Rolled (IRA): QQQ March 18th 280 Short Put to April 14th 305... for a 2.40 credit.
Comments: As with my IWM short put filled in the depths of the sell-off, there was far less extrinsic in the 280 than there was a few short days ago. Rolled out to April strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit, which is the 305, paying 3.19 or so. I collected 3.00 for the 280 (See Post Below) and 2.40 for the roll here, for a total of 5.40 relative to a current short put price for the April 305 of 3.20, so I've realized gains of 2.20 ($220) by rolling here. I could've naturally rolled up in the March expiry or waited for a weekly to roll out to (i.e., the March 25th, which doesn't exist yet), but opted for going longer dated, deeper out-of-the-money for the time being as I'm doing with my longer-dated SPY setup.
Rolled (IRA): IWM March 11th 171 Short Put to March 18th 181... for a 1.24 credit.
Comments: After a few short days, this one's already at 50% max, so I rolled it out to 16 delta strike in the expiry nearest 45 days. Total credits collected of 2.59 (See Post Below) plus the 1.24 here or 3.83 relative to the 181 short put price of 2.13, so I've realized gains of 1.70 ($170) by rolling here.
Opening: MJ July 15th 8 Short Put... for a .45 credit.
Comments: Attempting a little bit of cost basis repair here, probably later than I should have. Since it's a small position, I felt okay rolling the short call out in time to a quite lengthy duration to get paid something "decent," but the underlying hasn't seen fit to move upward with any conviction. The resulting setup is a July 15th 8/16 covered strangle (short strangle + stock).
Cost basis in my shares is now 13.64 relative to today's closing price of 11.21, so I've still got a little work to do to bring it more in line with where MJ's currently trading. Since it's a small position, I'm fine with being patient with it, but would be happier if my cost basis was lower than current price.
Opening: ARKK March 18th 59.22 Short Put... for a 1.83 credit.
Comments: Here, I'm basically treating the deep ITM 103.22 short put as stock with the 81.22 short call making that aspect of the setup -- the 103.22P/81.22C -- functionally a March 18th 81.22 covered call. I don't want to widen the inverted strangle further by rolling down the short call, since that would be the functional equivalent of selling a call below my cost basis, which I generally don't like to do.
In essence, I'm converting this into a March 18th 59.22/81.22 covered strangle with the 103.22P standing in as my stock. I've collected a total of 22.58 in credits which makes my cost basis in my "synthetic stock" 103.22 - 22.58 or 80.64. The downside of doing this is that this makes the setup more net delta long, which will make for additional discomfort if this POS can't find a bottom somewhere.
Opening (IRA): SPY March 18th 381 Short Put... for a 3.95 credit.
Comments: Part of a longer-dated strategy to emulate dollar cost averaging into the market without (ideally) taking on stock. Selling the strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit in the shortest duration monthly where the strike is 16 delta or less.
Opened (IRA): IWM March 4th 185 Short Put... for a 2.50 credit.
Comments: Sold premium right at the close in the expiry nearest 45 days to emulate dollar cost averaging into small caps.
Holistically, I've been using IWM for shorter duration trades (~45 days until expiry) and SPY for longer duration ones (since it doesn't pay as well as a function of buying power effect), and then coupling that with a longer-dated short delta hedge or hedges. (See, e.g., Post Below). I'm still net delta long, just not as long as I would be were I to be all short put without some kind of short delta aspect.
Opening (IRA): IWM February 25th 193 Short Put... for a 2.09 credit.
Comments: Emulating dollar cost averaging into small caps via a 17 delta short put in the contract nearest 45 days until expiry. Currently, the highest 30-day implied volatility broad market exchange-traded fund on the board with 30-day at 27.0% (although QQQ comes in a close second at 26.5%).
Rolling (IRA): SPY February 18th 416 to May 20th 365... for a 2.02 credit.
Comments: Straightening up my longer-dated SPY setup, where I'm basically emulating dollar cost averaging into the broad market without actually taking a position in stock.
