5 Trading Habits Which Keep You Poor (Without You Realizing) 1-don’t chase the market
2-don’t use a fixed position size
3-don’t trade without plan
4-don’t adjust your stoploss
5-avoid having itchy fingers
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5 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Trader1-listening to others
-you don’t know their trading plan
2-strategy hopping
-focus on one trading method
-learn more about the trading method
3-tweaking one strategy
-develop new strategies instead
4-thinking in terms of absolute
5-comparing yourself to others
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5 Brutal Trading Truths Nobody Tells You1-you need money to make money
2-steep learning curve
3-in a drawdown most of the time
4-don’t have what it takes
-trading takes time,energy and resources
-few people stay
5-must have an edge
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4 Things To Look For Before You Place A Trade4 Things To Look For Before You Place A Trade
1-do scalable things
2-find favorable risk to reward opportunities
3-anything can go wrong
4-never go all in
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3 Things You Should Start Doing As A Trader3 Things You Should Start Doing As A Trader
1-think independently
-ask why?
-validate the concepts
2-respect the market
3-money managment
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5 Rules For Successful Trading!Trading is simple, but not easy. Traders have difficulty succeeding simply because they are unable to follow clear rules over extended periods of time.
So what are the rules that every trader should follow? (in my opinion)
1- Only invest what you Can Afford to Lose.
Only invest money you can afford to lose, never ever borrow money or take a loan from the bank to invest in forex, or any other type of investment. Because if you do, you will get emotional and make irrational mistakes.
2- 1% Risk per Trade.
We only risk a small portion of our account per trade. We enter with 1% risk per trade (2% max). We enter with a fixed risk per trade, not with a fixed stop loss in pips, nor with a fixed lot size. That’s a common mistake many traders make.
3- Three Confluences Trades. (Technical Edge)
Trading is nothing but a game probability. Moreover, we consider ourselves risk managers not only traders, as the only thing we have control over is "risk". The market can go anywhere. To be on the winning side, we need to have an edge over the market.
One way to put the odds in our favor is by only entering trades when we have at least three confluences/clues, three things telling us to buy or sell lined-up together. One confluence may be random.
For example, we only enter when we have a pattern, support, and divergence. And our rules have to be objective following a well-defined back tested trading plan. I personally use RichTL to make objective (rule-based) technical analysis.
4- 1 / 2 Risk Reward Ratio. (Risk Management Edge)
Our second edge is going to be through risk and money management by entering with a positive risk-reward ratio. Remember, it is not about how many trades you win, what matters is how much you win when you win, and how much you lose when you lose. That’s exactly why we enter with a ½ RRR (or higher), which means we always target double our stop loss. This way even with a 50% win rate, we are still profitable.
5- Emotional stability.
In the trading world, emotions are considered the enemy of traders. Knowing how to control emotions while trading can prove to be the difference between success and failure. When getting into a bad trade, the trader who can manage his psychology well will be able to minimize risk, while the trader who is emotional may make the situation worse.
Therefore, knowing how to control your emotions very crucial in order to succeed in Forex trading.
If you are not feeling well, don't trade.
Remember: You don't have to catch every trade, and you don't have to trade every week.
In fact, our 5 rules are all connected in a way or another.
If you invest money you can’t afford to lose or enter with 10% risk per trade, chances are that you will get emotional and not follow your trading plan objectively by closing your trades before reaching 2R or even entering trades that are not according to your strategy.
In parallel, even if you invest money you can afford to lose and risk 1% per trade, you won’t be consistently profitable if you don’t have a well-defined strategy that gives you an edge over the market technically or through risk management.
In brief, stay away from trading if you don’t have these 5 rules.
SOME USEFUL TIPS FOR NEW TRADERS here are some tips for newbies. One thing, I want to say again and again don't rush in trading it's not a quick-rich scheme remember that. and every newbie needs to gain knowledge first about markets than most important part risk/money management need to learn because they r so important. Most newbies come into existence and think they have gone to use big leverage in one trade and they gone to be 100% right and gone to rick quick don't think in that way. u not gone to be 100% right all the time. remember u also gone to be face losses as well even experienced traders lose money but because of their money management they able to small their losses and when they win they big win. hope u understand what I mean who earned that GOOD LUCK. I will most more content for newbies so they can get the right path. thanks for reading :)
SOME USEFUL TIPS FOR NEW TRADERS here are some tips for newbies. One thing, I want to say again and again don't rush in trading it's not a quick-rich scheme remember that. and every newbie needs to gain knowledge first about markets than most important part risk/money management need to learn because they r so important. Most newbies come into existence and think they have gone to use big leverage in one trade and they gone to be 100% right and gone to rick quick don't think in that way. u not gone to be 100% right all the time. remember u also gone to be face losses as well even experienced traders lose money but because of their money management they able to small their losses and when they win they big win. hope u understand what I mean who earned that GOOD LUCK. I will most more content for newbies so they can get the right path. thanks for reading :)
TIP #1: Flipping the chart for an easier LONG🧙♂️NVESTROY TRICKS #1
TradingView was created for traders to support each other and share some knowledge.
