SOYBEAN FUTURES (ZS1!) MonthlyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
Long Term Prospects for SOY BEAN OILThe SOY BEAN OIL, symbol ZL, is in a Bear Market Rally with price trading above the 50 week ema, but the 50 ema below the 200 and 800 week emas. The 50 and 200 emas are starting to turn up, so price is starting to come out of accumulation / distribution. The price action appears to be finishing up the c-wave of a c-wave up, within a multi-year x-wave. This last week ended in a doji with a long wick up showing the rejection of higher prices. This is your indication showing the market is entering a period of consolidation where the emas start coming together.
The Market is in a Bear Market Rally on the daily, with price above the 50 ema, which is above the 200 and 800 emas, with the 200 ema still below the 800 ema. Price is topping out with three pushes up in this wave, and dark clouds and shooting stars warning of a top.
The Market is in a Bull Market on the 4 hour, with price trading above the 50 ema, which is above the 200 ema, which is above the 800 ema. Price is correcting having dropped below the 13 ema and having tested the 30 ema twice. There is also a big old nasty shooting star which makes for a good peak formation. Probably open down next week and trade up towards the back end of the coming week to finish out an M-Top formation, before starting a sideways consolidation, which will likely be a triangle.
This is my SOY BEAN OIL look ahead for my own trading purposes. FUTURES trading involves risk. Feel free to comment, but trade off of this post at your own peril.
$ZL_F Failed bullish formation leading to bearish set up.I was entering long here not that long ago. The breakout did not develop into anything and I was stopped out with a few pips in profit. Right now however I see that failed bullish formation may turn into bearish pay. I often see this in the market, if underlying security failed to do one thing it will do the opposite. I would be cautious right now and get out fast if this does not go well but I think this can bring at least 50 pips.
Soybean Oil (ZL): July 18th 2019Decision area : 27.60 - 27.70
1. In order to bolster the ending diagonal idea (as per ZL analysis on July 8th 2019), price needs to trade way below 27.54
2. If price is not able to decisively pierce through the decision area, the 3-drive pattern may unfold.
#contengconteng #zl #soybeanoil
Soybean Oil still in Retracement Phase
Will look for bullish reversal candle at one of the green boxes or at 38.2% / 50% / 61.8% retracement level at Daily or 4H time frame.
Targest hit. Wait for confirmation on breakout points.Both TP = 30.14 and 29.44 hit as the previous bearish Channel aggressively broke earlier and met the targets much earlier than I expected. Soybean Oil has now entered a new Channel Down on 1D, which is coming off a Lower High (hence Highs/Lows = 0, RSI = 51.334). We now need to wait for confirmation from the two break-out points (illustrated by the circles). If the upper point breaks then we will go long (TP = 28.99 and 29.44). If the lower point breaks then we will go short (TP = 26.51).
Soybean Oil (ZL): Monthly EW CountIt is already 10 years since commodities super cycle took commodity markets to the all time high and soybean oil (ZL) market has been in the corrective period ever since. In a monthly chart, we could see that the correction of larger degree takes in the form of flat correction (3-3-5). As far as supply and demand (SnD) is concerned, there are 2 demand zones of interests
1. demand zone #1 (23.46 - 25.34)
2. demand zone #2 (18.83 - 20.84)
Technically, wave (3) of V of C is currently developing and could extend its tail to 24.00 level or below. With the trade war between the USA and China is on the brink of being fully developed, the market dipping to the 19.00 level is not really a far fetched projection.
Possible Wave Count for Soybean Oil Monthly ChartBO1! is in correction wave mode. Should be going down. Any retracement to significant resistance level is an opportunity to sell. Feel free to comment if you have different wave count than mine. Thanks.
June 2017 Soybean Crush Spread TradePM's Crush Spread (+1 ZS Soybeans, -1 ZL oil -1 ZM meal to sell this spread). September 2017 futures contracts.
This chart is weighted by Market value of each contract (the y scale shows profit / loss per 1 lot).
1. Seasonable window for lower prices in this spread from end of May until end of June.
2. RSI Divergence.
Soybean OilThis market has broke the trendline and below the H&S neckline (which coincides with a key zone).
It may be re-testing the neckline and key zone.
Looking to short below 33.30.