With the February 18th 416 at greater than 50% max, rolling it out to May to the strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit, after which I'll roll it up intraexpiry or out for duration at 50% max to the strike paying at least 1% in credit, assuming that strike is <16 delta. I now have March, April, and May rungs on at will continue to either roll or add at intervals with the preference being to add on weakness and higher volatility (>20 VIX/>20 30-day implied).
I've rolled this a bunch of times, collecting a total of 21.89 (See Post Below) plus the credit received here of 2.02 for a total of 23.91 relative to the 3.80 or so the May 365 is currently paying, so have realized gains of 23.91 - 3.80 = 20.11 ($2011) so far.
Rolling (IRA): SPY March 18th 348 Short Put to 412... for a 3.00 credit.
Comments: Further IRA housecleaning ... . Here, rolling up the 348 intraexpiry for a realized gain to the strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit. I've collected a total of 16.07 (See Post Below) + 3.00 or 19.07 ($1907) so far.
$ARKF SHORT PUT for Jan21, high PoP 20% profit #ark #optionsAny kind of ETF naked PUTs are my favorite at high IVR.
My choice for today: ARK Fintech Innovation ETF
- high reward for Jan21 monthly expiry (mangeable with rolling) -> collecting credit
- RSI is already oversold
- breakeven point is far
- PUT strike at 0.618 fib
Max profit: $210
Probability of Profit: 89%
Profit Target relative to my Buying Power: 20%
Req. Buy Power: $1035 (max loss without management before expiry, no way to let this happen!)
Tasty IVR: 73 (very high)
Expiry: 38 days
SETUP : NAKED PUT for $ARKF, because IVR is high, for 0.7cr
* Sell 3 $ARKF JAN21'35 PUT
Management : ROLLING if daily candle is closing below of BE.
Take profit strategy : 70% of max.profit in this case with auto buy order at 0.2db
Of course I'll not wait until expiry in any case!
If you liked this article, check my other ideas.
Anyway: HIT THE LIKE BUTTON BELOW , and for fresh option ideas FOLLOW ME( @mrAnonymCrypto ) on tradingview !
Opened: EWZ February 18th 24 Short Put... for a .53 credit.
Comments: Adding a short put element to what was a long call diagonal (June 17th 25 Long Call/February 18th 32 Short Call). Up to this point, my cost basis in the diagonal alone was 5.45, implying a 30.45 break even relative to where EWZ is currently trading at 27.90. I wanted to bring the setup break even closer to where EWZ is currently trading, and selling this put results in a net cost basis of 4.92 with a break even of the long call strike (25) + 4.92 or 29.92.
I'll look to roll the short strangle (short put/short call) as a unit to reduce cost basis further, assuming we don't get a bodice ripper up to >32, at which point the diagonal should begin to converge on max.
Closed: EWZ January 21st 25 Short Put... for a .28 debit.
Comments: Closed via order to take profit at 50% max of what the January 21st 25 was worth when I rolled it from December to January. I rolled this once and collected a total of .90, (See Posts Below), so closing it out here results in a realized gain of .90 - .28 = .70 ($70).
Opening (Margin): CHWY January 21st 42 Short Put... for a 1.00 credit.
Comments: Selling some 16 delta premium in CHWY post-earnings in the implied volatility afterglow (30-day is still currently at 66.9%). I considered short strangling it, but there's some skew to the call side with wonky five wides, so am just going bullish assumption on it instead.
Delta/theta: 15.79/3.03; 1.00 max profit on buying power effect of 4.22 (on margin): 23.7% ROC as a function of buying power effect; 11.8% ROC at 50% max.
Rolling (IRA): SPY February 18th 362 to 416... for a 2.65 credit.
Comments: Part of a longer-dated premium selling strategy in broad market ... .
With the 362 at 50% max (there's only 1.46 left in it), mechanically rolling it up to the strike paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit, so long as it's less than 16 delta and greater than 45 days' duration. (The 416's at the 14 delta strike and the February monthly is of 71 days duration).
Total credits collected: 19.24 (See Post Below) + 2.65 = 21.89 ($2189) relative to a current short put value of 4.14, so I've realized gains of 21.89 - 4.14 or 17.75 ($1775) so far.