tab"
'block outdent' - "CONTROL - [" "CONTROL - ["
'block indent' - "CONTROL - ]" "CONTROL - ]"
'split line' - "CONTROL - o"
'transpose letters' - "ALT - SHIFT - x" "CONTROL - t"
'to uppercase' - "CONTROL - u" "CONTROL - u"
'to lowercase' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - u" "CONTROL - SHIFT - u"
'expand to line' - "CONTROL - SHIFT - l" "command-SHIFT - l"
I call this the #longbombshortcutbecause that is what is happening to this one, its going to retest the previous long high as new people enter it just levels up
Ill be back to show the top on the left is what you should focus on and exit plans
Forget longs and shorts, and gamble on shortcuts ;)