ThetausdtOver All Moving In Falling WEdge (Bulish PatterN)
On Lower TfS Falling Wedge Has Already Broken Now Im Expecting A Test Of Main Trendline Between 0.88 to 0.92 Area And If Got Cleared Then Expecting Move Towards 1.30 and 1.70
Safe Sl Would Be Below Recent Low Entry Can Be Taken On Lower Tfs Retest
TSLA strangle 195c / 85pTrade thesis
- theta collection
- current IV rank and percentile are at historical highs aggregating past 252 trading days
IV rank: 95%
IV %: 99%
- near delta neutral options strangle position of 195c/85p on Feb 17 monthly expiry
- 85p short leg represent a -32% price buffer to the downside
- 195c forms a nearly delta neutral trade on call side (+.02 delta)
- 56 DTE / ideal duration to sell premium
- entry: $123.95
- strategy: strangle
- structure:
short 02/17 195c (.10 delta)
short 02/17 75p (.12 delta)
- cost: $500 credit
- delta: 2.96
- theta: 13.867
- gamma: -0.86
- vega: -18.13
- Profit target: $250 total profit (50% of credit collected)
- SL target: -50% loss
- management strategy:
roll unchallenged side to higher delta to maintain at least .10 delta on each side
roll unchallenged side to higher delta (5 strikes) to collect additional credit (10% minimum of roll width)
exit position before earnings on 01/25/23
✳️ Theta Token Set To Grow 100%+ vs Bitcoin THETA has an easy path to move upwards with over 100% potential in the coming weeks.
We can see a higher low long-term on this chart, Dec. vs May 2022, and this can lead to a higher high.
This is the THETABTC trading pair.
You can find the targets marked green on the chart while the support levels are marked blue.
Thank you for reading.
THETA will crash 95%+ and provide an EXCELLENT entry SUB $1THETA's goose is about to be cooked in tandem with Bitcoin retracing back to AT LEAST 20K area. Could THETA have one last surge? - yes of course, but with Bitcoin cliff-walking and Ethereum going parabolic it looks like this chapter of the show will be over soon enough. THETA has been a big hitter but what goes up must come down and price is looking corrective. Target for entry is currently sub $1.
Short Trade > DEBIT SPREAD Buying Put Vertical (Bear Put Spread)
This is a Swing Trade, starting small to be able to scale in in different levels.
ES x -1 JAN 20 3900 PUT (Sell)
ES x 1 JAN 20 3950 PUT (Buy)
For now:.
MAX RISK = Debit Paid (-$750.00)
MAX PROFIT = +$1.750
*This option trade, swing to the buy side, helps us to mitigate the THETA BURN and betting that IV will rise with VIX
Trade Plan 12/15/2022
if we manage to Trade/Bid above MAIN POC 4078, we can test > 4108 > 4141 > 4186 > 4207 > 4221
if we Open/Trade below MAIN POC 4078 > we can test > 4054 > 4035 > 3995 > 3980 > 3960 > 3934 > 3914 (LIS - Bulls Trapped)
Volume Profile 12/14/2022
- Unfair High 4091 (Below Y High) FOMC DUMP, and no BUYERS.
Volume accumulation setup > It is forming since yesterday when SELLERS were super aggressive,
strong SELLERS entering their positions in Rotation Area, with a clear change on the Volume Profile TREND.
Strong Sellers who were accumulating their positions are likely to defend
their positions and their interests. So, when the price returns to the volume accumulation
area > MAIN POC 4078 (12/14) and MAIN POC 4054 (12/13), Strong Sellers start to defend their positions aggressively.
This means that strong buyers start aggressive buying activity to drive the price upwards again. Strong sellers defend
their short positions by aggressive sell-off which moves the price lower again. Here is a picture
to demonstrate this (Short trade scenario):
*This is a 50/50 Game, trade plan & risk management and trade management is mandatory
Is Option Buying a Loser Game ?
The picture above is a LOTTO PLAY I took this morning, end up buying 4250 ES CALL 6DTE for an avg of $11 at 8:07am (we were trading around 4054 level) , after the report in 2 minutes ES spiked to 4180 and my options price went to $30 Great I was up +160%, but with IV CRUSH + MKT HEADING LOWER 50 points before the bell, my OPTIONS that I got before 8:10am were losing money already.... but how If my entry was at 4054 and we were trading almost +100 points higher ?
- Because when you buy an option you have all the factors against you, the probability of success are too small, as you have TIME (Theta) against you + the IV (Implied Volatility) you have not only to be right, but rely on the trend to follow, every minute you are wrong you are losing... Even if the market is sideways and not moving, your options have expiration and every second count, so you better be a DIRECTIONAL HERO and NAIL the trade.
So today I was up 160% and end up losing this trade !! Part of the Game, as I call this a LOTTO PLAY ! It was BAD LUCK today, YES and NO, lack of liquidity was another factor (when you trade ES OPTIONS), at this chart you can see there was no orders getting filled at 30, mine didn't get filled, only a lucky trader got out at 25.25 !! After that it was a DUMP and NASTY day!
To answer the question, I would say it depends on how you TRADE, but Please don't get me wrong, I do day trade 99% of the time on the BUY SIDE (Buying CALL or SELLING PUT), but 99% of my long time frame trades are on the SELL SIDE of OPTIONS (Selling CALL or Selling PUT) to have probability in my favor.
I hope this can help you to understand why most of the times you end up losing money on the BUY SIDE of OPTIONS, the GREEKS are against you !
Trade Plan 12/14/2022
if we manage to Trade/Bid above MAIN POC 4054, we can test > 4081 > 4141 > 4186 > 4207 > 4221
if we Open/Trade below MAIN POC 4054 > we can test > 4035 > 3995 > 3980 > 3960 > 3934 > 3914 (LIS - Bulls Trapped)
*All those levels will be INVALID as tomorrow 2:00 PM we will have FOMC Interest Rates REPORT ! GET READY for LOTTO TRADES. $ES can move again +100/150 handles.... Yep, believe me or not we are going to survive tomorrow also !!
Daily PIN BAR candle
fading all the CPI pre-mkt move.
Reason I'm Flat and waiting to short, we have FOMC Tomorrow 12/14/2022 by 2:00pm.
Theta Machine > Closed All for Inflation #
I decided to close all my NAKED PUT trades instead of Hedging with $SPY, the reason to that is the move tomorrow can offset my HEDGE if goes against me, even with Beta Weight Portfolio.
So in this case I will reestablish all positions once we are over with the uncertainty, and that's until FOMC (Wednesday 2:00pm).
Theta Machine I'm starting a new position into some tickers to use THETA as our main income generator:.
The goal is 30% return/year
Sell Puts Delta 5/10/15
55/45/ 40 DTE
Trades/Day = +6
Trades/Week = +30
Trade/Year = +1560
Credit/Trade = +$110.00
Book Size = 3.53%
Book Wipe Risk = 7.06%
Black Sawn Risk = 49.45%
PCR = 35%
Avg DIT = 15
Delta/Theta Ratio = 0.5 (hard to keep it)
Theta/ Vega Ratio = +0.2
Profit = 60%
Loss = -200%