Black Swan SongThe Fat Lady will sing the Black Swan Dive. It is coming. Do not be fooled. Watch the volume fade on this summertime pump.
When the real bull market returns, volume will INCREASE with increasing price. Not like this, bull trap about to snap shut on MOMO crowd.
Every bear market for 200 years has done this. Massive 50% retracement rally on low volume, "It's over! The Bottom is In!" then the Swan Song.
If you don't sell short then just sell and get into cash. A measured move from this price could reach ~3200 in October. You want to take that ride?
If you stubbornly want to hold your stonks, then FGS sell calls on them and use the money to buy puts on your shares, hedge your position.
Married puts paid for with covered calls are free insurance. Think about it!