One of the methods Investroy members constantly utilize is the "chart flip".
If you look at statistics it's easier to notice sell opportunities than buying ones. Reason? Human psychology. It's easier for us to extrapolate lower boundaries than something that hasn't happened yet.
In this case, if we analyze gold, we input 1/XAUUSD to flip the chart. Now the buying opportunity seems a lot more clear (sell on the 1/XAUUSD Chart).
Easy as that!
Stay tuned for more tips from us!
Leading Indicators Part 2 - an early warningIn this second set of LEading indicators...
The TLT (Bonds ETF) see a sell off trend starting... this is actually bullish for the equities market
The TIPS appears to have possibly topped.
The VIX and VVIX are bullishly divergent. IMHO, due for a spike soon.
Overall... bullish until it hits the fan. It appears that we may be in for another surprise.
Just be cautious if you are bullish.
NIO treading idea for opening long position.NIO is pretty bullish and it make newer high very soon . As you seen in the chart 40 - 45 is high demand area and the price don't want go down from this strong support or Demand area. So the chances are high for new uptrend of NIO.
You can my previous analysis for more.
If you agree then like idea and support me.
Mention your thought in comment :)
👀Keep Your Eyes on EURUSD (Euro/Dollar)!!!!👀 Hit the Follow 👍As you can see on the monthly chart, price broke a well respected trendline and has been very bullish. We should be expecting continued bullish momentum towards upcoming resistance (On lower timeframes price is retracing for now). When and if we reach the highlighted zone, we will then look for a rejection of the zone or a break and possible a retest should the situation present itself. Our bias is bullish fundamentally due to the completion of the Brexit negotiations.
REMEMBER, our job is to be reactive, not predictive, so don't take this analysis as gospel, take it as inspiration. Make sure you drop a follow for more analysis. (Emojis increase success rate)
REALITY OF TRADINGIn trading, you don't need to have 100% reason on all your analses to be profitable, if you pay well your stop loss, take profit and if you manage your ratio/ risk well.
It makes sense, let's make an example: I analyze 4 pair, with a risk ration of 1 in 4 each, ie I risk 1% of my capital to earn 4, the 4 analyses, in a single day. Let's say the top three lose, but the fifth is a winner, what happens? You have 1% of your cazpital, whereas you have only been right once in 4. No one can predict the financial markets 100%, that is not possible.
So take analyses with a minimum ratio/risk of 1 in 3. Good day to all traders!
Advanced Tradingview CalculationsThis is a tutorial on how to get the most out of Tradingview by using advanced price calculations.
The focus will be on crypto, and more specifically bitcoin.
Nevertheless these tricks can be applied to other assets as well.
Let's say you want to look at the current bitcoin price.
The problem is that there are a lot of different exchanges and they all have different prices.
Sure they're all around the same price level, but there's still a difference.
So it would be quite useful if we could just look at an average price of all the most relevant markets.
Here's how you can make that happen...
Average price calculation
First you click on the ticker on the top left, which will open the ticker tab.
Open the parenthesis by typing: "(".
Next you look for the markets you're interested in. In the example on the chart (bottom left line chart) I made an average for Coinbase, Bitstamp, Bitfinex and Binance.
So you start typing "BTCUSD" and then with the up/down arrow keys on your keyboard you can select the exchanges you want.
Each time you select an exchange you type: "+".
Then type "BTCUSD" again and select another exchange. The binance pair is versus USDT instead of USD. So to easily find that market type "BTCUSDT".
Once you're done selecting markets you close the parenthesis and divide the whole thing by the amount of markets you've chosen.
In my example I took 4 markets so I divided it by 4. Finally press enter.
Now you have a price chart that's an average of all the markets you selected.
Converted currency price chart
On the top left you see a red line chart. This is the Bitflyer spot market.
There's an issue though, it's a Japanese Yen pair. I would like to be able to compare it to USD markets.
So let's convert it and make a price chart with USD values.
Just like last time, open the ticker tab.
Look for "BTCJPY" and select the Bitflyer market.
Now type "*". We're going to multiply it with a forex pair.
Type "JPYUSD" and select a forex pair.
When that's done you press enter and your price chart will be in USD instead of JPY!
Making ratio's
There's so much possible with these types of calculations, but I'll share one more trick to give you some inspiration.
Let's compare certain markets with each other and create ratios.
To the chart on the right you can see in green a ratio of some of the top USD markets in relation to the top USDT markets.
This way we can see which markets have a premium or a discount.
It always starts the same way: open the ticker tab.
First open the parenthesis: "(".
Just like with the average price calculation you're going to select a few USD markets of your liking.
I used Coinbase, Bitstamp and Bitfinex for this example. Don't forget to type "+" in between each market.
