Blockchain & Decentralized Tickets, A Dream Come TrueTechnicals & chart looking really bullish. Ticket companies (and thus blockchain related protocols) have been hit hard by COVID-19. GET Protocol has been here for years and GUTS Tickets is using the protocol for registering tickets on the Ethereum blockchain. More than 500.000 tickets have already been sold, of which none has been scalped or sold for ridiculous price.
The team from GET Protocol don't focus on marketing much in the crypto world (yet).
However it's arguably the best adopted small cap, has great tokenomics and I believe the price will explode in 2021 just through usage (organic price growth). The company is very well known outside the crypto world but undiscovered in it.
DeFi & NFT tickets coming soon.
Read back their latest blog which will explain more:
1st target = 0.0008 WETH
2st target = 0.0011 WETH
3st target = 0.0014 WETH
Longer term higher possible (0.0035 WETH earlier this year), first reach these targets.
Good luck!