Rapid Accumulation Pattern: COHRNYSE:COHR rebounded upward from a strong support level due to Rapid Accumulation by Derivative Developers. The company had a good earnings report on August 15th. This is NOT an all-time high. A shift to a platform or sideways trend would be ideal to reset for the next swing-style run. Chaikin Osc is overextended and floating as oscillators tend to do. Sideways trends pattern that out rather quickly most of the time.
ALKYLAMINE is Reacting & Showing Change in Structure & STORYNSE:ALKYLAMINE
Company has reduced debt.
Company is almost debt free.
Company has a good return on equity (ROE) track record: 3 Years ROE 19.0%.
Company has been maintaining a healthy dividend payout of 26.5%.
Strong financial risk profile and ample liquidity: Networth was healthy at Rs. 1263 crores as on March 31, 2024 (Rs 1165 crore as on March 31, 2023), with nil gearing as on March 31, 2024.The total outside liabilities to adjusted networth (TOL/ANW) ratio though had decreased to 0.25 time as on March 31, 2024 from 0.36 times as on March 31, 2023, and it is expected to improve over the medium term driven by steady accretion to reserves, absence of long term loans and moderate reliance on external debt for working capital and capex. Cash and cash equivalents of Rs 17 crore as on March 31, 2024, provide cushion to overall liquidity. Interest coverage ratio has improved to 60.4 times March 31, 2024. It is expected to remain healthy over the medium term.
DAX short term - bullish Team, I am long DAX at the current price of 18437, with a tight stop loss at 18420 and a target long range at 18520-18540. There will be a resistance test at 18500-05. If the trend pulls back strongly, get out and take your profit.
I also set up short at 18540-45 (NOT yet confirmed). Once the short position is confirmed, I will update you on Tradingview. My short position target at 18435, 18400 and 18355
Review and plan for 22nd August 2024Nifty future and banknifty future analysis and intraday plan in kannada.
Swing ideas.
This video is for information/education purpose only. you are 100% responsible for any actions you take by reading/viewing this post.
please consult your financial advisor before taking any action.
----Vinaykumar hiremath, CMT
Shree cement-Inside bar-Swing Trade-W Pattern successful break?
Buy- 27790
Target- 29897
Stop Loss- 26752
Risk Reward- 1:2
1. Inside bar about to Break in Day TF.
2. Perfect W Pattern with Retracement
3. Multiple Rejections of FVG in Day & Week TF
4. Previous Resistance converted to Support
and created double bottom at same level.
5. Price rejected at 0.382 Fibonacci
6. Rejection at 21 EMA & price above 50 EMA
SBILIFE- Swing-Bullish-Get Set Go!!
Buy 1727
Target 1805
Stoploss 1662
Risk Reward: 01:01
1. Good engulfing pattern followed by good recovery with previous resistance breakout
2. Rejection from Resistance turned to support zone
3. 21 EMA Rejection & good FVG at same zone
4. Very good uptrend
5. RSI is strengthening. Volumes are contributing well
CADCHF: Important Breakout 🇨🇦🇨🇭
CADCHF broke and closed below a key intraday/daily support.
The broken structure and a trend line will compose a resistance cluster now.
Probabilities will be high that the price will drop lower.
Next supports: 0.6248 / 0.621
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PFOCUS is Focusing on 2008's Multi-Year Long Resistance BreakoutNSE:PFOCUS
Over Last 4 Years ... From Year 2020 to 2024 Promoter Holdings Have Been Increased by +34.93% ......
PFL caters to players across the entire media industry value chain and the product life cycle of media content. Its major clients include top Hollywood and Indian studios and media companies across the globe:
Studios – Warner Bros., Disney, Netflix, etc.
Broadcast networks – Bloomberg, Disney, Star, etc.
Others – ICC, BCCI, Amazon, etc.
In Creative Services, it aims to expand its global footprint and diversify the business across content formats. It also expects growth in cross-selling through bundled VFX, etc.
In Tech/Tech-Enabled Services it aims to sign more strategic deals and increase revenue from existing clients by offering new modules and analytics.
Working on top Hollywood projects
One of them is
Matrix 4