Then close the parenthesis and divide the selected USD markets by 3 (because I'm using 3 markets here).
Now type "-" and open the parenthesis again. We're going to add a few USDT markets just like we did for USD.
I used Binance, Huobi and Poloniex.
Again close the parenthesis and divide by 3.
And finally press enter of course.
The price chart will be replaced by the ratio and it'll look kind of messy.
Let's make it look like a nice indicator.
You can do this by clicking on the "compare" button and doing the entire calculation there. It'll add a big fat orange line on top of your price chart.
By clicking on the three dots you can click on "new pane below". Then go to the style settings and change it to your liking.
I made it green and decided to use a line chart with markers. Looks pretty nice. Interesting ratio too...
The blue ratio on the top of the chart is a simple Coinbase/Bitfinex comparison.
Click the "compare" button again and type the following formula: COINBASE:BTCUSD-BITFINEX:BTCUSD
This way you can see which exchange is more bullish/bearish.
That's all I have for you today.
Hopefully you found it interesting.
XAUUSD / Channel This is probably by far the best example of what a channel looks like.
A channel means, price could break up, which means we'd be able to get into a LONG position or it could mean it breaks down, which would indicate we jump into a SHORT position.
OANDA:XAUUSD is extremely volatile .
Volatile - Adjective
1. liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
"The market is becoming extremely volatile"
As you can see, this channel was indeed broken 16th November 11:00pm AEST when the price broke down over 2700 Pips. Where price stopped and rejected from 1865.xx and quickly rose back up into the channel again.
Pip - Acronym
1. Percentage in point(s)
"The market dropped 2700 pips!"
From what we can see and clearly identify in this chart tutorial is that 1865 is a price that's been visited and rejected from multiple times. Meaning a lot of big buy orders from Banks, Liquidity Pools and other firms are buying gold.
If we see a pull back or rejection at 1885 or the bottom of the channel: Bottom Black Line then we can confidently risk a trade to the middle of the channel 1892 ( Dotted black line ) or top of the channel, Upper Black Line. You can see the dotted line marked where it's been a price that's respected and disrespected, so if you did enter a position to LONG from the bottom, you could set your stoploss above your entry and ride it further if it shows price moving higher and move your TP to the top of the channel. If you see price starting to pull back you can either manually close your position or move your TP a little closer.
Right now, price is expected to fall and break the channel again. But we shall see what price does. Lock and load.
It's not about getting every pip, it's about making sure you're safely securing the positions you've analyzed continuously.
If you want more tutorials or would like me to do a video, show a thumbs up, throw a comment. Let me know.
I do enjoy constructive feedback.
Warning TIPS ... max sus!The TIPS ETF, is the ETF for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) has had a good correlation to the market indices as shown here in Orange (S&P500) and Cyan (NASDAQ).
However, in the last few weeks, particularly the last week... market indices have been on a massive bull run, with parabola. Today, the icing on the cake was the announcement of a viable vaccine by Pfizer.
Note the bearish divergence of the TIPS price in recent weeks. The last three days the divergence got ridiculously large and today is at an extreme.
What does this tell us... that either TIPSis going to rally hard, or market indices will fall hard.
No prizes for intelligent postulations based on this observations...
Caveat emptor!
EJ MARKUP : Zone Work-- Although its about to hit tp
I wanted to point out this notion:
--> Consistently gaining a set amount of pips versus the vigorous psychological stampede of trying to hit Jackpot every trade was a humbling lesson from my experience!
--> 10 - 30 pips can go an absolutely long way when you know how to use it.
Don't get me wrong, I want that beautiful swing trade that is going to bat my balance to an overall home run of notable increase.
Yet, I also want a good batting average where I can build the mental strength combined with the skills necessary that will take my runners through all four bases and prepare me for that home run!
The pitcher and the umpire will just be playing a game of catch once they get you to strike out.
From one beginner to another
- stay humble
- know your strategy
- know your play
- build the skill and psychological strength to bag more winners and losers with good sportsmanship
- get your runners to home plate and get some points on the board
- That home run move is coming -- it's waiting on you!
How you play is solely up to you but knowing how you playing is crucial!
--> know your strengths
--> know your weakness
--> use them to your advantage
Best wishes to all
P.S. If you have any tips, notes, or something funny to add .. Please do! I look forward to it.
- Happy Trading &%
RVI TUTORIAL OIL EXAMPLE 5/5 WINNERSSo I am going to breakdown an indicator that I have featured alot in my trades, so if we look at the crude oil chart here, we can see that in total we have 5 notable crosses of the rvi indicator, 3 bearish trades and 2 bullish trades for a total of 510 pips, 5 winners out of 5. Now the magic of the indicator is that it is both an entry signal and an exit signal, enter on cross exit on cross to maintain maximum pips. Personally i find relative vigor index very useful when used in conjunction with good trading ideas and good structure analysis